4 Foot Exercises That Will Get Rid of Lower Back Knee and Hip Pain In Under 20 Minutes Per Day.

Bodily aches and pain that’s chronic can wreak havoc on our daily lives and make us feel plain miserable. Out of all the types of pain ailments that people complain of, back pain is the number one most common. It’s so widespread that an estimated 80% or more of the total worldwide population will suffer from it at some point in life. Trailing slightly behind the back is pain located in the knees and hips, which are all linked to one another in some fashion or degree.

Oftentimes the source, or a major contributing factor, of persistent lower back, hip, and knee pain is our feet. The two things we stand on all throughout the day that take us places also take a beating in the process. It’s easy to overlook and take them for granted, but if you want better overall health and less bodily pain, the key lies in taking care of your feet. That means wearing supportive and comfortable shoes, stretching toes out, giving ourselves a good foot massage, and exercising them for strength which ultimately helps to improve balance.

If you suffer from chronic back, knee or hip pain that heating pads and medications don’t alleviate, you may want to try the following foot strengthening exercises. They may be the natural remedy you’ve overlooked or been missing and once you start working out your feet, you’re also working on preventing pain from popping up elsewhere in your body. That’s because human feet have over 15,000 nerves located in them and they all connect to form a network that reaches different areas of the body, such as our main organs and glands. People have found that by doing the simple techniques covered below they could dramatically relieve pain and discomfort caused by many common ailments. Here’s the best foot exercises you can do in the comfort of your home:

1) Resisted Plantar Flexion- These are simple yet highly effective at targeting all the little muscles in your feet, which happen to be the hardest to work out. They are also a first line of defense in regards to maintaining balance and preventing injury. Start by sitting up straight in a chair and extend one leg out straight in front of you. Wrap an exercise band around the ball of your foot so it covers the toes and hold it firmly. Point your toes forward and press the ball of your foot into the band, all while maintaining and holding it steadily flexed for five seconds. Return to the original resting position and continue for a total of 15 repetitions, do this 2x/day.

2) Ankle Circles- Just as feet get ignored, so do ankles. However, having strong and flexible ankles is key to avoiding further back and joint pain because weak ankles tend to tighten up and that leads to increased stress elsewhere on our bodies. For this exercise simply lay on your back and bring one leg up over your head. Circle the ankle around clockwise for a count of 10, then switch directions and rotate counterclockwise for another 10. Switch legs and repeat, aim to do these 3x/day.

3) Toe Presses- Do these to help get the blood flowing and warm up the muscles in your feet before the real action begins. Start in a standing position and bend slightly at the knees. Flex your toes and use them to dig into and grip the floor. Hold for four seconds then release. Do 10 repetitions, 3x/day.

4) Toe Walking- This is an excellent way to build muscle in toes, the balls of your feet, and ankles. The name implies it all, simply stand up on the tips of your toes and walk for at least 20 seconds. Come down off your tiptoes and rest for a solid 10 seconds or so, then repeat, doing 6 repetitions total, 2x/day.

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6 Clear Signs a Lost Loved One Is Close By You and Attempting To Send You a Message

When it comes to spirits and the afterlife there are countless theories and beliefs about what, if anything, happens next. Yet despite all the differences, people generally fall into one of two groups; those who believe in a spiritual afterlife and those who do not. The idea that after death our soul passes on to another dimension, or life, or realm is entirely possible. No one truly knows for certain what actually happens when we cease to exist or where our spirit goes when it leaves our body. In fact, what comes next remains one of the biggest mysteries in all of life.

Despite all the uncertainty, many people from all over the world and all walks of life believe that they have been contacted by the spirit of a loved one after they had passed. You may be one of them. Most people report feeling a special type of presence near to them, one that is unlike any other they’ve ever experienced before. The feeling they get from it is not a threatening or haunting one, rather it’s more mystical, positive, and reassuring. In the end, they attribute whatever they’re feeling to the spirit of a loved one who is close by.

