Nobody Believed Mom When She Described The Sound Her Husky Pup Makes. So She Caught This.

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This adorable Husky puppy is only just beginning to find his voice and yet it already sounds incredibly sweet! He may still have a lot of practice and work ahead of him before he fine tunes his vocal abilities, but he’ll get there in time. After all, he’s so young and has a whole adventurous, fun-filled life ahead of him!

The unusual howling noises that the little chubby gray and white puppy makes don’t appear to bother his sleeping siblings. The group of puppies must be super tired because they are passed out haphazardly all around the noisy little fella. They are so dead asleep that they seem oblivious to the unique, gurgle-sounding howls and barely even flinch, let alone move at all whatsoever! Check them out, you have to see them all because it’s just too cute!

In terms of noisiness, most Siberian Huskies bark a lot less and are not as loud compared to many other dog breeds. However, they do love to howl, especially when they’re around other Husky dogs. Oftentimes when one begins to howl the others will join in, this is known as a community howl and it’s very similar to what wolf packs do and sound like. In fact, dogs that howl can all thank wolves for the ability to do so because it is a primitive trait that got passed on to domestic dogs long, long ago. These days many Huskies only howl in the company of other fellow Huskies, but some will also do it when they’re bored, playing, interacting with people, or in response to sirens and other high pitched noises.

In light of all that, the little puppy in this clip may have been trying to start up a community howl because he was bored. In the end, we’ll never know what compelled him to howl but who cares because he sounds downright adorable!

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Nobody Believed Her About What Her Dog Does When He Learns He’s Going To Nanas. So She Caught This

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Lots of people have fond memories of the good old days when their parents would bundle them into the car and they’d all head over to grandma and grandpa’s house. If your grandma doted on you like how many are known to, then the visit was always made extra special by all the love and attention she showered on you. Chances are she’d already have whipped up a batch of delicious cookies or brownies from scratch that were waiting for you, and they tasted scrumptious!

Not only did our grandparents have the most delicious food and tasty treats, they also let us get away with a lot. The rules our parents enforced went out the doors at their house and that made for an even more awesome time. This also happens to be the case for our beloved animals because just like how grandparents spoil their grandchildren, they also know how to treat their grand-pets right!

Which is why it’s no wonder that this adorable dog named Georgia had the reaction she did when she found out that she was going to see her grandma. In this clip the fluffy gray and white dog can be seen sitting pretty in the car waiting expectantly to go on an adventure. All that her owner, Samantha Magowan, has to even say is the word “Nana” and Georgia goes nuts! The word sets her off and as you can see, she barks and whines in utter excitement.

Her anticipation at the thought of seeing her grandma is so sweet and energetic, it’s clear that she loves and adores her nana! I bet grandma has a meaty dog bone or some crunchy biscuits waiting for when Georgia runs through the door and a comfy spot for her to rest on.

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Sun Gazing is pleased to introduce you to’s live “Hummingbird Cam”.

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Sun Gazing is pleased to introduce you to’s live “Hummingbird Cam”.’s philanthropic mission to to connect humanity to nature and we encourage you to “like” their Facebook page – <> and check out this – < player/rosie-hummingbird-nest>,  features a tiny hummingbird nest about the size of a golf ball.

Two chicks have recently hatched, and viewers of the camera can watch live as Rosie, the mother hummingbird, feeds and watches over them.  Like all female hummingbirds caring for her young, you will see that Rosie is a very busy mama.  Her two eggs hatched on January 26, 2017, bringing Acacia & Aster into the world at 11:17am & 1:00pm.  Acacia, was named after the flower that though small, is strong and symbolizes love and friendship, while Aster means “star”.  These very special and delicate offspring will be yours to watch evolve and grow stronger, as Rosie nurtures them.

Hummingbirds have a magical quality throughout their lives; watching these vulnerable creatures receive food and warmth from their mother is mesmerizing.  Generally speaking, the oblong eggs of hummingbirds, (around 1/2 inch long x 1/3 inch wide), incubate between 14 to 17 days.  Upon hatching they have no feathers, are about an inch long and only weigh about one-third of the weight of a dime.  The biggest concern in their early care is regulation of their body heat, which will be one of Rosie’s main jobs for the next 8 to 12 days.  Acacia and Aster will have developed enough temperature regulation at about two weeks of age, to be in the nest through the night and stay warm.

