They Sing This Horse ‘Happy Birthday’ and Bring Him A Cake. His Response Is Hilarious!

Meet J.D. the horse who is known around the stable as “Southside.” J.D. is about to celebrity his 4th birthday in style.  J.D. is about to celebrate a birthday his humans will most likely never ever forget. They bring J.D. into the room and his humans bring him out a cake begin singing happy birthday to J.D. the horse. Then thinks take the most pleasant and unexpected turn.

As they are singing his birthday song he surprises everyone in the place by blowing leaning in and actually blowing out all the candles.  Everyone starts hysterically laughing. Then to top it off J.D. gives everyone the biggest smile ever!

Animals never cease to amaze me.  His reaction is so human its crazy.  Horses really are such intelligent animals. J.D.  gave his humans a moment they will never forget.  This amazing moment was caught on camera at the Tolleshunt Horse Farm in New Jersey earlier this week. Have you ever seen a horse do anything like this?

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At First Her Cake Looked Like a Total Mess But By The End I Was Drooling!

Have you been trying to make the perfect cake?  Well you may have found the recipe here for the most awesome cake ever.  The woman in the video uses cookie cutters to cut out different shapes to make rows of hearts.  These hearts are marbled, but that’s not where she stops. She takes the row of hearts she just put together and places them on a second cake.  That way each slice of cake will have it’s own heart.

This Rainbow tie-dyed heart surprise cake is not only beautiful but it is delicious as well.  If you want you can swap the heart cookie cutter for any shape cookie cutter and have all sorts of different surprises inside when someone slices the cake open.  I can’t wait to try this out.

This weekend time permitting I would highly recommend testing out this awesome cake recipe. If you have kids or grandkids they will absolutely love it! Who doesn’t love cake and rainbows? It’s a match made in heaven! Watch the video below to learn each step to making this awesome cake.  By the end of the video I was drooling!

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Pizza Delivery Guy Realized She Was Desperately Mouthing ‘Help Me’. He Immediately Attempts The Unthinkable!

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There’s no question that pizza delivery drivers see their fair share of strange things while out on the job.  They’re tasked with going to many different homes where people tend to be mostly relaxed and off-guard. After all, we feel safe and want to be comfortable in our houses.  While many people might answer the door in their pajamas or more questionable outfits, that’s usually the extent of any possible awkwardness.     

For one Domino’s pizza delivery driver in Waldo, Wisconsin, the situation he walked into one night wasn’t awkward, instead it was scary and potentially dangerous.  Joey Grundl was out delivering a pizza to a residential address and after he rang the doorbell a middle aged man named Dean Hoffman answered the door. As the man paid for the pizza, Joey noticed that behind him stood a woman who he assumed must be his wife or girlfriend.  The woman pointed to her eye, which was bruised and black, then mouthed “help me, call the police.”  

Even though he was stunned and alarmed, Joey didn’t let his emotions show.  Instead he finished the delivery and walked calmly back to his car. He didn’t want to let on that he’d seen the woman and risk escalating the situation.  As soon as he was safe inside his car, he called 911 and explained what he had seen.

Officers were dispatched to the address and when they approached the house they could see Hoffman in the window looking out at them.  After they knocked, he opened the door but blocked the entrance with his body. The woman knew the police were there and couldn’t see her, so she began to yell for help and the cops forced their way inside to rescue the trapped lady.

According to the woman, Hoffman was her ex-boyfriend and he had forcibly entered her house earlier that afternoon.  She’d told him to leave and had tried to call 911 but he ripped the phone out of her hands and dragged her away. A physical altercation ensued with Hoffman shoving and punching her in the face as she tried to escape.  He threatened her and at one point tied her up with a power cord and gagged her with a towel, which made it very hard for her to breathe. The woman thought she was going to die but when Hoffman decided to order a pizza, she was given a chance to be saved.

When Joey arrived to drop the pie off, she silently asked him for help, and he answered by calling the police and reporting what he’d seen.  In the end, the woman was rescued and Hoffman was arrested on multiple felony charges of burglary, kidnapping, strangulation and suffocation, false imprisonment, and intimidation of a victim.  When Joey was told that he had probably saved a life, he just smiled and said “yeah, I guess.” He was simply doing his job and the right thing but ended up a hero in the process!

