His Human Tries To Feed Him Broccoli. Now Watch The Birds Hysterical Response.

Cockatoos are well known for their extremely loud mouths. They’re screamers and when they talk they’re basically yelling at the top of their little lungs. They evolved their shrill voices to help them communicate with each other in the wild and boy do they love to talk! The parrot sub-species are also among the most intelligent birds in the world and are known for their natural ability at picking up tricks quickly. Many people have successfully taught them how to talk, sing, dance, and perform a number of other awesome things.

The playful fella seen here shows just how wild, noisy, and energetic cockatoos can be. He’s no simple or ordinary type of bird, which is why he’s known far and wide as “Eric the Legend!” In this hilarious clip Eric lives up to his name and throws a major fit while eating broccoli. According to his owner, the veterinarian instructed her to include more of the healthy green vegetable in Eric’s diet.

While he usually doesn’t mind eating broccoli, in fact the post comments say he even enjoys it, this time he got a little too excited and went overboard. Or rather his food bowl went overboard after Eric threw it off the side of the table! For the next 5 or so takes the noisy bird goes on a destructive rampage that sees him kicking and knocking over bowls. His wild and crazy antics send broccoli flying through the air and all he seems to be doing is making a big mess!

Every time his mom gives him more greens and tells him to “show the kids how to eat broccoli,” Eric ends up doing the complete opposite. I don’t think he even took a bite and more food ended up on the floor than in his tummy!

All of Eric’s videos are funny so check them out for more of his legendary behavior and epic tantrums. He does lots of naughty things, everything from cursing the neighborhood birds and the family dog to scaring the neighbor’s cat. He’s easily the most entertaining and cheekiest bird in all of Australia, which is where he lives with his adoring parents.

Once you see this clip you’ll understand why he even calls himself a “*beep*ing legend.” Eric’s awesome attitude, yelling, and basically not giving a hoot will make anyone smile and brighten your day!

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Strange Looking Bird Was Rejected and Abandoned By His Mom. But Wait Till You See His Face.

Parakeets are well known for having beautiful plumage. The parrot sub-species comes in a rainbow of bright colors which range from all white to multi-colored, jewel tone hues. However, there are precious few parakeets in the world who have long, curly, exotic feathers like the adorable little guy seen here.

His name is Whipper the Budgie and he was born with a genetic mutation that causes his feathers to grow in the most unusual way. Instead of staying short and straight, they grow long and freely. His wildly overgrown plumage is thick and illustrious, that’s why he looks like a soft ball of fluff!

Other than his special feathering, the mutation behind it is also to blame for several of Whipper’s health problems. He is believed to suffer from blindness and cannot fly due to his shorter than average wings, but none of that has stopped him from living a peaceful and happy life. In fact, he’s actually extremely well-known and quite popular in his home country because of his unique appearance!

Winton, New Zealand is where Whipper lives and stays these days with his owner, Julie Hayward. Lucky for him, she was with him from day one. Soon after he was born his mother rejected and cast him out of the cage because of his mutation. That’s when Mrs. Hayward stepped in and rescued the poor little guy. She took him to the vet where she found out about his condition and now she makes sure he’s comfortable, well loved, and content as can be.

Whipper’s rough start in life is all behind him now and what didn’t kill him only made him stronger! Check out his soft fluffy face and be sure to share his inspiring story with friends and loved ones!

She Says I Love You To Her Bulldog Puppy. Now Listen To His Response.

OK, so we know all dog lovers make claims about the incredible antics and talents of their fur babies…some true, some slightly exaggerated! What you are about to view in the video below, is a baby French bulldog in the loving hands of it’s owner…and if she told you the story of this interaction, without your actually seeing it, you would never believe it!!

This adorable pup is being hugged and cradled in his owner’s arms, when she looks into his eyes and says “I love you”, in a really sweet voice. His usual response to that tone of voice is to lick her face or nuzzle into her. How he responds on this occasion left the owner, initially speechless, and then squealing with amazement and delight.

