10 Gardening Life Hacks Everyone Should Know.

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This time of year is when everything starts to come alive again. The trees are beginning to bud, plants are starting to poke through the dirt, flowers are blooming, and the songbirds are out in full force. If you’re a gardener, that means it’s time to start digging in the dirt! Even if you aren’t a seasoned gardener, it’s not too late to get started. Who knows, once you try it, you may just end up falling in love with it!

Gardening is a good for your health, your wallet, and the Earth. Many people find that it’s a very relaxing and rewarding way to spend some quality time outdoors and it helps to improve their mood and life. Not only that, fresh healthy foods like fruits and vegetables can be grown to your tastes and cost much less than the grocery store variety. Plus, foods that you have taken the time to grow yourself always taste a lot better!

Beautiful, colorful flowers, green shrubbery, and ornamental plants can all help to liven up any yard and make it appear brand new. The possibilities for gardens are endless with thousands of varieties and combinations of seeds readily available. If you’re interested in learning more about gardening or making your green thumb greener, look no further. This video and what follows below are some super clever ways to help ease your garden along. They all use everyday items and objects that you probably already have on hand or can pick up at the store for cheap, so check them out. This year garden smarter, not harder!

1. For plants that are sensitive to root disruption, such as beans and peas, use leftover cardboard tubes from paper towel and toilette paper rolls as planters. The tubes make transplanting much less stressful and ensures roots stay separate and untangled from one another.

2. If you don’t have a lot of space to work with try making a vertical garden on a wall, fence, or other space. The video shows how to use gutters to create a wall garden by drilling holes in the bottom of them for drainage. Measure and cut them to size and then hang on wall brackets.

3. To help seeds germinate and sprout earlier soak them overnight in lukewarm water before planting. 4. For a technological and creative approach to gardening check out the available software and apps out there for planning and plotting out gardens. They’re really useful for both new and seasoned gardeners and have even been shown to reduce the chances of ending up with failed crops.

5. For neat rows of evenly spaced plants use a measuring stick. To always have one handy nearby make one out of a long wooden handled gardening tool marking off intervals on it.

6. Keep track of plants by labeling what and where they are located. You can recycle last years labels by scraping off any old marker with sandpaper or use cheap Popsicle sticks, flat stones, or tiles as markers.

7. On cold nights where frost could be an issue you always need to protect sensitive seedlings. Cover them with a terracotta pot at night and simply uncover it the following morning.

8. A very common pest that plants often get is aphids, which are also known by their nastier sounding name, ‘plant lice.’ To get rid of the tiny bugs wrap sticky tape around your hand and brush them off your plants. This will help pick the aphids off while keeping them off your hands as well.

9. Make a super easy irrigation system by recycling old plastic water bottles. Punch a couple holes in the cap, cut the bottom off, insert it in the ground near the plant, and fill with water. This design allows water to slowly be released into the ground so it lasts longer, which is especially important and necessary if you are growing plants in hot, dry, arid conditions.

10. Recycle and reuse leftover water from cooking, like water used to boil veggies, and collect rainwater from your roof/eaves to help water your garden and decrease overall consumption. Every bit helps!

Please check out the video for more information and to get a better visual understanding of all the pointers covered here. Remember, don’t garden harder, garden smarter!

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No One Believed Her When She Described Her Guinea Pigs Morning Ritual. So She Caught This Video.

image via – facebook.com

Many people get their kids guinea pigs because they make wonderful pets, if handled with care that promotes bonding.  These furry little critters can be afraid of humans initially, until they learn to trust that they are safe. Once this trust is established they respond well, and can teach children how to care for animals in a wonderful way.

It has been noted that they are capable of responding to certain prompts, which can be a lot of fun in the bonding process. Also of note, is that guinea pigs are social animals who will be most happy if they are raised with, at the very least, one other guinea pig.

It is probably a good idea to watch two of them interact before bringing them home, to be certain that they get along.  In the video below, which you are about to watch, you will watch two guinea pigs who have clearly got their communication going on.  Hold onto your seat and get ready to watch their hilarious conversation!

