This Lady Waves At A Bear As They Drive By. How It Reacts OMG.

Bears don’t always wave back but when they do, it’s because they’re ultra-smart and friendly! At least one part of that statement is true because bears are seriously clever animals. In fact, many experts believe they are the most intelligent animal in all of North America. However, the vast majority of bears are not friendly, after all they are wild animals who act on their instincts. People should stay well away from them if they value their health and continued existence on this planet.

Even so, there are always those rare individuals who end up surprising the heck out of us and bears are no exception to this sentiment. The big friendly Kodiak bear in this short video is one of the friendliest, most laid back bears you’ll likely ever come across. He lives in Washington state at the Olympic Game Farm, a sanctuary that focuses on animals that were used in show business. Perhaps he’s just used to people and likes them, or he’s loving retirement, but this bear is really nice!

As the people in the car filming pull up alongside the gentle looking giant the woman in the passenger seat throws up a hand and waves at him. Much to their surprise the bear, who’s sitting comically on his rear end in the dirt near the road, returns the gesture and waves right back at them! It’s almost as if the bear knows the people and is waving at them to say hello. This is something you have to see to truly appreciate how cool it really is, it’s easily one of the most hilarious and awesome bear-moments caught on tape!

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The Reason Why You Shouldn’t Cover The Toilet Seat With Toilet Paper In A Public Bathroom

Should I hover or cover? That’s the question that runs through most peoples minds when they enter a public restroom stall. After all, the thought of sitting on a public toilet is anything but pleasant and the entire room is crawling with a bunch of complete strangers bacteria and germs. While no one ever really wants to use a public bathroom, sometimes it’s inevitable. When you gotta go, you gotta go!

If you’re among the millions of people who tear off a bunch of toilet paper and lays the sheets down on the seat to form a protective layer, you’re doing it wrong! In fact, you’re better off not putting anything down on the seat at all, whether it be toilet paper or one of those handy paper seat covers found in many bathroom stalls. It may sound contrary to popular belief, but you’re actually exposing your body to even more germs and bacteria when you line the seat with paper.

As humble as they appear to be, toilet seats have been specially designed to repel against bacteria. The way they are shaped and the overall smoothness of the seats make it difficult for germs to latch onto them. In comparison, toilet paper has a rougher texture and is designed to absorb stuff, making it the perfect place for bacteria to stick to. Plus, every time the toilet gets flushed a ton of nasty germs get spread around and fly through the air. Lots of those end up on the toilet paper roll, so when you place it on the seat you’re sitting down right on top of them!

In addition, our skin provides enough protection to keep our bodies safe from whatever is lurking in and around the toilet. It’s our own natural barrier that protects us from micro-organisms and besides that, much of the bacteria found on seats is already present on our bodies. Furthermore, studies have found that the average public toilet seat is cleaner than most people’s kitchen sinks, cutting boards, and dish sponges! If that doesn’t put it all into perspective, nothing else will.

Finally, the number one best thing you can do to avoid germs and bacteria is to wash your hands thoroughly after using the loo. That means running them under hot or warm water, lathering up with soap, and rubbing them together for at least 20 seconds. Focus on the areas in-between fingers and under nails, then rinse off the soap and dry them off. Avoid electric hand dryers if it’s possible, all they do is blow germs on your freshly cleaned hands, and opt for paper towels instead if they’re available. Also, try not to touch the door or handle when exiting. If it’s a push door use your hip, foot, or some other covered body part to open it.

In the end, hovering is the best way to go about using a public toilet. It’s much cleaner and more effective than using a toilet paper barrier and you get a mini-workout in the process. You also get to keep your peace of mind, so squatting is the way to go!

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The Most Effective Exercises To Get Rid Of That Double Chin Quickly.

There is a new phenomenon emerging in the ever changing and evolving tech world.  It is not centered on the latest and greatest gadget.  It is instead a side-effect stemming from the use of mobile phones, laptops, tablets and other similar devices.  It is a condition that dermatologists now call “tech neck,” which they blame for causing sagging skin and wrinkles in younger generations of users.

Those most affected by tech neck are persons aged 18-39.  On average they own three devices, which are the primary cause of the skin problem.  Tech neck refers to a specific crease located slightly above the collar bone which is caused by the repeated bending motions of the neck when looking down at the screen of a device.  These repetitive motions are causing younger people to experience wrinkles, sagging jowls and the appearance of double chins at increasingly younger ages.  What was once a late middle-age occurrence is now being seen in people as young as 18.

What can you do about it?  If you are worried about your devices causing unsightly wrinkles on your neck, a double chin, and sagging jowls, or just worried in general about how your body is naturally aging, then this video is for you.  It covers a range of easy to do exercises which tone your jawline and help to reduce the appearance of any double chin.  If you do the video daily for two weeks you should see results.  Additional benefits that may be gained from the exercises shown include an increased range of motion in your neck and reduced stiffness.  Plus, you may even tone your face and chin so well that you get a naturally achieved facelift!

