THIS Spice You Already Have In Your Home Will Get Rid Of Your Ant Problem Immediately

Ants are basically everywhere. In fact, the only areas on Earth that lack ants are locations where it’s too cold for them to survive. Oddly enough one such place, Antarctica, sounds like it’s named after them!

Even though they’re just about everywhere, the one place no one ever wants to see any ants is in their house. They’re just gross, some have painful bites, and just the sight of them crawling around can ruin your day. That’s because if you see one little ant it’s very likely that somewhere close by hundreds, maybe even thousands, more are lurking.

If or when your home is invaded by ants, keep calm and grab the cinnamon! It’s an effective all-natural remedy that’s a lot safer for pets and children than any of the toxic, chemical laden ant-rid products are. Plus, your house will end up smelling wonderful!

Here’s how to use cinnamon to repel pesky ants- Simply sprinkle a bit of plain powdered cinnamon wherever you see ants around the house. Look to see where they’re coming from and focus on doors, windows, cracks and crevices, the foundation, near the trash, or wherever else you think they could be getting in. You may also use cinnamon essential oil diluted in a bit of water. Dip a Q tip in the oil and draw a line across doorways or around cracks to form a barrier. Ants hate cinnamon and will not walk on or over it, so be thorough. To see just how well cinnamon works check out the accompanying video. If you were skeptical before the clip, it will make you a believer!

There are several different theories as to why cinnamon works. One is that the strong aroma it emits interferes with the ants sense of smell, which they rely on to get around and communicate by. Ants leave a trail of pheromones to scent mark pathways to food and others follow them, that’s why you often see them following one another in uniform lines. The cinnamon blocks these trails and messes up their sense of smell, sending them packing! Another theory is that ants cannot stand having cinnamon essential oil or powder on their bodies and that breathing it in causes them to choke or suffocate. Regardless of the true cause, it works and that’s all that matters.

All in all it sounds like cinnamon is the way to go. You won’t have to worry about your kids or animals, your house will smell good, and all of the ants will be gone. Try it and stop the little invaders in their tracks!

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Teen Was Drinking 3 Glasses Of Green Tea a Day. Her Sickness Left Doctors Stunned

A teenager from England had been feeling horrible, she was nauseous and dizzy, her body ached painfully all over. After visiting her doctor he attributed her symptoms to a urinary tract infection and sent her home with antibiotics to help treat it. After taking two doses, the 16 year-old girl only became sicker and more ill, so she rushed to the emergency room at a local hospital. The doctors who treated her noticed that her skin and the whites of her eyes had turned yellow, a clear indication that she was suffering from jaundice.

At this point her condition was considered serious and in need of critical attention. The acute medical care team believed she had hepatitis, as her liver was swollen and inflamed.

Her diagnosis naturally made them question what caused a sixteen year old girl to suddenly develop hepatitis, so they investigated the circumstances that led to her seeking medical attention. What she told them turned out to be shocking, and disconcertingly widespread.

She said that she had not recently traveled abroad, nor had she taken any illegal or prescription drugs, and hadn’t consumed any alcohol. She’d also never had a blood transfusion, nothing she’d done or experienced was out of the ordinary or could have been the cause of her hepatitis. After more questions, doctors found out that she had ordered two boxes of green tea from China and for the past several months had been drinking three cups of it a day. She’d bought it for weight loss purposes and believed it could help control her appetite. However, she couldn’t read or understand the directions because they were written in Chinese and thus had no idea what exactly was in the tea she was drinking. The doctors obtained a sample of it and had it tested, when they saw the results they immediately ordered her to stop drinking it.

The tests showed the tea contained Camellia sinesis, a type of evergreen shrub whose leaves and leaf buds are used to make different teas, including green tea. That ingredient was the cause of the girl’s illness and it has previously been linked to liver damage and hepatitis in women who use green tea supplements and extracts.

In some cases patients suffered severe liver damage and were left needing transplants, and it has even caused death. In addition, there was a high possibility that other chemicals had been added to the tea to make it produce a stronger weight loss effect.

The doctors who wrote about her case in the journal BMJ Case Reports also stated that “There is potential for pesticide-induced hepatitis to exist, especially from less regulated products ordered from developing countries over the internet.” Because consumers cannot be positive about the quality and integrity of any tea they order online from abroad, they are urged to be wary and extra cautious about doing so, and should avoid it all-together. In the end, the girl quickly recovered and two months after stopping the green tea drink her liver function was back to normal. Doctors have been using her case to highlight the fact that excessive consumption of green tea can lead to liver disease and that many varieties of it, which often promise weight loss, may also contain harmful substances, including pesticides.

