What Occurred After This Pup’s Human Died Stunned Everyone. This Tore My Heart Up.

Sometimes something unexplainable happens that gives hope to anyone who witnesses the miracle.  This happened on a cloudy day in Newport, N.H. when ABC News 20/20 was running a report on fallen soldier Justin Rollins. On September 11 Justin decided he would become a soldier.  Like many Americans he was distraught and traumatized by the events that unfolded on that fatal day.   Justin ended up going to Iraq to fight for his country.  One day he was alerted that there was a group of puppies stranded in a strange place.  Justin and his fellow soldiers found the puppies and rescued them.

That night he took some pictures with the puppies and those would be the last pictures Justin would ever take.  The next day Justin got killed in combat.  His family received the horrible news while simultaneously receiving an e-mail from Justin sharing the pictures he took the night before holding the adorable puppies.  His family was determined to get one of those puppies in honor of their sons memory.

Somehow, some strings were pulled and the family adopted one of the puppies Justin held on his final night.  They got the puppy soon after and raised it like their own son.  Sometimes, Justin’s mother would pet the pups face and ask “Justin, are in there?”  It was a way for a grieving mother to try to connect with her lost boy.

When 20/20 was running their story on the hero, something remarkable happened.  The dog wandered off, the clouds opened up and a beam of lights from the heavens came down directly on the dog.  The cameraman filmed the moment in astonishment as the whole family looked on in awe.  It had everyone wondering if Just had come back to give them a sign from above.  The family rejoiced and it gave hope to a grieving community.  Watch the amazing footage below. What do you make of this?  Do you believe in an afterlife?

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What Is Your Subconscious Obsessed With?

image via – shutterstock.com

With what is your subconscious obsessed? More importantly, how can we find out? Does the color red seem to pop up everywhere you look, even when you are looking at the cloudless sky? Do you accidentally grab a fork instead of your keys when you are about to leave the house?

Do you unconsciously check your Facebook app on your phone every five seconds, and when you delete it you find yourself still clicking on the spot it used to be?

These are sure signs that you might have a subconscious obsession, but those are the easy ones. How about those that are more subtle? How can we discover anything about our subconscious when it is called sub-conscious because of the very fact that we are unaware of it?

In other words, how do we make the subconscious conscious? That is a question that religion, spirituality and science have all tried to answer for countless years. This quiz succeeds where the group intelligence and spirit of humankind have failed.

After you take the quiz and learn the deepest secrets of your darkest subconsciousness, you will be faced with a new world: one where you become aware of all of the things that were previously hidden.

You will have x-ray vision, in addition to being able to see the infrared, radio, ultraviolet and gamma frequencies of the electromagnetic spectrum, of which visible light is only a thin sliver.

It will be difficult at first, but soon you will be able to use your superhuman powers to save the world. But who is going to save the world from you?

What is your subconscious obsessed with? Let us know!

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This Girl’s Tattoo Says ‘I’m Fine’ But When She Reveals The Secret Message She Has Everyone Talking!

image via – youtube.com

Tattoos have become an acceptable mode of self-expression in recent years, although for a long time they were stigmatized; they were associated with the more marginalized people in society who struggled to fit in, and often ended up in trouble with the law.

Not only have tattoos come a long way in being seen as an artistic mode of expressing oneself, but they have recently taken on a very different and important role. There is a touch of irony here, in that the once stigmatized TATTOO is being utilized to raise awareness about mental illness; still so stigmatized in our society.

Bekah is a college student who was suffering from depression, as so many people do, without knowing how to ask for help. Depression is an insidious illness that leaves people feeling hopeless and alone. Burdened with such darkness, many people who suffer do not even know how to put words to what they are going through.

Bekah wanted to get a tattoo that had some meaning; in the following video you will hear the story of her journey towards mental health. The tattoo that she got opened the door for a dialogue that would help Bekah and others in their attempt to get help.

Most people, when asked how they are doing, reflexively answer “I’m fine”. “I’m Fine” is Bekah’s tattoo, when seen from one perspective. However, you will see it’s secret meaning when it is viewed upside down.