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Mama Catches and Films Her Cat’s Hysterical Nightly Ritual.

image via – facebook.com

Cats are awesome and so are all of the cute, adorable, and hilarious video clips they star in. If you happen to be a cat person, then you’ll understand the sentiment and agree with the fact that there’s just something about a good old cat video that makes us feel good inside. It’s as if the little kitties have some magical ability to make us smile and viewing the right clip can turn your whole day around.

So if you started the day off on a low note, do yourself a favor and watch this classic cat video. It’ll amp things up a little and then you can end it on a higher note. This is one of those rare YouTube gems that has managed to withstand the test of time. It was originally uploaded back in September of 2008 by the user hkbecky. She managed to capture what has arguably gone on to become one of the Internet’s best cat videos ever!

She was recording her two kitties, who are named Goo and Yat Jai, playing a game of patty cake. They stand facing one another on top of her computer desk and touch their paws together on and off. According to hkbecky, her feline companions love to play patty cake all the time but when they feel that she is watching or filming them, they immediately cease all play. Then, when they think she’s no longer looking, they get right back to where they left off!

Here’s where this video went from good to amazing. Fast forward a few years to November of 2010. That was when fellow YouTube user JC Elliot posted his new take on the original, which by the way had already become an instant cult classic among cat video aficionados. He gave the clip an instant upgrade by translating Goo and Yat Jai’s actions into English and giving us his imagined version of what they were saying.

In the end, he really dreamed up the perfect narrative and the voice-over he added is absolutely on point. The final cut is a hilarious, perfectly timed performance of a game of catty-cake, as it has come to be affectionately known by. Check it out and see for yourself just how awesome, cute, and clever it is, and don’t forget to smile. Enjoy!

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Four Sisters Pose For The Same Exact Photo For 40 Years. Watch Their Incredible Transformation.

In 1975 Nicholas Nixon took a photograph of his wife Bebe (third from left) and her three sisters, Heather, Mimi, and Laurie Brown. It was the summertime and the family were all spending some quality time together at their home in New Canaan, Connecticut. Their casual, loose clothing and flowing hair all lend a light, airy feel to the picture. At the time, the girls were all young and ranged in age from 15 to 25 years old. Little did they know back then, but that first photograph set the tone for the rest of what was to come.

When one of the sisters graduated about a year later Nixon, who worked as a photography professor, brought along the picture he’d taken and showed it to all of them. When he asked them if they liked it, the girls were unanimous, they all loved the black and white photograph he’d captured of them and agreed to take another one. This time around he had an idea and asked them to all line up in the same order just as they had done the year before. They agreed, got in place, and he snapped the second image in what has become an ongoing series that is a major part of his life’s work.

The Brown sisters agreed that they would make it a point to try and meet up every year so that Nixon could take a picture of them. Over the next thirty five years they managed to do exactly that and by 2010 he had amassed 36 photos. The following year, in 2011, the photographer decided to put his project together and display it publicly.

Titled simply “The Brown Sisters” the collection has proven to be a massive hit with audiences and critics alike. It’s been displayed in galleries around the world, including at the Museum of Modern Art in New York City, and people cannot get enough of it. Viewer’s reactions range from subdued appreciation to intensely emotional as the sisters grow up and go from young girls to mature women right before our very eyes.

It’s not only their transformation, it’s also the way the sisters gaze straight at the camera that makes Nixon’s work so poignant and touching. It’s like we’re offered this tiny glimpse into their lives and from that teeny peek our imaginations run wild with it. We read into every detail that catches our eye and make up a story to fill in all the blanks. The effect that it has is really cool and once you check out the photographs you’ll understand what I’m trying to say! Watch the video to see the Brown sisters through the years and enjoy.

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Daddy Confronts His Daughter About The 4 Missing Cupcakes In The Kitchen. Her Defense Is Hysterical.

Little kids love sweet treats. It doesn’t matter the type, whether it be candy, ice cream, cupcakes, or cookies, they will eat it right up. It’s no secret that many young ones often go to great lengths in order to get their tiny hands on a delicious, sugar-filled snack and the little girl in this video is no exception!

Apparently her father, Macario Aegeus, noticed that there was more than one cupcake missing in the kitchen and so he decided to confront the likely culprit, his young daughter! But instead of simply asking her about it, he turned the whole thing into an investigation of sorts. What he captured on tape is one of the cutest, most adorable things ever!