So if you drink green tea make sure it’s a brand known to you and limit your intake to a safe amount, it’s always better to be safe than sorry.

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She Ignored a Weird Spot On Her Leg. After 4 Days Of Pain She Got An X-ray. The Result Is Scary.

Our lives are filled with strange occurrences and mysteries that cannot be explained. We often don’t fully understand or know why certain things happen and a few of these events go on to haunt us forever. Heather Charlebois, a 42 year old woman from Florida, knows this all too well. She went through an experience that will stay with her forever and is now scarred for life.

It all started this past July 4th when she attended a live music show and fireworks display in the city of DeLand Florida. Heather and her friends were sitting at a table in the Cafe DaVinci at around 10:30 p.m. when they suddenly heard a loud pop. At the same time, she felt an intense pain shoot up her thigh and assumed someone had maybe hit her, even though she didn’t see anyone around. After heading to the bathroom to check out her leg she discovered a small puncture wound in her thigh and concluded someone had lit off a firecracker and part of it hit her leg. Since she was not bleeding a lot she wrote it off and went home.

Four days later and still in a lot of pain, she decided to seek medical attention. She explained, “everyone was telling me it looked like a bullet hole so they wanted me to go to the hospital, so I did.” After inspecting her wound and doing tests doctors confirmed that she had indeed been shot in the thigh. A surgeon told her that a .38 caliber bullet had penetrated into her leg almost 4 centimeters and couldn’t be removed because it was too close to her femoral artery.

Despite having been shot, a bullet still in her thigh, and ongoing pain from it, the mother of four is grateful that she is alive and that things didn’t turn out worse. She is choosing to be positive and upbeat about the whole situation and told the the local news “I feel very fortunate. I have four kids and we’ve been through a lot.”

Local police have yet to find out who shot her and speculate that someone fired a gun in the air during the fireworks display and the bullet came down and hit her. For now, the shooter and how Heather came to be shot, remain a mystery. Whatever the truth may be, she is simply happy to be alive.

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Teen Runs Downstairs To Her Mom In Excruciating Pain. The Reason Is Scary

What you are about to hear, should serve as a warning for all users of cell phones.  Jackie Fedro, a mom from suburban Chicago, has shared this extremely scary story that happened to her 13-year-old daughter, Gabbie.  Her dream came true when her parents got her a cell phone for Christmas.

She received the T-Mobile LG d500.  It should be noted that cell phones vary in terms of potential dangers, however as you will see in the video below, what happened to Gabbie was not an atypical occurrence specific to the LG.  She was using her phone in her room one day, when Jackie heard a bloodcurdling scream.  Gabbie came running down the stairs grabbing her neck in agony.

What Jackie saw was a severe burn around her neck.  Gabbie had been using her cell phone while it was plugged into a wall charger; the wire touched her necklace, transmitting an electrical current which resulted in second degree burns.  They have posted this on Facebook to warn others about this potential danger when using a cell phone and wearing metal.

There have been multiple stories about electrical hazards and cell phones.  Gabbie was actually lucky, as you will see after watching the footage below, where you will hear about a young Chinese woman who was electrocuted while using a charging iPhone 5.   There are quite a few other stories about such electrocutions, that people should be made aware of.

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This Family Went to See The Lions But Instead Got the Scariest Surprise of Their Lives.

Going on an African safari would be a dream come true for many people. The sight of beautiful wild animals roaming free in their natural habitat is a bound to be full of adventure and once in a lifetime experiences. It can also be extremely dangerous and whenever anyone ventures out freely into a safari park they need to follow all of the rules, stay alert, not tempt fate, and lock the car doors!

One group of tourists on safari in South Africa learned this lesson the hard way. They were going through a drive-thru nature park, taking in all the sights and sounds the reserve had to offer, when they come across a pride of lions. The magnificent big cats were casually lounging in the shade and resting in order to escape the mid-day heat when the family pulled up next to them.

The tourists started doing what tourists love best and they began to happily snap away and record video of the encounter. That’s when one lion decided to check them out. The curious cat got up and walked over to the rear car door to take a peek inside, only the glass window and metal door separated the two. The family was naturally ecstatic and more than excited to capture the rare moment on film and video, and a little nervous as well. They were also completely oblivious as to what was about to happen next.

