This Parrot’s Mom Gives Him a Birthday Gift. Now Watch How Excited He Gets When He Sees His Present.

When Marnie, a Blue Indian Ringneck Parrot, celebrated his fifth birthday, his mother threw him a festive party to remember. She went all out and whipped up a bunch of tasty snacks for the big day, including yummy looking waffles topped with strawberries and cream. She also invited all of Marnie’s fellow bird friends to the birthday bash and even the family dog came to say hello and celebrate. The adorable parrot was absolutely floored by the whole shebang and his reaction speaks volumes about what a special, kind, sweet and loving bird he grew to be!

The best part of the clip is when Marnie gets his birthday presents. His mom gave him a brand new stuffed bunny rabbit and as soon as he sees the plushy, it’s love at first sight. He leans in to give the bunny a kiss and then tells it “I love you,” and in the process melts our hearts. His adorable antics don’t stop there and neither do the presents because he received a few more stuffed animals. Each time he’s given a new plushy he politely says “thank you,” followed by “gimme kiss” or “whatcha doin.’”

According to his mom, those are a few of the phrases he knows in addition to “you’re so cute,” “peek-a-boo,” “Whee!,” “bye-bye,” “that good?,” “quack quack,” and “yuck, yuck, yuck.” She says that Marnie is quite a lover and is always asking for kisses, which is why she describes him as a “polite Casanova.” His love and affection for stuffed bunnies began when he was adopted around Easter time, which was also when his mom received a little rabbit that said “some bunny loves you” whenever it was squeezed. Over time and with the help of the talking bunny, Marnie’s parents taught him how to speak and the rest is history! Check him out! You can’t help but smile and fall in love with what an awesome parrot Marnie’s growing up to be.

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Video – Russian Farmers Were Stunned When They Found This Strange Animal Inside Their Barn!

I can’t help but feel sorry for this poor little creature. The deformed baby sheep was found by Russian farmers amongst its family in the barn. The innocent lamb has what appears to be some form of cleft palate, leaving it with an almost human shaped nose. Due to the defect, the animal struggles to bleat in the typical baaing fashion and instead croaks small noises with the gang. An adult, presumably the mother ewe, still lovingly tends to the baby despite the abnormality.

It is curious will become of this challenged babe. Hopefully, it is accepted by people and animals alike and is capable of living a normal, happy life on the farm. Will the lamb suffer any impairments because of its malformation? Can it eat, drink, and play along with all of its peers or will it need special care and attention? I’m going to infer that either way it will be alright since, aside from the interesting facial features, it seems otherwise healthy in appearance.

The good news is that it is probably easier to be an animal with a birth defect than a human with an obvious physical flaw. At least the lamb won’t have to face a lifetime of the social discomfort that is caused by humans’ difficulty to respond to irregularities without judgement and awe.

I can imagine there is a natural amount of heckling from the sheep herd, but its impact could only be far smaller than the gawking and ridicule that is the immediate reaction of an uncultured human being. Good luck little lamb, the internet is rooting for you!

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She Brings Her Cockatoo To The Store And Gets Him a Toy. The Bird Then Throws a Hysterical Tantrum

Many people love bringing their adorable pets along with them when they stop in to visit the pet store. It’s not only convenient, it also offers them a new way to socialize their animals by getting them out of the house and their familiar surroundings. While dogs are by far the most common pet you’ll spot in a store, every now and then someone brings in a cat or a hamster or even their pet pig.

It’s not very often that anyone brings in their pet cockatoo and this video clip sheds some light onto one of the reasons why this may be so! Cockatoos rank among the loudest animals in the world and the shrill, high pitched noises they make can be ear splitting. Combine that with the fact that they love to talk and scream and you get Pickles, the white cockatoo seen here.

Pickles owner brought her feathered friend along with her to the pet store and let’s just say that he wasn’t all that thrilled about the outing. As a peace offering she gave him a tasty treat to chew on but he was unimpressed with the gift and tossed it on the floor. Then the little guy started squawking up a storm and moments later he had managed to work himself up into a noisy fit.

His feathers were really ruffled after a few stern words from his mother and that’s when Pickles proceeded to throw the most hysterical tantrum! He flapped around on his grocery cart perch and noisily stomped back and forth across the handle bar as he made a scene. This is definitely one cockatoo with some major attitude. He’s loud, in charge, and knows it!

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Farmer Was Working His Field When He Noticed Something Strange. He Proceeds To Dig Up THIS

Farmers come across all sorts of strange and unusual things in their fields but what James Bristle found late last September was extra-ordinary and super special. He and a friend were digging in a soy field up in Lima Township, Michigan, when they stumbled across what they initially believed was a piece of debris. According to Bristle “We thought it was a bent fence post. It was covered in mud.” However, upon closer inspection they realized they were dealing with something much larger and harder to remove than a dinky old fence post.

