If You Notice Somebody With This Ear Piercing, It Means THIS


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People the world over are constantly searching for alternative and natural ways to help treat their health conditions and disorders. They don’t want to have to rely on modern options that usually involve harsh, pricey pharmaceuticals, which often have even worse side effects than the issue they treat. Many people end up turning to homeopathic remedies in an effort to naturally help balance and heal their bodies. One of the easiest and most effective treatment methods is auricular acupuncture. It’s an all-natural way to help alleviate the painful effects of chronic headaches and people have found that by getting a specific type of ear piercing they dramatically relieved the discomfort associated with their migraines.

The treatment is similar to reflexology, which is the stimulation of a reflex point to relieve and help regulate abnormalities between different body parts. However, with auricular acupuncture different parts of the ear are stimulated either manually, by pressing finger tips on certain points, or by using needles. One of the main acupuncture points on the ear is located exactly where the daith piercing is done. Daith piercings have been around for thousands of years and yet it wasn’t until the 1990s (when they were in fashion) that they finally were given a name.

The piercing is done on the little piece of cartilage that folds nearest to the ear canal. The ring ends up running through a pressure point commonly targeted by acupuncturists and thus mimics the effects of acupuncture, which is what leads to migraine relief for many people. When this area is pierced the surrounding blood vessels and nerves are stimulated, causing them to release endorphins and other chemicals our bodies produce that help regulate pain. Many people have initially chosen to get a daith piercing in order to specifically target their chronic headache pain. They report that that after getting it done they experienced much less frequent or intense migraines.

The piercing is relatively easy to get done and is widely available. A straight needle is passed through the fold of cartilage and then a ring is inserted. Depending on where you go it costs on average anywhere between $50-100. If you’re one of the millions of Americans who suffer from debilitating migraines, you could potentially gain a lot of relief by getting a daith piercing. Look into it and pass this along to others to help them find comfort and better health in their own lives!

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This Isn’t a Regular Insect. If You See One Do Not Go Near It. The Reason is Scary

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Kissing bugs sound like nice, innocent insects, but they are the exact opposite of that description. The little pests are actually blood sucking parasites who feed on animals and people. They earned the “kissing” name because they tend to operate by biting their sleeping victims around the eye and mouth areas.

In some cases the nasty bugs are even deadly because they are responsible for spreading Chagas disease to both humans and animals. Chagas was once a rare parasitic infection but not anymore. A growing number of people in South America and the US are contracting it. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that approximately 8 million people in Mexico, Central, and South America have Chagas, while in the US over 300,000 people are currently infected. Many of those who have it are unaware they’ve been infected and it can be life threatening if left untreated. Furthermore, Kissing bugs also transmit Chagas to pets and animals. Dogs are among the most susceptible to the disease and in the state of Texas, where kissing bugs are increasingly common, about 400 of them have died as a result of Chagas already.

The kissing bugs responsible for all of this death and disease are called by their scientific name “Triatomine Bugs.” They bite their unsuspecting victims around the eyes and mouth and when their feces comes into contact with either the bite area, or a mucous membrane like an eye, they pass the parasite known as Trypanosoma Cruzi to the host. The parasite is spread in this gross manner because it lives in the bug’s feces and that happens to be the main way in which it enters a person or animal’s body. As if that wasn’t already nasty enough, dogs can contract Chagas in other ways, such as by eating the bugs or infected animal feces.

Once a person or animal has been infected they usually remain unaware that they have the disease until it’s progressed to a later, and more serious, stage. Furthermore, in some cases it may be asymptomatic, meaning there are no symptoms whatsoever until one appears suddenly out of nowhere. This later point is why it’s being called the “silent killer” and people are being urged to familiarize themselves the signs and symptoms of Chagas disease, which include the following; confusion, weakness, diarrhea, loss of appetite, depression, lethargy, swollen abdomen, a lack of coordination, seizures or jerky movements, and increased heart rate.

