Everytime Daddy Gives This Dog Attention The Big Pup Throws a Hysterical Temper Tantrum.

Just like how young children get jealous of other kids, dogs can easily become jealous of their fellow dog friends. This seems to be especially true when it comes to receiving their owner’s undivided love and attention. And while most of our four-legged friends either bark or whine to get it, there’s always going to be a few dogs out there who end up throwing a little temper tantrum instead!

As much as children and dogs are alike in this sense, they’re also very different. That’s because when a dog has what could be called a hissy fit, they are so much more cute and adorable than a screaming, crying, annoying kid!

Case in point: the adorable Husky/Shepherd dog in this short video clip. Holly is the good looking pup on the right, Titan is the handsome Siberian Husky on the left, and their owner can be seen in the middle. Every time her human pets Titan and shows her brother more attention, Holly gets super jealous and immediately lets him know exactly how she feels. She reaches her paw over to her owner’s arm and gently hits him with it, effectively forcing him to re-focus his attention all on her!

Over and over again she paws at him whenever he stops petting her. In the end, every time Holly does it she’s basically saying that she wants him to pet only her, and to do it non-stop. Check out her antics and if you want to make a fellow dog lover smile!

Please Share Funny Video This With Family and Friends 🙂

Daddy Tries To Put a Leash On His Parrot. The Bird Proceeds To Throw The Most Hysterical Temper Tantrum.

Eric The Legend lives up to his name because he is exactly that, a real living legend! His awesomely insane behavior and crazy antics have more than earned him the lofty title, as you’ll soon see. Once you watch this clip of him in action it will all make sense as to why even he refers to himself as a “*beep*ing legend!” If you don’t like hearing curse words, even from the mouth of a bird, consider this a warning; Eric loves to swear. Before we get into the crazy world of Eric and his loving owners, here’s a little bit of background information on the feisty fella. Eric is a Cockatoo, a parrot sub-species that is very well known for being loud-mouthed. However, he cranks the noisiness up to a whole new deafening level.

When things don’t go his way, or he simply dislikes something, he makes it known to everyone within shouting distance by screeching and screaming at the top of his little bird lungs. He also won’t hesitate to curse someone out and that is what you see happening in this video.  His hissy fits and tantrums are legendary across the internet. Eric could possibly be the most famous Cockatoo in the world today.

His father, Lester, was attempting to get him ready so that he could take him outside for one of his beloved daily walks, but Eric was having none of it. He usually loves going on walks, where he gets to gather local flowers and snack on seeds and nuts, but a change of scenery wasn’t in the cards on this day. As soon as he saw his collar in Lester’s hands he freaked out and threw a major hissy fit! He stomped wildly back and forth, squawked loudly, and acted really naughty.

At one point his dad laid the blue harness on a chair beside him and the flustered little parrot tossed it angrily on the floor. After Lester picked it up he tried once again to slip it on Eric but he didn’t get far. In fact, all that he really managed to do was tick Eric off even more, to the point where he lashed out and bit him on the hand! To add insult to injury the spirited cockatoo threw a few choice curse words towards his dad, who’s more than used to hearing them, and which had everyone cracking up!

Apparently, it turns out that Eric only likes it when his mother puts the harness on him because she knows how to do it the right way and has the magic touch. Lester never really stood a chance against his crazy bird son and Eric the Legend strikes again!

There are more funny videos of Eric online so if you enjoyed this one definitely look him up and check out the others. He seems to always be up to no good and whether he’s throwing coins and broccoli on the floor, cursing at the birds outside, or scaring the neighbor’s cat, he manages to leave a path of destruction in his wake. He’s definitely the most entertaining parrot in all of Australia, which is where he resides, and if you ever need to laugh or smile watch this!

Please Share This Hysterical Video With Family and Friends Who Need a Smile Today 🙂

8 Clear Signs You Are An Earth Angel Incarnated On This Planet and Don’t Know It

While we are all ultimately human beings, some of us are more than just that. There are people who walk among us who are Earth Angels and whether you’re aware of it or not, you yourself might may even be one! Earth angels are essentially souls who are sources of hope, inspiration, support, and healing. They come into our lives at completely random, unexpected moments or when we need them the most. They’re here to help guide us on the right path and spread positive vibes, peace, and love. As such, you may know them by several other names which they’re called and people commonly refer to them as spirit guides, healers, and light workers.

