Scientists Say This New All Natural Non-Toxic Mixture Will Stop Mosquitoes From Biting You This Year

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More people are heading outside now that the weather is getting warmer, sunnier, and more pleasant. Springtime means that the birds are returning to their summer homes and the bugs are starting to come out in full force. Unfortunately, this also means that pesky mosquitoes are coming out in droves and they’re all looking for fresh blood. The way they swarm and buzz in enough to drive anyone crazy and their bites are just downright itchy and uncomfortable.

However, the worst thing they care capable of is spreading dangerous, sometimes even deadly, diseases. One bite is all it takes for a mosquito to transfer a virus to a person and many people end up with severe infections like malaria, Zika Virus, Chikunhunya, West Nile Virus, Eastern Equine Encephalitis, Yellow Fever, and more.

While chemical sprays and store bought repellents do work to a degree, they usually smell disgusting and are packed full of harsh, toxic ingredients that can irritate skin and cause difficulty breathing. A good rule of thumb is that you should try to avoid spraying DEET on yourself if possible, and fortunately there is a natural alternative you can use to keep mosquitoes away. It’s simple, gentle, and smells good, plus it’s effective and you can make it right in your own kitchen.

The simple 3 ingredient recipe for the homemade repellent was shared by YouTube channel HouseholdHacker in the accompanying video. Their tutorial on how to make it is informative and easy to follow so be sure to check it out. Here is a list of what you’ll need and steps on how to make it:

– 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract
– 30 drops of lemon-eucalyptus oil
– 4 ounces of either rubbing alcohol, witch hazel, or vodka

1. Measure out each ingredient
2. Mix them all together
3. Transfer into a small spray bottle
4. Spray on yourself before going outside and reapply every 4 hours as needed

This non-toxic formula can be sprayed anywhere on your body, skin, on clothing, and even in hair. For that last ingredient listed above, witch hazel is preferred because it’s the least harsh on skin and won’t dry it out like alcohol-based ones tend to. Mix up a few bottle of the repellent so you can toss one in your car or bag, that way you’ll always be safe and covered wherever you go.

In the end, this natural spray will definitely make summer much more enjoyable. You won’t have to constantly be slapping at mosquitoes or itching bites, and that makes it worthy of your time and attention so try it out and see how you like it!

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6 Reasons Doctors Are Now Warning People To Never Wear Flip Flops Again.

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Summer is officially in full swing and now that the weather is all hot and humid people everywhere are taking it easy and going into vacation mode. For most of us that means kicking off our shoes and going barefoot, but when we do have to go somewhere we usually just stick our feet in a pair of sandals or flip-flops.

Who doesn’t own at least one pair of flip-flops? Not only are they the most convenient and classic summer footwear option, they also help to keep feet cool and comfortable. However, that’s about all that they’re good for! Flip-flops are actually terrible for our feet and the rest of our bodily health and wellness. Once you read on about why this is so, and just how bad they truly are, you’ll definitely think twice before you spend hours on end in your flippies this summer.

Here’s why podiatrists and doctors agree that the rubber-soled footwear should only be worn poolside, at the beach, or in gym showers:

1) Injuries- Every year flip-flops are responsible for countless foot injuries that range from minor to severe because they offer the feet practically zero support. A lack of arch and heel support, combined with the fact that they make us walk awkwardly to begin with, are what leads to pain and strain on our feet. The most common injuries that people seek treatment for are things like tendinitis, stress fractures, and heel, arch, or muscle pains. Other problems you can expect to experience from wearing them include cuts and scrapes, jammed toes, rolled ankles, infections, sunburn, bunions, blisters, knee pain, hip pain, back pain, hammertoe, pinched nerves, and the list goes on.

2) They Trip You Up- Flip-flops are definitely not the most graceful things to walk around in. They actually cause us to walk really clumsily and it’s super easy to get tripped up by the shoes. Whether someone steps on the back of them while you’re walking or you manage to catch up the front end, they can throw you off balance in a second. Another hazard they present is slipperiness, it’s easy for feet to slide around in them, especially when they get wet or sweaty.