There are currently tests available that can detect Chagas if you ever want to get tested. If you suspect you may have it then definitely get tested right away because when the disease is found early enough it can usually be successfully treated and the harmful side-effects lessened. Please pass this information on so that others are aware of the dangers that kissing bugs pose, and monitor pets health for any signs of chagas disease.

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If You Notice A Purple Butterfly Above A Newborn At The Hospital, THIS Is What It Means..

When Millie found out she was having twins, she and her husband Lewis were so excited. Millie’s family had a history of twins, so her delight in continuing the tradition felt just right.  Unfortunately, this exciting news was followed by a finding by the doctors, that was like a punch in the stomach.

They were informed that one of the unborn twins had a rare condition that causes severe developmental effects on the brain.  Known as Anencephaly, this condition in newborns has a survival rate of only a few days.  Taking in the shock of this awful news, and having to go throughthe pregnancy knowing only one of your children will survive, was unimaginably hurtful.

The mixed feelings of grieving impending loss while looking forward to the birth of a healthy child, must be terribly confusing and stressful.  At the time of the birth, Millie ended up having an emergency C-section, and the affected twin whom they named Skye, died soon after.  The video you are about to watch below tells the story of what occurred next.

As they were dealing with the loss and attending to their healthy newborn, a stranger who knew nothing of their circumstances, made a throw-away comment which had a far-reaching impact…”You’re so lucky you haven’t got twins…”

The person was just trying to be supportive and was completely unknowing of their situation.  Millie became hysterical as the comment stung badly, in her vulnerable state.  Although she realized the comment was unintentionally hurtful, the experience gave birth to her idea for protecting other parents from such unknowing comments.  Although the comment was meant to be humorous, she said that those words nearly broke her; it was then that the idea of the purple butterfly as a sign of loss came to her.

In order to raise awareness about loss in a multiple pregnancy Millie and Lewis, and the need for sensitivity, they started the “Skye High Foundation”.  Named after the child they lost, their goal was to have purple butterfly stickers (below) in neonatal wards in hospitals across the nation!

Their intention is to try to save parents who are grieving such a terrible loss, added trauma by unknowing people.  They have started a fund for parents in similar circumstances, and being courageous and caring in attempting to turn their personal tragedy, into support for others.

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This Is Not a Normal Bug and They Are Showing Up Everywhere. If You Notice One Do THIS Right Away!

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Image via: Youtube

Kissing bugs may sound all sweet and innocent but they’re anything but that. The nasty little things are actually parasitic and even deadly in some cases because they spread Chagas disease to both humans and animals. More and more people in South America and the US are increasingly contracting the once rare parasitic infection and it’s now estimated that over 300,000 people are currently infected in the US alone. In the state of Texas about 400 dogs have died as a result of Chagas, as dogs are among the most susceptible to the disease.

The insect responsible for all of this death and disease, Kissing bugs, are known by their scientific name “Triatomine Bugs.” They operate by biting sleeping people and animals around the eyes and mouth areas because they feed on blood. Then, when their feces comes into contact with either the bite area or a mucous membrane like an eye, they pass the parasite known as Trypanosoma Cruzi to their victim. The parasite is spread this way because it lives in the bug’s feces and that happens to be the main way in which it enters a host’s body. As if that wasn’t already nasty enough, dogs can contract Chagas in additional ways, such as by eating either the bugs or infected animal feces. Chagas isn’t only disgusting in the way that it’s spread, but also in the way that it affects its victims. Most of the time people or animals who contract the disease don’t even know they have it until it’s progressed to a later, more serious stage. In some cases it’s asymptomatic and there are no symptoms whatsoever until a sudden serious one appears seemingly out of nowhere. That’s why it’s being called the “silent killer” and people are being urged to familiarize themselves the signs and symptoms of it, which are listed below:

-swollen abdomen

-confusion, weakness

-lack of coordination

-seizures or jerky movements

-loss of appetite


-depression, lethargy -increased heart rate -congestive heart failure

Many of the above symptoms are quite common for other diseases so thankfully there are tests available that can detect Chagas. When the disease is found early enough it can usually be successfully treated and any of its harmful side-effects lessened.