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This Is The Actual Reason Why Cops Always Tap On Your Brake Light When They Pull You Over

You’re cruising along down the highway when suddenly you notice flashing blue and red lights in the rear-view mirror. A quick glance at your speedometer shows that you were in fact speeding well above the posted limit, so you pull off to the side of the road. A short while later the officer who pulled you over exits the patrol car and approaches your driver’s side window. As the cop passes by your vehicle’s trunk area you notice something strange, the officer seems to have lightly tapped on your taillight. You think to yourself ‘what was that for,’ but soon forget about it as you hand the cop your license and information.

Even if the above taillight tapping scenario has never personally happened to you, perhaps you have seen it happen to someone else during a traffic stop. Or you might have picked up on it in older films and on television shows where cops were frequently shown doing the tap. Maybe you’ve never seen it anywhere, but now you know it’s a thing! Either way, it likely seems kind of strange and the natural human reaction is to think to yourself, what is the meaning of this action?

Barring anyone with family or close relatives who are cops, most people have never bothered or even had to chance to ask any law enforcement officers about it. With that in mind, here are the real reasons why cops tap on the taillights of vehicles they pull over.

Fingerprints and Trace Evidence: Tapping on a car taillight is an old-school thing to do and it originally began as a way to leave fingerprints and trace evidence behind on a vehicle. Back before law enforcement used dashboard and body cameras there was little that an officer could do to definitively establish that they had made contact with a particular car and its occupants. Cops made it a habit to tap the taillight as they approached in order to leave a fingerprint behind. That way, in case anything happened during a stop, there was evidence linking the officer to the car. In addition, marking the vehicle physically showed that a cop had approached the car and made it that far. If there was any issues down the line, at the very least that could be used to establish a rough timeline of events, which back in the day could prove crucial to a case.

Surprise Tactic: Perhaps the more relevant reason is that tapping on the taillight serves as a quick and easy way to get the occupant’s attention while simultaneously distracting them. Whoever is in the car, whether it be the driver or passengers, is momentarily thrown off guard and surprised by the action. If they were in the middle of trying to hide drugs or contraband, or reaching for a weapon, they’ll be interrupted and distracted. This little shock tactic works surprisingly well and countless people have been caught red-handed attempting to conceal their illegal ways because of it!

Those are the reasons why cops will sometimes tap one the taillights when they pull a car over. Please pass this information along so your friends and family can learn something new and if this should ever happen to you, don’t worry about it!

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Westboro Baptist Church Protesters Attempt To Ruin a Marine’s Funeral But They Didn’t Expect This.

The story you are about to hear in the video below, will simultaneously evoke emotions about mans’s inhumanity to man, and restore your faith in our ability to stand up to intolerance and cruelty. Why would members of the congregation from Westboro Baptist Church, come to protest the funeral of a serviceman who had given his life for the United States?

Marine Corporal Richard Bennet, was being laid to rest after dying in a helicopter crash in Iraq, at the age of 25.  This radicalized group of congregants didn’t think he deserved respect; they firmly believe that American troops are punished by God because our country accepts homosexuality.

They were all revved up chanting angry slurs at Corporal Bennet’s grieving family, never expecting that their hateful speech would be prevented from being heard, and intruding on the family’s ability to grieve with respect and privacy.

The video you are about to watch, will tell the loving and courageous interference of “The Patriot Guard”, a group of bikers who used their bodies and American flags to form a wall that would prevent the hateful speech from being seen or heard by the grieving family.  The hateful rhetoric was spewed, as free speech allows, but the bikers made sure that their it was not heard by the people mourning.  This was all done without any violence; the revving of their bikes combined with the human wall of visual protection, allowed this family to grieve in peace.

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If You Have Bad Knee Pain THIS Simple Trick Will Give You Instant Relief!

If you or anyone you know suffers from knee pain, the video you are about to watch below is an answer to your prayers!  Chronic knee pain due to arthritis is very common; in fact by the age of 85, 50% of all American will experience the pain of arthritis in the knees, according to the Center for Disease Control.

Arthritis can occur well before the age of 85.  The pain experienced is due to a loss of space between your bones that cartilage provides.  It’s actually become a rule of thumb, that it is best to stop running after the age of 40, as this can cause premature stress and aging of the knees.

If you are beginning to suffer from knee pain, or have felt the debilitating effects of arthritis in your knees for some time, you will find this amazingly simple stretching technique in the following video extremely helpful.  It is also a great stretch as a preventative for knee pain, as it provides a way to create space between the bones in this joint, that is necessary for healthy and pain-free mobility.

Please SHARE this helpful video with your family and friends; everyone can benefit!

He Takes a Lemon Seed Wraps It In a Towel and Puts It In a Bag. A Week and a Half Later Awesome!

