Totally Natural Recipe Will Simply Get Rid Of All Your Unwanted Facial Hair Easily and With No Pain.

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Facial hair is a very common problem that many women struggle with and yet no one ever really wants to discuss it. Lets face it, peach fuzz and straggly hairs on your upper lip, chin, neck and face are annoying and unsightly. It’s also incredibly frustrating because for the majority of women out there, unwanted facial hair is a nightmare to deal with.

People have ended up spending a small fortune on a range of methods in their quest to remove it. There’s a seemingly inexhaustible supply of waxes, creams, razors, gels, lasers, lights, and more that all promise to banish facial hair for good. Many of these treatments are pricey, some actually cause more harm than good and leave skin irritated, while others don’t even work! So what’s a woman to do?

Instead of turning to some product that’s filled with harsh chemicals, try an all-natural alternative method. This simple 3-ingredient face mask from beauty blogger Himani Wright is the perfect solution to all your unwanted facial hair problems! It’s safe for all skin types, convenient, and super affordable. Not only is it easy to make and use, it actually works and removes hair and peach fuzz effectively. Plus, if you use this regularly it will eventually get rid of facial hair completely and permanently, so you can skip the painful waxes once and for all. The following is exactly what you need for it:

½ teaspoon of extra virgin, cold pressed coconut oil
3 tablespoons of wholemeal* flour (*this is the same as wholewheat or wholegrain flour)
A splash of water

1. Start by gently massaging coconut oil into your skin, taking special care to cover your entire face.
Coconut oil has anti-fungal properties, which is part of what makes it an excellent base moisturizer. It’s commonly used in beauty treatments because it contains protective nutrients and antioxidants that our skin, hair, and bodies love.

2. After you’re finished with the coconut oil mix together 3 tablespoons of wholemeal flour with enough water to form the thick, pasty consistency, as shown in the video.

3. When you go to apply the flour mask to your face use a downward stroke and work in one direction.

4. Allow it to dry and after about ten minutes you can begin to remove the mask. Rub your face gently in the opposite direction than how you applied it, using an upward and out type of motion. When the majority of the mask has been removed you can wash the rest off of your face with water and then pat it dry with a clean towel.

5. For optimal results, apply a toner to all treated areas to close up pores and further protect your skin’s health. Finally, finish up with your favorite moisturizer and you’re done!

This wholemeal flour treatment works best when done twice a week for at least one month, all while waiting a couple of days in-between each application. After the first month you can cut it back to once a week for however long it takes for facial hair to lessen and disappear.

This is by far one of the easiest all-natural ways to remove facial hair and it costs just a few dollars. Please pass this along and share this beauty tip with others. Who knows, it could change someone’s appearance and life for the better. In the meantime, try mixing up a mask and prepare to be amazed at how well such an unlikely solution actually works!

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If You Spray This All Natural Oil You Will Instantly Get Rid Of That Gross Mold For Good.

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There are many things that nobody ever wants to find inside their house and mold is at the top of the list. Not only is it unsightly and nasty, many types of it are toxic and extremely harmful for human health. It can also end up causing extensive damages to a home which are hard and costly to fix. That’s why it’s vitally important to keep your home mold-free.

If you ever spot any sign of mold growing, you need to deal with it immediately to remove and prevent it from spreading. The areas where it’s most likely to show up is in kitchens, bathrooms, and basements because mold thrives in damp, moist, wet environments. Even if you can’t see it, there is probably mold growing between tiles or in the cracks and crevices of your bathroom. That’s because the nasty fungus can even be found in houses that appear to be clean and mold-free on the surface.

There are many types of commercially available products that promise to eradicate mold, but they are often filled with harsh chemicals that are just as toxic as some molds are. Rather than purchasing those harmful and expensive products, try this all-natural tea tree oil based treatment instead.

Tea tree oil is very effective at killing all types of mold spores, including the dreaded and potentially lethal black mold, because it has natural fungicidal properties. Best of all, it’s non-toxic and safe for human health. People have been using it for thousands of years to treat skin problems like rashes and burns. It’s also been found to be useful in the treatment of several other health issues including bronchitis, asthma, sore throats, runny noses, and other respiratory based matters.

