Video: Thief Starts Stealing From Someone’s Lawn. Moments Later He Gets Some Instant Karma.

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When it comes to personal and home security, nothing is more effective and reassuring than having a trustworthy, loyal, and protective guard dog by your side. Dogs can be extremely protective and aggressive when it comes to watching over their loved ones. They naturally sense danger and threats differently than how people do, instinctively picking up on it long before we become aware.

Oftentimes it’s our canine companions who warn us first by either barking or growling and they don’t hesitate to go after anyone who threatens their family or territory. Time and again you hear about stories of heroic dogs who stood their ground and saved their owners life because of it. The mere presence of some dogs is enough to make criminals think twice about targeting certain people or houses, which is something the man in this video failed to take into account.

The home surveillance clip starts out with a large man casually strolling up to someone’s fenced in and gated front yard. He swings open the closed gate and lets himself in as if he owned the place or was welcome there and then walks straight over to the side of the house where he proceeds to take random things. He piles what appears to be pieces of metal or bike parts on the sidewalk outside the fence, all the while taking his sweet time.

The thief has clearly cased the place out and knows what to grab but he failed to notice the security camera aimed directly at his uncovered face. He also didn’t pick up on evidence of the fact that two big dogs live at the address he’s stealing from. When they show up about halfway through the video, the dumb thief appears to be shocked and wastes no time running for the fence to get the heck out of there!

The two guard dogs who sent him packing are named Shelbie and Bonbons. As you can see, one of them is a giant Bull Mastiff and the other is a Shepherd. Those are two breeds that you don’t want to mess with because their bite is truly worse than their bark! Both dogs were on high alert, ears and tails pricked up, when they ran straight at the man with no hesitation. They are what a true guard dog looks like in action.

In the end, Shelbie and Bonbon are heroes. For the brazen thief in this video, all that it took was one look at the two big dogs headed straight at him to get him to run in the opposite direction. One thing is for sure, he won’t be stealing from this yard ever again!

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If You Have a Double Chin That Won’t Go Away, These Simple Exercises Will Get Rid Of It Quickly.

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People go to great lengths in order to keep healthy and fit. At the same time, oftentimes the ultimate goal is to stay looking good. Whether we like to admit it or not, appearances matter a whole lot to many of us. That’s why we turn to expensive treatments, diets, detoxes, fasts, and even surgery to try and improve upon our looks and achieve the optimal results.

When it comes to double chins however, the vast majority of those things are either ineffective or way too expensive. As with many other beauty issues, double chins are often the result of a combination of aging, weight gain, and genetics. But if you are struggling with a chin problem don’t give up hope just yet because there are some things that you can do to lessen, and even get rid of it, altogether.

The key to reducing the appearance of a double chin lies in targeting and toning the neck, chin, and jawline area. If you truly want to feel good about yourself and confident in your appearance then you should do the following exercises once a day for at least two weeks straight. Many people claim that in as little as ten days they saw a noticeable difference, so stick with it and give the face exercises time to work.

Make sure that you follow along to the video to learn the proper ways to do the workout. It’s essential that you don’t clench your jaw or overextend it and at no point whatsoever should you ever feel pain or pressure. If there is any unusual discomfort then you’re doing something wrong and should stop immediately. Also, as with any workout the warm up is the most important part so don’t skip it! There are a total of 5 different movements demonstrated in the video and the name of each one reflects the type of motions you’ll be making.

These actually work and you will see results as to muscle tone, tightness, and an overall reduction in chin size. If you’re serious about making a real change in your appearance, then make it a point to do these daily for the next two weeks and see for yourself how diminished looking your chin will be. In the end, it often turns out that the best path to health, wellness, and beauty is the most simple and all-natural one. Get started tonight with these and pass them along!

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The Health Benefits Of Consuming Apple Cider Vinegar And Honey In The A.M. On An Empty Stomach

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People will go to extremes in order to stay looking good and feeling healthy. They turn to diets, fasts, detoxes, special exercise programs, and even surgery to try and achieve their optimal mind, body, and health. The vast majority of these things are either passing fads or prohibitively expensive to pursue. Oftentimes it turns out that the best path to health and wellness is a more simple and all-natural one. If you truly want to feel good and purify your body from the inside out you should do the following; drink apple cider vinegar-honey water first thing in the morning.

