If You Eat Garlic There’s A Good Chance It’s Bleached and From China.

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Garlic is one of the most widely used vegetables in the world. The pungent bulbs are quite versatile and can be eaten raw or cooked but most people use it to season dishes and add extra flavor to food. The hearty taste isn’t the only reason why we use so much of it, garlic is also regarded as a powerhouse of a food that can help keep us healthy. A few cloves can provide our bodies with numerous health benefits when eaten and ingested or used as a topical solution. However, the taste and health benefits are completely lost if you are using Chinese garlic.

Chinese garlic is becoming increasingly common across the world and it’s definitely something you will want to avoid at all costs. In the US alone some 60% of all garlic sold in stores was shipped over from China and locally or domestic grown varieties are becoming harder to find since they’re being replaced by it. In order to protect both yourself and your family, you need to know how to spot garlic that was grown in the United States versus garlic grown in China.

But first, what makes Chinese garlic so bad in the first place, and totally disgusting, is a number of things. Many of the following factors revolve around the fact that China lacks the high levels and standards of health and safety oversights that are in place in America. This means Chinese farmers and producers can get away with a lot of horrible, dangerous things and they have been found to cut every corner imaginable in order to keep costs low.

To start with, the soil that Chinese garlic bulbs are grown in is often contaminated with extremely toxic heavy metals. Arsenic, lead, cadmium, and many more kinds have been found in such high levels that the garlic itself even tastes metallic. In addition the heavy metals, some garlic growers use raw, untreated, bacteria infested human sewage as fertilizer for their garlic. That alone should make you want to vomit. They also spray a potent cocktail of chemical fertilizers and illegal pesticides all over their crops. Many of these are outright banned in the US and are known to cause cancer or other ill health effects.

Once garlic is ripped up out of the toxic sludge that it was grown in, it’s then bleached with chlorine. Bleaching helps to not only whiten the bulbs, it also stops them from sprouting, removes dirt stains, and kills off insects. The garlic is then further fumigated with heavy doses of methyl bromide to kill off any remaining bugs. Methyl bromide is an extremely toxic and hazardous chemical pesticide which, according to the UN, is 60 times more dangerous and damaging than chlorine. Human exposure to it can lead to central nervous system damage, respiratory harm, and in some cases even death.

All the above has led to Chinese garlic that is making people sick and harming anyone’s health who eats it. You don’t have to completely forgo all garlic in order to avoid the nasty Chinese kind because thankfully there are several ways to spot it and thus avoid it. The following factors are what to look for:

Roots: American grown garlic will almost always have the roots still attached and hanging off at the bottom of the bulb. In comparison, all Chinese grown garlic sold in the US must have the roots completely removed. This is necessary in order to meet agricultural import regulations which are in place to help prevent the spread of agricultural pathogens from other countries. Since all-American grown garlic isn’t subject to this rule, the roots stay attached!

Weight: Chinese garlic weighs less than the American grown kind mainly to save money on the costs of shipping. It’s also noticeably lighter because it has a higher water content. According to the accompanying video American garlic is on average 42% solid whereas Chinese is 37% solid. This makes domestic grown garlic heavier and firmer to the touch.

Firmness: As mentioned right above, US garlic is a lot more solid and firm because it contains less water. Chinese garlic tends to feel soft and mushy. A good rule of thumb to follow is that the mushier a bulb of garlic seems to be, the more likely it hails from China.

Flavor: According to a number of people, including professional chefs, Chinese garlic is less flavorful than American grown garlic and it has a slightly metallic taste to it. Perhaps that’s because it’s grown in soil polluted by toxic heavy metals. Either way, US garlic is richer, bolder, and tastier overall.

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No One Understood How This Puppy Kept Escaping Her Kennel. So A Hidden Camera Revealed This Footage.

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Who let the dog out?! That was the question one owner was asking herself when her little Maltese kept escaping from its kennel. The woman would place the one year old white puppy in the cage and moments later the dog would be running around the house freely alongside her other dog, a big German Shepherd named Twitch.

The woman was sure that she always latched the kennel door shut, and so she just couldn’t figure out how her Maltese was breaking free. Determined to find out what was really going on, she set up a camera to record any suspicious activity.

With the lens trained directly on the kennel she placed the puppy inside, covered it with a towel, and latched it securely closed. Twitch was right beside her the entire time and he stayed behind when she left the room. He stood over the cage and glanced towards where his mom had gone a few times before getting to work.

First, the smart German Shepherd pawed at the towel and moments later he pulled it completely off. Then he finagled the latch, headbutting and pawing at it, until the kennel door popped open and little Sophie came strutting out.