To make the tea tree oil mold fighting spray you will need the following three items:
2 teaspoons of tea tree oil
2 cups of water
One spray bottle

1. Combine the water and tea tree oil in the spray bottle and mix it together well.

2. Give it a good shake and then spray it on any area where there is mold.

3. Allow the solution to sit and dry before wiping it off with a soft cloth or old towel.
* If the mold is really heavy, in a narrow spot, or a tight area, use an old toothbrush or a similar type of scrubbing brush to really work it out and get it off.

4. Spray a second coat to ensure any remaining mold is killed and to stop it from growing back.

There you have it, it’s really that easy! Not only does the tea tree oil kill and eradicate nasty mold safely, it also prevents it from growing back in the future when you regularly treat surfaces with it. In the end, if you use this oil spray around your house, you’ll never have to see mold again, and that’s awesome!

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Every Time This Pup’s Favorite Movie Is Turned On He Has The Most Hysterical Response Ever.

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Many people have that one favorite movie that they simply love and cannot get enough of. They know every scene and can quote all the lines, yet they can’t tell you how many times they’ve seen it because they lost track after watching it so often!

Even if you’re not a die-hard fan of any one particular movie, when one of your top five favorite flicks comes on, you’re bound to get a little excited about it. Think about it, it’ll certainly bring up some fond memories. Now take it a step further and imagine how excited a dog gets when their absolute favorite movie in the whole entire universe starts playing on TV. If you’re having a hard time envisioning what that would look like, look no further than this adorable video!

The star of the clip is a beautiful Belgian Malinois named Stryker. He goes totally wild every single time his favorite movie starts up. Naturally the movie he loves and adores the most is all about a dog, it’s the 2008 film Bolt which features an animated superhero dog by the name of Bolt!

Whenever Stryker hears the beginning scene of the movie being played, he comes running. His owner writes that “He goes nuts in the opening scene where they are running through the streets. The sequence is maybe five minutes long but Stryker goes crazy when he watches it.” Yes he most certainly does! The dog literally stands with his nose all but pressed against the television screen. He’s waiting for a glimpse of Bolt and when the little white doggy appears he goes bonkers and starts jumping up and down in excitement. It’s like he’s trying to break into the screen so he can run around with the characters and go on adventures with them.

Try and try as he may, he’ll never get to play with his animated friend Bolt. When this reality sets in it’s really frustrating for Stryker. His owner notes “Watch him pick up his toys and shake them when he gets mad that he can’t get to Bolt.” His unique reaction really is the best thing ever, it’s strange, yet cute, adorable, funny, and amazing all at once. Check it out to see just how crazy and worked up he gets from a cartoon. Stryker is one smart, happy, energetic dog who will make you smile and laugh!

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Apparently Everyone Who Sheds Tears During Movies All Share This One Trait In Common

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Practically everyone has teared up while watching a movie. Unless you’re a certified psychopath or completely heartless, the chances are extremely high that you’ve shed a tear because of something you saw in a movie. For some people this is embarrassing and they won’t admit it, but whether it happens all the time, on rare occasions, or once way back when they were young, it’s all but inevitable and guaranteed to happen.

Hollywood loves a good tearjerker and many films actively try to get an emotional response from you, they want and are designed to make you cry. At the same time, some movies are simply sad because of the events and subject matter they cover or they just hit close to home. If a movie can move people enough to bring them to tears, then it has done its job and is considered a success.

Regardless of the movie industry’s motivations and whatever the reason may be as to why you’ve cried at the movies, you should never be ashamed or embarrassed to admit to it. While the social majority view seems to be that crying is a sign of weakness, the exact opposite is actually true.

People who cry in movies have been found to be more caring, generous, emotionally intelligent, and empathetic than their counterparts who rarely, if ever, cry. All these traits make them more expressive and emotionally stronger. Not only that, crying also helps to release stress and tension, making criers healthier and happier overall.

However, above all else, the key personality trait that researchers identified in people who cry during movies is empathy. It’s what all kind and compassionate people have within them. Those who are empathetic are very sensitive souls as they’re connected to other people’s emotions, motivations, energy, and feelings. Unlike selfish narcissists or stone cold psychopaths, empaths always take into consideration the needs and desires of others. Sometimes they even take on other people’s emotions, to the point that they literally can feel what another person is going through, which is part of why they cry so easily when watching sad movies!