This recipe for apple cider vinegar and honey infused water is an easy way to cleanse your body at its basic cellular level. Apple cider vinegar works wonders for our bodies because it’s alkaline, which helps maintain our pH balance. The more processed and refined foods you consume, the poorer your diet and more acidic your body becomes. Acidity is linked to a number of health problems such as inflammation, joint and muscle pain, infections, fatigue, nausea, digestive issues, and more. One of the top best things you can do to restore and balance your body’s pH is to drink raw apple cider vinegar regularly. In addition to being alkaline, it contains amino acids, antioxidants, and minerals like manganese, potassium, iron, and magnesium.

Honey is also a wonderful detox agent for our systems because it helps us stay regular by increasing urine flow, which in turn flushes and cleanses our kidneys. This leads to better water balance and toxins being removed from your body more regularly. Raw unprocessed honey also improves immunity because it contains various enzymes, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants which all make us stronger and healthier. Plus, it has natural anti-bacterial properties, and the antioxidants in it fight off free radicals and limit the damage they cause.

If you wish to drink to your health, then you’ll want to make this drink. It will reduce joint pain and inflammation, aid in digestion, increase energy, treat a sore throat and conquer stinky breath, it even supports weight loss! Not only is it something that just about everyone can manage to do, it’s affordable too! Here’s the ingredients and directions on how to make the simple health tonic:

1 Teaspoon Apple Cider Vinegar
1 Teaspoon Pure Natural Honey
1 Cup of Water

1. Combine all of the ingredients in a glass and mix them together well.
2. Allow it to rest for a minimum of 20 minutes and then drink it before you eat any breakfast, on an empty stomach. Make sure to drink plenty of water throughout the day as it will help to further flush out toxins from your body.

For this recipe try to use both apple cider vinegar and honey that is labeled as raw, all-natural, unfiltered, and organic. Essentially, the purer and less refined the ingredients, the better they are for you. Overall, the benefits of drinking apple cider vinegar honey water are too good to ignore. The simple drink is easy to gulp down and will leave you feeling fresh and ready to take on the day. Please spread this healthy drink recipe and pass this information along to let your friends and loved ones know how they can naturally clean out their systems and feel good. Try it for yourself and see what a difference it can make in your life!

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She Starts Calling Man Fat While He’s On Line At McDonald’s. She Proceeds To Get Some Instant Karma.

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Fat shaming is as disgraceful and cruel as it sounds. It’s when overweight people are harassed and criticized about their eating habits or weight by others who are trying to make them feel ashamed of themselves. Basically, it’s bullying someone because you think they are fat, and it’s wrong.

Many people who fat shame think that they are doing the obese a favor and that their criticism will somehow motivate people to lose weight, eat less, and get healthier. Others are just cruel, mean trolls who say rude things because they can. Regardless of the type or intention, people who fat shame are bullies and they are causing overweight people to not only feel horrible about themselves, but to suffer psychological harm as well. Just imagine how you would feel if you were on the receiving end of a public dress down like the poor guy in this video.

The clip starts off with a group of women standing in line at McDonald’s. They had started making rude comments about how they thought fat people shouldn’t be in there when they turned to the larger man next to them. The women started harassing the poor customer, saying things like “Leave now, do yourself a favor” and “You should stop eating!” They continued to verbally attack the poor guy until finally another man steps in to his defense. He asks the group of rude women “what are you doing?” but they just drone on spouting off offensive and hurtful things.

Rather than stand there and take it any longer, the second man decided to cool things down a bit by pouring a cup of water over the head of one of the aggressive women! As he dumped it on her he basically told her that it was an instant dose of karma being delivered for her “disrespect,” and the crowd went wild! Fellow customers looking on laughed, gasped, and cheered in delight. They’d had enough of all the belittling, fat shaming, and blatant rudeness being displayed by the women. After all, they went to McDonald’s for a quick bite to eat and probably just wanted to order their tasty food and be on their way.

After this video came out, the reaction online was immediately split as to whether it was real or fake. It seemed somewhat staged but no one could tell or know for certain if it was. As it turns out, the video was a set-up, made by a prank YouTube station called Trollstation. And while the video may seem cruel and unusual, it’s brought some much needed light and attention to a situation that for many people is all too real.