Let us know your feelings about her story and what she is doing to help raise awareness about the importance of letting others in, when you are dealing with depression, anxiety or any form of isolating mental illness.

Watch the video below for more information:

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Students Sent A Balloon With A Camera Into Space. But 2 Years Later They Reveal Its Beautiful Story.

image via – youtube.com

Sometimes things and events that seem absolutely random in and of themselves can end up coming together to form one heck of a story. Whether it is truly random or fated to happen, this is one of those strange turn of events that turned out for the best.

In June a group of students sent a balloon to the edge of space over the Grand Canyon. Despite having planned out the detailed launch, and anticipating where it would eventually land, they were never able to find and recover the craft and the camera or cell phone attached to it.

However, two years later an eagle-eyed hiker in Arizona happened upon the wreckage and the long lost footage was found. The students put together a detailed video and shared it on YouTube so the world could enjoy the beautiful sights that were captured.

The short clip walks the viewer through the background events and all of the preparations that led up to the big launch. First the students tested the balloon with a parachute flight test by dropping it from a height off the ground.

Then they did trajectory planning, made computer models, planned out a custom designed structure, and printed it out in 3D. Finally the day came to send it up into space. The students started out on the road at nine in the morning and headed to a launch site 20 miles west of the Grand Canyon.

There they assembled the balloon and made some last minute adjustments to the spacecraft, switching on the GoPro Hero3 and cell phone which were attached to the chassis. At 10:46 it was launched and less than ten minutes later the balloon had already reached an altitude of 22,967 feet, which put it at a distance of 7 kilometers above Earth’s surface.

By the time an hour and twelve minutes had elapsed, the balloon was 86,558 feet up (26.4km). From that height the enormous Grand Canyon looks like a tiny feature way below on the Earth’s surface, and the curvature of the planet is clear to see. As the balloon spins around you can even catch a glimpse of the moon far off in the distance.

An hour and 27 minutes after launch the balloon reached its highest elevation, 98,660 feet (30.1km), and a clearer view of the Grand Canyon below is shown. That’s also when the craft began its violent descent back to Earth as slow motion reveals the moment the balloon popped and flew away from it.

By the time it landed upside down back on Earth’s surface among some dry grass scrub a full hour and 38 minutes had gone by. The video includes the computer models which show the launch and landing sites relative to the Grand Canyon, and the flight path trajectory as well. Despite these calculations and all of the planning, the students were unable to find the remains of their craft and the video of its journey.

Two years later the camera was found and picked up by a hiker in Arizona who tracked down and returned the footage to the team who launched it. They were able to recover the incredible video and the stunning images that it captured along its epic journey into the stratosphere and back down.

The reason why it was lost in the first place was because there was no cell phone coverage in the area it landed, which the students were relying on to track it down. They had looked at inaccurate coverage maps provided by AT&T and thus the cell never received a signal when it came back to Earth.

The hiker who found the wreckage ironically worked at AT&T. She brought it to a company store and they identified the phones SIM card and tracked down the owner to send back the footage. Check out the awe inspiring film and revel in the beauty that is our home, planet Earth!

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Rare Giant Equinox Supermoon During Libra: Prepare For a Huge Energy Shift On March 20 2019

With all the crazy unexpected things that are happening in the world lately, the upcoming supermoon set to happen on March 20th will finally give us something that we can all look forward to seeing. The full moon that rises in the night sky will be a truly spectacular sight to behold, one that is actually worthy of our attention and appreciation. That’s because the moon will shine brighter and appear larger than usual and it is coincides with the Spring Equinox!

The rare March Equinox Supermoon in Libra has a full moon that comes very close to Earth. If you’re wondering what it takes for the moon to attain supermoon status, it’s the right combination of the location, timing, and phase of the moon.

First and foremost, the moon has to be in either its illuminated full moon phase or the dark and entirely invisible new moon phase. Then the moon’s orbit must bring it around to the one exact point where it comes closest to the Earth. Finally, there is the timing and these two factors must closely coincide with one another for the moon to be called a supermoon.

