What Is Your Most Dominant Personality Trait According This Beautiful Color Test? Find Out..

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What color do you think your personality is? As strange as that question may sound, there is actually a logical and insightful way to answer it, with this quiz! It uses a combination of bright visual images and color psychology to determine what the dominant color of your personality happens to be. But before you begin, take a moment to think about how colors seem to affect you.

Every single color that exists under the sun comes with its own special meanings and associations. For example, think of the color blue and how we tend to automatically associate it with calmness, tranquility, depth, loyalty, water, and the sky. Now think of the color red and likely thoughts of love, passion, anger, power, fire, and blood come to mind. Certain shades of all the major primary and secondary colors, every yellow, green, purple, black, white, and so on, comes with its own built-in ideas and preconceived meanings. So now which color do you assume most applies to you!?

This quiz will help you examine what your dominant personality color is and explain in the results why this is so. It looks at the colors that you notice first, which draw your eye and attention, and that you view as the most dominant. Try it now and see if the answer you get matches up with what you originally guessed it to be.

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Human Tells Sleepy Husky It’s Time For His Morning Walk. The Dog Throws The Most Hysterical Tantrum.

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Are you a morning person or an anti-morning person? Those are really the only two types. On one side are the people who wake up and spring out of bed with a smile on their face, ready to take on the day and whatever it may bring their way. On the opposite side are people who absolutely hate waking up early, they have to drag themselves out of bed before stumbling out the door.

Whichever type of morning person you may happen to be, we can all appreciate the need to sleep-in every once in awhile. It feels good and sometimes you just don’t want to leave your nice warm, comfy, pillow soft, perfect bed. This is especially true if the reason you’re being woken up is to go on a brisk early morning walk, like the poor Husky in this video.

Zeus is his name and the seven year old Siberian Husky is an adorable dog who’s well-known for his stubborn streak. He is most definitely not a morning dog and when his owner woke him bright and early to go for a walk, let’s just say he was less than thrilled at the prospect!

Zeus’s reaction in the accompanying clip speaks for itself and while the temper tantrum he throws is a bit dramatic, it’s also entirely understandable. He’s letting his owner know that he’s not okay with being rudely awakened for a dumb walk and to just leave him alone. He whines and yowls in protest like a baby who just had a teddy bear taken away!

At some points the big baby hardly stops whining to take a breathe of fresh air! No amount of tugging on his leash or coaxing will get him to budge off of his comfy couch spot. He’s made up his mind and does not want to go for a walk this early in the day. According to his owner, Zeus actually really does enjoy going out for walks, it’s just that sometimes he likes creating drama even more so than that!

All of the anti-morning people out there can definitely sympathize with Zeus on this one. If you need a good laugh, check him out, and enjoy!

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Human Tells This Crazy Dog To Get Out Of The Crib. But The Pup Throws a Hysterical Fit Instead.

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Family dogs are often very kind, sweet, and adorable when they’re around young children, especially babies. Many will even take cues from the kids and act like them in a similar manner, whereas others are more like a parent figure and keep a close watch over the youngsters in their charge.

One couples cherished Boston Terrier, named Humphrey, turned out to be more of a fellow best friend than a mother figure to their young daughter Keira. The hilarious dog can be seen here going wild in the baby girls crib, much to her delight! He jumps all around the bedroom, hopping from the bed to the crib and then out onto the floor and back around. It’s almost like he has his own obstacle course set up and he keeps running through it!

Humphrey is definitely one crazy ball of high speed energy and he really doesn’t listen to mom. Every time that she tells him to get out of the crib he just looks at her with an expression on his face that says “no.” Rather than follow her orders he keeps up his hysterical fit and continues zipping around the room! At one point mom tries yet again to tell him to hop out of the crib, but he responds by just turning around a few times before settling down into a more comfortable position!

Meanwhile, Keira looks like she is having the time of her life, giggling and laughing at her silly dog. She clearly loves Hunphrey to pieces, and vice-versa! According to their mother, the adorable pair have grown up a lot since this video was taken. In an update she wrote that “Keira and Humphreys bond is going strong! They are inseparable! It is a blast to see a child and a dog be best buds! And no he still does NOT listen. Haha!”

Check out the video to watch Humphrey throw his adorable tantrum, he just can’t help himself and is so excited!

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Woman Starts Hearing Strange Sounds Underneath The Deck, Moments Later It’s Terrifying.