In the end, there’s just no need for any extra and unnecessary hate in the world. If someone has nothing nice to say, then they should keep their mouths shut, plain and simple. Life is too short to be miserable, live it for you and only you, not some random judgmental jerks on the internet or the streets.

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5 Signs and Symptoms You Have Fibromyalgia and May Not Even Know It.

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Fibromyalgia is a chronic medical condition that causes widespread bodily pain, muscle aches, and fatigue. It’s a terrible disorder to have and it can wreak havoc on the lives of people who suffer from it, wearing them down and tiring them out. It’s also a lot more common than many people assume it to be. According to scientists at the National Institutes of Health, fibromyalgia is estimated to affect around five million American adults and most of them, between 80-90%, are women.

One of the main issues with fibromyalgia is how tricky it can be to properly diagnose. The pain and symptoms typically associated with the disorder often make diagnosis difficult because they tend to overlap with other common medical conditions. Compounding the difficulty is the fact that there are currently no tests or scans that can definitively detect it, and so people need to keep close track of everything that’s going on with their bodies, and tell their doctor exactly what ills them.

While widespread physical pain is the main symptom of fibromyalgia, there are a number of other ones that people may experience and the following are the signs and symptoms associated with it that you should never ignore:

1. Pain- According to the Mayo Clinic, it’s believed that fibromyalgia affects the way the brain processes pain signals and this causes them to be magnified. While the pain is generally widespread all over the body, the most common areas where it’s felt is the back, neck, abdomen, and in muscles. People report feeling a range of pain types, from sharp and severe pain that’s long lasting, to a milder yet constant dull ache that lasts for at least 3 months or longer. In addition, the pain is oftentimes felt more at night and over the counter medicines do not alleviate it.

2. Tiredness and Fatigue- Pain is one reason why those with fibromyalgia have difficulty sleeping and when they do fall asleep the quality is poor so they don’t feel as rested as they otherwise should. A common complaint is that no matter how much sleep they get, they wake up feeling tired and worn out.

3. Lack of Mental Focus- Another common symptom is what’s known as “fibro fog” and it’s when a person’s cognitive abilities, such as concentration, paying attention, focusing, and remembering things, are negatively impaired. This results in confusion and a lack of mental clarity which can be extremely frustrating and disconcerting.

4. Sensory Issues- Many people report feeling extra sensitive to temperature changes and their bodies are seemingly unable to regulate it properly. Some may feel super hot or freezing cold even if the temperature changes only just slightly. Another sensory related symptom is paraesthesia, the feeling of pins and needles in hands, feet, arms, and legs. The tingly discomfort can last anywhere from a minute or two to well over an hour or more and some people also experience numbness as well.

5. Gastrointestinal Issues- Having abnormal and excessive gas, constipation, diarrhea, bloating, and nausea are all common symptoms and should be monitored closely. Also, fibromyalgia is often found in patients who suffer from Irritable Bowel Syndrome, acid reflux disease, and those who have interstitial cystitis, which is a painful bladder condition.

Watch the video below to see some all natural ways to manage fibromyalgia

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Have You Ever Noticed This Diamond On a Tape Measure. Apparently This Is What It Means.

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Tape measures are a common staple that most people have on hand. The handy tool makes measuring things around the house easy and if you like to build or fix things, your going to need one at some point. While we all know how to use a basic tape measure, not everyone is as familiar with the various markings that come standard on them. The clearly defined inches and centimeters are what the average person goes off of, but what about those little black diamonds or the red and black boxes on them?

The accompanying video covers all of the answers to those questions and more. The tape measure tips it goes over will tell you everything that there is to know about the tool so the next time you reach for it, you’ll understand the markings and can put them to good use!

One of the main mysteries surrounding measuring tapes is the black diamonds on them. Before you can truly understand what they represent, you need to know a few other basic things. First is the red and black boxes, which are marked 16 inches and 24 inches respectively. The red 16inch box is the on center mark which shows where the most common separation for studs is located. The black 24inch box does the same, but is used to indicate stud separation in smaller types of buildings, like tool or gardening sheds.

The black diamonds are located exactly in-between these two marks. For carpenters and home builders, they allow one to lay five rafters underneath a standard 8 foot section of plywood. As such, the black diamonds mark the building industry standard for laying rafters, and so that is where you can expect to find the studs. When you ever need to hang photos, art, shelves, or anything else on the wall, they give you an excellent visual aid and way to measure out equal distances when setting things apart.