Regardless of what you’re familiar with and know them as, Earth Angels are those of us whose souls seem to exist on another dimension. At their core they are selfless and passionate, while their presence is calming and reassuring. If you think that perhaps you are an Earth Angel or know somebody who may be one, but are not completely sure, then check out the signs below. They all point towards someone being an Earth Angel, so if these apply to you, then you most likely are one!

1. You Are An Empath.
This means that you are deeply affected by the emotions other people around you are feeling. You’re highly attuned to the energy and vibrations they’re emitting, so much so that you end up experiencing them as well, and thus are greatly influenced and affected by them.

2. People Tell You That You’re An Old Soul.
Whether you believe them or not, you undoubtedly show an awareness and wisdom beyond what your age lets on. A certain energy vibe you radiate gives people the intrinsic feel that you are an old soul.

3. You Crave Alone Time.
If you go too long without it you end up feeling drained and weak both emotionally and physically. You find solace in solitude, it’s a time when you can meditate and process your emotions. Time spent alone is what restores your inner balance and readies you for whatever comes next.

4. You feel Drawn Towards A Certain Purpose In Life.
Money, fame, fortune, all of those types of things do not appeal to you. Instead, you want a career that is mentally and spiritually fulfilling. Many Earth Angels have an overwhelming desire and need to be able to help or heal others, and so they often end up as the following; doctors, nurses, firefighters, EMTs, therapists, counselors, psychiatrists, teachers, acupuncturists, social workers, and so forth.

5. You Are Highly Sensitive.
Oftentimes you find yourself overwhelmed by all the suffering and problems you see in the world. It affects you greatly and is a source of frustration and anxiety. It almost feels as if all the world’s problems are simultaneously yours and the baggage feels extremely heavy.

6. People Are Drawn To You For Advice.
They seem to seek you out and come to you with their problems because they instinctively know you will both listen to them and help solve or work through them. Even complete strangers will initiate a conversation out of the blue about their troubles, and you always take the time to hear them out and respond. In fact, you love being able to help people past their issues.

7. You Loathe Violence And Suffering.
Whether it is outright physical violence, starvation, pain, poverty, emotional hurt, evilness; whatever form it takes, you hate it. Watching others suffering is very uncomfortable for you and as an empath you tend to take on others pain and hurt.

8. You Have Vivid Dreams And Often Daydream.
When you dream it’s intense and life-like. It’s also likely that you space out a lot and fantasize about magical, awesomely weird, or metaphysical things. Things from the past and future that you couldn’t possibly know unless you were an incarnated earth angel,

Please Share This With Family and Friends To See If They Are Earth Angels 🙂

It Was Just a Normal Road Trip For This Duo Until The Radio Started Playing Freddy Mercury.

There are two places that are ideally suited for belting out a tune. One location is in the shower and the other happens to be in the car. Both provide good acoustics and they keep the sound relatively contained, which is great for those of us who are tone deaf and can’t carry a tune! Beyond the auditory aspects of most bathrooms and cars is the fact that singing in these places makes life more enjoyable. Road Trips are always filled with adventure as you travel down windy roads filled with beautiful sights, nature, strange small towns towards the unknown. A good playlist or a great radio station with an awesome D.J. is pretty much a necessity. Nothing helps pass the time better during a road trip than hearing your favorite song on the radio and singing along to it while you travel to your final destination.

Actually, there is one thing that can make it better and that is singing alongside your best friend in the whole entire world. For Annie, the girl in this clip, that means taking her adorable dog named Lola along with her on trips. The big sweet puppy is a Shiloh Shepherd and she loves accompanying her owner and going for car rides.

As you can see, she is perfectly well-behaved and settles right in comfortably on the back seat. It’s as if she feels right at home in the car, which means she probably spends a lot of time in it with Annie. As the pair cruise down the road Queen’s smash hit song We Are The Champions comes on over the speakers. Annie begins to sing along and after a few moments the timeless classic proves irresistible and Lola can’t help but join in!