While all full supermoons appear super-sized and much larger and brighter than usual size, this March one is extra special because it’s happening during the Spring Equinox on March 20th.

There are many other implications which are linked to this special lunar event beyond the scientific meanings, and perhaps the biggest one is the cosmic shift in energy that will accompany it. Astrologically speaking, the March supermoon will occur when the sun is in Pisces and the moon is in Libra. This brings to the forefront a sort of tug of war between the emotional, sensitive, and intense Pisces energy and the responsible, stability craving Libra. The resulting clash will create a burst of energy which you can either embrace and grow with, or oppose and struggle against.

check out this video below to see what you can expect:

If you choose to welcome the shift with a positive attitude then equally positive effects can be gained from it. Below is a quick overview of all the best things this supermoon in Libra features:

It’s an opportunity to re-evaluate your goals and how to best achieve them. Whatever it is that you may be striving towards will need to be tweaked and minor adjustments should be made in order to keep them within sight and reach. The practical and responsible side of Libra will aid you in making the best possible choices so don’t put off your goal re-assessment because now is the time for it!

It’s a time to stay grounded – Don’t let a sense of self-importance or entitlement get the best of you and drag you down. Instead, stay conscious and present, be aware of your ego and don’t get caught up in it. If you stay grounded and stable then everything will go a lot smoother.

There will be a noticeable change in many of us in the days leading up to March 20th and you’re likely going to feel much more emotional than usual. All full moons tend to bring out the crazy side of people, hence the term lunacy, but the extreme proximity of this supermoon will end up supercharging our feeling and emotions. By being aware of this you’ll be better prepared to stay grounded, as mentioned above, and the moon won’t end up wreaking havoc on your emotional sanity!

This is the perfect time to strengthen and heal any rifts with friends or family. The parent/child bond is especially highlighted here and the focus should be on respecting and honoring our close family relationships. If we are to grow and succeed in life, both mentally, spiritually, and emotionally, then we need our loved ones supporting us and on our side.

It’s the perfect time to nest. With the moon being in Libra, the sign’s stability and security loving traits will be highlighted and you’ll want to do nothing more than stay at home and relax. Want to read that book you’ve been waiting to get to or catch up on your favorite show? Grab a warm cozy blanket, sit back, and unwind!

Break free of all the toxic people in your life. Any relationships that are hurting you, dragging you down, or holding you back need to be fully re-assessed. You need to distance yourself or cut the cord completely if you find that someone is not worth the time, effort, or stress that they bring to the table. Don’t allow someone to take advantage of your kindness, put an end to it and move on.

Overall, the shift in energy accompanying this March Equinox Supermoon will be mainly positive. If you don’t fight it and go with the flow, then you can better connect with the energy it brings. In the end this can only lead to some really great things happening in your life, so welcome it with open arms!

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If You Eat Celery Once Per Day For 7 Days THIS Happens To Your Body

Celery is by far one of the most underrated vegetables. Many people assume that the crunchy green stalks are just full of water and mostly void of any real or substantial nutritional benefit. However, such an assumption couldn’t be further from the truth because celery is packed full of nutrients, vitamins, antioxidants, and all sorts of good stuff that our bodies need to stay healthy.

By simply eating more celery you can bring about many positive changes in your body. For example, studies have shown that by eating celery everyday it can help to protect and strengthen your eyesight and even brighten your eyes, making them appear whiter and more clear. In effect, this also makes you look fresh faced and younger looking. Plus, the better your vision, the less you have to strain your eyes and squint.

Below is a list of the top health benefits that celery has to offer us. The accompanying video covers many of the following but be sure to check it out for even more information on why you should aim to incorporate more celery into your diet.

Anti-Inflammatory- Celery contains particular non-starch types of polysaccharides which are believed to give it anti-inflammatory benefits. It also contains antioxidants which fight against free radical damage, which is a major contributing factor to inflammation and chronic diseases like cancer and arthritis. Furthermore, those who have ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease, or other issues with inflammation in their digestive tracts can benefit greatly from eating celery because the antioxidants in it have been shown, and used, to effectively treat those conditions.