3) Toxic Materials- Those five dollar flip-flops you see being sold at stores are priced so low for a reason; they’re cheaply made! Many of the plastics and materials that go into making them are low quality and can be poisonous or toxic to human health. Many feature plastics that contain BPA which has been linked to cancer and other serious risks. Latex is also widely used, which many people are allergic to, and so it’s best to forgo the cheap plastic versions. Instead, look for ones made with leather, suede, cork, fabrics, and other natural types of materials that don’t pose such a serious threat to your health.

4) Gross Infections- The open, airy style may allow feet to ‘breathe’ but that comes at a price. Flip-flops expose your feet and toes to all sorts of germs, dirt, bacteria, fungus, and other nasty things that can lead to an infection. A number of studies have found that flip-flops pick up and hold a heck of a lot more bacteria than ordinary shoes. This was found to be especially true when people wore them anywhere in public, like at the gym or in restrooms where gross things thrive. Dangerous pathogens such as Staphylococcus and E. coli can easily find their way into any open sore, wound, or cut and wreak havoc on your health. While most people experience mild infections like Athlete’s foot, some have had to have their toes or feet amputated because they picked up a particularly dangerous strain of something.

5) Blisters- Albeit a minor problem in light of the other more serious flip-flop issues, blisters are painful to deal with nonetheless and can lead to further complications. Flip-flops are all but held on to the foot by those two measly little straps that cross over the top of it. This design means that when you walk the straps inevitably rub against your skin. Sometimes this leads to chaffing, irritation, and blisters form which, if and when they pop open, you’re exposed to more bacteria and possible infection.

6) They Slow You Down- The loose fitting shoes change your gait and in effect they slow people down. Findings from an Auburn University study showed that those who wear flip-flops often take smaller sized steps than their sneaker wearing counterparts. Anyone who has ever worn them knows this already because it’s virtually impossible to run for more than ten feet in the darn things!

Watch the video below for more information:

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A Simple Way To Naturally Get Rid Of Those Unsightly Brown Spots For Good.

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Brown spots that appear on the skin, are something that everyone eventually finds lurking, well after a tan has disappeared. Even if you haven’t been a sun worshiper at times in your life, exposure to the sun will leave these “age spots”, which can occur at any time in life.

In the VIDEO you are about to watch below, Drew of the YouTube channel “Fitlife”, explains that these age spots tend to appear in greater amounts, most commonly seen in people over the age of 50. When you are younger, they may not be as unsightly, but as we age they become more bothersome. With the increased use of tanning beds amongst younger people, in the last 20 years, these brown spots have been appearing earlier in life for many.

The culprit, of course, are the ultraviolet rays emitted from the sun, that produces a tan. In actuality our bodies produce melanin which allows the skin to tan, as an adaptation or armor that protects the deeper layer of skin, Drew goes on to explain. While the age spots are usually harmless, these dead dry patches of skin are stubborn, even resisting many laser removal treatments.

So, here’s the GOOD NEWS…as Drew says, “Food is Medicine!” A NYC nutrition expert, Dr. Doug Willen, D.C. has come up with an incredibly simple way of removing these stubborn brown spots completely. Two foods that you probably already have in your kitchen do the trick when combined: ONIONS and APPLE CIDER VINEGAR! Watch the video below, which explains why this solution is so effective, and illustrates how to extract the juice from a sliced onion and blend it with Apple Cider Vinegar. Drew demonstrates the process and the exact proportions and amount to apply on a cotton pad once daily. You will see results within 2-4 weeks! Then be sure to cover yourself in sunscreen on exposed skin every day, to prevent these unsightly age spots from reappearing, and preventing more serious sun damage that could be more serious.

Please SHARE this Effective “recipe” for ridding your body of age spots with your family and friends

5 Easy Ways To Activate Your Weight Loss Hormones and Boost Your Metabolism

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It’s been said that the key to maintaining a healthy weight begins in the kitchen and that it’s 80% diet, 20% exercise and lifestyle. That simple belief has not slowed or lessened humanity’s ongoing desire and search for the latest and greatest miracle cure that promises to help us shed the pounds faster and easier. People are willing to try anything to lose weight, from fasting and taking risky pills to restricting their diet and getting plastic surgery.