Watch the video below for the full story:

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She Crushes Aspirin Into a Powder And Puts It Into Her Hair 3x Per Week. The Reason Is Unexpectedly GENIUS!

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Aspirin is something that should be in everyone’s medicine cabinet. Most of us reach for it when we have a headache or fever since it’s quite effective as a general pain reliever. Some people take it to help with their heart problems and to prevent blood clots from forming.

The main active ingredient in it, salicylic acid, is what makes it so effective and useful. While there’s many medicinal uses for aspirin, there are also lots of other non-medical things you can do with it, which this video and article cover. Check it out and see if any of the alternatives could come in handy in your life!

1) Renews and Clears Skin- The salicylic acid in aspirin is like a clear-all for skin since it helps to reduce swelling, redness, and acne by removing oil and dead skin cells that are clogging them. Make a mask by crushing up 5 aspirin tablets, combine them with a ¼ cup of water, and one teaspoon of honey. Leave the paste on your skin for at least 10 minutes before rinsing it off with warm water. You can do this daily, weekly, or monthly to fit your skin’s needs.

2) Reduce Dandruff- Aspirin can help fight dandruff so if you suffer from an itchy, dry, flaky scalp try crushing 2-3 pills into powder and mix it in with your shampoo. Allow the shampoo to sit on your scalp for several minutes before rinsing, this works because the salicylic acid it contains makes it a very strong and effective moisturizing agent.

3) Make Flowers Last Longer- Plants and fresh cut flowers have a tendency to wilt away and they can start to look sad very quickly. That’s because they’re producing ethylene gas as they slowly decay, but if you add a crushed aspirin to the water they’re in, your flowers will last much longer than not.

4) Remove Tough Sweat Stains- Yellowed armpit stains on clothing are unsightly and getting them out can be a real pain, if not impossible, but not if you use aspirin to pre-treat the spots! Combine 5 crushed aspirin tablets with ¼ cup of water and apply this paste to sweat stains. Allow it to work its magic for at least several minutes before rinsing and then wash clothing as you regularly would.

5) Jumpstart a Dead Car Battery- This trick is only for use in case of an emergency and it’s best to check out the video for more information on it. If your car battery ever dies, put at least 2 aspirin per cell into the battery. The salicylic acid in aspirin reacts with the sulfuric acid in the battery, which creates a charge strong enough to get your engine to turn over so you can get to a service station or mechanic. Care should be taken if and when you ever do this because the chemical reaction can produce some nasty, harmful byproducts.

Watch the video below for more information!

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Can You Find All 6 Words In The Image. Watch The Video Below To Reveal The Answers.

There are many different ways to keep your brain active and mind engaged. You can read a book, sing a song, listen to music, write in a journal, draw a picture, play a game, do a crossword, and the list goes on and on. As entertaining as many of the options and possibilities may be, none are as effective and fun as puzzles are.

Over the years multiple studies have proven what many of us assume to be true, that puzzle solving can improve our mental abilities and promote our overall well-being, both immediately and in the long run. That’s because they force you to use your memory, reasoning, and logic skills, all while demanding your focus and attention.

The more puzzles and games that you work at, the sharper and more honed your brain becomes. You’re essentially making new neural pathways and keeping old ones open and strong by engaging your thoughts and perception. This is what helps your brain stay fit and it’s believed to decrease your likelihood of developing dementia later in life.

As the old saying goes, use it or lose it, so put your mind and brain to the test with this quick image search challenge. There are seven words hidden in the drawing below of a family fishing off of a dock. This isn’t just a cartoon image though, it’s actually a video and you have just over a minute to find all six words before they are revealed to you at the end of the video clip. To be precise, at exactly 1:10 they all become highlighted, so work fast and see if you’re able to spot them before that. Good luck!

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There Are 6 Hidden Words In This Image, Can You Find Them All? Find Out Below.

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People exercise and work out their bodies all the time. Many even dedicate specific days of the week to improving their arms or legs, yet no one ever really works out their brain. Brute physical strength can only get you so far in this world and what really propels a person ahead is mental strength and ingenuity.