Protects and Repairs Damage at the Cellular Level- Celery contains over a dozen different types of antioxidants including flavonoids, vitamin K, and lunularin. These antioxidant nutrients help to naturally relieve oxidative stress and aid our bodies in removing damage causing free radicals, thus providing protection for our cells, blood vessels, and organs against them.

Regulates Body Temperature- Celery’s high water content and naturally present electrolytes help to regulate your body temperature by both hydrating and cooling your body down on a really hot day

Helps Prevent Ulcers- Celery can help prevent ulcers, those tiny painful sores in the stomach or small intestine, from forming because it contains a certain type of ethanol extract that protects the digestive system lining. Studies have shown that celery greatly increases amounts of gastric mucus in the stomach lining which is vital in the protection against ulcers, rips and tears. This is especially true for people who suffer from low or insufficient levels of gastric mucus to begin with.

Helps Prevent Urinary Tract Infections- Celery is like cranberries in this respect because it stimulates urine production while also helping to reduce uric acid levels. This makes it an excellent aid for helping to prevent and fight against UTIs and other bacterial infections in the reproductive and/or digestive tracts.

Helps You Lose Weight- At only 10 calories per stick it’s extremely low calorie, all-natural, and yet still full of vitamins and nutrients. It also helps regulate metabolism and fills you up, thereby reducing your urge to snack afterwards on less healthy options.

In addition, celery has been proven to help lower cholesterol, prevent high blood pressure, and protect our livers against fat build up. It may even help to protect us from certain types of cancers but the research in that area is on-going and more studies in that area are needed. The video goes over all these points in greater detail so check it out and remember to stock up on celery the next time you go to the store!

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You Can Only Be One Of These Four Personality Types. Which One Are You?

images via – shutterstock.com

We each have our very own special and unique personality. It’s a major part of who we are as individuals and set us apart from others. While we’re all different in one way or another, all of the many personalities out there in the world can be boiled down to simply four main personality types. They are the following; intelligent, emotional, introvert, and extrovert. Which one are you!?

Extroverts are highly social, outgoing, and they tend to be quite vocal and outspoken. They like to keep busy and are always involved in any action going on around them. In comparison, introverts are more shy, quiet, and reserved. They prefer to observe the world around them and instead of being available and open, as extroverts often are, they keep more to themselves.

Those with intelligent personality types are rational and logical which is, generally speaking, the opposite of emotional types. Intelligent individuals think foremost with their heads, emotional people go with what their hearts tell them.

While you likely have an idea about which personality type you identify the strongest with, there may actually be a closer match! To gain a better understanding of how your brain is wired simply work through the following nine questions. This quiz comprehensively covers your thoughts, views, and responses to a range of situations and a variety of topics. The answers you provide will tell you whether or not you are the type of person you think you are, so click the “Let’s Play” button to begin and figure out exactly which personality type fits you best!

Which personality did you get? let us know in the comments

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This Beautiful Test Will Determine What Color Your Future Energy Is.

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Colors are one of the few things in the world that practically everyone perceives in the same type of way. That’s because the colors we are all able to see come from a complex interaction between the human eye and visible light waves. A very basic explanation is that when objects reflect, absorb, or emit light, the cones in our eyes pick up on it as a certain shade of color.

It just so happens that people also put off different color energies, depending on what frequency they are vibrating at. This type of colored energy is very similar to that of our auras and chakras, in that it’s deeply personal to each one of us, and it may also be read or interpreted by others who pick up on it. When you stop and think about it, there’s all sorts of additional ways that colors impact and affect our lives.

One interesting color aspect you can examine is the color of your future! Over time, the color of our energy changes, often in direct reflection to our personal growth. The color your future will be vibrating at years from now stems from a deeper unconscious level of all your thoughts, desires, and choices. It can get complicated, but oftentimes the answer lies within the simplest of things and to figure out what color your future is, simply take this quiz! All you have to do is click on the one dominant color that you first notice in each of the images. Try it now and see what color you get!

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