These otherworldly interactions seem to randomly occur in our lives when loved ones send us messages, signs, and other subtle signals. They communicate with us indirectly and if you’re familiar with what to look for, and are open to the whole idea of spiritual connectivity, then you can pick up on these signs and know what each one means. If at some point you’ve ever wondered if the spirit of a loved one was trying to get through to you, then the following information will help you figure that out. These are just several of the main ways to interpret the signs that a deceased loved one is close by:

1) You Can Sense Their Presence:
This usually manifests as a sudden drop in temperature or a slight chill that is immediately noticeable. The air may become heavy or still and it means the spirit of a loved one is nearby. This is perhaps one of the most common experiences we’re able to have with spirits and while it may be off-putting for some, it need not be. The next time you feel it happen, embrace it.

2) Lights Flicker and Electronic Devices Act Up:
It’s commonly believed that the spirit world tries to make contact with us through electricity. While no one knows for sure, it’s thought that electricity charges them up and forces us to pay attention when electronics go haywire. Lights will suddenly turn on and off, bulbs will burn out, computers and laptops will act strange, speaker volume may go up or down, radio and TV channels inexplicably change, your car won’t start. When these types of things occur out of the blue with seemingly no explanation, this means a loved one’s spirit is attempting to gain your attention and let you know they are present.

3) You Dream About Them:
When a loved one who has passed appears in your dreams it’s often believed that they are trying to tell you something important. These types of dreams contain messages or answers to questions you’ve been searching for. Don’t ignore or write them off as just a dream, it’s guidance, advice, and comfort coming from your loved one.

4) Familiar Scents:
When you suddenly smell a pleasant scent that is somehow familiar, it’s a sign that your loved one is nearby or present. Spirits use smells that are special to us because we immediately notice and pay attention to them.

5) The Sudden Appearance of Random Things:
Objects such as feathers or coins that you find in random spots may not be so random after all. The spirits of our loved ones will often stick pennies, nickels, quarters, and other loose change in unusual places knowing that we’ll stumble across them. They do this as a way to help make us feel happy and to signal that they’re close by. So the next time you find a penny or a dime somewhere random, like on your front porch, thank your loved one for the thoughtful gift.

6) You Just Feel and Know They Are With You:
Sometimes there doesn’t need to be an overt sign that forces you to stop and think about a deceased loved one. Instead, you simply can sense and feel that some loving, otherworldly spirit is present and guiding you. This 6th sense or inkling is calming and peaceful. It’s the type of feeling you get inside which you automatically attribute to the spirit of a loved one. For some people it even feels like they’re inside their head talking and sending them messages. When this occurs, and should it ever happen to you, it’s never scary or unsettling, rather it’s reassuring and welcome.

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Cat Looks In The Mirror For The First Time Ever. He Proceeds To Make The Most Hysterical Face Ever.

When you train your camera on a newborn baby you never know what you may end up filming, especially when your fur babies are wandering around nearby! This video is the perfect case in point and once you watch it you’ll understand why the short, sweet clip has racked up over 6.9 million views on YouTube ever since it was posted.

The home video starts out with an adorable little baby sitting next to a bed. The young child’s proud parent is looking on while filming the precious moment when something catches the baby’s attention. Suddenly a faint meow can be heard off-screen and the camera pans to the right, revealing a beautiful Scottish Fold kitty!

The curious cat had decided to stop by the bedroom to pay her owner and the baby a visit and she announced her arrival with a series of short mews. As she began to walk over towards the camera to greet her human she passed in front of a mirror and caught a glimpse of her reflection in the glass. That’s when the magic happened and the look on her face suddenly became animated and her eyes went wide. The startled looking expression she made is hilarious and adorable all at once. You have to check out how surprised she looked because it’s pure feline silliness at its best!

On a final note, the cat didn’t actually recognize its reflection as being its own in the mirror. Cats do not possess the ability to self-recognize based on how they have performed on the mirror self-recognition test. For that test an animal is anesthetized and while they are out they are marked with something, like paint, on an obscure part of their body.