After digging a little more the men realized that whatever they were unearthing was made not of wood, but of bone instead. It turned out that they had found the rib bones of a 10,000 year old woolly mammoth! Further digging led to the discovery of the giant animal’s skull, tusks, and vertebrae. The unexpected discovery was an extremely rare find and the remains were in pretty good condition considering the thousands of years they’d been buried there!

Soon after making the find a group of paleontologists from the University of Michigan were brought in to properly excavate the site. They carefully dug down and around the bones and raised them up with the help of heavy machinery. This video shows the enormous size and scale of both the bones and the dig site. It really puts the sheer size of what a woolly mammoth would have looked like 10,000 years ago, can you imagine a real life one of those beasts!?

According to Daniel Fisher, Director of the Museum of Paleontology at the University of Michigan, the mammoth “was an adult male, probably in its forties at the time of its death, probably lived between 10,000 and 15,000 years ago.” The team believes that humans killed the mammoth because stone tool fragments were found close by. After killing it, they likely stashed the remains in a pond, weighing it down with large stones. That way they could come back for the leftover meat later on without other animals stripping it bare.

From this point on the discovery will be known as the Bristle Mammoth, after James Bristle the farmer who discovered it. He has also donated the skeleton to the university which he describes as essentially the only “right thing to do.” To date some 10 or so other mammoths have been unearthed in Michigan alone, but none have been as in-tact or complete as the Bristle Mammoth. That fact alone makes it one of the most important and significant finds in the state’s history and soon you may just be able to see it up close and in person!

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This Simple Math Problem Is Breaking The Internet Because Most Adults Can’t Figure Out The Answer. Can You?

Forgetting how to do math problems is inevitable, normal, and now thanks to one single equation, it’s also very interesting to test out. See if you’re able to solve this problem correctly or not. According to Presh Talwalkar, the man behind the YouTube channel MindYourDecisions, studies show that 60% of twenty year old Japanese adults correctly answered this exact problem. However, back in the 1980s that percentage was much higher with 90% of Japanese adults getting it correct.

The sharp drop in the number of people who are able to solve the problem is worrying and some are attributing it to modern technology. The reasoning behind the theory is that more and more people are relying on calculators, especially online ones like Google’s calculator, to solve equations. However, when they input the numbers they do so in a linear fashion and forget to apply the correct order of operations, aka PEMDAS which stands for Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication, Division, Addition, Subtraction. Those little old rules make all the difference.

Don’t feel too down on yourself if you botch the answer and fail to answer the “simple” equation, you’re in good company. If it’s been decades since high school your memory of math lessons may be faded and over time we slowly forget and lose our recollections of many things. Even facts that seemed so important and easy to remember back then have gone from our brains. Perhaps the easiest subject to forget overall is math. Math builds on itself and all the concepts, rules, variables, and whatnot that it involves are easy to mix up or completely draw a blank on. Plus, unless your job or profession requires it, most of the stuff we learned in algebra we just don’t use in everyday life. Also, if you were never good at math back then, the odds are you won’t be good at it now. Were you able to solve it? Let us know in the comments

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Dad Asks His Dog If She’s Grumpy Today. The Dog Responds With The Most Hysterical Hissy Fit.

We all have those types of days where we wake up feeling moody and detached. It’s like we just can’t manage to shake off the inner darkness that envelops us. Nothing can snap us out of it and we remain unmotivated no matter what we or anyone else does or says. In times like that we simply want to be left alone and in the end that is what’s best for everyone.

When your life feels like it’s straight out of that mid-90s Monica song Don’t Take It Personal, it’s okay! You’re probably just having “one of them days” so “don’t take it personal.” Instead of interacting with annoying people and blowing up on them, take a page out of this Husky’s book and chill out.

As you can see, Mishka the Siberian Husky knows a thing or two about keeping her fussiness in check. She clearly doesn’t want to deal with attention from her little sister and fellow Husky Laika, or her human owner for that matter, but rather than snapping at them and being mean she takes it all in stride, like how a real big dog should!

At the same time, Mishka isn’t about to pretend that she’s in a cheery, wonderful mood. When her dad proceeds to ask her a series of annoying questions, she launches in an adorably funny grumpy fit. Yet even in her most irritable hour she still manages to stay true to her real nature and can’t help but tell her dad how much she loves him, awww! This is really just the cutest clip. If you love dogs, Huskies, and puppies then you have to check it out because it’s right up your alley.