She howls up a noisy storm and soon she’s even throwing her head back in wild, reckless abandon. Lola gets really into it and manages to hit all of the high notes. As the two best friends cruise on down the open highway singing the awesome tune without a care in the world, it’s clear to see how much they love each other!

This is what dog dreams are made of and these two are lucky to have one another. Check out their power ballad and sing along and don’t forget to pass this on to all the dog lovers you know. This truly is an epic duet. This is the best thing I’ve seen all day! Enjoy!

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Daddy Calls His Little Bulldog Pup Handsome. The Pup Proceeds To Throw a Hysterical Hissy Fit.

Sweet, adorable, cute little pets are the best! There is simply something magical about them that makes us feel happy. They make life better in so many ways and nothing beats the special moments shared between an owner and their furbaby. After a long day at work, spending a few minutes with your soft loving pet just melts all your worries, stress and problems away.  Especially with a little puppy that is a cute little bundle of joy. Sometimes these little creatures can have a bit of a feisty attitude but that doesn’t make them any less adorable. The bond between a human and their fur baby is truly one of worlds greatest pleasures. That brings us to today’s featured video which is bringing smiles and happiness to people everywhere!

This short clip of man and his dog captures the love animals and people often share for each other perfectly.  The tiny white French Bulldog puppy had just received a brand new red bandanna from his dad and was clearly happy about the new gift. His dad tied it loosely around his neck and then asked him how he liked it, to which the adorable Frenchie responded with an immediate “Arf!” I’m no expert on dog talk, but it sounds like he liked it!

A few seconds later his dad tells him how handsome he looks and this time the puppy responds by nipping the back of his neck, gently biting, and showering him with kisses! As dad continues on praising his dog’s new look, the puppy seems to be getting a bit flustered by all the kind words. While the energetic little fella can’t quite take a compliment, that doesn’t stop him from showing his love and appreciation in his own unique way.

These two are so happy and content in each others company, it’s beautiful and uplifting to see. You can just feel the positive energy and love between them. Make sure you check out the baby Bull Dog’s full reaction, it will put a smile on your face and make you feel good.

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Six Clear Signs a Lost Loved One Is Close By and Attempting To Send You a Message

images via – shutterstock

When it comes to spirits and the afterlife there are countless theories and beliefs about what, if anything, happens next. Yet despite all the differences, people generally fall into one of two groups; those who believe in a spiritual afterlife and those who do not. The idea that after death our soul passes on to another dimension, or life, or realm is entirely possible. No one truly knows for certain what actually happens when we cease to exist or where our spirit goes when it leaves our body. In fact, what comes next remains one of the biggest mysteries in all of life.

Despite all the uncertainty, many people from all over the world and all walks of life believe that they have been contacted by the spirit of a loved one after they had passed. You may be one of them. Most people report feeling a special type of presence near to them, one that is unlike any other they’ve ever experienced before.

The feeling they get from it is not a threatening or haunting one, rather it’s more mystical, positive, and reassuring. In the end, they attribute whatever they’re feeling to the spirit of a loved one who is close by.

Have you ever felt this?

These otherworldly interactions seem to randomly occur in our lives when loved ones send us messages, signs, and other subtle signals. They communicate with us indirectly and if you’re familiar with what to look for, and are open to the whole idea of spiritual connectivity, then you can pick up on these signs and know what each one means.

If at some point you’ve ever wondered if the spirit of a loved one was trying to get through to you, then the following information will help you figure that out. These are just several of the main ways to interpret the signs that a deceased loved one is close by and sending a message :

1) You Can Sense Their Presence:
This usually manifests as a sudden drop in temperature or a slight chill that is immediately noticeable. The air may become heavy or still and it means the spirit of a loved one is nearby. This is perhaps one of the most common experiences we’re able to have with spirits and while it may be off-putting for some, it need not be. The next time you feel it happen, embrace it.

2) Lights Flicker and Electronic Devices Act Up:
It’s commonly believed that the spirit world tries to make contact with us through electricity. While no one knows for sure, it’s thought that electricity charges them up and forces us to pay attention when electronics go haywire.

Lights will suddenly turn on and off, bulbs will burn out, computers and laptops will act strange, speaker volume may go up or down, radio and TV channels inexplicably change, your car won’t start. When these types of things occur out of the blue with seemingly no explanation, this means a loved one’s spirit is attempting to gain your attention and let you know they are present.