The best way to work on and improve your own mental strength is by keeping your brain and mind actively engaged. Everything from painting to reading, writing, drawing, games, and puzzle solving can help to hone your reasoning and logic skills. The more creative reasoning and problem solving you do, the stronger your brain and mental abilities become, it’s that simple.

Studies have found that puzzle solving, and word searches in particular, can greatly improve our memory, vocabulary, focus, and mental sharpness. It’s even recommended that people do word puzzles and partake in games like bingo as they grow older to help keep up their cognitive functioning. An active mind and brain ages slower and by engaging it with puzzles you’re keeping your neural pathways open and firing. That in turn can only help to guard against dementia so make it a habit now to do a crossword, Sudoku, or some other type of puzzle every now and then.

While keeping your brain sharp and in shape is a wonderful goal to have in mind and aspire to, most people do puzzles simply because they enjoy them. This word search image puzzle is like a fun stretch for you brain and it will keep you busy for at least a couple of minutes. The cartoon drawing of a family relaxing together at home in the living room has six words hidden somewhere within it. They have all been strategically concealed and while a word or two may pop out at you, the rest aren’t so easy to find. Take a moment and see if you can spot all six words, then pass it on to friends and family and see how they do. Good luck!

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Groomer Tells Tiny Puppy It’s Time To Be Washed. The Pup Then Throws The Most Hysterical Hissy Fit.

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Going to the groomer can be hit or miss when you have a new puppy. Just like it is with all new things in life, they need to experience it first hand to really get a feel for it. Some dogs end up hating being groomed, others absolutely love it, and some are ambivalent and could care less, so long as they get a treat afterwards!

The whole grooming thing was still kind of strange for one adorable little puppy named Oreo. This was only the second time in her life visiting the groomer and she had yet to make up her mind as to whether or not she liked it. That’s why she threw a mini-tantrum and decided to “sing” her way through the whole ordeal. As you can see and hear, Oreo had plenty to sing about and the lady grooming her was loving every second of her adorable hissy fit!

The video of the sweet little eleven week-old puppy was posted on Facebook by Bobbi Lee and it quickly went viral for two simple reasons. One is Oreo’s super cute face and funny antics, while the other is Brenda, the groomer attending to her. She works alongside Dr. Lee at the Veterinary Hospital at Oakland Plantation in Leesburg, Georgia, and her happy, comforting, gentle demeanor with the puppy is what makes this clip so special. Who wouldn’t want her taking care of their precious fur baby? She’s awesome!

If you love dogs and like to smile then you have to check out the video. It’s short and sweet and the sounds coming out of Oreo’s mouth even kind of sound like ‘mama.’ See if you can pick up on it and enjoy!

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What Is Your Most Dominant Personality Trait According To This Unique Color Blot Test? Find Out.

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It’s something that everybody has but it often differs dramatically from person to person. Others judge us off of it and are either drawn towards or repelled away from us because of it. Over time and throughout our lives it can be changed, cultivated, and grown. What is it? Personality!

The whole concept of personality is a loaded one. Each of our distinctly individual personalities is a complex mash up of all the many different characteristics, traits, quirks, and qualities that make us who we are. Some people have outgoing and social personality types whereas others fall on the shy side. There are funny people best known for their awesome sense of humor and serious brainiacs who are unbelievably intelligent. In between all of those extremes are the countless other types of colorful personalities.

Without personality as we know it, life would be boring and predictable. We’d basically all be extremely dull copies of each another, devoid of the wide array of emotions, experiences, and feelings that make the human experience so meaningful and diverse. Those things are what help shape our perspective of the world and everything surrounding us. As such, personality plays a huge role in the way we interpret situations and people and how we make decisions.

While the term personality is a blanket word for every attribute that makes us who we are, there can only be one dominant trait that stands out above all the rest. That is the personality trait that factors into your behaviors, perspectives, and interactions the heaviest and is what, in a sense, defines you.

This color blot quiz was designed to draw out your strongest, most dominant personality characteristic. It uses your visual perception and takes into account how you interpret a series of specific images to figure out your strongest trait. It’s based off of the Rorschach inkblot tests and by choosing the one word which best describes the colorful inkblot shown in each image you can easily uncover your dominant personality trait. Try it now and see if you agree with the results you get!

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