This Mom Is Recording Her Children When She Notices Something Terrifying! This Is Scary!

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When I gave birth to my children I followed all the child safety prescriptions to make my home “child-proof”.  Although, you can’t assure 100% safety, as accidents do occur, there are many things that are 100% preventable.

What you are about to hear about in the video below, was something I had never heard of when, my now grown children, were young.  I am really shaken by what I heard and saw on this footage, but it is something that should be seen by every parent, grandparent and really any person who ever have young children in their homes.

As my kids were growing up, I always joke that every time they moved I was there with the video camera.  So it was for the Walla family.  Mom, Nicky was filming her younger twins eating cereal off their walker trays, when suddenly the camera pans over to the window and you hear her let out a blood curdling scream.  Nicky sees her toddler son, Gavin, hanging from the window blind cord!  She ran to his rescue in time to save him.

Gavin is now in high school; he and his parents agreed to post this horrific video, since it had a happy ending, but more importantly for prevention purposes.  In watching this entire footage you will hear parents who were not as lucky, and about an industry that has been extremely negligent, when cordless, inexpensive blinds are available and ready for sale.  You will hear about what progress has been made, in terms of major retailers pledging to stop the sale of corded blinds, but that is still 3 years away!  Be sure to watch this story to the very end, so that you can ensure the safety of your and others’ children!

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If You Notice a Blue Cooler On Your Neighbors Porch. THIS Is What It Means..

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Image via: Youtube

One cooler on a neighbor’s porch probably wouldn’t attract much attention, but several dotting the neighborhood piqued one woman’s interest. When Tracy Beaves, who lives in Oklahoma in a town called The Village, noticed several Styrofoam containers on people’s front porches she was naturally curious as to why they were there.

It turned out that one homeowner had decided to put out a cooler full of ice cold water bottles for the delivery people who were working outside in the oppressive heat. At the time, the area was experiencing a days long heatwave that showed no signs of relenting. Nevertheless, all of the letter carriers and delivery workers in the area had to go on with their jobs no matter what the weather. Providing them with a convenient and refreshing bottle of water was a simple and kind act that many people were more than happy to do.

Loving the thoughtful idea herself, Tracy decided to place a cooler full of beverages outside on her porch as well for anyone stopping by who might be in need of a drink. After all, when the weather heats up and it gets dangerously hot outside, it’s important to try and stay as cool and comfortable as humanly possible. To do that, the best thing a person can do is to drink lots of water and keep hydrated.

As a news report on the practice shows, the kind gesture didn’t stop with Tracy. Many other homeowners in her neighborhood also chose to put out coolers and the delivery carriers were more than grateful and thankful for it. Hopefully in the coming summer months this trend will catch on and spread all over the country. It’s a wonderful idea and a good way to pay it forward!

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If You Notice a Guy With Only 1 Nail Polished THIS Is What it Means.

When Elliot Costello went on a trip to Cambodia with Hagar International he knew he’d meet women and children who had been exploited and abused. The non-profit organization runs social service programs there, as well as in Vietnam, which aim to protect the most vulnerable victims of human trafficking and help them recover. However, Mr. Costello never dreamed he’d meet a little girl named Thea who profoundly changed his life for good, and for the better.

Thea was ten years old when he met her at the Hagar shelter. For the past two years the little girl had been exploited by Westerners who physically, sexually, and emotionally abused her. Despite the horrific treatment she’d suffered through, Thea still had love and trust in her heart. She took Mr. Costello’s big hand in her tiny one and began to draw a heart with a marker before flipping it over to color in all of his nails. The simple act stayed with Elliot and is what motivated him “to paint one nail to represent the one in five children that suffer physical and sexual violence at the hands of men.”