Watch the video, which is being taped by her husband, to see this precious pooch’s response to his owner’s declaration of love. If he had done it one time you might be able to dismiss this as an aberration…but he repeats it several times to their absolute astonishment. Let us know what you think.

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He Takes a Cup and Places It Over Butter. The Reason Is Genius.

Whether you use a stick of butter or the whipped variety, when baking or spreading it on a piece of toast in the morning, it is usually hard enough right out of the fridge, to make spreading a frustrating task. While we all know butter should be used in moderation, for health reasons, it definitely is a delicious addition to whatever use it gets added for.

Often I will keep sticks of butter frozen fresh in the freezer, so cutting through it is even a more laborious task than out of the fridge. A sharp knife with some muscle can sometimes make the cut for the amount you want used, but you are still left with a frozen small brick. So now what do you do, if you just want it softened but not melted?

The video you are about to watch below offers the easiest, foolproof method for getting the butter to just the right softness for spreading  within 30 SECONDS! All you will need is a glass, and you will find out what to do with it that will give your butter just the right consistency, without spoiling the rest of the stick from the fridge or freezer. Sometimes it’s just the small things that make life a little bit easier, that make all the difference!

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Whenever He Gardens He Always Brings Irish Spring Soap. The Reason Is Brilliant.

image via – youtube.com

We all love Bambi and cute little rabbits, and have a romantic, peaceful fantasy of watching them on our property…until reality hits. Planting and tending my garden is one of the highlights of spring and summer. I nurture my plants with great love and care, so when deer and other critters eat them for lunch and dinner, I’m not a happy camper!

As I live in the woods, it’s impossible to fence in the area to protect the plants, both logistically and financially. I’ve tried all kinds of deer and and rabbit sprays, which work for a while, but with enough rain it washes away. I never spray in the winter, and it seems that the critters love munching in late fall and winter as well.

The expense of replacing trees, shrubs and beautiful plants is huge and extremely aggravating when you put so much time into cultivating your vegetable and plant gardens. This year, prior to replanting things that had died as a result of animal grazing, I came across this simple and inexpensive remedy that keeps them away, as they are repelled by the smell…IRISH SPRING SOAP!!

As you will hear in the video below, this is a remedy that really works! I used shavings and put them in little gauze bags, and hung them on vulnerable trees and stakes near the ones that are particularly tasty to bunnies and deer. So far so good! If you can’t get Irish Spring, any SCENTED SOAP with TALLOW will do! This great VIDEO includes a FEW OTHER OTHER tried and true METHODS for protecting your treasured plants and trees from grazing animals whose munching destroys them!

Please SHARE this GREAT HACK for PROTECTING YOUR PLANTS FROM DEER, RABBITS and MICE with your family and friends!

Seal Approaches Diver In The Ocean Looking For A Belly Rub. His Reaction Is Priceless

Imagine that you are out scuba diving with some friends in the cool Atlantic Ocean waters off the Isles of Scilly in England. The mood is light and you’re having a great time exploring and enjoying the moment. All of a sudden you find yourself surrounded by a group of curious Atlantic grey seals. The large mammals are swimming all about, checking out the strange visitors, when one seal in particular takes an interest in you. He swims right up, reaches out a flipper, and touches your hand. Then he rolls on his back and places your hand on his tummy, he wants a belly rub!!

For one man, the unbelievably amazing interaction described above was real and thankfully the once in a lifetime chance meeting was captured on video for all of us to see and vicariously experience. Gary Grayson is the diver who got up close and personal with the friendly seal, who can be seen putting a flipper gently up against his hand as if it’s comparing the two.

The whole time the seal appears to be completely relaxed and totally at ease. In fact, throughout the encounter he wears what looks like a smile on his face. After nuzzling Mr. Grayson affectionately the seal then started to pat his hand and urged the man to rub his tummy. Using his flippers to stay in place, the friendly mammal rolled onto his side and back and guided the diver’s hands around to where he wanted a scratch!

