Parents Try To Get Their Baby To Say Mama. But Listen To The Dog’s Hysterical Response.

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Parents of newborns always look forward to the day when they finally hear their little baby say ‘mama’ or ‘dada’ for the very first time. Those simple words are just so special to hear and mark a momentous occasion in a babies life and development.

Even though you can never know when a child will say their first words, that fact has never stopped a parent from trying to get their baby to say something. That’s exactly what was going on here in this sweet short clip. Andrea Diaz-Giovanini was gently trying to teach her toddler son Sam how to say “mama” while offering him a tasty little bribe. As she holds up a forkful of food she repeats the magic words to her baby boy, who is standing right in front of her alongside Patches, the family dog.

While Sam seems somewhat oblivious to the yummy food being waved around in the air, Patches has honed in on it with laser focus. The Australian Shepherd’s attention is completely focused firmly on the fork as he whimpers and whines for a bite. In terms of encouraging her son to say anything, it’s not going so well for Andrea, but Patches is a whole other story. The clever dog is giving it his best shot and doesn’t give up so easily. After what sounds like several attempts to say the word “mama” he eventually works out the sound and ends up actually speaking the word successfully. This is something you really have to watch and see him do, it’s awesome and hilarious how much he sounds like a person!

In the end, the dog managed to do what the youngster couldn’t and so he definitely earned a bite to eat as a reward for his hard work. While Sam’s parents set out to capture and preserve his first words on videotape for posterity, they ended up capturing a moment that was just as cute and special instead; their dog’s first human words!

Oh and one last thing. Many viewers commented on the video and noted how Patches never got a bite to eat. They expressed so much concern over this that the Diaz-Giovanini’s posted a second follow up clip to the one seen here. That video was longer and showed that the dog did really get a tasty treat so check Patches talents out and enjoy!

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He Thought His Hen Was Acting Strange With Her Eggs. But Wait Till You See Whats Hiding Under Her.

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It seemed like just another average day for one farmer as he made the rounds feeding and taking care of his animals. Little did he know how out of the norm it was about to be as went out to collect all of the eggs the chickens had laid. As he approached the small wooden hen house that kept his chickens safe and secure at night he noticed there was one lone hen still roosting in the corner of the coop.

The little bird was acting a bit strange, she would not move and was making some unusual noises. When the farmer gently picked her up to check her out, the reason for her odd behavior became immediately clear. Underneath the hen was a newborn baby kitten nestled up and sleeping soundly in a soft pile of straw and feathers!

The tiny calico kitten looked like it was just a few days old as its eyes had not yet opened. The poor baby must have been abandoned by its mother before the hen stepped in and took it in under her wings. By the time the farmer came around it seems like the hen had well and truly adopted the little ball of fur and was keeping the kitty safe and warm, as if it were her own baby chick. After the farmer moved the hen she immediately became nervous and anxious, all she wanted to do was get back to roosting atop her new baby and so the man stepped aside and let her do her thing. The kitten instinctively crawled back to the warn space underneath her and for the time being that was the best spot for all of them.

Many people have expressed concern for the little kitty and want to know if it survived after viewing this clip. A kitten that young needs to drink either its mother’s milk or a special formula every couple of hours or so, and while the hen kept it warm and safe, either another cat or a human needs to step in and help feed and care for it properly. There were no updates provided by the original poster and it’s not clear from the video, but one can assume the farmer did end up taking care of the kitten. That’s because it’s second nature for a farmer to bottle feed many different animals around the clock, especially newborns or sick ones, and to keep a close eye on all of them.

In addition, this cute little kitten will grow up to be a real asset for the farm. Not only will all of the hens and other animals be used to its presence, it will love and protect them in turn. Plus, the kitty will hunt mice and other dirty vermin, helping to keep the barn clean and food stocks safe. In the end, it’s in the farmer’s best interests to step in and help care for the kitten. Once this cat grows up it will return the favor to him ten-fold!