They pulled forward a little and the lion followed. She approached the rear car door, bit down on the handle and pulled back, causing it to instantly swing wide open!! The occupants screamed in surprise and scrambled to quickly slam the door shut. Only after making sure it twas locked did they begin to breathe again. Thankfully, the clever lion’s attempt to get in the car was thwarted and what a crazy and scary story these park visitors caught on camera!

Who knew lions were so adept at opening things? Apparently the operators and park rangers know all too well that animals, lions especially, seem to have a knack for opening doors. That’s why it’s a rule that visitors must stay in their vehicles with the doors locked at all times. It’s smart, simple, and effective but apparently these people failed to abide by it.

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Couple Gets The Worst Service At Dinner. They Leave A Surprise Message On The Bill.

image via – pix11

So here’s the situation…you are out at a nice restaurant to celebrate your wedding anniversary, and you have to wait 20 minutes to get water, 40 minutes for an appetizer, and over an hour for your main course!  Ugh!!

Anyone would be upset under these circumstances, in fact all the tables were abuzz with consternation.  Makenzie and Steven Schultz of Cedar Rapids, were the anniversary celebrants.  They had met eight years ago, while waiting tables.  They weren’t pleased with the slow service, but having been servers themselves back in the day, they sized up what was going on.

They soon realized that their congenial server was working his hardest to serve all twelve tables in the restaurant.  The other server, it turned out, had to leave due to a family emergency.  Mackenzie wrote in her Facebook post that it was obvious the server was doing his best, “running around like crazy and never acted annoyed with any table…[it was] more than any one person could handle”.

Both Makenzie and Steven felt compassion for the good-natured waiter, having walked in his shoes.  Sometimes the best thing you can do with a lousy situation, is take the high road, with a small act of kindness.  Actually…their act of kindness wasn’t so small as you will hear in the video below.  They posted their act of generosity, “not for a pat on the back”, but to remind others that it’s important to remember where you came from.  I have to say that giving to this stranger, made their anniversary truly memorable.

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It Was A Serene Gorgeous Day For These People At The Beach. Moments Later Wow.

We have a saying in English when things in life go wrong that goes: “It was no day at the beach!” A day at the beach takes you out of the hassles and stress of every day life, and brings you a day of tranquility of water, sun and a kind of otherworldly peace. Before making a plan for a beach day we check the weather forecast to be sure that no rain is predicted. We get all our beach gear together and ride off with high hopes for a frolicking day.

Such was the day that was sunny and beautiful on a beach in Russia, as you will see in the video that you are about to watch below. Riding the waves and enjoying the sunshine, the relaxed people are suddenly startled by “Mother Nature’s” new plans! As we all know weather is capable of changing suddenly, without forewarning, when an unexpected front appears.

What happens in the video below, seems to be sudden rain, as people scurry for their belongings laughing at the unexpected change. However, the mood becomes more dire as they realize that the skies have opened up for something far worse than a rain shower in the middle of a sunny day. People quickly go from laughing to sheer terror as the severity of the weather is anything but funny! I can honestly say that I’ve never seen anything quite like this!!

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This Dog Just Noticed That She Silently Farted. Her Reaction Is Hysterical.

All animals pass gas, save for a few unique ones whose bodies lack a back door opening shall we say? According to a website called The Fart Facts, the top gas producing animals in descending order are termites, camels, zebras, sheep, cows, elephants, dogs, and humans. Out of all the many different types of dog breeds, it’s Labradors and Retrievers who pass the most gas overall.

While there’s no statistics on where German Shepherds fall on the list, judging by this video it’s safe to say they’re high up on it! The beautiful seven month old white German Shepherd’s name is Lucy and she lives with her loving owner, Kayla Eggers. The backstory to this clip is that Lucy was having a very gassy day. Perhaps it was something she ate or she wasn’t feeling that well, but her farts were apparently out of control.

Kayla was filming her stinky dog when she managed to catch Lucy’s hilarious reaction to one of her own farts! It was of the “silent but deadly” variety because we can’t quite hear it, yet the dog’s reaction says it all.

At about midway through the short 30 second clip is when Lucy lets it rip. Alerted to the noise, or maybe the smell, she decides to check out her rear end and that’s when she sticks her nose a little too close to the source for comfort. She takes a hearty sniff then proceeds to jump off the couch and move far away from the offending smell!

We all know the feeling, when you smell a foul odor all you want to do is run far, far away from it. Lucy is adorable and her reaction is spot on so check her out and pass this clip on to all of the gassy people in your life!

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