In addition to the black diamonds there are a few more neat things you may have never know about tape measures. Take for example the end of the tape, where you pull from, which features a small metal part. That piece has a hole in it that can be used to grab things like nails or screws in order to help hold the measuring tape in place. The side edge of this metal part can also be used as a sort of engraving tool to handily scratch or mark out distances when you haven’t got a pencil nearby.

Be sure to check out the short clip for more information and a better visual aid of everything covered above. Once you know everything about the markings on a tape measure, you can call yourself an expert on them!

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She Tricks This Parrot Into Eating Broccoli. But He Realizes and Throws The Most Hysterical Tantrum.

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There are many different types of pet people. They range from the most common dog and cat people to the lesser prevalent reptile and bird people, but all of them love and adore their furry, scaly,or feathered friends! The type of pet animals we choose to share our homes and hearts with can say a lot about our personalities. Dog owners tend to be more extroverted and friendly, cat people are often highly creative and dependable, and reptile owners are super independent.

While these traits likely come as no major surprise to most people, it’s bird owners in particular who blow away preconceived notions and expectations. Compared to the rest, they are the most expressive, social, and outgoing type of pet owner. Who knew?! However, once you watch this video you’ll understand why you have to be easy going and attentive when you live with a bird like the one seen here.

His name is Eric The Legend and it’s a moniker he lives up to because he has truly become a living legend! People absolutely adore the little nutcase. He earned the title thanks in part to his crazy antics and insane behavior. Eric is certainly one of the most energetic, out of control, and loudest cockatoos around, which is quite a feat since the parrot sub-species is well-known for being noisy birds.

In this hilarious clip Eric happens to be in the middle of throwing a major hissy fit. Why is he so upset? Because he’s eating broccoli and at the moment he hates it more than a two year old does. According to Eric’s owner, the veterinarian told her to include more of the green veggie in his diet. Since she wants to keep her baby boy healthy and strong, that’s exactly what she did, much to Eric’s disappointment.

While it clearly doesn’t seem like it, Eric actually doesn’t mind chowing down on broccoli. His owners even mention in the original video post’s comments that he usually enjoys it. Not on this occasion, instead of eating it he throws his food bowl off the table and down onto the floor. Maybe he got a little too carried away or excited, but he made quite a mess for mom to clean up.

Eric has more videos and all of them are funny so if you want to see more of the behavior that made him a legend, check them out. He lives with his mom and dad in Australia and throws pretty regular, and epic, temper tantrums. Other than throwing perfectly good food around, Eric also loves trying to get away with different naughty things. Whether he’s scaring the neighbor’s cat, cursing the local birds or the family dog, he’s always up to no good. He’s easily the most entertaining bird around and if you ever need to laugh or smile, watch him because his care-free attitude can brighten anyone’s day!

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This Spelling Test Is Designed For 3rd Graders. As It Turns Out Most Adults Fail. Can You Pass?

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Do you remember taking annual spelling tests back in grade school? Usually your teacher would hand out a list of words to memorize on Monday and by Friday you’d have to be familiar enough with them to pass a quiz. Every grade had its own set of words that you’d learn, which got progressively harder as you built up a vocabulary. Looking back on it, all those tests were a big part of our formative years and who knows how many words you ended up learning because of them.

How do you think you would fare if you were to take a third grade spelling test right now? Would you pass or fail?! By the time you were in third grade you were probably around 8 or 9 years old. The average third grade student begins to learn all sorts of new stuff like multiplication and division, basic science, and American history. They also start reading harder, more advanced books across different genres, so they’re constantly being exposed to new words.

Some of the new terms they are learning may look familiar, but are totally different from what they’ve already been exposed to. That’s because many words sound exactly alike, yet their meanings and spellings are either completely different or slightly off by just a letter or two. That makes them really easy to mess up or confuse!

Even though we slowly forget lots of that we’ve learned over time, things like spelling and grammar tend to stick with us. Unless of course you’re a terrible speller and always have been! See where your spelling skills fall and work your way through these 23 questions which cover a variety of words that the average pupil learns in third grade. According to the makers of the quiz, Playbuzz, only about 4% of the population are able to score a perfect 23/23 on this spelling test. Even if you can’t ace it, all that you really need to get is at least 17/23 right in order to pass, so try it now to see if you are as smart as a 3rd grader, and good luck!

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