10 Benefits of Eating 2 Black-Spotted Bananas Twice a Day. Good To Know.

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Bananas are delicious, but most of us tend to throw them away as they form brown spots or eventually turn completely black as they get very ripe…big mistake!  As it turns out these brown spots, as you will hear in the video you are about to watch below, turn bananas into a SUPER FOOD!  Not only do the dark patches on Bananas increase their amount of cancer-fighting anti-oxidants, the riper bananas have other incredible properties that benefit your body!

According to “healthyfoodstyle.net”, the nutrients in ripened bananas benefit your health when you EAT 2 PER DAY.  These include:

1. Lowered Blood Pressure and Protection against Stroke and Heart Attacks – This occurs due to the low amounts of sodium and high levels of Potassium

2.  Increase in Energy – Two ripened, calorie-dense bananas boost energy for several hours, as they are packed with low-glycemic carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals.   It’s Potassium helps to increase stamina by preventing muscle cramps.

3.  Relief from Heartburn – Ripened bananas are a fantastic “antacid”.  Their smooth texture lines the stomach walls, protecting it from harmful acids and irritation.

4. Depressed Mood – High levels of Tryptophan found in ripened bananas, boost serotonin levels, which improves mood.

5. Anxiety/Irritability/PMS – Richness in B vitamins helps to calm nerves.

Other health benefits  of ripened bananas discussed in the footage below are the effects of being: 6. Fiber-rich,  7. filled with Manganese, 8. being Iron Rich, 9. an aid to Digestion, and 10 being Fat and Cholesterol Free.  If you don’t enjoy the softer texture of ripened bananas, blend them in a smoothie…their sweetness is a great substitute for unhealthy refined sugar!

Please SHARE these 10 HEALTH BENEFITS of Bananas with Brown Spots, with your family and friends

Doctors Warn People To Stop Using E-Cigs Because They Are Linked To a New Disease Popcorn Lung

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While e-cigarettes are now being used as a “safe” alternative to cigarettes, as the “vaping” mechanism eliminates a lot of the smoke that builds up tar in the lungs, a new study has shown alarming links to a serious lung disease.

Because “flavorings” are used in this vaporized version of cigarettes, there is now deep concern in the medical community linking e-cigarettes to a disease called obliterative bronchiolitis, or “POPCORN LUNG”. In 2000, an investigation into the severe form of bronchitis being found in microwaveable popcorn factory workers, led the “Centers for Disease Control and Prevention” to conclude that the toxic chemical “Diacetyl” was responsible. Diacetyl was found in 39 of the most popular brands of flavored e-cigarettes! The Harvard School of Public Health found the link between e-cigarettes and Popcorn Lung, which was reported by “AOL News”.

The video you are about to watch below compares regular cigarettes to e-cigarettes. It is very important to watch this footage, and come to an educated decision about continuing to smoke e-cigarettes, given what we know and don’t know about this alternative. The bronchial symptoms, cited by “For The People”, of POPCORN LUNG include:

1. Wheezing

2. Dry cough

3. Abnormal shortness of breath

4. Wheezing

5. Weight loss

6. Night sweats,

7.  Fever

8. Fatigue

Very often Popcorn Lung, an irreversible and often life-threatening disease, gets misdiagnosed. Although no longitudinal studies have yet been done, given how new e-cigarette smoking is, we do know that Popcorn lung can be devastating. Let us know your thoughts after watching the footage below.

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3 Simple and All Natural Ways To Get Rid of Those Unsightly Large Pores


Large pores are a frustrating beauty issue for many people. The unsightly blemishes are commonly seen as a sign of oily skin, but that’s just the main possible cause. While some people do have overactive oil glands, oftentimes larger pores begin to appear as we age and our skin starts to lose elasticity and moisture.

There are many products available on the market that have been touted as effective at shrinking pores. They promise users a youthful new glow and miraculous results, yet most of them don’t do anything and are ineffective. Some even damage the fragile skin on our faces because they contain extremely harsh and abrasive ingredients that do more harm than good.

Instead of enduring more pain or wasting more money in search of a solution, try a more gentle approach like this 100% all-natural method. It only requires one simple ingredient that’s inexpensive and chances are it’s much more effective than anything else you’ve tried so far at minimizing pores. All you need is baking soda and warm water. Baking soda has long been used in a number of at home beauty treatments, the recipe and directions for the pore minimizing baking soda scrub are as follows:

In a small bowl combine two tablespoons of baking soda and a few drops of water. Add the water slowly because you don’t want to make the mixture runny, rather you want a paste-like consistency. Gently massage the mixture onto your face using a circular motion. Do this for 30 seconds, no more no less, before rinsing if off with cool water. Finish up by applying moisturizer or doing whatever your normal skin routine consists of. You should aim to do this application every day for one week straight, but those with sensitive skin should cut it back to 2-3 times a week. After the first week, you’ll only need to use it once a month or every 2 weeks. Over time, this will tighten pores and many people have reported that it works!