While losing weight can be extremely difficult, there are some basic things that you can to to naturally activate your weight loss hormones. Those are the hormones which regulate and have the biggest impact on our body weight. That way you can achieve a healthier overall balance, and weight, without having to resort to the more drastic measures mentioned above. Below are five ways in which you can turn on weight loss hormones, so give them a try and see if they can make a difference in your life:

1. Eat a Proper Breakfast. Never skip the most important meal of the day because it helps to switch your body from a state of fasting to an awake, calorie burning machine. That’s because when you’re asleep and in a state of rest your metabolism, breathing, and heart rate are all slowed down. In order to start your day off right and turn on the weight loss hormones, you need to eat a balanced breakfast. That means a meal consisting of healthy fats, protein, and carbohydrates that’s around 800 calories or less.

2. Focus on Your Breathing. By practicing certain measured breathing techniques you can speed up your metabolism and burn through more calories than you would with regular, normal breathing patterns. According to a recent study, the following breathing technique led to participants having an increased resting metabolic oxygen consumption rate of up to thirty-seven percent. What they were asked to do was breathe through only one nostril at a time, closing off the other one completely, for twenty-seven breathing cycles. This was done four times per day for one month and it was found to make that much of a difference by speeding up metabolism and activating weight loss hormones.

3. Eat More Satisfying Types of Foods. When you eat junk foods that are filled with sugar and salt you won’t feel full for long and so you end up eating even more just to feel sated. By choosing to eat more filling foods that leave you feeling satisfied for longer after eating, you can avoid piling on the pounds. The hormone which is primarily responsible for making us feel full is leptin and it can be found in high amounts in the following list of foods; oatmeal, hot peppers such as jalapenos, grapefruit, turkey, chicken and other lean types of meats like beef and pork, fish such as tuna, salmon, and sardines, yogurt (the low-fat variety), broccoli, green tea, almonds, eggs, beans, skim milk, olive oil, turmeric, and apples. Working these leptin-rich foods into your diet will naturally leave you feeling fuller for longer and will help prevent you from over-eating.

4. Aim to Get a Quality Nights Rest. By getting the recommended 6-8 hours of sleep every night, you will feel better all around. Failing to get enough sleep leads to leptin levels dropping, the hormone that makes you feel full, and so you’ll be more likely to eat more and yet still not feel satisfied. That leads to overeating as your body is looking for ways to make up for the energy it’s lacking from the lack of sleep. Studies have found that people who don’t get enough sleep are at an increased risk for a number of health issues, including gaining weight.

5. Aim to Increase and Build up Your Muscles. Working out and lifting weights is the key to increasing muscle mass. When you lift heavy weights enough times to feel a burn that means your body is producing testosterone, a sex hormone that we all have in our systems and which helps build muscle by burning fat. You don’t even need a gym or set of weights to activate this weight loss hormone. Instead, by simply carrying heavy things like groceries, packages, or even your kids whenever you get a chance to throughout the day, you can increase testosterone levels. However, doing a number of repetitions and lifting weights to the point where you can feel it, and are sore the next day, is a key factor to shedding pounds.

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Have You Ever Noticed This Tiny Hole Above Someone’s Ear? This Is The Strange Reason Why It’s There.

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If you have ever noticed that someone has a tiny hole above their ear, that looks like it could be a misplaced dimple, you may have assumed that it was from some odd type of piercing. However, what you actually picked up on is a body feature that happens to be a naturally occurring mutation in some people. And while the little hole is not all that common in America, it’s more prevalent than you’d imagine it to be.

Those tiny holes are best known as preauricular sinuses and they are located right around the junction where the top of the external ear cartilage meets the face. They are considered birth defects and get passed down from one generation to the next. The holes can occur on one or both ears, with the right side being where they are more frequently found. For the most part they are harmless, but just like other types of sinuses, they can become infected and require treatment. Some may also form cysts and in rare cases draining or removal is the best option.

Why the holes are there in the first place and for what purpose remains mostly a mystery. The accompanying Business Insider video mentions an interesting theory put forth by Neil Shubin, an evolutionary biologist, who says that they could very well be an ‘evolutionary remnant of fish gills’. It’s an interesting idea and makes sense, but there could just as easily be another explanation for the holes.