They are placed close to a mirror and when they come to are observed closely to see if they either examine or touch the mark in any meaningful type of way. If they do, it is interpreted as a clear sign that they are perceiving the reflection in the mirror as their own self-image. As it turns out, cats are in the majority as not many animals have passed the mirror test. So far only humans and other great apes, dolphins, orcas, the Eurasian Magpie, Asian Elephants, and some types of ants have passed it.

In the end, the Scottish Fold in the video likely saw her reflection as being either another cat or something strange and super weird. We’ll never know for sure what goes through an animals mind but that doesn’t mean we can’t keep trying to understand them! Note: If trouble viewing on mobile device or iPad turn device horizontal.

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Rare Total Lunar Eclipse During Leo: Prepare For a Huge Energy Shift On January 21 2019

To start off 2019 the Celestial Skies have a treat for us on the night of January 21, there will be a Total Lunar Eclipse taking place on a Full Wolf Super Moon. The eclipse will be visible for those in North and South America, and Western Africa and Europe so sky gazers across the world can look up to watch it, weather permitting. During the eclipse the moon will appear to be cast in subtle, silvery darkness, as the Earth’s shadow falls upon it.

Lunar eclipses occur when the sun, Earth, and moon all line up in that respective order. As the moon passes behind our planet and enters into the Earth’s umbra, its shadow, the resulting alignment causes the shadow to fall upon the moon, making it noticeably appear a few shades darker. Because this is a Total Lunar eclipse we are in for quite the show!

From a historical perspective, the full moon in January is traditionally known as a wolf moon. However, what is even more interesting are the astrological implications of this month’s full wolf moon and lunar eclipse taking place in Leo. The celestial events usher in a time for changes and new beginnings and the resulting shift in energy will have a profound impact on people’s lives. So while this month’s beautiful eclipse may be fleeting, in the weeks and months ahead you will end up feeling its effects in a very meaningful way!

Even though each and every one of us will experience a personal change, which may be slight or life-altering, here are the more significant ways in which this lunar eclipse may affect us: Many of us will find a renewed sense of purpose and direction within ourselves, the type of which has been lacking in our lives lately. Eclipses are always times of powerful change and this one is highlighted by the fact that it occurs in Leo.

As such, the fiery, passionate, dominant characteristics of the noble and courageous leader that Leo embodies will be at the forefront of even the most timid person’s personality. When the influential traits of Leo are combined with this new sense of purpose, expect a lot of people to finally take back control of their lives and futures.

On a related level, many of us will also begin to stop caring so much about what other people think of us and the decisions we make. We will let go and simply trust in the path we are choosing to push forward on. Where in the past we’d be held back by opinions and judgments coming from others, such things will no longer have any negative or preventative effects on us. With the shift in energy comes a shift in our thinking and we’ll start deciding things on our own, for ourselves.

Some people will be more confident and conscious of their choices. Whether it be a major life decision or a seemingly inconsequential one, they will go with their gut feelings and stick with whatever it is they decide. This will be due in part to a major re-focus in our self-awareness and a more balanced, internal centering that we will turn inwards on ourselves. As a result, we’ll be entering a much happier and more enlightened phase of our lives.

A lot of us will find that things are finally coming to an end and are being completed. This is a very broad and general effect lunar eclipses always seem to usher in, and as such the sense of finality may appear in essentially any area of our lives. It may manifest as a relationship that has finally burned itself out and now you can move on from it, or perhaps you’ll wrap up a project that you’ve been working on for ages. Regardless of where these endings occur, they will mark the last of things which are over and done with! It always feels good to say goodbye and now you can move on to bigger and better things.

Those are just a few of the stronger effects that the full wolf moon total lunar eclipse may have on any one of us. Overall, the lunar events mark the beginning of a number of transformations that we will each go through in the year ahead, and it has only just gotten started! NOTE: If trouble viewing turn your Mobile Device or iPad Horizontal!