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Many people are quick to dismiss raccoons as pesky animals who are a nuisance to have around. They scavenge through composts and dumpsters in search of food scraps tossed out in the trash and often end up leaving a mess behind in their wake. While they may be slovenly, they are also very intelligent animals who have managed to adapt to their human influenced surroundings where many other species have failed.

In fact, their intelligence is what most people fail to take into account and the majority of us don’t understand just how smart raccoons really are. According to ranker.com they are listed as the tenth smartest on the mammal IQ scale. A major part of why they’re so clever has to do with their hands. Their two front paws are incredibly dexterous and they also have thumbs which enable them to use tools and climb stuff much easier.

The main thing that they use their little hands for is grasping stuff, like food. This video shows just how nimble and strangely human-like raccoon paws truly are. It’s kind of freaky but equally as interesting to see the behavior on display here.

The clip starts off with a woman crouched down atop a wooden deck. As she reaches into a baggy and begins to distribute pet food across the boards, the strangest thing suddenly happens. Tiny little raccoon hands begin to pop up randomly in the cracks between the deck boards as they race to grab the tasty morsels of food. Their alien looking paws frantically search and feel around for a bite to eat as the woman continues putting out food.

While this may look like a scene straight out of a horror movie to some people, it’s actually quite fascinating and oddly adorable to watch. Check it out because you likely won’t ever see this anywhere else again!

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Are You Noticing 11:11 All The Time? Here’s What It Means For You.

Last week was November 11th which is written as 11-11. For people across the world this date, as well as the time 11:11, has a special place in their eyes, hearts, and minds. Part of the reason it is more significant than other dates and times has to do with the fact that we tend to remember and take immediate notice of it. Why this is so and the deeper meanings attached to it are explored more in depth below.

The first aspect has to do with the actual numbers themselves and how they appear. Eleven-eleven is the only time of day when all four numbers on a clock are uniform and exactly the same. The neat, parallel, clean appearance is visually pleasing to our eyes, especially for those of us who may be preoccupied with numbers and organization! In addition, the simplicity of 11:11 is also why so many of us seem to notice that we’re always glancing at the clock when it strikes that time. It’s so easy to remember and thus it sticks in our heads longer than 9:17 or some other random time.

Furthermore, and in relation to the above, is the concept of synchronicity. This idea can help to explain why there is so much fascination and interest in 11:11. Synchronicity is the belief that things which are seemingly unrelated, and unimportant in and of themselves, gain meaning and significance when they occur randomly and in conjunction with other things at the same time. Events like these are called “meaningful coincidences” because they seem to have no actual or apparent effect on one another, yet nonetheless they are meaningfully related in some type of way. In the end it is people who give meaning to 11:11 when they assign it a special, intrinsic type of magical value.

This built-in value appears to have come from one of the most popular and widespread beliefs that surrounds 11:11. It is thought that whenever you see a clock displaying the time 11:11 you should make a wish on it and then your wish will soon come true. Regardless of whether or not you actually do this or believe in it, the fact that many people do is what gives the time and numbers meaning and special value. If you do happen to make wishes at 11:11 then every time you see it and make a wish, you’re thinking of all the things or events that you most want to happen and come true. It’s a great way to focus on the hopes and dreams yo have and to keep positive things in mind. In the end, there is no other time of day that causes people to stop and make a wish!

There are other beliefs surrounding eleven-eleven and on is the idea that the time is related to our spirit guides and guardian angels. They use the time as a sort of portal in which they can get through to us and grab and hold our attention if they need to tell us something important.

In similar regards is another belief which is related to numerology. Within the numerical practice the number 11 is regarded as a master number that represents spirituality. It also stands for increased self-awareness and perception by offering us a channel to our inner subconscious. Therefore, the number 11 is a direct link or window to our soul and the many thoughts, desires, feelings, and emotions that may be hidden there.

Some people even choose to look at 11:11 as a sort of glitch in the matrix! There’s also the theory that if you notice 11:11, then stop to think about it, you’re taking time off to acknowledge the moment. This is important because when you fully stop to actually realize and focus on what is right in front of you, you’re re-setting your own clock and rhythm.

In the end, no one can truly know what the real or absolute significance 11:11 may actually hold, and that’s okay. The accompanying video explores the concepts covered above and more in further depth so be sure to check it out and learn something! It’s all very fascinating stuff and the next time you see 11:11 make a wish because it hurt!

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What Is The Actual Color Of Your Energy? Take The Test To Find Out.

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Most of us take colors for granted. They are inescapable and everywhere we look, even when we close our eyes we visualize and imagine things in color. Think about what the world would look like without all the shades of the rainbow, it’d be so different and muted. Nothing would stand out and everything would appear dull and drab.