Houseplants have the ability to make our lives a whole lot better. Simply placing a few indoor plants strategically around your living space can make you healthier, more focused, and happier. That’s because plants are basically mother nature’s air purifier and humidifier all in one. We all know by now that they release oxygen and water vapor into the air, and absorb carbon dioxide from it.

A lesser known, yet more important, benefit of having plants scattered around our houses is their natural ability to clean the air and rid it of volatile organic compounds, or VOCs. VOCs are nasty, invisible, toxic substances which make their way indoors and are commonly found in items such as plastic bags, carpeting, and paint. Once inside these compounds usually end up trapped, because most buildings are well-sealed and temperature regulated, and we breathe them in. According to NASA research, every 24 hours houseplants can remove up to approximately 87% of these VOCs by trapping them in soil and converting them into food. That’s pretty awesome and you don’t even have to lift a finger to reap the benefits!

You also don’t even need to buy a plant to get all the positive effects that come along with having them inside the house. Instead, you can grow your own from seeds that you already have… if you have a lemon on hand! Lemon trees are wonderful to have in your home. They smell zesty and strongly of citrus, even just one will leave a space smelling noticeably fresh and clean.

This video from Mr Eastcoastman will show you exactly how to grow a lemon tree from the seeds of a lemon that you can pick up at the grocery store. All you’ll need is a lemon, a few paper towels, a Ziploc bag, and some patience. Read on for what to:

1) Take a lemon and cut it in half. Remove any seeds you may have sliced with the knife and discard.

2) Dig out the remaining seeds, wipe them clean with a paper towel, and dry them off as best you can.

3) Remove the outer shell that surrounds the seed by grasping it firmly with a paper towel and locating the pointed tip. Use your fingernails to peel the shell down and off from that point. Once the shell is fully removed the seed will look a lot darker. Repeat this step with as many seeds as you’d like.
This step is the key to growing a lemon tree faster. The protective shell surrounds the seed and must rot away before it can sprout, which often takes a very long time. By removing the shell you drastically speed up the time it takes for the seed to sprout!

4) Place all of the dry, shelled seeds on a paper towel square and fold it in half, then fold it in half again so that all of the seeds remain securely wrapped inside it.

5) Dampen the paper towel with just a little bit of water, stick it inside a Ziploc bag, and seal it closed. Jot the date down on the bag before placing it in a dark warm spot.
This helps germinate and start your seeds!

6) After about 8-10 days open the bag and check the seeds to see if they have sprouted. If there are no sprouts, re-seal the bag and wait a few more days. If there are little white roots beginning to show, they sprouted and are ready for planting.

7) Fill a pot with soil, place the sprouted seeds in the dirt and cover them with a thin layer. Water regularly as needed and soon you’ll have a beautiful lemon tree growing!

Finally, lemon trees grown indoors will need extra support as they grow taller to keep them from bending or breaking. Simply place a stick in the soil and use twist ties to secure the tree to it. As it grows larger and stronger it eventually will become steady enough to stand on its own and you can remove the supports.

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If You Notice Somebody With This Ear Piercing It Means THIS.

People the world over are constantly searching for alternative and natural ways to help treat their health conditions and disorders. They don’t want to have to rely on modern options that usually involve harsh, pricey pharmaceuticals, which often have even worse side effects than the issue they treat. Many people end up turning to homeopathic remedies in an effort to naturally help balance and heal their bodies. One of the easiest and most effective treatment methods is auricular acupuncture. It’s an all-natural way to help alleviate the painful effects of chronic headaches and people have found that by getting a specific type of ear piercing they dramatically relieved the discomfort associated with their migraines.

The treatment is similar to reflexology, which is the stimulation of a reflex point to relieve and help regulate abnormalities between different body parts. However, with auricular acupuncture different parts of the ear are stimulated either manually, by pressing finger tips on certain points, or by using needles. One of the main acupuncture points on the ear is located exactly where the daith piercing is done. Daith piercings have been around for thousands of years and yet it wasn’t until the 1990s (when they were in fashion) that they finally were given a name.

The piercing is done on the little piece of cartilage that folds nearest to the ear canal. The ring ends up running through a pressure point commonly targeted by acupuncturists and thus mimics the effects of acupuncture, which is what leads to migraine relief for many people. When this area is pierced the surrounding blood vessels and nerves are stimulated, causing them to release endorphins and other chemicals our bodies produce that help regulate pain. Many people have initially chosen to get a daith piercing in order to specifically target their chronic headache pain. They report that that after getting it done they experienced much less frequent or intense migraines.

The piercing is relatively easy to get done and is widely available. A straight needle is passed through the fold of cartilage and then a ring is inserted. Depending on where you go it costs on average anywhere between $50-100. If you’re one of the millions of Americans who suffer from debilitating migraines, you could potentially gain a lot of relief by getting a daith piercing. Look into it and pass this along to others to help them find comfort and better health in their own lives!

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