The next time you’re watching a film and you find that your eyes are starting to well up, don’t fight the tears. Instead, let them flow and release all the pent up stress and emotions along with them, because after it’s all said and done, you’ll feel much better off!

Check out the video below for a beautiful portrayal of empathy:

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The Fastest and Most Simple Way To Get Rid Of Those Frustrating Flabby Arms For Good At Your House

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We are all, to one extent or another, fighting the negative aspects of aging.  Surely it can be said, that with age comes wisdom…as well as the comfort of emotional perspective;  we grow better able to allow ourselves to “sweat [less] of the small stuff”.  Although, it is a certainty that gravity pulls everything down as we age, being flabby and fat is something that we can do something about!  It is not just our outer appearance that is on the line, but having good muscle tone is essential to our bone health and strong metabolism.

One of the parts of our bodies that begin to show aging, that make many women feel self-conscious, is our upper arms.  Even if we are at an ideal body weight, laxity of the upper arm skin is a struggle many of us can identify with.  While our skin tone may never be what it was when we were younger, we can, and should stay on top of maintaining muscle tone of our upper arms.

Doing a few minutes of lifting free weights to isolate the muscles in the upper arms, in order to increase lean muscle mass, will not only result in more attractive arms, but will do much to fight the slower metabolism that leads to overall weight gain as we age.  Building lean muscle mass is the key to healthy aging!

The following video, presented by Kelsey Lee, illustrates the XHIT DAILY ideal moves for fighting the flab of the dreaded “jiggly arm”,  in an easy-to-follow demonstration.  It is key to do these movements with the correct form, in order to avoid injury and achieve the best results.  The following repetitions can be divided in half so that you can do 6 minutes of 6 of these moves on one day, and the other 6 on the alternate day.   In fact this is the best way to start reaching your goal,  so that the different muscle groups have a 24-hour resting period!  The 12 moves, of which you will do ONLY 6 DAILY,  are in the VIDEO you are about to watch.

Don’t be overwhelmed;  while no one loves exercise you will soon come to realize that 6 minutes out of each day to do half of these moves, will soon be something that you actually look forward to because results will be apparent within only a couple of weeks.  You can cruise through the video to see what each move requires, get a couple of light 3-5 pound weights, and be on the road to LOSING THAT FLAB, INCREASING YOUR METABOLISM and INCREASING YOUR BONE DENSITY AND HEALTH!!

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Every Time His Human Says This Word, This Fussy Puppy Throws The Most Hysterical Hissy Fit.

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The first few months of any animal’s life is a very exciting, scary, and eventful time. Everything is completely new to them and there are so many ways of the world and lessons to be learned and experienced firsthand. There’s no denying that survival is hard, but a few animals have it much easier than their wild counterparts. Whether it’s a new born baby or a domestic pet like a kitten or puppy, their human parents and owners do their best to give them everything they could ever want or need. Food, clothing, shelter, toys, cuddles, and more are provided for and many of our pets end up getting the royal treatment!

One of the main reasons why we love and spoil our pets in the first place is because we find them to be so unbelievably cute. When they’re still super young they can basically get away with almost anything. They can poop on the floor and we’d still say ‘awww!’, you just can’t get mad because you know they’re still learning. And besides, every minor incident like that is easily outnumbered by all of the many adorable, funny, cute things our pets do.

Take for example this little Frenchie puppy who’s learning how to talk with his owner. His name is Jim the French Bulldog and at the time this video was captured he was only 2½ months old! Every time his dad says something, the tiny pup barks back in response. He seems to have the concept of conversational flow down because after his owner speaks, he replies. The sounds that he makes are really cute and when he squeaks and yaps excitedly it’s like he’s finally beginning to find his voice.

Just when you think baby Jim can’t act any more precious than he already is, he pulls out a showstopper move. He rolls over onto his back, flails all four paws in the air above his round chubby little belly, and steals our hearts in the process! This is one smart puppy and he’ll soon have the art of communicating with humans mastered.

If you love watching puppies throw mini tantrums and protesting and whining in the cutest possible manner, then check out Jim in action. He barks and whimpers his way through the clip in such a way that only a sweet faced little Frenchie could pull off!