The clip starts off with him asking his daughter if she’s “aware that we’ve had several cupcake thefts?” to which she readily admits taking 4 of them. That’s when he tells her that she’s going to go to jail for her crime, but before he can cuff her she runs off! He immediately gives chase, setting off a game of cops and robbers, as the two run all around the house. As he’s pursuing his daughter he pretends to radio in and gives a hilariously cute description of his little suspect and the play by play action that’s unfolding.

Words don’t quite do this clip justice, you just have to see it to understand how awesome this little game turned out to be. It’s one of the most fun, sweet, and all around entertaining ways that a father could play with his little girl!

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Dad Tells His Pup He Got a New Pet From The Pet Store. The Dog Proceeds To Throw a Hysterical Fit!

images via : facebook/shutterstock

When it comes to cats and dogs, it seems like they either get along great or they can’t stand each other. You never know how they’re really going to act until you socialize and introduce them to other pets. When a cat and dog initially meet the general belief is that the earlier in life they do that, the better they will get along with one another. Sometimes the initial meeting between the pets goes smooth as silk while others…. well let’s just say don’t go just as exactly how you planned and pictured it working out..

Now before we jump right into today’s featured dog video let’s go over a short history of the relationship between humans and their canine counterparts:

Around 200,000 years ago humans began walking the earth. Since the inception of the human race, shelter, house, communities and eventually civilizations began cropping up all over planet earth. What’s more interesting is we didn’t build and evolve all on our own we had a few loyal friends who tagged along and helped us on our human journey through history.

Probably, the one species of animal the most intertwined with our own evolution is Canis Lupus Familiaris or what we call dogs! What makes this odd alliance even stranger is that modern day dogs evolved one of man’s initial biggest threats. This mammal species is known as Canis Lupus or what most of all call wolves.

Around 100,000 years ago our ancestors began populating the land mass of Eurasia. The wolf was one of the only creatures on the planet that could match us humans near the top of the food chain. How the two species interacted with their own kind was actually very similar..

The two species both hunted in groups or packs. The hunter and gatherers would work as one finely tuned machine, to seek, find and then catch their prey for survival. Wolves also hunted in hierarchal pack and would also work with coordinated strikes and precise accuracy as they sought out their prey.

Our ancestors and wolves were indeed very social creatures, and used these advanced social skills in order to take down animals much larger than themselves which in turn would leave them wasting less time hunting and more time consuming energy and nutrition.

Wolves thrived at the top of the food chains for thousands of years before modern day humans ever appeared however, now that these strange bipedal hominids were encroaching on their territory they had some very serious competition on their paws.

While the two species would clash head on for many years some wolves who were kicked out or ostracized from their pack noticed that if they weren’t aggressive towards a human community this could be a pretty easy way to get food and survive without having to face the world alone.

The strong and powerful wolves remained in their packs and refused to back down to the humans however, the weaker and more scavenger type of canines began to outlast and outlive their more dominant predecessors due to their new alliance with these strange 2 legged hominids.

As years passed, the traits of these less aggressive and scrap grabbing Canines we’re passed down through their DNA and they began living closer and closer to our ancestors. As we provided them leftover food they in turn would help us hunt and defend our lands and communities. It was a symbiotic relationship that was just the perfect match made in heaven.

Because both species preferred living in packs, it wasn’t too difficult for these docile wolves to integrate with the human population and eventually begin living in their homes. It is thought that these animals were the first domesticated animals ever.

These first wolf-dog hybrids showed up around 30,000 years ago. As time went on these wolf-dogs soon evolved into our modern day dogs. These evolutions and changes in look were drastic for some breeds and less so for others. Humans had successfully domesticated these canines for almost any purpose they needed them for..

Now that we have gone over the history of between humans and canines, let’s dive head first into today’s hilarious dog video of the day:

Other times, the first meeting can go horribly wrong and a close watch and lots of intervention is necessary before the two animals are comfortable enough to be together alone.  Every animal is different and just like their human counterparts, some of them are more solitary and like being alone, while others prefer having company and are more social in nature.

The adorable black and white dog in this clip falls under the latter category, he would absolutely love and adore to have a fellow animal companion by his side. Well, at least that’s how his owner imagines his dog’s thoughts and feelings to be!

Although most likely these are this cute pups precious wish to have a new best friend! He especially does not want a snake, hamster, guinea pig, mouse, gerbil, newts or parrots. This pup is very clear he wants a new kitty!