Watching Mama Rosie feed them regurgitated insects during this time, is really amazing to behold, as she inserts her long beak down their throats, one to three times per hour.  These enchanting chicks will leave the nest when they are ready to;  depending on weather conditions this usually occurs after three weeks.  Rosie will continue to instruct her fledglings after they first leave the nest, to insure that they know how to catch bugs and find nectar, so that they can successfully separate from their loving mother.  We hope you enjoy this unique opportunity to watch nature at it’s most beautiful.

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Using Only 3 Ingredients She Chefs Up The Perfect Cheesecake. The Final Result Is INCREDIBLE

Want to learn how to quickly whip up an easy, tasty, gourmet cheesecake? If you answered yes, then you have to check out this delicious three-ingredient cheesecake soufflĂ©. All that it takes is 3 eggs, 120 grams of white chocolate, and 120 grams of softened cream cheese. The recipe’s total preparation time is about an hour or so and you’ll get 6 servings out of it.

First preheat the oven to 338°F (170°C) and separate the whites from the eggs, place them in a bowl, and keep it refrigerated so that the meringue is more stable later on when you use them. Break up the chocolate into pieces and melt it using a double boiler over hot water.

Once it’s completely melted add the cream cheese to it, and after that stir in the egg yolks, making sure to mix it up really well. In a separate bowl whip the cold egg whites with an electric blender. Whip until firm peaks form and if it’s thick enough you should be able to turn the bowl over without any sliding out.

Take a spatula and slowly begin adding the meringue into the cream cheese batter, start with about 1/3 of it, and mix well. Add in half of the rest, mix well again, and then finish adding in the meringue.

Line a round cake pan with parchment paper and rub some oil or butter onto it so that later on the cake will slide right off and you’ll lessen the chances of it cracking. Pour the batter into the cake pan, then drop it lightly on the counter to raise any air bubbles out of it.

Place the cake pan on a baking sheet, then pour some hot water into the baking sheet, and stick the pair in the oven. Bake for 15 minutes at 338°F, 15 minutes at 320°F, then turn off the oven but keep baking with the remaining heat for a further 15 minutes. When time is up, remove from the oven and place it on a wire cake rack until it completely cools.

Now you can serve your freshly baked, white chocolate, soufflĂ© cheesecake either right away or chill it in the fridge, which will make it slightly hard. Dress it up with a dusting of powdered sugar, whipped cream, fruit, a brushing of your favorite jam, chocolate syrup, or whatever you’re craving!

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Human Gives Her Parrot a Surprise Birthday Present. Now Watch His Hysterical Response.

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When you really love your pet companions and treat them like they’re all part of the family, you naturally throw a party when one of them is having a birthday. That’s how people celebrate milestones and lots of adored pets and animals all around the world get presents, tasty treats, and other forms of special treatment on momentous occasions, most often on their birthdays!

A few years back one very special Blue Indian Ringneck Parrot named Marnie was turning five years old. His owner wanted to do something fun and memorable that all of her pets could get in on, so she ended up doing something extra special. Marnie’s mom ended up throwing him the best party a sweet little bird could ever ask for! She really outdid herself and baked up a delicious looking feast of the one food that Marnie loves most, which happens to be waffles topped with strawberries and cream. The mouthwatering looking food wasn’t the only special idea she had in store, his mother also made sure that all of Marnie’s best bird friends were there to celebrate with him. In fact, even the cute family dog stopped in to say hello and celebrate the milestone.

However, the real star of this clip was Marnie. His reaction to it all was simply adorable and the little parrot was clearly thrilled with the whole festive display put on especially for him. His reaction says it all and speaks volumes about what an adorable, sweet, kind, and truly loving bird he grew to be in his 5 years of life. One of the most memorable parts of the party was when Marnie received his birthday presents. His mom gave him a brand new little stuffed bunny and as soon as he laid his eyes on the plushy rabbit he fell on love. At one part in the clip Marnie leaned in to give his new bunny a kiss, then he told it ‘I love you,’ if that isn’t heart melting, what is!?