The chances of a person being born with a preauricular sinus dimple varies across geographical and ethnic lines. Researchers in Korea found that the small dents are most common among Asian and African populations, where between 4-10% of people may have them. In comparison, less than 1% of Americans and those born in the UK are affected, which is far fewer. In Ethiopia, the teeny holes are considered lucky to have because they’re believed to bring people money and wealth.

If you didn’t know what those strange ear holes were before, now you know the basics about the auricular sinus. Please pass this on and help share it so that more people can learn about them and be informed!

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Locksmith Demonstrates How To Easily Unlock Any Master Lock

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Whether it’s jewelry, important documents, or priceless pictures and mementos, if you have something of value that you wish to keep safe and protected, you keep it under lock and key. That means having to invest in a sturdy lock that you can trust and depend on.

Many people end up turning to Master Lock for their basic home security needs. The name brand is among the top-selling commercial lock manufacturers in the world. If you take a trip to practically any hardware store in the country, you’re basically guaranteed to find the company’s traditional and combination padlocks being sold. If fact, there’s a high probability that you’re using one right now somewhere around the house. After all, they come in handy for many different types of things, from keeping drawers and shed doors secured to bicycles safe.

However, if you are using a traditional Master Lock padlock, you may want to start looking at other options. As it turns out, the very popular and basic Master Lock model is surprisingly easy to breach and can be broken into in a matter of seconds. If you’re wondering just how little effort and time it takes to crack one open, then watch this quick demonstration from YouTuber Bosnianbill. He shows exactly how to pop the lock and virtually anyone can do this. You don’t have to be an expert or criminal mastermind to pull it off, you don’t even need to have any special tools or skills!

All that someone has to do is grab a hammer, or anything else they can bash and strike with, and pull on the lock. Start by applying tension to the shackle, which is the curved u-shaped top part, by steadily pulling on it with one hand. Take a hammer in your other hand and use it to firmly hit the side of the upper part of the lock body. It doesn’t take much, a couple of good blows will do the trick and overcome the locking mechanism so that the shackle pops out from the body. At that point the lock can be removed and tossed aside. Bosnianbill was able to easily open the padlock in about 10 seconds using only a hammer, which shows how worthless these types of locks are.

Finally, while this video was originally intended to serve as a warning for consumers, it can also be used for other less honorable intentions. However, in the interest of balance and fairness, it could also help someone open a lock that they lost or misplaced the key to. Either way, it’s good to know about and be aware of so keep this information in mind because it may just come in handy down the line.

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The Health Benefits Of Eating Garlic In The Morning On An Empty Stomach Everyday

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“Since garlic then hath powers to save from death, bear with it though it makes unsavory breath.” This quote can be found in the Regimen sanitatis Salernitanum, a medieval medical text in poem form that today is more commonly known as the Salerno Regimen of Health. For years the book was regarded as a primary source of medical information and advice, with early physicians following the verses and doling out remedies straight from its pages.

Times have changed but the premise behind many of the ideas covered by the book remain the same. Garlic is still one of nature’s strongest medicines and a little bit of the pungent bulb goes a very long way. The positive impact it can have on human health has been observed for centuries and modern studies only back up what people knew all those years ago. Simply put, garlic does a body good. If you want to look, feel, and stay as healthy as you possibly can, then you should aim to eat more of it!

One easy way to work more garlic into your diet is by eating some first thing in the morning, before breakfast, on a completely empty stomach. As strange as it sounds, you can actually help strengthen and heal yourself by doing exactly that. If you’re thinking there’s no way I can choke down raw garlic in the morning, don’t worry about it because you should be using either roasted garlic or garlic supplements instead. Not only are coated capsules easy to swallow down with a glass of water, they also work best because they dissolve in the intestines rather than the stomach.

When you take garlic right after you wake up great things will start happening in your body and the following are the main health benefits that you can naturally derive from doing so:

1) Reduced Blood Pressure- It reduces hypertension and the risk of developing dangerous blood clots. Garlic promotes overall circulatory health because it acts as a natural blood thinner which makes it easier for the heart to pump blood.