Have you ever felt these signs?

3) You Dream About Them:
When a loved one who has passed appears in your dreams it’s often believed that they are trying to tell you something important. These types of dreams contain messages or answers to questions you’ve been searching for. Don’t ignore or write them off as just a dream, it’s guidance, advice, and comfort coming from your loved one.

4) Familiar Scents:
When you suddenly smell a pleasant scent that is somehow familiar, it’s a sign that your loved one is nearby or present. Spirits use smells that are special to us because we immediately notice and pay attention to them.

5) The Sudden Appearance of Random Things:
Objects such as feathers or coins that you find in random spots may not be so random after all. The spirits of our loved ones will often stick pennies, nickels, quarters, and other loose change in unusual places knowing that we’ll stumble across them.

They do this as a way to help make us feel happy and to signal that they’re close by. So the next time you find a penny or a dime somewhere random, like on your front porch, thank your loved one for the thoughtful gift!

6) You Just Feel and Know They Are With You:
Sometimes there doesn’t need to be an overt sign that forces you to stop and think about a deceased loved one. Instead, you simply can sense and feel that some loving, otherworldly spirit is present and guiding you. This 6th sense or inkling is calming and peaceful.

It’s the type of feeling you get inside which you automatically attribute to the spirit of a loved one. For some people it even feels like they’re inside their head talking and sending them messages. When this occurs, and should it ever happen to you, it’s never scary or unsettling, rather it is reassuring and welcome.

There are other signs people have felt as well:

The Following Is My Personal Experience With The Loss of a Loved One:

I never was a person who believed that after someone dies, that it would be possible to feel their presence in any way. I thought that people who talked about these experiences had memories so strong and missed their loved one so much, that they imagined their presence in a way that felt so real. That is…until I lost my grandmother.

On many mornings after she died, (for years) I would reach for my coffee mug and would feel as if someone gave my arm a reassuring squeeze. The first times I would look around, thinking my husband was there, and was stunned to see he wasn’t.

Later on, I would smell her famous apple pie, at the same moments. Perhaps this was all in my head, but it happened on so many different occasions in the same way, that I actually began to believe she was looking over me in some protective way.

Grieving is a very long process, that is most acute in the first few years that you lose someone whom you love, but it truly does go on in different forms for the rest of one’s life. Whether you are someone who has some belief in the paranormal, or just don’t know. Let us know if you’ve felt any of these.

Have you ever felt this?


A few years later my dad died at the young age of 70, only 8 months after being diagnosed with the killer cancer of the pancreas, I was still pretty skeptical about people who professed to feel the presence of a loved one who had passed.  I wrote it off to their imagination tricking them, due to the pain of their feelings of loss.

Although my parents had moved to Chicago, and I remained in New York, we saw each other quite a bit; my dad and I were early risers, so we often spoke by phone as we drank our morning coffee.

There was so much that I missed about no longer being able to actually talk with him, especially our “coffee talk”.  After his death I was so emotionally spent, that I felt nothing for a while.

One morning after preparing my coffee, I sat down and began drinking as I stared at the bare trees of winter.  I felt a pat on my back, and looked around assuming my husband had entered the room…no one was there!

This kind of thing would happen as I would drink my morning coffee, for many years after my dad passed.  Part of me thought this was all in my head because I just missed him so much.

One day I smelled his after-shave, as I nervously was getting ready for an important interview…somehow I just knew that he had been watching over me and made his presence known in this way.  I broke down in tears of relief and appreciation.

This is really interesting.

It has been my experience, as well as that reported by many who have suffered the loss of someone very dear to them, that grief is not something you just get over.  It is more painful in the beginning (first few years), but actually continues throughout the course of your life.  Unless you have had the experience of a deceased love one making their presence known, you might not believe in this otherworldly experience.

Whether you are a believer in such paranormal events or not, I think you will find the video you are about to watch, thought-provoking.  It’s discussion of people’s reports of how they have experienced the presence of their loved ones who have passed, is varied and certainly is open for interpretation.  The intriguing ways people are “touched” by those who have died include:

1. Lucid Dreams – 2. Visions – 3. Feeling Their Touch or Presence – 4. A Sudden Change in Temperature – 5. Unexplainable and Repeated Electrical Phenomena – 6. Objects Disappearing and Reappearing Somewhere Else in Your Home – 7. Smelling Them.