Mr. Costello did not stop there. Instead he started the Polished Man campaign with the hope of drawing some much needed attention to the plight of children around the world who are, or have ever been, victims of sexual violence. The movement revolves around the simple act of supporters painting one finger nail on their hand and sporting it for a week straight in order to represent, and show unity, with children who have been abused. The end goal of this is to spread the word and spark a conversation about violence against children because when people see a man’s lone nail painted, their curiosity is piqued and they ask about it. The more awareness of the topic and campaign, the more visible the cause becomes. In turn, that leads to more donations that are needed to help fund and support all of the programs and resources that go to survivors like Thea.

The Polished Man campaign is just a couple of years old but thousands of people have joined the cause already. Celebrities such as Mario Batali and Hugh Jackman have thrown their support behind it and countless others have shared photos and messages on social media to help raise awareness. In the accompanying video Mr. Costello tells his story and provides more information on the campaign. Please share and help spread the word about this awesome idea so that more people participate and paint one of their nails as well.

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Mom Comes Home And Confronts Her Dog About The Giant Mess. He Points and Rats Out The Guilty Party.

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No one likes being called out and told on by someone else. It usually leads to getting into trouble and being punished for whatever you did that you shouldn’t have done!

In many places, informing on another person is a major no-no. It’s socially frowned upon, even unacceptable, and can come with risky consequences. When you’re young it’s called being a tattle-tale, when you’re older and more street-smart (or in prison) it’s called being a rat. But when you’re a dog, it’s called being a good boy!

Special rules apply to dogs because they’re adorable and don’t know any better.. and obviously they’re just special! When a dog does something naughty usually their guilt is written all over their face or they leave a clear trail of destruction in their wake. That’s because they tend to get carried away when they finally get a chance to do something that’s off-limits or forbidden, like the little French Bulldog in this clip.

The cute Frenchie made a mess when her owners left her home alone with just her older brother, a very big and very sweet looking Bull Mastiff. She got a little too excited when she came across a stray roll of toilette paper and accidentally ended up tearing it to shreds. When her humans walked in the door they were greeted by the sight of her draped in chewed up pieces of paper and surrounded by what was left of the roll.

While the evidence and circumstances clearly point to her guilt, the owner nevertheless decides to ask the two who made the mess. As the camera focuses in on the Bull Mastiff he appears to be quite relaxed and at ease, as if he doesn’t have a care in the world. He’s not worried about the whole situation and he replies in the cutest possible way. Without whimpering a word or uttering a sound he simply lifts up one paw and uses it to point at his sister. He ratted out the Frenchie, answered his human, and proved how much he deserves a treat all in one swift move! Now that is a good, smart, handsome dog!

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She Spots A Strange Egg Filled With Goo On Her Lawn. Then Grabs a Cam and Films This As It Hatches.

If you saw a strange gooey ball of something super weird looking in your backyard, you’d likely be more than a little concerned about whatever it is. One woman happened to be outside when she noticed an egg-like sac of slime in the grass and upon closer inspection she saw it move! Naturally, curiosity set in so she grabbed her camera to record the oddity and to see what happened.

Next thing she knew the freaky little thing started hatching and red tentacle-like arms ripped right through the egg sac. The ugly looking arms grew longer and longer as they sprouted out before eventually curling open and unfurling. As alien and bizarre as the thing looks, it turned out that the woman captured the hatching and development of a strange, yet normal and somewhat common, type of mushroom known as Clathrus archeri.

The hideous thing certainly looks like it came straight out of the depths of hell, which makes sense when you hear what its common name happens to be, devil’s fingers! Not only does it appear truly frightening and poisonous, which it isn’t and besides who in their right mind would ever eat that, it also smells terrible. The red-colored arms you see unfolding are coated in a black, spore-covered tissue that smells like dead, rotting, putrid stuff. The fungus has this feature in order to attract flies and bugs to it because they pick up the spores and then help spread them all around.

This video makes it easy to understand where those who suffer from Fungophobia or Mycophobia, which is the fear of mushrooms, are coming from. Check out the clip to see how freaky this fungus looks and if you never eat another mushroom again after watching this, it’s completely understandable. This is truly one nasty looking shroom, even the strongest of hearts can’t stomach it once they get a whiff!