Mystery solved! Twitch is quite the crafty dog and his canine ingenuity was all caught on camera so check it out.

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He Tells His Dog He’s Going To Have a New Brother. The Dog Turns and Makes The Most Hysterical Face.

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The natural reaction is to smile and congratulate someone when they tell you that they are expecting a baby on the way. After all, it’s a major milestone in life and wonderful, big news to break! Most people break out into smiles and there are happy hugs exchanged all around, some even cry and get quite emotional. There’s often a wave of excitement and an unmistakable buzz of anticipation spreads across the room.

Some people however, usually family members, don’t react so happily to baby news. Most of the time it’s an older sibling who doesn’t want a new little brother or sister in the family. They’re usually still too young to understand and one of the biggest concerns seems to revolve around the thought that the new baby will take all of mom and dad’s attention away from them.

Sometimes even our pets find baby news hard to take in. They’re part of the family too and fur-babies in their own right! Such was the case for this funny and adorable Golden Retriever who really wasn’t ready for a new sibling. When the dog’s owner, John Bache, sat him down on the sofa for a man to man talk the Retriever adorably crawled up onto his lap to get even closer and snuggle.

When the moment of truth finally arrived Mr Bache told his dog in a very straight forward manner that “Someones going to have a baby brother.” Upon hearing the big announcement the dog’s face and behavior changed instantly and dramatically. He stopped panting, closed his mouth, and whipped his head around to face towards Mr. Bache. The Retriever seemed alert and yet at the same time he suddenly appears to be far away as he gazes off into the distance, as if searching for something.

It’s quite a strange reaction but who really knows what was going through his head at that moment. However, one thing does seem certain and it looks like he’s really not all that excited about having a new baby brother!

The Retriever’s funny response is definitely not what you’d expect when telling your dog you’re expecting. The expression on his face is priceless so check him out if you need to laugh or smile!

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When This Pup’s Human Says The Dreaded “S” Word, He Proceeds To Throw The Most Hysterical Tantrum

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Lots of dogs love to chase cats, toys, and all sorts of other small animals that dart and move around quickly. It’s part of their natural instincts to go after and investigate things that pique their interest.

Perhaps one of the most common animals, other than cats, that dogs happen to go absolutely crazy for are squirrels! The little furry gray creatures can be found in millions of yards across the country climbing up and down trees and scurrying across lawns. Many of our four legged friends spend a good part of their day staring out the window at them and when they finally get let outside the chase is on!

The adorable Jack Russell Terrier in this video goes nuts over squirrels and she doesn’t even need to spot one. Instead, just hearing the “S” word causes her to have quite the hysterical tantrum! When her owner says the word “Squirrel” it sets her off and makes her howl excitedly at the sound. Her reaction an the strange noises coming out of her little mouth are so funny to see and hear.

It’s safe to say she’s been conditioned and has learned to associate the S-word with the little rodents around the house. I bet if her owner set her down she’d likely go running off in search of a squirrel too. Check it out to see what she does, it’ll make you smile!

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Whenever His Favorite Human Rubs His Face This Giant Lynx Makes The Most Adorable Sound Ever

When you think of a Lynx, chances are a big kitty happily purring in utter contentment does not come to mind! However, that’s exactly how Max the Canada Lynx acts when his caretaker pets him and gives him a nice relaxing head massage. Just like his domestic feline relatives, Max is partial to a good ear, cheek, and chin scratch. In fact, he loves it so much that he rolls over on his back and purrs like an engine. Hearing his sweet rumble is so therapeutic and relaxing, if you listen to this you’ll be falling asleep before you know it!

While the Canada Lynx may be one of the most elusive and wise looking animals in North America who do their best to avoid human contact, Max is not fully wild. He is also not fully tame or domesticated either. He was born in captivity at a zoo but he was rescued, and these days he lives in his own indoor/outdoor enclosure with his caretaker, Bernadette Hoffman, in upstate New York.

She runs a program called Wildlife Education by Bernie which Max is a part of. He’s an education animal ambassador who helps teach school children and the general public about the ongoing need to both protect and respect our planet and the endangered species who call it home.

For centuries the Canada Lynx had endured and survived despite hunters who trap and kill them for their fur. In addition to hunting, an overall loss of habitat has led to their steady decline, so much so that in March of 2002 they were added to the endangered species list as threatened. Hopefully their population and numbers will rebound back to healthy levels.

Until then, wildlife ambassadors like Max will continue to raise awareness and spread hope for the survival of all threatened and endangered species everywhere. Check out his beautiful face and listen to the sweet purring noises he makes, they’ll definitely make you relax and feel at ease!