Pass This On With Family and Friends Who Will Find Some Peace With Others Experience With The Loss Of Their Loved Ones

After Going Over All These Signs Of a Loved One Trying To Make Contact Here Is An Absolutely Sad Yet Beautiful Story Of a Father and Son Who Were In a Fatal Car Accident But The Boy Somehow Survived:

Twenty two years ago Julie Kemp was driving with her husband Andy and 8 year old son Landon.  The family was headed home from church when an ambulance, not in emergency mode, slammed into them at an intersection. 

Andy died instantly while Julie, although unconscious, was stabilized by first responders. In all the chaos the rescuers didn’t even know that Landon was still in the crumpled up car because the damage was so severe that they couldn’t see him in the back seat.  

Fortunately, by a stroke of luck someone spotted one of his shoes laying on the road and they worked quickly to get him out.  When they finally freed Landon, he was not breathing, but medics managed to resuscitate him.

He was flown to the Carolinas Medical Center and on the way,  he had to be resuscitated again, and when he arrived at the hospital, they had to bring him back to life for a third time.  

His prognosis was grim, and doctors told his mother that if Landon did make it, he would likely not be able to walk or eat on his own and that he’d be like an 8 year old child for the rest of his life.  Two weeks later a miracle happened. Landon woke up, opened his eyes, and was able to communicate clearly. He was not brain damaged at all. Now Julie had to tell him the heartbreaking news that his father had died.

Wanting to be as gentle as possible, Julie asked her son if he knew where his father was.  Landon said he knew and that he saw his father in heaven. His mother was stunned when he went on to say that he also saw two family friends who had passed and two of her other children as well in heaven.  At first, she was confused by this then remembered that before she had him, she’d miscarried twice.

She had never told Landon about those losses because he was still too young to understand. She couldn’t explain any of what he told her and so she took it as proof that Landon had been to heaven.  Through all of the heartbreak and loss she’d experienced in the last couple of weeks, she found comfort in the thought and her faith in God was renewed.

Many people have claimed to have gone to heaven and then come back.  Many of these experiences involve near death accidents and tragedies, where people see loved ones who have passed and then are sent back to Earth because their time is not yet up. 

They could very well be seeing the afterlife and heaven, those who see it are convinced of that, and the evidence is compelling no matter what you believe. 

Please Pass This Wonderful Story Onto Your Family and Friends

If you enjoyed the story above read this beautiful story about a mother and daughter that will pull on all your heart strings we have some more great stories for you:


Teen Girl Unexpectedly Dies But Her Mother Discovers a Hidden Letter and Is Stunned By What’s Written:

image via : youtube.com

Many kids and teens across the world will write letters to their future selves about what they want to do as they get older. Some talk about when they want to get married, how many kids they want, who their husband/wife should be.

While others write about what job they want to work, how far they want to take their education and what their dream career path should look like. After they are done writing the letter, they seal it up, write the date the letter should be opened and put it in a safe place where they will remember to look years down the line.

In today’s story this is exactly what Taylor Smith Johnson a teenager from Tennessee did. One day she woke up and decided to write who future self a letter that she would open on April 13, 2023.

Taylor decided age 22 would be the perfect time for her future self to read this letter as a reminder of what trajectory she wanted her life to head. She had big dreams, great ambition, wanted to travel all around the world, go to college and possibly graduate school while having God always in her heart.

Then without warning a few months after she wrote this letter, Taylor died from Pneumonia and would never be able to open the letter she had written months earlier. Her parents were completely crushed by the loss of their daughter, as losing a child is probably the worst thing that could ever happen to a parent.

As Taylor’s parents tried to cope with the loss of their daughter even going into her room was too difficult. The memories would flood back into their minds and they would immediately break down not being able to cope with the terrible loss.

Then months later, her mother finally had the strength to enter Taylor’s room and she stumbled upon the letter Taylor wrote to her future self. Her mom with tears in her eyes, opened the envelope and began reading the letter. She was stunned by all the things Taylor aspired to and wished her sweet little girl could just come back and do everything she dreamed of.