He gave his dog a voice and dubbed in quite an interesting conversation between the two of them. He felt that his dog would be absolutely delighted and ecstatic at the thought of getting a brand new addition to the family and would welcome a little fuzzy kitten to call his sister. An adorable baby tabby cat would perhaps be the perfect addition to their lives, and so maybe it’s time they get one!

The hilarious clip of the energetic and happy looking black and white dog talking excitedly about finally getting a new cat has already captured the hearts of well over 6 million people. It’s easy to see why, the video is just funny and enjoyable to watch!

Everything from the conversation to the dog’s actions, words, and movements are quality and spot on. If you’ve ever talked to your pet, or had pretend convos in your head with them, then all of this may look, sound, and seem very familiar to you. Check it out and share the love!

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Every Time This Spoiled Bunny’s Human Stops Petting He Throws The Funniest Hissy Fit:

image via – facebook.com

Some animals know exactly what they want and oftentimes they enjoy receiving a nice, gentle, relaxing hand massage from their human companions. It’s no secret that many of our furry pets love to be pet, which may be why we call them “pets” in the first place. Or maybe it’s the other way around, and we call it petting because they are our pets. Whatever the case may be, lots of animals simply love being stroked and scratched. They usually have a sweet spot where they especially like being rubbed. For cats it seems to be around the cheeks, dogs like their ears and back scratched, and then there are some whose sweet spot is everywhere and anywhere.

The little bunny in this video seems to fall in the latter category. From the looks of it he likes being pet all over, especially down his backside. The man in the video gently strokes his ears, nose, cheekbones, temples, head, and back, while the bunny twitches his nose and sits with a content expression on his face, his body completely relaxed and at ease.

When the man stops petting him the bunny is clearly not happy about it. He stamps his furry little paws and lets out adorable growling sounds in protest. It might just be the cutest behavior I’ve ever seen a rabbit do! At one point the furry little guy searches for more pet-pets by crawling under the man’s hand, urging him to resume the mini-massage that he so rudely ended. This bunny knows what he wants and he’s basically telling the man through his grunts, growls, and foot thumping that he is not pleased the cuddle session ended!

Contrary to popular belief, lots of rabbits love being pet and shown affection. The areas they most enjoy being pet is on their head and down their backside. Many often like their dewlap, the roll of skin underneath their chin, scratched and rubbed, but some don’t like this at all. The bunny will let you know whether or not it’s enjoying the attention. When they purr, chatter their teeth, flop over, and close their eyes it means they like it and if you stop and they poke your hand with their head it means “don’t stop, keep petting!”

Rabbits are very expressive, you just have to know how to read them, and over time you become familiar and accustomed to an individual one’s behavior. Like every other pet, they have their own distinct personalities!

The adorable bunny in this video has certainly bonded with his human friend as he feels comfortable telling the man what to do. The little cutie looks so happy being pet and snuggled in his blanket, and if that can’t put a smile on your face then I don’t know what will. Enjoy this hysterical video

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If you enjoyed this adorable rabbit video our next adorable hissy fit features a baby bulldog throwing the cutest tantrum


Mama Puts This Adorable Lil’ Bulldog In His Car Seat. The Pup Proceeds To Throw A Temper Tantrum.

images via – facebook.com

Dogs often have mixed feelings when it comes to riding in a car or truck. Some absolutely love going for a breezy cruise and will readily jump right on in, whereas others loathe having to go for a ride and will do anything to avoid it. Then there are the majority who fall somewhere in the middle. They are the puppy’s who seem to enjoy car excursions or at least tolerate them. That’s where Bosley, the adorable French Bulldog in this video, fits in.

He’s tiny but boy can he throw a hissy fit! Safety first even if it means that the little guy will throw a huge tantrum like a toddler who doesn’t get their ice cream. Sometimes as a parent and in this case a pet parent you need to do the right thing regardless of how your fur baby reacts.  Bosley trust us this is for your own good and you will thank your humans when you are older.

The cute little Frenchie was out and about one day riding in the car with his owner when something upset him. Perhaps it was the car seat that he was securely strapped into in the backseat, it doesn’t look like the most comfortable thing to sit in. Even so, the doggy seat is for his own good and protection. Not only will it keep him safe and sound, he looks adorable in it!