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A Man Isolated Himself From Society For Over 25 Years With Only His Dog In The Desert. What He Reveals Inside This Cave Is Incredible!


In the high desert of Northern New Mexico, you can hear the sounds of a man entranced in his work underground in a cave.  You will see a small entry that opens into a cavern, where Ra Paulette has spent the last 25 years carving New Mexico’s sandstone into magnificent art. He’s spent years doing this work with the company of only his dog.

When asked if he is a man obsessed with cave digging, he gives the really thoughtful response: “Is a child obsessed with play?”  He waxes on to say, that when you love what you are doing, you are driven to do it all the time.  He sees his majestic pieces as environmental projects; his goal is to inspire people such that they open up emotionally, in response to the enormity and power of what his carvings evoke.

It can be said that he has created magic in the underground caves that he has carved.  They are at once intimate and overwhelming.  Interestingly, Ra doesn’t see himself as an artist, but simply as a man expressing his sense of wonder in a passionate way.  I would beg to differ with his opinion that he is not an artist.  What he has created, is livable art of unbelievable power.

The video you are about to watch tells the rest of his story, and gives you a tour  of his magnificent caves.  Unbelievably, his work had no notoriety until a filmmaker asked to do a documentary about Ra.  Called “Cave Digger”, the film ended up winning an academy award!  Please share your reactions to this story of peaceful man who’s purpose was a dedication to his craft.  I can guarantee that you are about to view something you have never seen before.

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This Is What Those Strange Floaty Things In Your Eyes Actually Are!

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If you have ever seen what looks like little bugs in the periphery of your vision, that in fact are not bugs at all, you probably have experienced “floaters”.  The scientific name for this phenomenon is know as “muscae volitantes” or “flying flies”.

This occurs when red blood cells, proteins or tissue have detached, and cast shadows on the retina.  Whatever the tiny object that is casting this shadow, these “floaters” are not dangerous, and in fact are often not visible.  They become more visible when they move closer to the retina, and when you are looking at a bright surface.  The reason why they often go unnoticed, is because the brain has the power to accommodate for these annoying objects, and thus are not seen.

When they are seen, they drift with your eye movement, floating in and out of your line of vision.  The first time you experience this, you probably will find yourself swatting at annoying little bugs until you realize that what you are experiencing is within your eye.  Fortunately, these floating objects are pulled down by gravity, out of the line of your vision.

The video you are about to watch is a TED-Ed production that does a great job of explaining this phenomenon in more depth, and holds important information related to the health of your eye. It is well worth watching to further understand the phenomenon of “floaters” that we all will eventually experience.

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Scientists Recently Discovered The 5 Health Benefits of Eating 3 Eggs Per Day

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For years, it was thought that eating eggs regularly, would raise your cholesterol to unhealthy levels. However, recent scientific findings have proven that although our bodies naturally produce significant amounts of cholesterol, they accommodate by producing less, when we consume foods that contain cholesterol.

This is great news, especially in the case of eggs, that have incredible health benefits when eaten daily! Not only do they have the capacity to provide nutrients containing much-needed vitamins and protein, but they also act as a preventative for many potentially life-threatening diseases.

Two to three eggs per day will enrich your diet with Vitamins A, D, E and B-12. According to the “Huffington Post”, they are also rich in folate, calcium, and omega-3 fatty acids. The amount of HIGH-QUALITY PROTEIN in a single egg, according to “Health 24”, is equal to 30 grams of meat! The quality of this protein is rated much higher, than that found in beef or milk.

The VIDEO you are about to watch below will go into greater detail about these important nutrients, as well as CHOLINE…important for BRAIN HEALTH, and the anti-oxidants found in eggs. These ANTI-OXIDANTS protect EYE HEALTH and LOWER the RISK of many CANCERS. Also discussed is the WEIGHT CONTROL provided by eggs, as well as BONE, HAIR and NAIL HEALTH.

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