Although, her daughter was gone, it felt as if she sent this letter from heaven and it gave her mom some peace and closure that she desperately needed. Taylor could no longer be with her family in the physical form but she just knew her little angel would always be with them in spirit.

Her mother wanted Taylor’s memory to live on, so she posted the beautiful message on social media hoping that it would help all her family and friends cope with the untimely loss of her daughter…

Please Pass This Beautiful Story With Your Family and Friends

Mean Angry Rich Guy Beeps His Horn At Granny Crossing The Street. But She Gets The Best Revenge Ever.

The accompanying video that some kids who were out skateboarding one day managed to capture may be old, but it’s definitely gone on to become a classic YouTube masterpiece! The short, less than 60-second clip was originally posted all the way back in 2006 and while the times may have changed, some things will always remain the same. Take for example the elderly woman who stars in the video. Like most people who share her advanced age, she is stubborn and doesn’t give a hoot about what anyone thinks of her. She’s lived long enough and gone through more than anyone half her age has, so she’s earned the right to do as she darn well pleases, so long as it’s not hurting anyone.

In similar fashion, like many men approaching middle age, more specifically the type who also happen to drive luxury convertibles, the man in the clip is more aggressive than need be. That may be an understatement because his behavior is extremely rude and he’s acting like a total jerk. Anyways, the kids were skateboarding around on the sidewalk when the sound of a blaring car horn caught their attention.

The kid holding the camera trained it on the scene which was unfolding at a nearby stop sign. The older woman was at the crosswalk in front of the sign and appears to have just stepped up when the man in the convertible came to a stop. Apparently she was moving too slow for the Mercedes driver because before she could even step one foot in the road he began blaring his horn.

Like any elderly person is likely to do, she was taking her time to carefully cross the street. Her slow moving pace just seemed to enrage the driver further, he began revving his car engine obnoxiously and continued honking at her. Even though the woman was dealing with one extremely huge jerk, she looked completely unfazed by the whole ordeal.

Once she reached the mid-point in front of the man’s car, she made her move. Suddenly, with lightning quick reflexes, she bashed her large purse smack into the front bumper of the convertible! She managed to hit it squarely in the spot where the airbag sensor happens to be located and with enough force to set it off.

This caused the airbag to immediately be deployed, straight into the unsuspecting driver’s face! He looks shocked, like he cannot believe what just happened to him. He even needs to take off his glasses and sits there in a daze as he assesses the whole situation. Meanwhile, the woman continues on as if nothing happened, grandma definitely won this battle!

It looks like there are only losers when it comes to road rage and overly aggressive drivers who think they own the road or are more important than other people. Next time, the man will hopefully be more considerate and understanding when he comes across an older woman, or anyone in a crosswalk, no matter how fast or slow they may be moving. There’s simply no need to act like such a jerk and plus, karma works in mysterious ways.

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What Aura Color Will You Radiate In 2019?

Life is full of colors, they surround us and make things look more beautiful and alive. Think about it, if the world were to suddenly turn black and white, it would become so dull, bland, and blah. There’s no doubt we’d all be super bummed out about it and that’s why we should thank our lucky stars for the colors we are blessed with being able to see. At the same time, it turns out that there’s a lot more to colors than what we are able to see and each of us vibrates at our own special frequency.

It’s what makes us glow as we each radiate our own unique color. This type of colored energy can be described as an auras because it’s extremely personal to each of us, plus it can be both read or interpreted by others. It’s not only people who radiate colors, other animals and even inanimate objects give off their own vibrations and frequencies.

These colorful expressions change over time as we grow and experience different things, and oftentimes they are a direct reflection of our personal growth and development. The color you are radiating at now is likely much different than the hue you were emitting a year or two ago.

One way to examine what color you are currently vibrating at is by measuring your mental responses to certain visual cues. This quiz is comprised of a series of specialized images and questions that target your perception of the world and the things in it, as well as hone in on the color you’re radiating right here and now! Find out more by taking the quiz and see where it will take you and what it means for the year ahead. Good luck and enjoy! What color did you get? Let us know in the comments

Please Share This With Family and Friends To See What Color They Will Radiate In 2019 🙂