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If You Snore At Night This All Natural and Simple Remedy Will Stop It For Good

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If you snore or happen to share a bed with someone who does, then you know how disruptive and problematic it can be. Not only does it lead to poor sleep for the person snoring, it often carries over and negatively effects the quality of sleep that others around them get.

Snoring occurs when the muscles located in the roof of the mouth, tongue, and throat relax as you drift off to sleep. The muscle tissues in the throat become so relaxed that they end up partially blocking your airway and vibrate with each breath of air. The louder the snorer, the narrower and more constricted their airway is, which in turn leads to labored breathing. The increased force of air rushing past the relaxed tissues causes them to vibrate more and snore louder.

Many factors may cause or contribute to snoring. They include sleep position, nasal congestion, alcohol consumption, sleep deprivation, obstructed nasal passages, throat weakness, obesity, the way one’s mouth is shaped, obstructive sleep apnea, and more. Whatever the cause may be, there is a simple home remedy that can help stop snoring and bring much needed relief to those who suffer from its effects, whether directly or indirectly.

Do you snore like this adorable Bulldog in the video below?

All that it involves is making a serving of fresh juice with some simple ingredients. It takes only a few minutes to prepare and according to numerous people who have tried this drink, it works wonders! Here is a list of ingredients and how to make the snore-no-more juice:
2 Carrots
2 Apples
1/4 Lemon
1 Piece of Fresh Ginger Root
1. Combine the ingredients in a juicer, blender, or food processor and mix until they are smooth and well-blended.
2. Always prepare this fresh and make sure to drink it about an hour or two before going to bed every night.

Many people swear by this all-natural remedy and have found it to be effective at stopping snoring. It’s power lies in the ingredients which all help to decongest and clear nasal passages. Carrots, apples, and lemons in particular are high in vitamin C, which naturally acts to clean and clear out mucus and congestion, while ginger helps to further relieve pain and pressure. Plus, the best part about this simple anti-snore drink is that it tastes good, so you won’t have to choke down some nasty concoction!

If you or someone you love has problems with snoring, then you must try this out. After all, you really have nothing to lose and lots to gain from it, like a good nights sleep!

Watch the video below to learn more about this all natural No-Snore Recipe:

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Disabled Dog Was Sad Because No Dogs Would Play With Him. Now Watch How This Donkey Cheers Him Up.

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We’ve all had to go through some type of growing pains back when we were young, but a few of us had it worse than others, a lot worse. For a one year old Anatolian Shepherd named Kolina, her growing pains were literally just that. She was born with a spinal condition common in larger breed dogs that’s known as wobbler syndrome, which makes it difficult and painful for her to move. Dog’s who suffer from the disease have compressed spinal cords and sometimes the nerve roots are also compacted tightly together as well.

This is what causes them to experience neurological issues and leads to stiff, painful neck aches. It also causes dogs to walk in a shaky, wobbly manner, while some of them are unable to walk at all. For Kolima, standing is a lot of work and quite painful, so she prefers to lay on her side and crouch low most of the time. Her health problems and difficulties with walking, sitting and standing, and just moving around in general, caused her further issues in terms of her social life.

While most other puppies her age were romping around, chasing each other, and play fighting, Kolima had to sit out. Her wobbliness kept her from doing normal dog things and that made making new friends hard for her. However, life is not as sad and depressing as it may sound for her all thanks to Paolo, Kolima’s best friend in the whole entire world!

As you can see here, Paolo is a donkey and he loves his Anatolian Shepherd friend to pieces! According to the pairs owner, Felice Caputo, Paolo has always been the typical donkey, which is to say he’s “mischievous and stubborn.” When the six year old donkey first met Kolina he barely glanced her way, but then when he saw that she was disabled, something in him changed.

Rather than ignore or write her off, he greets her warmly and plays with her every single day now. The cute couple absolutely adore each other and when you see them play together, you’ll understand the uniquely special bond they share. It’s simply heartwarming and awesome to see, and it’s a true testament to the power of friendship.

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She Tells Her Husky He Can’t Go Outside Again. The Dog Proceeds To Throw The Most Hysterical Tantrum.