While the car seat may or may not have been the source of his frustrations, Bosely was clearly not happy. He made sure that his feelings were known and clearly heard by throwing a mini tantrum, protesting and whining in the cutest possible way that only a little Frenchie could pull off! He whimpers and squeals as he cries his way through the short clip while giving his saddest puppy face to the camera. He’s so cute and funny!

Near the very end of the video Bosley’s older sister Beatrice, a fellow French Bulldog, pops her head up and makes a surprise guest appearance! She’s checking in on her noisy brother and seeing what all the fuss is about. The two dogs live in Colorado with their loving owner who’s always taking them out and bringing them along on nice walks and fun trips to area parks. Check the adorable pair out and listen to the strangely hilarious sounds Bosley squeaks out!

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Mommy Tells Giant Great Dane He Can’t Go Swimming. He Responds With The Most Hysterical Hissy Fit!

images via – facebook.com

Great Danes may look impressively large and imposing, but they’re really just big babies at heart! They are all around friendly, intelligent, sweet-tempered, social, and even natured animals that absolutely love to be pampered and pet. That’s the reason why they are often called the ‘Gentle Giants’ of the dog world! It’s a nickname they’ve earned and once you see how Max the Great Dane reacts to some disappointing news, you’ll understand why.

Max was all ready and set to go swimming in his beautiful backyard pool when his mom suddenly told him that he couldn’t go for a dip. Since he had been looking forward to a relaxing swim all day long, he did not take the sudden change of events lightly.

Rather than remain calm, Max immediately launched into a noisy temper tantrum and let his unhappy feelings be known to anyone in the vicinity. This big boy wants to swim and he wants everyone to know! The fact that Max is deaf never stops him from arguing with his owners.

He whined and protested the pool ban aggressively, answering and challenging his mom every step of the way. The way he talks back, you’d think he could hear every word she said! He’s like a 160 pound toddler who just needs to get his way! Max is one of my favorite dogs on the inter webs. I really would love to see him just jump in, but he is such a good boy!

The big gentle six year old boy certainly has it made and life is good for him. According to his Facebook bio page he lives in a beautiful house alongside his sister Katie, who also happens to be a Great Dane, his mom and dad, and several kitty cats. Check Max out for a good laugh, he surely knows how to brighten anyone’s day!

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Husky Tells His Mama He Wants To Take a Bath But She Says Nope. He Proceeds To Throw a Hysterical Tantrum!

images via – facebook.com

Huskies are known around the world as sled dogs. These pups have tons of energy and need an outlet to burn it all off. They are able to withstand extremely cold temperatures due to their thick double coat which keeps them insulated and warm. They are known for their almond shaped stunning pale blue eyes which sometimes come in multiple colors. They are very vocal and tend to howl instead of the usual dog bark we are all accustomed to.  The breed is considered a working dog and they are very loyal companions.  They are consistently in the top twenty most popular dogs in America!

Most dogs hate taking a bath, let alone even getting wet, and will do everything in their power to ultimately avoid anything having to do with bathing. Not Zeus, the Siberian Husky in this short and sweet clip. He is not like most dogs. He absolutely loves, loves, loves taking baths and when he’s unable to do so, he throws hysterical temper tantrums just like the one seen here.

Zeus had been chilling in the bath tub, hoping and praying for his human to turn the tap on, when instead she told him to get up and get moving! It was time for his daily walk but he wasn’t having any of that. He whimpers, whines, and moans loudly while splayed out in the bathtub begging his mom to run the water. His tantrum is a pretty dramatic and over the top but that’s what makes it so great. The big furry baby practically takes up the whole entire tub, I’ve never seen a dog do anything quite like this!

The fact that Zeus would rather lay in the tub than take a walk is another way in which he’s not like most dogs. Usually when they hear a leash jingle or mention of even just the word walk they go nuts and head straight for the door! It’s all part of the reason why the seven year old dog is known by his nickname ‘Zeus The Stubborn Husky’. You can find him on Facebook under that name and see what else he has been up to!

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Stranger Walks Past The Gate and Says Hello. The Little One Has The Most Hysterical Answer.