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He Says Hi To a Strange Wild Raven That Approaches. The Bird Has A Very Naughty Response.

If there is one thing for certain when it comes to wild animals, it’s that they are always full of surprises! The black bird in this hilarious video clip is no exception to that sentiment. It manages to really shock the heck out of the couple it chose to interact with and once you see what it does, you’ll be flabbergasted too!

The wild bird appears to be either a raven or a crow but it’s hard to be certain for sure which one it is because the video quality isn’t the best and both species look very similar in appearance. Either way, these two types of birds are incredibly smart so what happens here is totally understandable.

The bird landed right at the feet of a man who was relaxing and sitting outside on a bench while chatting with a woman. The little feathered fella then hopped up next to him and perched on the armrest, so that the two were practically at eye level with one another. The woman can be heard in the background encouraging the man to try and pet the friendly bird, but he takes one look at its long, pointy beak and says no way! At this point it’s quite amazing that the bird is chilling on the bench alongside the man, let alone that it landed so close to him in the first place. But what happens next is the funniest, most unexpected thing ever. The bird opens its mouth and says clearly ‘bleep you’ to the man!

Upon hearing that the guy bursts out laughing and repeats the curse aloud, it’s as if he can’t believe what he just heard this innocent looking little bird say to him. He’s not alone, that was the last thing anyone would expect to happen! Plus, where in the world did a wild bird pick up such foul language?

This video just goes to show how intelligent certain bird species are and both ravens and crows are at the top of the avian IQ scale. They have passed numerous logic tests including ones that test their ability to count and work in steps in order to solve problems. In addition, they have been observed using tools and love to play around, both of which are behaviors associated with intelligent animals. Perhaps picking up foreign languages, or cursing, is yet another one of their unique talents! Note: If Trouble Playing Video Turn Mobile Device or iPad Horizontal.

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Strange Raven Squawked At Them For an Hour. They Looked Closer and Realized He Was Begging For Help

Seeing any animal hurt or in obvious distress is a disheartening situation that anyone could find themselves faced with. While domestic animals and friendly pets can usually be helped, it’s a different story when it’s a wild, untamed animal. There’s usually not much you can do to really help them out without risking your own health and safety or potentially aggravating the problem and making it worse.

Mother nature works in mysterious ways however, and sometimes there is something we can do for a wild animal in need. Such was the case for one woman when a wild raven called upon her for help. Gertie Cleary was at her home in Nova Scotia when she heard the black bird making a loud racket outside. When she went to investigate she noticed the young fledgling had perched on the fence in her yard, whereupon it screeched and squawked endlessly!

As much as she tried to ignore the noisy bird, after awhile she just couldn’t any longer. That’s when she decided to go outside to take an up-close look at the Raven. Her daughter went along with her and they slowly approached the distressed bird. As the pair drew close they could finally see what was bothering it, porcupine quills were stuck in the poor little bird’s body. They counted three in the side of his face, one in his wing, and knew that his survival depended on the quills being removed.

That’s when Gertie went into save the day mode. She grabbed a pair of protective gloves and slowly went about earning the Raven’s trust. The bird didn’t try to fly away or bite her and soon she was able to gently stroke its feathers. After a little more petting and cooing she moved in and managed to quickly pull one of the quills out of the Raven and then, going off her momentum, she extracted another one.

The second quill caused the poor Raven to cry out in pain. Yet even though it clearly hurt, the bird stayed perched on the fence and didn’t try to fly away or threaten her. Instead, it seemed to know or sense that Gertie was trying to help and meant no harm, which was a good thing because the last quill proved the hardest to get out. By that point the bird had already gone though enough, but with just a little more coaxing it was finally removed!

With all the porcupine quills out the Raven was now free to fly away without being hurt or hindered by sharp barbs poking into his body, and yet he stuck around. He remained close by for the rest of the day and Gertie and her daughter even ended up naming him Wilfred.