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Siberian Huskies are well known for their wolf-like looks and beautiful eyes, but it’s their awesome personalities that really win people over. The breed is extremely friendly, intelligent, energetic, and accepting. Not only is it highly likely that they’ll get along well with children of all ages and other dogs or pet animals, they’re even friendly towards strangers, so don’t get one if you want or need a guard dog!

In addition to being highly social and friendly, they also tend to be very even-tempered. When they do act up or throw a tantrum it’s never scary or worrisome, instead it’s adorable and endearing, like how the Husky in this clip acts. The big handsome dog was filmed getting into it and arguing loudly with his owner. From the sound of all his whining it seems like he had a whole lot to say and he wasn’t about to shush up or back down!

The amped up dog throws some serious sass right back at the woman he’s chatting with and he doesn’t hold back. He barks and moans in response, but instead of listening to her and doing what she says, he ignores it and just keeps carrying on. At several points he doesn’t even skip a beat or pause to take a breath! He’s on a roll with his little temper tantrum and it’s the cutest argument you could ever hope to see or hear.

As the conversation goes on it seems as if the Husky may just want to get the last word in. He’s trying to dominate the situation and is arguing like a boss. It’s like he was telling his owner that he was in fact the alpha dog of the house and that she needed to get in line, behind him!

The Husky is just so expressive and persistent, that’s all part of what makes them so endearing and downright adorable. Be sure to check him out because he’s hilarious and try to keep up with the conversation if you can!

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Dog Locked In a Barn For Years and Grew 35 Pounds of Fur. Now Watch His Transformation After Rescue.

Year after year a dog named Lazarus was kept outside, all alone in a dirty, drafty barn stall. His owners seemed to have all but forgotten about him and beyond food and water he received little other care, let alone attention and love. It was only when his owner became terminally ill and asked a neighbor to feed Lazarus that anyone knew what terrible conditions the poor dog was being held in.

When the neighbor stopped by with his girlfriend, a groomer named C (who prefers not to be named), they were shocked to discover the level of neglect and squalor that Lazarus had been forced to endure. Dirt and feces had built up so much that the barn stall door had to be dug out just so anyone could even reach him. In the middle of all this filth was Lazarus, who appeared to be a giant mound of dirty white fur. Knowing that something needed to be done right away C called in her friend, fellow groomer Jessica Kincheloe, and they set about rescuing the dog.

After obtaining the owner’s permission, the women freed Lazarus from the squalid barn stall and set about shaving off his fur. By the time they found him he had been neglected for so long that his fur had completely matted up. This made it nearly impossible for him to move and the heavy, knotted scruffs of hair were tugging and pulling at his skin, causing him debilitating pain and suffering. They had to shave him entirely and took off an incredible 35 pounds of fur. By the time they were done Lazarus looked like a completely different dog, and felt like one too.

You can see him in the accompanying video taking his first steps after having his coat shaved. He’s kinda wobbly, unsteady, and unsure of himself because not only is he 35 pounds lighter and finally able to move without pain, he’s also not used to attention or love. After checking him out it was discovered that his tail had been broken and his muscles were severely under-developed. This was caused by the heavily matted fur which made movement awkward and difficult for him.

While his recovery going forward will be focused on gaining physical strength, much of it will also be emotional. Lazarus is not used to people, being indoors, or the fast hectic pace of life, but he’s working on it.

He was eventually taken in by the Big Fluffy Dog Rescue and placed in a foster home with one of their rescue workers in Virginia. According to the rescue group, ‘His eyes are getting brighter, he is starting to see affection and is slowly becoming steadier on his feet. He has yet to make a peep and can become overwhelmed easily, so we go at his pace on everything.’ Slowly but surely he’ll come around and settle into his new surroundings.

After being neglected and deprived of love for the past 7 years of his life, he’s just beginning to learn how to trust people. As sad as that may be, Lazarus has been given a second chance at leading a normal, love-filled life, and there’s hope that he can now live the rest of it in comfort and peace.