Colors are what makes the world a beautiful, lively place and just as they influence everything around us, they also affect people. One way in which this occurs is with the energy that each of us give off and the frequency we vibrate at.

Every individual alive vibrates at a certain frequency which causes them to radiate their own beautiful colored energy. The shades that we glow at are connected to our auras in that they are both uniquely personal to each of us and can be read or interpreted by other people. In fact, there are all sorts of subtle ways in which the color of our own energy may end up affecting us. For example, other people’s perceptions of us are unconsciously influenced by the color that we give off. They can pick up on it and read the energy we’re radiating. This gives them an instant sense of who we are and while our behavior and personality matters the most in social interactions, our energy does too!

Regardless of whether or not you’re able to consciously pick up on the color of someone’s energy, it’s constantly present and it’s influencing our lives in ways which we cannot even begin to imagine. This calming, tranquil quiz which is composed of beautiful and relaxing images can help you figure out what color your energy is currently vibrating at! The pictures and choices included are each specifically designed to target your subconscious in order to draw out the colorful answer.

What color did you get? Let us know in the comments

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Guy Tries To Steal This Woman’s Phone In The Subway. He Proceeds To Get Instant Karma.

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There is a huge global underground market for stolen cell phones and the hottest model by far that thieves everywhere target is the iPhone. Most smart phone thefts involve snatch, grab, and run tactics that see people’s phones being taken out of their hands right in front of their faces. While the numbers have fallen off recently, a few years ago so many iPhones were being snatched that the crime earned its own special name, “Apple picking.”

This short video clip shows one Russian Apple picker in action when he was caught on closed-circuit television cameras trying to rob an unsuspecting stranger. He thought he had the perfect target in the young girl who was alone on her iPhone in the subway station. In classic fashion he walked up to her nonchalantly and then reached over and snatched her phone right out of her hands.

Instead of running away quickly, like he should have, the thief casually walked off as if he was in no hurry at all. This gave the girl a chance to react and she decided to go after the jerk who stole her iPhone! After hitting him in the back with her bag he spun around to face her. That’s when she wailed him again before kicking him between the legs, pummeling his head, and punching him square in the face. She didn’t stop there though and saved the best part for last when she delivered an impressive side kick to the thief’s face. The sheer force of the impact caused her to stumble backwards into the wall but she quickly recovered and bounced right back!

While the thief was writhing on the floor in pain and defeat, the girl gathered up her bag and phone and then got the heck out of there. While many commentators on YouTube claim that this video is a fake, just as many believe it to be authentic and completely real. One person wrote that the girl in it had some sort of defensive training, while others think the fighting looks to clean and staged. Real or not, the thief ended up getting his butt kicked and in the end justice prevailed.

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Hidden Camera Catches Jeep Getting Epic Revenge On Car That Stole It’s Parking Spot.

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If you’ve ever spent way too much time circling around the block or a parking lot in search of a space to park your car in, then you know exactly how annoying it is! The frustration and stress builds with each passing minute and yet when you finally find a spot it all melts away.

However, as instantly as that sense of relief washes over you, it can be ripped away equally just as suddenly, and replaced with rage instead. When parking is in scarce supply it becomes a hot commodity. People end up doing rude, crazy things and if you have ever had a spot stolen from right under your nose, then you’ll understand this drivers reaction.

The man was in his yellow Jeep Wrangler waiting patiently for a car to reverse out of the spot he planned on pulling into when a little red car swooped in at the last possible second and stole his space! To add insult to injury, not only did the other driver take the spot he was about to park his Jeep in, but they also obviously knew and could tell that he was clearly waiting for it.

However, the driver of the yellow Jeep doesn’t do what everyone thinks hes going to do, and smash right into the red car. Instead of allowing his anger get the best of him, he makes the smart decision to channel it into something more productive, like exacting revenge on the offending driver.

After waiting for the driver of the red car to exit their vehicle and disappear out of sight the man gets right down to work. He pulls forward so that he’s right behind the car and then attaches a tow line to it. After reversing and making a few adjustments he soon has the car completely tugged out of the space. Then he pulls into the now empty spot and claims it as his own!

While there are other spots open and available for him to park in, it’s the principle that matters. The driver of the red car could have parked in any of those free spots as well but decided to steal the one that the Jeep owner was waiting for.

We’ll never know how the owner of the red car reacted when he returned to his moved vehicle, but one thing was for certain, he had to admit defeat!

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