Part of what makes baking soda so effective at cleaning in general is that it’s efficient at regulating pH because it’s neither too acidic, nor too alkaline. Rather, it falls right around the middle. Thus, when baking soda interacts with things that are either acidic or alkaline it naturally reacts and neutralizes them. That’s why baking soda is so great at maintaining balanced and neutral pH levels, and when you add it to water and apply it to your face, your cleaning your skin naturally and getting all of the gunk that’s clogging your pores out. Perhaps best of all, it’s extremely affordable and won’t harm the environment, like most of the ingredients that are found in beauty products do.

Here are two other all-natural pore minimizing remedies:

Lemon Juice and Egg White Masque- Combine 2 egg whites and beat them until frothy, then add in the juice from half a lemon. Smear the mask onto your face, being careful to avoid the eye and mouth areas. Once the mask has dried, or after about 30 minutes, rinse it off with warm water, pat dry, and apply moisturizer.

Tomato and Lime Juice Treatment- Combine 1 tablespoon of tomato juice with 2-4 drops of fresh squeezed lime juice. Stir until well blended then soak cotton pads in it and place them on your face. Keep them there for 15 minutes before removing and rinsing your skin off with cold water. *Do not leave this on any longer than 15 minutes because citric acid can burn delicate skin.

Try one of these applications tonight before bed and see the results for yourself!

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13 Signs and Symptoms You Have a Thyroid Condition and May Not Even Know It.

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Without a properly functioning thyroid gland, living a healthy, normal, balanced life is all but impossible to enjoy. That is because the gland, located in the front base of our necks, is responsible for producing all of the hormones our bodies need to function. These hormones help control metabolism and are what our other vital organs rely on for energy in order to work efficiently and properly.

It naturally follows that thyroid hormones can have a huge impact on how different parts of the body work, including the heart, liver, muscles, brain, and more. When the thyroid gland is under-active and does not produce enough thyroid hormone, it leads to a disorder known as hypothyroidism. The most common causes of an under-active thyroid are a lack of sufficient iodine in one’s diet, an underlying autoimmune disease, such as Hashimoto’s, and radiation treatment.

In terms of iodine deficiency, a change in diet can help ensure that you are getting enough. The human body does not make its own supply of iodine and so eating foods that are naturally rich in iodine, such as organic yogurt, cranberries, navy beans, strawberries, potatoes, cheddar or cheese made with goat’s milk, can help thyroid function. Thankfully there is an easy way to diagnose hypothyroidism, via a blood test, and from there it can be managed and treated with hormone therapy.

If left untreated, hypothyroidism can lead to a variety of different health issues. Joint pain, obesity, heart disease, infertility, depression, and even coma can result from the condition. By knowing what symptoms to look out for you can avoid those complications and get treatment before it spirals out of control. Here are the most common signs of hypothyroidism:

1. Sudden and unexplained weight gain 2. Muscle weakness 3. General fatigue 4. Constipation 5. Memory loss 6. Thinning, coarse, or dry hair 7. Rough, dry, pale skin 8. Puffy face 9. Sensitivity and/or intolerance to cold 10. Depression 11. Increased irritability 12. Muscle aches and cramps 13. Abnormal menstrual cycle with heavier or irregular periods in women

Check out the video below for more information:

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Signs and Symptoms You Have Breast Cancer and May Not Even Know It.

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Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer that women are at risk from and in America the statistics are startling. According to nationalbreastcancer.org, one in eight women are diagnosed with breast cancer at some point in their life, which makes it the second leading cause of death, falling only behind heart disease.

While the numbers are eye opening, they also tell a different story. Knowing the signs, being proactive, aware, and on top of any changes in breasts is the key to early detection and protecting yourself. In a breastcancer.org survey of 2,200 women, 37% of respondents reported that they first detected their cancer with a self-examination. A rule of thumb is that as soon as your breasts are fully developed you should begin to check them monthly. This annual exam serves to make you familiar with your body so that you know what feels normal and can recognize any changes as soon as possible.

As for when you should do a breast self-exam, the best time of the month is at least several days after your period has ended. That’s when breasts are least likely to be swollen and tender. Women who no longer get periods can choose an easy day to remember, like the first or last day of the month. For comprehensive instructions on how to perform a self-exam properly, please go to breastcancer.org for more information and read on below.

The first thing that you should always keep in mind is that not all bumps are automatic signs of cancer. Many lumps and bumps are normal and may often be attributed to the following causes; cysts, scar tissue, infections, and benign fibrocystic breast disease. With that in mind, you also need to know what to look and feel for. Check your entire breast area including armpits for any strange feeling lump that is new or just feels off. Cancerous lumps are often painless, hard, and unmovable when touched. The video describes it as any lump that feels different or ‘like a lump in your oatmeal.’ These should be checked out further by your doctor as soon as possible, regardless of whether or not you’ve had a recent mammogram that was normal.

The next step is to check for any visible changes to your breasts. Things to watch out for include reddened, thickened, dimpled, puckered, or scaly skin, as well as any abnormal flattening or indentation on the breast. Always keep an eye on nipples as well so you can recognize any of the following changes in them that may indicate breast cancer; redness, pain, scaliness, itchiness, skin thickening, nipple turning inward, or nipple discharge.