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If You Have Neck Pain Or a Stiff Neck This Simple Trick Will Give You Instant Relief In Only 90 Seconds

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Pain is a part of everyone’s life, it’s our bodies way of letting us know that we are either hurt and something is wrong, or we are healing. Aches and stiffness are inescapable and while most of the time it’s not too serious, there are some types of pain that can wreak havoc on both your mobility and your sanity!

Neck pain is that type of pain. Not only is it very common, it’s also on the rise. Lots of people develop severe neck pain overnight by sleeping in an odd position. If you’ve ever experienced this before then you know exactly how achy and terrible it feels upon waking. You can barely turn your neck to the side, instead you have to turn your whole upper body. The resulting limited mobility makes everything from driving and switching lanes safely to greeting people ten times more difficult, all because you unwittingly slept wrong.

Another huge reason why so many of us have neck pain is our use of technology. Between the ever expanding use of cell phones and computers at work and home, we’re constantly staring down at our devices and looking at screens. On average, a person spends around 2-4 hours a day crooked over looking down at their personal devices. Young adults spend much more time than that, often logging hours at a time in just one sitting.

As for neck pain, the root cause of it often comes down to a shortening of the muscle. This usually happens when we’re completely oblivious and unaware of the fact that we have twisted our neck in an unnatural way. The resulting strain ends up shortening the neck muscle and when this occurs it bothers the nerve, aggravating it greatly, which in turn causes us pain. That’s what makes moving our necks difficult, especially turning to the side.

Whether your neck pain stems from craning it at a screen or sleeping oddly, there are some things you can do to alleviate the soreness and aching. In the accompanying video Dr. Mandell shows you exactly how to target, stretch, and massage away built up tension in the neck. The technique he uses is called cross fiber massage and if you watch his demonstration and listen as he explains what to do, then you can try it on yourself. It’s super easy and informative, so if you ever find yourself suffering from a stiff neck, the 90 second trick shown here can help bring you instant relief.

For anyone reading this and others who may be concerned about neck pain stemming from cell and laptop use, there are some additional things that can be incorporated into your everyday routine to help you avoid it. First, it’s always important to sit up straight. This means stop looking down at phones and devices! Instead, you want to hold your phone up higher so that it’s right in front of your face and level with your eyes. There’s an app available that helps people remember to elevate their phones, it simply blinks a red light which warns you to raise your phone higher. Also, aim to stand up more often throughout the day. Get in a good stretch every hour, roll your shoulders, take a walk, and move around. Simply being conscious and aware of the things you are doing, and not doing, and for how long can help you avoid neck strain and pain and all of the uncomfortable aches and issues that accompanies it.

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This Beautiful Memory Test Will Reveal How Deep Your Love Is

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If love were a color it’d definitely be some shade of red or pink. Those are the two main hues most commonly associated with all of the passion, romance, and fire that seems to get ignited and swirls around when you’re in love! That’s also part of what makes reds, pinks, purples, and maroon colors a great way to test how deep your love is.

This unique, one of a kind memory test has been specially designed to determine how open to love you truly are, based primarily on how well you are able to remember certain colors. In addition to plumbing the depths of your capacity for love, it also checks your mental concentration and memory skills. When you take the quiz be extra mindful of the instructions and pay close attention to the color prompts because it’s all about the reds, pinks, and other shades of love!

This fun quiz is an excellent way to keep your brain up and running smoothly. Not only does it extract your views on love and romance, it’s also highly engaging and challenging at times. It works on your short term visual memory by testing your immediate recall abilities. While some people may find this to be super easy, just as many others will have a tough time getting through it. Lots of us struggle to remember what we were doing moments ago and even the smallest of interruptions can throw us off our game! That’s just how life is these days, everything is so fast paced and in your face, which in turn makes simple tasks like focusing a struggle.

Regardless of all that, take a moment for yourself and take this visual love-memory test to see how deep your love is! No matter what your feelings may be on the subject or this quiz, at the very least it offers you a great way to get into the Valentine’s Day spirit, so what are you waiting for? Try it now, good luck, and enjoy!

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