You just never know who or what you’ll end up coming across when you step outside your front door and that goes double for when you take a walk around the neighborhood. Depending on where you live there might be all sorts of interesting things you could possibly see and colorful people to run into. However, the most entertainment and best surprises of all tend to come from our animal friends!

Whether they know it or not, animals have a natural sort of hold on us. They can easily capture our attention, charm, and repulse us all in a matter of seconds. Wild, tame, domestic, friendly, or skittish, it doesn’t matter, people are simply drawn to critters and adore them.

For the two adorable dogs in this video, it was their friendly and inquisitive demeanor that caught the eye of a group of people passing by. The neighborly doggies greeted the strangers by staring up at them with wide gentle eyes and tails wagging. The natural response of any dog lover would be to greet the dogs and say hi to them, which is what the people did.

Actually, what one of the men in the group said exactly was “Hello” and the response he received in kind from the little dog was surprising as heck! It was the smaller of the two dogs, the one who looks most like a French Bulldog, who replied to the man and said “Hello” right back at him! The dog said it in such a comical, human-like way that makes it impossible to not laugh out loud at his silliness. His speaking voice is a mix between someone talking and barking and it’s awesome to hear.

While it is not clear how this dog learned to speak or if someone taught him, he definitely has talent nonetheless. Check him out, listen closely, and prepare for a good laugh! Note: If Trouble Viewing Video On Mobile Device Or Tablet Turn Your Device Horizontal.

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Dog Suddenly Snatched This Little Girl And Throws Her To The Other Side Of The Room. The Reason Is Scary

image via: youtube

Animals are incredibly in-tune with nature and are often aware of everything around them. When something seems off or strange they usually notice and pick up on it right away. That’s why many domestic pets, and dogs in particular, often alert us to hidden dangers long before we would’ve perceived them. Just their reaction to a threat is enough to make most people pay attention because when dogs sense danger they bark, growl, become defensive, and act way differently than their usual self. More often than not, when a dog see’s that their human companion is in trouble they don’t hesitate to step in and help out in whatever way they possibly can.

For one Doberman Pinscher, that meant grabbing his new families 17-month old child by the diaper and tossing her several feet through the air. It sounds alarming, and the girl’s mother who was looking on was shocked when she saw that exact scene play out, but once you know why it makes perfect sense.

The incredible series of events all took place in Australia where a little girl named Charlotte Svilicic was outside playing in the yard with the family dog, a beautiful black and brown Doberman named Khan. Catherine Svilicic, the girl’s mother, was watching the two through a window when she noticed the dog was being rather aggressive and acting uncharacteristically rough. Khan began to nudge Charlotte around, gently at first, but then he started to growl and snarl seemingly out of nowhere.

Suddenly, he sunk his teeth firmly into the toddler’s diaper and threw her behind him. She went sailing through the air and landed several feet away. Catherine was understandably angry and shocked by what she’d just seen, but when she went outside to check on her baby and investigate, her shock turned to relief and gratitude.

It turned out that Khan had been protecting Charlotte from a king brown snake that was slithering around nearby under the house. Considered one of the world’s most venomous, the deadly snake was too close for comfort. Khan recognized the threat and acted quickly to move the little girl out of harms way. Catherine recalled, “I realized quickly it was a snake and Khan had been trying to get in between her and the snake before he threw her.” However, with all the commotion going on the snake became startled and bit the dog on his paw.

The snake venom quickly took its toxic effect and Khan became very sick. He made it inside the house before collapsing and Catherine wasted no time rushing him to the emergency vet. After receiving a shot of anti-venom and staying the night in the hospital, Khan made a full recovery and was soon back with his new family.

What makes this story all the more awesome and unexpected is the fact that Khan had been adopted by the Svilicic’s only four days prior to the incident. His previous owner had starved and beaten him to the point where he was suffering from multiple broken ribs when he was found. His rescuers even thought about putting him down because he’d been abused and neglected so badly that they were unsure about whether or not he would ever recover or be re-homed.

Thankfully they didn’t and now he has a family that loves him and will treat him right. Khan’s story just goes to show how selfless and heroic animals can be. Even after experiencing a lifetime of abuse and neglect, he found love and kindness with his new family and was willing to die in order to protect them after just four days. If that’s not a powerful testament to the unbreakable bonds that rescued animals form with their new owners, then I don’t know what could be…

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