The next day when they went to check for Wilfred he was nowhere to be seen and had left. He must have recovered enough to head out and continue on his journey. This video of his rescue clearly shows just how quick witted and smart Ravens are. The bird knew exactly who to turn to for help and thankfully Gertie not only recognized the situation, but also took time to safely remove the quills.

Check it out. Hopefully some good can come from this and it will inspire more people to help or save an animal the next time they have a chance to do so! Note: If you are having trouble viewing the video Turn your Mobile device or iPad Horizontal.

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This Lil’ Guilty Pup Isn’t Allowed On The Bed. But Mom Catches Him Doing The Most Hysterical Spaz.

Do you remember jumping on your parents bed when you were really young? They probably told you that it was very dangerous and warned you not to ever do it, so you did it anyways! When things were off-limits because mom and dad said so, they became even more fun than they already were. It’s not just kids who have a super awesome, fun time jumping around on the bed, dogs also love to mess around!

The little Dachshund puppy featured in this video is named Pepper and he’s normally not allowed to go on his owner’s bed. However, every once in awhile he gets special permission to have at it and as you can see, he goes absolutely nuts! The little cutie is a furry ball of energy as he zips around in circles across the bed. He gets completely carried away and the look on his face is priceless, you just have to see it for yourself!

About halfway through the clip Pepper’s fellow doggy friend Margo makes an appearance. She jumps up and joins him on the bed for some fun, taking her plushy raccoon along with her. The pair are sweet as can be and by the end of it all they’re both completely tuckered out.

For reasons both obvious and not, our pet companions seem to absolutely love going on furniture. Whether it be couches, beds, chairs, ottomans, or other comfy padded pieces, they know a cozy spot when they see one. Even if they are forbidden from jumping up on the couch or bed, that has hardly ever stopped an animal from doing it anyways.

That old expression, ‘where there’s a will, there’s a way’ definitely applies to many dogs out there. In the end, if you can’t get your pets to stop invading the furniture every time you go out, accommodate them instead. All you need to do is place something over your stuff to protect it and keep it hair-free. Furniture covers, old sheets, towels, and blankets all work just fine and do the trick. Your furniture will stay clean and last longer, your pets will thank you, and everyone wins!

Check them out and prepare to smile and say “awww” because that’s the normal reaction to these adorable types of videos!

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This Math Problem Is Breaking The Internet: Can You Figure Out The Right Solution?

Math. You either love it or you loathe it, but regardless of how you may feel about the subject, you need to know the basic fundamentals of it. From an early age we are drilled in numbers and things like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Because math builds on itself you really have to be on top of it before you can learn more advanced stuff. It’s also very straight-forward in that you are either right and get the answer correct, or you are wrong.

That’s part of what makes it so unbelievably frustrating for so many people out there. They have trouble grasping it or they forget the certain order of steps and soon they simply give up on it all because they’re always getting the wrong answers. If you happen to feel like this and the mere sight of numbers and equations makes you anxious or nervous, you may suffer from mathematical anxiety, which is kind of like a math-induced type of phobia.

If the above sounds familiar then you are likely not going to like this next part! The simple looking equation featured below has proven to be anything but easy for people all over the world. It was originally included as part of a Japanese math study on generational abilities and what researchers found was quite interesting.

According to Presh Talwalkar, who runs the YouTube channel MindYourDecisions, studies show that 60% of twenty year old Japanese adults correctly answered this exact problem. In comparison, in the 1980s that percentage was a whole lot higher, with 90% of Japanese adults answering it correctly. That doesn’t seem to bode well for society! Take a moment to work through the equation yourself and see what answer you come up with:

9 – 3 ÷ 1 + 1 = ?

If you’re confused or at a loss as to how to solve this equation, the video below explains exactly how to arrive at the correct answer. Check it out to see if you solved it and good luck!

Did you get it right? Let us know in the comments

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