In addition, there are preventative measures you can take to limit your pets exposure to the bugs. It’s not just dogs who are susceptible, any animal that spends time outdoors is at risk for contracting it, especially in the southern regions of the USA. Here are several things that you can do to decrease the overall risk that kissing bugs pose to your pets:

-Remove wood, brush, and rock piles near your house or yard, the bugs prefer these areas

-Keep pets in at night since the bugs are nocturnal

-Seal up holes in window screens and cracks in crawl or storage spaces

-Elevate outdoor dog houses off the ground

-Try to place any outdoor/yard lights away from the house, they attract bugs

If you keep your house and yard clean and in line with the above points you can greatly reduce the risk of exposure to pets and yourself. Check out the video for more information on the disease and to hear Kiska’s story. She’s a sweet dog living in Texas who almost died after contracting Chagas. For Kiska it was almost too late, there’s no cure for her since her disease was detected when it was in the later stages, and so now she has to live with a pacemaker. Please share her story and pass this important information on to your friends and family. If more people are aware of it, more lives and animals can be saved, or at the very least improved.

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Child Tells Mommy and Daddy Somebody Is Speaking To Him At The Night. When Mom Finds Out The Scary Truth.

image via – youtube.com

It’s every parent’s worst nightmare. A complete stranger gains access to their baby’s bedroom and takes pictures of the young child without their knowledge, then posts them online for anyone to see. For one couple this wasn’t a bad dream, it was reality. Now they’re telling their story to bring attention to how this all happened, so people are aware and that hopefully it never happens again.

About a year ago the couple, Sara and Jay, were living in Washington with their 3-year-old son. The disturbing incident came to light one day when the child told them that he was scared to sleep alone at night and that someone was talking to him on the phone.

At first they were unsure what he actually meant, but soon afterwards they heard voices coming through the baby monitor that was located in his bedroom. Jay heard a man’s voice saying something along the lines of “wake up little boy, daddy’s looking for you” and after that, when Sara entered the child’s room, the man could be heard talking about how someone was coming. That’s when the realization set in that some sicko had hacked into their baby monitor and was using it to speak to their son and spy on them.

The hackers had also gained control of the night vision camera lens and were able to move it around and see everything in the room. Freaked out by the whole thing, the couple contacted the baby monitor maker, Foscam, and notified the company of the strange situation.

Foscam told the worried parents that it was possible a hacker could gain access to the system. Once in, the hacker could easily control the camera from their own computer or even with just a smart phone app. As if all of this wasn’t frustrating and scary enough, the company also said that there was no way to track down and figure out who the hacker was or where he lived.

Needless to say, the parents threw the compromised baby monitor in the trash and are now using their story to warn others about the potential for incidents like this. Crimes involving internet connected devices are on the rise as more and more people own and use them regularly. Baby monitors may be at particular risk as many of them now use WiFi and come with smartphone apps and features.

Besides invasion of privacy, experts warn this can lead to identity theft and other crimes. It’s highly recommend that people regularly change their WiFi and any camera network passwords they may have frequently. It’s the least you can do to protect your family and yourself from criminals.

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If You Notice A Green Light Displayed On Your Neighbors Porch Or Window, THIS Is What It Means


Image via: Youtube

We all hear about the millions of military veterans, who were brave enough to fight for our country and are lucky enough to survive, only to return home haunted by their

Transitioning back to civilian life is often difficult, whether it is having to deal with physical trauma and injuries, and/or the psychological ramifications of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Many of us have had the occasion to thank a vet for his or her service, but often we may not even know that an individual has served.