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This Pup Notices A Tator Tot On The Countertop, He Proceeds To Make The Most Hysterical Sounds Ever

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I had a large dog named Jazzy…a Rhodesian Ridgeback who was a “counter surfer” like the determined pup you are about to watch in the VIDEO below.  Jazzy could stand on her hind quarters and open doors, and could usually reach any food left on high counters.

One day I was making lamb chops for dinner; seasoned them on a platter, placed them on the middle of the high part of the island counter, and ran out to pick up one of the kids.  I was back in 10 minutes, when the garage door opened, and there was Jazzy in escape mode who appeared to have grown tusks!  She took one look at me, and with 6 lamp chops held in her mouth scooted out of the garage to enjoy her dinner…I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.

In this laugh-out-loud footage you are about to watch, Chris Cohen has captured his large dog eyeing a single tater tot left on the highest part of the island countertop.  As this adorable pup is doing everything in his power to nab that delicious morsel, Chris cleverly narrates his rendition of his dog’s thoughts during the pursuit!   This was a great way to start my day…ENJOY!!!

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The Largest Super Moon In 70 Years Is About To Rise and Break All The Records.

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Moon and star gazers everywhere are in for a special treat this month, as a very rare and beautiful supermoon will rise in the sky on the evening of Monday November 14th. This will be a lunar event that’s almost 70 years in the making and not since January 25, 1948 has a full moon been this close to Earth!

To be considered a supermoon the location, timing, and phase of the moon must all come together at certain points. First, the moon must be in either a visible and illuminated full moon phase, or a dark and entirely invisible new moon phase. Next, the moon’s orbit has to bring it around to the one point where it comes the closest to the Earth. Finally, these two factors must occur at the same time and coincide with one another in order for the moon to be called a supermoon.

This upcoming November supermoon happens to be a full one that is occurring when it reaches its closest approach to Earth all month. While all full supermoons appear super-sized and much larger and brighter than usual size, this one is extra special because the moon will be the closest to Earth that it has been in the last sixty-eight years!

According to NASA, when the moon is so close to us “Its looming proximity makes the moon appear 14 percent larger and 30 percent brighter in the sky than an apogee full moon” (apogee is when the moon is furthest from Earth in its orbit). Therefore, because the moon will be at the nearest position to our planet that it has been at in decades, while full, it will look like the biggest moon you’ve ever seen! This is definitely something you don’t want to miss out on so mark your calendars now and start counting down the days until November 14th!

In addition to the scientific explanation of a supermoon, there are other meanings and implications surrounding the occurrence of this special lunar event. Astrologically speaking, the November 14th supermoon will occur when the moon is in Scorpio. This brings about a very powerful, enduring, and resilient type of energy. It’s survival focused and intense, yet determined and calm all at once. As such, all of the ambitious and triumphant vibrations associated with Scorpio will be brought to the forefront, which creates a lively burst of energy. If you embrace the supermoon and welcome it in an optimistic light, then positive effects will come out of it.

Check out the video below for a taste of what is to come:

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Whenever These Baby Otters Spot Their Favorite Human They Proceed To Make The Most Hysterical Sound.

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Young animals are easy to love. They’re so full of innocence and are often downright adorable, no matter what they may be up to. The otter pups in this clip are no exception to the cute baby animal rule, they will make you smile and fall in love with them!

The adorable youngsters can all be seen lining up excitedly at the fence in anticipation of their favorite zookeepers arrival. That’s why they are making those cute, silly sounding noises, because they’ve just spotted their caretaker headed their way. This causes the group to erupt in chorus of delighted squeaks and squeals that all sound very similar to the noises a squeaky toy makes!

They look so sweet as they poke their noses through the wire enclosure and rest their funny looking hands on the fence. However, it’s those funny sounds that they make which sets them apart from other baby animals and makes them so cool.

According to reefovid’s channel, which posted the short clip on YouTube, the otter pups all live at the Otter and Owl Sanctuary at the New Forest Wildlife Park in Ashurst, England. The park is home to a wide variety of animals, including wolves, bison, ferrets, hedgehogs, deer, and of course lots of different types of owls and otters.

When it comes to otter behavior, they are known for being extremely social animals who absolutely love playing and messing around with each another. They are also incredibly curious and will readily go off to explore and investigate new things that may pique their interest. When they are pups they spend all their time in groups made up of mothers and their babies, away from any adult males, for at least several years. As such, they tend to live in large groups which are often very complex in the way that they are socially structured.

Check out the little pups to hear how funny they truly sound. Maybe you’ll even learn something new from this video like I did, because I never knew otters made these types of noises!

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