The birthday boy’s antics didn’t stop there. He was gifted several more presents and ended up with a few more stuffed animals. Every time he got a new one he politely said ‘thank you’ to his mom, followed by ‘gimme kiss’ or ‘whatcha doin.” Those are some of the phrases he knows best but according to his owner he also knows the expressions ‘you’re so cute,’ ‘peek-a-boo,’ ‘bye-bye,’ ‘that good?,’ ‘Whee!,’ ‘quack quack,’ and ‘yuck, yuck, yuck.’ She also mentioned that Marnie is a real love bird who’s always asking for kisses!

Furthermore, his fondness for stuffed bunnies began back when he was adopted, which happened to fall around Easter time. That was also when his mom was gifted a toy bunny that said aloud “some bunny loves you” when it was squeezed. With time, special attention, plus the help of that talking bunny, Marnie’s parents taught him to speak and the rest as they say, is history!

Check the sweet bird out and fall in love. It’s really hard not to enjoy this video and you can’t help but smile and think about what a great parrot Marnie has grown up to be!

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This Husky Was Separated From Her Best Friend When They Were Pups. Then She Notices This Outside.

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Friendships come and go but there are always some people that we share a timeless, enduring bond with. Even if you haven’t seen or heard from them in quite awhile, years or decades even, when you meet them again it’s like things never changed. You pick up where you left off and naturally get along like two peas in a pod!

Dogs are no different from humans in this same type of way. They remember the special people and other animals that they have made connections with throughout their lifetime. The two adorable dogs in this video are proof of just how close and everlasting real friendship can be. They had not see each other in ages until their owners decided to get together and have a reunion, and as you can see, some things never change!

This beautiful canine story began back when Laika, the pretty brown and white Husky, met Rook, the handsome white pit bull with a dark patch over his right eye, when they were both young little puppies. They were just starting off in the world and it was friendship at first sight when they met all those years ago. The pair got along great and were always romping around, playing, and having fun with one another. However, circumstances changed and they ended up living far apart, sadly they never got to see each other anymore.

One past Valentine’s Day Rook and his owners stopped by Laika’s house. As they came up the walkway the Husky went straight to the front door and looked out the window. She immediately recognized her old friend and stood fully alert with her ears up and tail wagging quickly back and forth. When her owner opened the door to let the visitors in the house, Laika stuck her head out to greet and sniff her friend, she just couldn’t contain her excitement!

Once the two were finally face to face they reverted straight back to their old ways and ran around happily, enthusiastically jumping and licking at each other. There was not a moment of hesitation between the pair, no growling or barking, all they had was love for one another. They are just about the sweetest, friendliest pair of dogs I’ve ever seen and based off the before and after shots it definitely appears that they picked up right where they left off!

By the end of the sweet clip Laika and Rook are laying on the ground together, both sporting expressions of pure joy and contentment. They definitely need to have more get-togethers if possible because it looks like they are in love.

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The 7 Easiest Ways To Get Rid Of Side and Back Fat. #5 Is The Best.

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There are several different types of body fat but one is far and away the absolute worst kind; belly fat. That’s because people who have excess abdominal fat around their sides, back, and waistlines are at a much greater risk for developing a number of serious health issues like diabetes, high blood pressure, and cardiovascular disease.

Also known as visceral fat (other alternatives include spare tire or beer gut) abdominal fat is located deeper in the body where it mushes up against, and sometimes even covers, organs. When this occurs the fat may end up causing bad things to happen as it leads to inflammation and interference with proper organ function. Men in particular are at an increased risk for accumulating abdominal visceral fat, but many women are also at risk for it as well. Those with excess fat located anywhere in the mid-section region need to be aware of the dangers it poses and do their best to cut down on it.

Love handles and back fat are equally as damaging to health and wellness, yet for many people those areas and the stomach are the hardest to trim down and tone up. While there is no magic cure, there are some tricks you can use to your advantage which make the process easier and the results more pronounced. Exercising and balanced nutrition are still the key to losing weight and getting in shape, but there are other things you can be doing to help your body.