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Mom Tells Them To Smile and Say Cheese. Now Watch The Dog Make The Most Hysterical Face.

Dogs are awesome and if you’ve ever shared your heart and home with one, then you know how they make life better for everyone. Many of our fondest childhood memories involve playing with dogs and going on fun filled adventures with them. It’s no wonder that in the war between cats and dogs, more people would choose the dog’s side. Cat people may not agree with this, but according to an AP poll, more Americans like dogs than cats!

Even though cats and dogs are equally adorable in many of our opinions, it’s easy to see why dogs are so beloved. They’re naturally friendly, outgoing, and always seem to look like they’re having the best time ever! The adorable Border Collie in this clip is no exception to this and the look he gives the camera shows just how clever and sweet he really is.

The dog was standing by his baby sisters side while her mother was trying to snap a picture of the adorable twosome. As the mom recorded them she tells them to smile really big and say cheese for the camera, to which the adorable little girl obliged by giving her the biggest smile she could muster up. Meanwhile, the Collie looked like he was getting really excited, it’s almost as if he was preparing to do something big for the camera. His mom must have noticed this too and known what was coming because she asked him “You gonna smile too?” Seconds later the dog’s face transformed into a 1,000 watt smile that stretched fully across his head. It’s definitely one of the biggest, broadest, toothiest grins I’ve ever seen!

This is one smart dog who knows how to work a camera. The expression on his face is just too cute for words. The fact that he’s able to pick up on the word smile and break out into such a huge grin proves just how clever and quick he is. With a smile like that, you can’t help but love this dog! For an instant mood boost be sure to check out his happy grin in the clip. Watching it will put a similar, cheesy-type of grin on your face, because you can’t help but smile when you see his!

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How To Watch The Epic Leonid Meteor Showers Peak From November 16-21, 2016

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Look up at the sky this coming Wednesday and Thursday evening to make a wish upon a star and see the Leonid meteor shower in full effect! It officially peaks on the night of November 16th into the early morning hours of November 17th and if you’re patient and observant, then the spectacular sight of shooting stars streaking across the heavens will meet your gaze.

In years past the annual shower has been known to put on quite an impressive light show. Based on historical accounts, scientists have estimated that upwards of a hundred thousand meteors an hour blanketed the sky during meteor storms brought on by the Leonids. That’s a truly astronomically high number and what an unbelievable sight it must have been!

Since the thirteenth of November our planet has been moving through the debris trail left by the comet Tempel-Tuttle and on November 21st it will exit it. All of the shooting stars that you see and wish upon are really just tiny bits of rock and ice that fell off the comet and burn up as they enter the Earth’s atmosphere. This year NASA meteor scientist Bill Cooke is predicting that anywhere from 10-15 meteors per hour will zip through the night sky. While it won’t be a major outburst like in years past, the shower will nonetheless produce at least a few beautiful gems!

The best viewing times for the Leonids are from darkness onward through the early morning hours, with ideal viewing at around one or two am. They are also visible from both the Northern and Southern Hemispheres, so no matter where you live, you can simply tilt your head back and see them flash across the sky!

While it’s best to look in the direction where the meteors are coming from, which is the constellation Leo, the majority of us don’t know where or how to locate it. For those who are not familiar with the night sky, you can simply use your cell phone as a navigation tool with a special app that tells you exactly where things are out there in the universe. All you need to do is download it and then point your phone up at the sky. It will automatically chart, identify, and map out exactly what you’re looking at. There are several of these astronomy apps available, including SkySafari and Star Walk, both of which are rated well and easy to use.

For an optimal vantage point you’ll want to find a nice quiet and open spot away from any lights. The only real rule of star gazing is that the darker the skies, the better the viewing. However, since it was just a full supermoon and the brightest its been in years, the light from it will interfere with the shower. By Wednesday it’ll be in a waning gibbous phase, so while the moonlight will be bright, visible meteors are still expected. Also, make sure to check the local forecast and so long as the sky is clear you should be able to see some shooting stars!

All in all, this years Leonid meteor shower will give you a great opportunity to get outside and get some nice fresh air while doing a little bit of sky gazing. Gather up your loved ones, bundle up warmly, bring the dog along, and have a relaxing evening under the stars!

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