In addition to doing monthly self-exams, you should always have your doctor perform an annual breast exam at your yearly check up. At age 40 you should also begin annual mammograms and if there is any history of cancer in your family be sure to inform your doctor about it.

By simply knowing the signs and symptoms that often accompany breast cancer and what to look for you can help protect yourself and detect any abnormality early on. Pass on this information so that more women are aware of them and remember to do annual self-exams.

Watch the video below for more information:

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If You Suffer Daily From Lower Back and Sciatica Pain Stop It Just Using a Tennis Ball

Lower back pain can be experienced by people of all ages, and can severely hamper your lifestyle as well as your overall mood; being plagued by chronic pain can be very depressing For people who work out regularly, this can result from over stressing muscles, or incorrect form when lifting heavy objects. This should be dealt with properly when you are young, so that injuries do not become chronic and more serious. As we age, lower back pain can become more disabling, as the main culprit…Sciatica, becomes involved.

Sciatica is a condition that involves the sciatic nerve; this nerve runs down your back and into your legs. According to PositiveMed, when the sciatic nerve is pinched or compressed by a herniated disk, the condition known as Sciatica occurs making movement difficult and painful.

The video that you are about to watch below, is a Godsend for those of us who want to
manage our own aches and pains in a natural way. It illustrates different techniques, using  tennis balls, that will exercise and massage the muscles involved in causing your pain. It helps to break up the adhesions that aid in resolving the acute sciatic pain.

These wonderful techniques serve to treat the symptoms of sciatica, however it doesn’t address the cause. An appropriate doctor should be seen to determine whether there is disc involvement or any malformations. Anti-inflammatory drugs, hot and cold packs, as well as other treatments may well serve the remediation of your symptoms.

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Man Notices A Strange Hole In This Lake So He Gets a Drone Flies It Inside and Captures This

California’s Napa County is well known for its wine industry and beautiful scenery. Between its lush green rolling hills and wildflower covered valleys, it easily ranks among one of the most naturally picturesque places in America. There is so much to see and explore throughout the area and when the timing is right, one of the main attractions can be found at Lake Berryessa. The seventh largest man-made lake in California is held back by the 304 foot tall Monticello Dam and is home to the famous “Glory Hole” spillway. Sitting just yards away from the concrete lip of the dam, the spillway is funnel shaped just like how a morning glory flower is, hence the name.

At the opening and widest point, it measures 72 feet across before narrowing down to approximately 28 feet as it drops straight down two-hundred vertical feet! Once it reaches the bottom it bends ninety degrees and then straightens out before eventually draining out on the other side of the dam into Putah Creek.

The last time the spillway was in action was well over a decade ago and with the ongoing drought conditions that California has been experiencing it was expected to be awhile before it ever saw any use again. All of that changed recently when January and February brought record amounts of rain to the region and raised the lake’s water capacity to near maximum levels!

The sudden influx of so much water in such a short span of time meant that the glory hole was finally back in action and on February 16, 2017 the edge of it was officially runneth over! You have to check out this awesome drone footage to see what it looks like when thousands of cubic feet of water per second rush down the hole.

It’s unbelievably mesmerizing and hypnotic and the power of the spillway is truly a wonder to behold. At one point in the footage the drone operator let it get a little too close to the hole and it almost ended up being sucked down into the dark depths. Check it out because this is something you don’t get to see all that often and it’s super neat! Note: If Trouble Viewing Video on Mobile Device or iPad turn device horizontal.

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This Beautiful Color Test Can Determine Your Dominant Gender

Colors can reveal a lot about many of the things in our lives. Take for example a banana. A green one tells us it’s not yet ripe, while yellow signals that it’s ready to eat, and a brown or black colored banana means that it’s likely spoiled. This is a very basic illustration of how colors bring out or show us information that we may not otherwise have any other easy way of discovering.

There has been a number of studies, polls, and research done that all center around people’s perceptions of colors and their associated meanings. As it turns out, gender plays a large role in terms of the colors that we are drawn and attracted to. Overall men prefer shades of green, gray, and orange whereas women like purples, reds, pinks and yellows. Both genders absolutely love blue, it is by far the universal favorite color, while men like darker, smoky, bolder hues and women prefer softer, muted tones.

If all of this sounds very familiar, it’s because we are so used to these distinctions and exposed to them everywhere we turn. Businesses market their products to us based on many of the color preferences above. That’s why men’s brand packaging is often black, navy blue, or gray compared to clean crisp whites and warm, feminine colors for women.

The link between color and gender is quite strong indeed as the research and many studies on it over the years has shown. Through it all experts have agreed on the general conclusion that men and women are simply drawn to different color variations. With that in mind, this beautiful color-based test will tell you what percentage male and female you are, and in doing so also determine your dominant gender. Will it turn out to be male, female, or unisex? There’s only one way to know for sure so try out this fun quiz and get your results!

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