The accompanying video covers ten scientifically based home remedies that are useful for targeting and removing belly, side, and back fat. Some of them are covered below, but be sure to check out the video for more information and the rest of the tips!

Apple Cider Vinegar- This is a beloved, go-to drink for body builders and fitness fanatics. Drinking one glass of water mixed with 1-2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar before meals will help to both regulate sugar levels and make you feel full. That way you don’t overeat and will have less cravings!

Garlic- Garlic is well known for the health benefits it can provide our bodies with. The potent bulbs can reduce both body fat and bad cholesterol, while also improving good cholesterol levels. The following recipe is for a tummy flattening, toxic cleansing, garlic-based health tonic; Combine the juice from one lemon with 3 garlic cloves in one cup of warm water. On an empty stomach, chew up and eat the garlic cloves and drink the lemon water. This can be done every morning daily or until you see results.

Lemon Juice- Fresh lemon juice is excellent for boosting metabolism and putting our bodies into fat burning mode. It also aids digestion and keeps us regular! Combine the juice from one lemon with one cup of warm water, add a dash of honey, stir well, and drink it on an empty stomach.

Cinnamon- This spice can help your body burn fat and it’s easy to work into your diet. To make a quick and easy cinnamon-based tonic simply mix ½ teaspoon of powdered cinnamon into one cup of warm water and add a dash of honey. Allow the drink to sit for several minutes before drinking and make sure that you stop before you reach the bottom where all of the settled cinnamon accumulates.

Watermelon- It is full of vitamins. The watermelon doesn’t have a lot of calories and is mostly water. It fills you up quickly without forcing you to over eat. The Watermlon has tons of Vitamin C which increases the health of your skin and total health.

Green Tea- It’s not just a fad, green tea can really help to speed up metabolism and burn fat. The large dose of antioxidants it delivers also help you lose weight while keeping you healthy and balanced. Boil up some water and steep a few bags of green tea in it for about 5 minutes. Squeeze in one teaspoon of lemon juice, a bit of honey and/or some mint leaves, and aim to drink at least 2-3 cups of tea a day.

Cabbage- Often underestimated, cabbage is easily among the best vegetables you could eat that will help you lose belly fat. It targets and removes toxins, which help fat accumulate and makes it harder for your body to fight and get rid of. Try to work a serving of cabbage into your daily diet as it will aid in preventing tummy fat from building up.

In addition to all of the above, there are four other natural remedies covered in the video, including uses for watermelon, coriander, almonds, and a potent mix of other natural ingredients. Check it out for more information and try one of these tonight. After all, you have nothing to lose except for belly fat!

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What Is Your Dominant Gender According To This Color Test?

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Colors can reveal a lot about many of the things in our lives. Take for example a banana. A green one tells us it’s not yet ripe, while yellow signals that it’s ready to eat, and a brown or black colored banana means that it’s likely spoiled. This is a very basic illustration of how colors bring out or show us information that we may not otherwise have any other easy way of discovering.

There has been a number of studies, polls, and research done that all center around people’s perceptions of colors and their associated meanings. As it turns out, gender plays a large role in terms of the colors that we are drawn and attracted to. Overall men prefer shades of green, gray, and orange whereas women like purples, reds, pinks and yellows. Both genders absolutely love blue, it is by far the universal favorite color, while men like darker, smoky, bolder hues and women prefer softer, muted tones.

If all of this sounds very familiar, it’s because we are so used to these distinctions and exposed to them everywhere we turn. Businesses market their products to us based on many of the color preferences above. That’s why men’s brand packaging is often black, navy blue, or gray compared to clean crisp whites and warm, feminine colors for women.

The link between color and gender is quite strong indeed as the research and many studies on it over the years has shown. Through it all experts have agreed on the general conclusion that men and women are simply drawn to different color variations. With that in mind, this beautiful color-based test will tell you what percentage male and female you are, and in doing so also determine your dominant gender. Will it turn out to be male, female, or unisex? There’s only one way to know for sure so try out this fun quiz and get your results!

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