The real take away from this clip is the lesson it subtly conveys. The next time you’re having one of those days, don’t snap and freak out on innocent bystanders. Rather, take the high road and act more like how Mishka does in the clip. It’ll make life better for everyone, especially yourself!

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I’ve Been Taking The Husk Off The Corncob Wrong My Entire Life. I Had No Idea..

Summer is full of awesome things from the weather to vacations, fireworks shows, and beyond. But perhaps one of the best parts about it is all of the delicious fruits and vegetables that are in season. On a hot, sunny day nothing is as light and refreshing as a fresh picked ear of corn on the cob!

Corn seems to go with just about everything people love to eat in the summertime, especially BBQ. It can be boiled and served simply with butter and salt or grilled and shaved over salad for a more exotic dish. It’s also one of the most convenient and versatile veggies out there. Plus even picky children love the sweet, crunchy kernels!

Regardless of how you choose to enjoy your corn, the fact remains that it needs to be peeled and the husk fully removed before you can bite into it. If you have a dozen ears you need to get through, shucking them all can take some time. It can be a messy endeavor too, all those fine silky fibers stick to everything and fly around.

You can avoid all of the hassles of peeling corn in the first place with this simple trick from America’s Test Kitchen. The less than one minute video quickly goes over the easiest way to shuck corn on the cob so check it out and try this method the next time you’re having it for dinner:

First, take a piece of corn and lay it flat and securely on a cutting board. With a sharp knife carefully cut about one inch off the end where it grows from the stalk. Place the corn in the microwave for 2-4 minutes, remove and let it sit briefly so it cools down. Grab the end that you did not cut firmly and gently shake it until the ear slides out from the husk. It will be silk and husk free and ready to be cooked!

One last thing! Here’s another corn on the cob cooking tip: Bring a pot of water to a boil, add a little bit of milk to it, place the ears in the milky water, boil for about five minutes, and drain when done. This easy method gives you delicious, sweet, creamy tasting corn that melts in your mouth!

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If You Put Your Tongue On Your Palate Before Bed and Start Breathing THIS Happens To Your Body!

Sometimes it’s the simple things that can make the biggest differences in our lives and health. Whether that means eating all-natural and organic foods or drinking plenty of water, it often turns out that the more basic the better it is for our bodies. The same goes for getting a good night’s rest, you want to be able to fall asleep quickly and naturally get the recommended amount of sleep each night!

For some people, falling asleep is not so simple and straightforward. They lay their head on the pillow and hours later are still wide awake, tossing and turning, trying to silently ease their minds in the hopes of passing out. If you’re one of the millions of Americans who fails to get enough sleep each night then you know how dreadful bedtime can be. Many people turn to sleeping pills, melatonin, alcohol, warm baths or milk in the hope that it will lead to a better night’s sleep. Sometimes they work, but only temporarily, and most simply fail to produce the desired effects. However, many people have yet to try one of most basic and easiest alternatives to help them fall asleep naturally.

The tried and true method is known as the “4-7-8” breathing technique. People all over the world swear by it and claim that they’re able to fall asleep faster when they use it. The technique was popularized by a world renowned expert on holistic health, Dr. Andrew Weil, who also happens to be a pioneer in the field of integrative medicine. The “4-7-8” breathing exercise can be done anytime, anywhere, anyplace and is incredibly simple. Here’s how to do it:

1. Place the tip of your tongue against the roof of your mouth. You want it to be right against the area of tissue that’s located just behind your upper front teeth. It should also stay there all throughout this entire exercise.

2. Exhale all the way out and completely through your mouth, expelling the air with a whoosh sound.

3. Close your mouth and without making any noise inhale through your nose for a count of four.

4. Hold your breath for a count of seven seconds

5. Exhale completely through your mouth, again making a whoosh sound, for a count of eight seconds

The steps above should have all been one complete breathe cycle with the exhalation part having taken you twice as long as the inhalation portion. Repeat the process for three more cycles and thus a total of four breaths. Make sure that you exhale at all times through your mouth and some people have found that it can also help if you try pursing your lips ever so slightly. You should try to practice it ideally 2x a day and it also works to relieve tension, stress, upsetting events, and when you’re trying to fall asleep.

Anyone and everyone can benefit from this measured breathing technique because it makes you mindful and your focus is on your breathing instead of the stress or thoughts that keep you up night after night. Dr. Weil aptly describes this breathing exercise as a “natural tranquilizer for the nervous system” and he’s correct, it relaxes your mind and body and with repeated practice it becomes stronger and more effective.

Check out the video for more on the benefits of the 4-7-8 breathing technique straight from the expert himself, Dr. Weil, and see if this simple trick can help you get a better and more restful nights sleep. If that’s even a remote possibility, then you definitely don’t want to pass this information by!

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