2) Helps Prevent Heart Attacks- Garlic can prevent heart attacks by slowing and reducing the development of atherosclerosis, which is the narrowing and hardening of arteries that decreases blood flow and can lead to both blood clots and heart attacks.

3) Reduce Bad Cholesterol Levels- Studies have shown that garlic lowers the LDL cholesterol, which is the “bad” type of cholesterol that puts people at increased risk for heart attacks.

4) Stabilizes Blood Sugar- Studies show that garlic increases the amount of insulin available in people with diabetes and so it helps to regulate the amount of glucose in the blood.

5) Boost Immunity- Garlic is excellent for boosting your immune system because it’s packed with nutrients like potassium, fiber, Vitamins C and B6, and so much more. If you ever get a cold skip the medications and take some garlic instead, its been proven to help reduce the severity of symptoms associated with the flu and common cold.

6) It May Help Prevent Cancer- Garlic is recognized by the National Cancer Institute as potentially having anticancer properties. However, more studies are needed to determine how and why this is so. The anti-cancer link may be down to the fact that it helps to relieve oxidative stress, meaning its natural antioxidant properties aid our bodies in removing damage causing free radicals and thus provides protection against them.

7) Other Associated Benefits- Garlic can also help our bodies absorb minerals, improve impotence, prevent yeast infections, protect against osteoarthritis, clean and reduce fatty build up in the liver, and act as a natural antibiotic.

There you have it, some of the top ways that garlic can benefit your bodily health! Below is a recipe for oven roasted garlic that you can make ahead of time and so there’s no excuse not to eat more of this potent super-food!

1. Preheat the oven to 400 degrees. 2. Take some garlic bulbs, remove the dry outer skin, and carefully cut off the tops of the bulbs. 3. Take a piece of tin foil, lay it flat, then place an equal sized piece of parchment paper on top of the foil.  4. Place the garlic atop the parchment paper and drizzle the bulbs with olive oil. 5. Wrap them up neat and tightly in the foil before placing them on a pan in the oven, roast for 1 hour. 6. Remove, unwrap, allow to cool, and then gently squeeze the garlic bulbs to remove the clove. 7. Serve and use them right away or place them in a covered storage container where they’ll keep for a few days in the fridge.

Watch the video below for more information:

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8 Signs and Symptoms You Have Poor Circulation and Peripheral Artery Disease, and Don’t Know It.

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Do you have fatigue, cramping or pain in your legs after a relatively short time of walking? If so, you could be suffering from Peripheral Artery Disease, commonly known as PAD. If you do have these symptoms, you are actually lucky, because according to “The American Heart Association” people who have PAD often have no symptoms.

Misdiagnosis or no diagnosis of PAD, a NARROWING of the peripheral ARTERIES to the LEGS, STOMACH, ARMS and HEAD, is common when you are asymptomatic or your symptoms are confused with some other condition. The CAUSE of this is ATHEROSCLEROSIS, most commonly found in the LEGS, results in narrowing and resultant blockage of blood flow to the area. This BLOCKAGE will put you at a significantly increased RISK for a HEART ATTACK or STROKE.

As you will hear from Dr. Yassa, in the video below that you are about to watch, there are ways to avoid misdiagnose or no diagnosis of this disease that can ultimately become LIFE THREATENING.

Common Causes:

1) High Blood Pressure
2) High Cholesterol
3) Being Overweight
4) Inactivity

Having Diabetes can increase the severity of PAD.

Dr. Yassa goes on to discuss in greater detail the SIGNS & SYMPTOMS OF PAD:

1) Leg Pain when moving, that recedes when you stop 2) Leg Cramps in the Calf that feel like a Spasm 3) Burning 4) Numbness 5) Feet are colder than other areas of the body 6) Hair loss on Legs 7) Shiny Skin 8) In the later stages POORLY HEALED WOUNDS ON THE FEET

In the footage below Dr. Yassa discusses the way doctors properly DIAGNOSE PAD, and identify exactly where the blockage is through various imaging tests. TREATMENT and PREVENTION are further discussed.

Please SHARE this IMPORTANT HEALTH INFORMATION with your family and friends; it could definitely save a life!