In the video you are about to watch below, Lourdes Gonzalez, a US Army vet who served in Iraq, offers insight into her experience at war. Her words were deeply touching and offered some profound perspectives. She emotionally discusses how much it means to her, when people express gratitude for her service. In so doing, we learn about the “GREENLIGHT A VET” initiative, which has provided a simple, but effective means for a more comprehensive way for all of us to say thank you to our vets.

The idea is to display a single visible green light, on a porch, or window that faces the street. The green light provides a universal symbol of our gratitude, for the incredible bravery of our vets, both during and after facing the ravages of war.

Additionally, the color green which has been associated with health and prosperity, is doubly symbolic of what we all wish for them, in their lives going forward. The website for this initiative also makes note that “Giving the Green Light” is a saying that explicitly connotes forward motion.

Listen, as Lourdes expresses her deep appreciation when she sees a green light shining from peoples’ homes; it tells her ” ‘I care. I may not know how to say it, but I care.’ ”

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If You Notice Someone With A Red String Tattoo, THIS Is What It Means!

Tattoos are becoming increasingly common and can be found across the world on just about every part of people’s bodies. It was just a few decades ago that body art used to be frowned down upon, and it was even considered to be somewhat of a taboo. However, these days it’s accepted by the mainstream and embraced by all sorts of people throughout society. Many people choose to get them for personal reasons and they often hold some type of meaningful significance. Dates, names, portraits, and other special things are permanently inked onto skin in symbolic remembrance and celebration of memories. Tattoos are here to stay and regardless of if you have none, one, two, ten, or 100, you may find this new trend to be quite interesting.

Throughout the history of tattoos, Eastern inspired designs have always been among the most popular. All of the many dragons, lotuses, and Chinese symbols that adorn people’s bodies can attest to that. The newest design that is currently taking hold around the world can also trace its roots back to East Asia. The trend sees people tattooing tiny red strings around their pinky fingers. The small, delicate looking red line wraps completely around the pinky and is tied off with a neat bow. In terms of symbolism, these red string tattoos are all about love, fate, destiny, and soulmates.

The story behind it all is known as “The Red String of Fate” legend, which is found in both Japanese and Chinese cultures. According to Wikipedia “The two people connected by the red thread are destined lovers, regardless of place, time, or circumstances. This magical cord may stretch or tangle, but never break.” The folklore further says that when a tiny red string is wrapped around a man’s thumb it connects him to the pinky finger of the woman whom he is meant to spend the rest of his life with. The legend has inspired people, especially couples, to ink the small red strings on their fingers. Even those with no romantic inclinations are getting the tattoos as a symbol of their friendship and love for friends and family. They usually place the design in a different area other than the hand, such as on ankles and wrists, and go with someone to get matching tattoos. Now when you spot a red string tattoo, you’ll know the meaning behind it.

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If You Notice A Woman With This Tattoo THIS Is What It Means..

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Often when women miscarry, people will be supportive briefly when it occurs early in a pregnancy, and then say something like “it wasn’t meant to be” or “you’ll have another soon”.  They mean well, but often don’t realize the impact of the loss on the woman and the couple.  Miscarriage can cause a profound and lasting sense of loss that can’t just be brushed off.

Joan Bremer suffered the tragedy of losing her child to miscarriage, and felt a need to memorialize both the child and her experience in a symbolic and meaningful tattoo. You will hear her story in the video you are about to watch below.

The tattoo design uses a solid black curved line that forms the silhouette of the pregnant mother to the child within her womb; the line connects the hearts of mother and child.  The simplicity of the design made it a powerful symbol, whose meaning captured the hearts of women everywhere.  So many women have suffered in isolation as a result of the loneliness of the loss of miscarriage.  Bremer’s tattoo served as a unifying agent to connect women who needed the love and support of other women who had suffered similarly.  If you see a woman with a tattoo like the one in the upcoming footage, and you have been through the tragedy of miscarriage, you will know that there is another person who has been touched by this loss, that so often is dismissed.

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