The man obliges and the seal looks like he is loving the attention. It’s a beautiful sight to see, a big sweet seal acting like a happy puppy dog getting his tummy rubbed! It’s behavior like this that has earned seals the nickname “dogs of the sea. Their friendly demeanor and playfulness around humans and other animals is so incredibly dog-like, a few of them have even been captured on film snuggling up to their canine counterparts on the beach and romping around in the water with them!

This video certainly backs up the comparison. Whereas dogs are man’s best friend on land, seals are man’s best friend in the water! The remarkably friendly one that Grayson had the fortune to meet is truly a sweetheart and what an experience it must have been for everyone involved!

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He Puts a Bunch of Aspirin In The Washing Machine With His Laundry. The Reason Is Brilliant.

Keeping white shirts crisp, clean, and white is a never ending battle. Everything from coffee and juice to grease, oil, and ink will leave a stain if it gets on your clothes. However, even if you avoid spilling all of these things on your white shirts, you still have to deal with ugly, yellow armpit stains.

Nothing else ruins a nice white shirt like how sweat stains do. They just look gross and unsightly, and they make you appear dirty, sloppy, even unhygienic. Pit stains are notoriously hard to remove and no amount of soaking in cold water or bleach will get them out. Bleach can actually make them worse!

Part of the reason why armpit stains are so stubborn is because they’re not actually caused by sweat alone. Instead, the stains result from aluminum, which is found in the deodorant or antiperspirant you use, reacting with your sweat and shirt. Both cotton shirts and sweat are proteins and when aluminum reacts to them it causes the nasty yellowing to occur. This reaction also bonds the sweat and deodorant to your shirt and makes the stains water-resistant (aluminum is what gives an antiperspirant its sweat blocking ability). That’s why armpit stains are so tough to remove, they’re essentially chemically set-in and repel water!

Rather than let a little problem like yellow armpits ruin your favorite clothes, try this wardrobe-saving laundry trick and get the most mileage and wear out of your whites. Take five 325mg aspirin tablets and crush them up. Fill a two gallon bucket or tub with hot water and dissolve the crushed aspirin in it. Place any white, sweat stained clothes in the solution and allow them to soak for a minimum of eight hours. Wash them in the machine as per usual and when they come out the stains will be gone.

If your don’t have a lot of time to soak clothes for hours you can place five aspirin tablets in the washing machine with a load of laundry. This won’t get stains out as well as soaking them will do, but they will be noticeably faded. To increase the sweat stain fighting power of aspirin even more, pre-treat stains by combining 5 crushed tablets with a ¼ cup of warm water. Smear the resulting paste on the stains and allow it to sit for several minutes before rinsing and washing the clothing as you regularly would.

Finally, if you need to spot treat smaller sweat stains or a single item, this small batch aspirin soak will do the job. It’s great for shirt collars and kids shirts. Crush up two 325mg aspirin tablets and dissolve them in a glass filled with hot water. Place the sweat stained portion of the shirt in the mixture and let it soak for 8 hours. Wash, rinse, and you’re done!

What makes aspirin so useful and effective at removing sweat stains is the main active ingredient it contains, salicylic acid. When tablets are dissolved this acid gets released and works by breaking up the proteins in sweat stains. It’s also gentle on clothing and won’t harm or damage garments by ruining the fabric. Try this laundry trick tonight or file it away because it will definitely come in handy down the line!

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A Hospice Employee Steps Towards This Dying Lady. Then The Camera Caught This.

The grief that families go through, when a beloved family member needs hospice care, is emotionally wrenching.  Although the people who go into hospice care are very well trained, and are generally unusually compassionate and exceptionally capable of giving comfort to the gravely ill, many relatives hesitate as they have heard horror stories.

We are putting our loved ones into the hands of strangers when they are in a physically helpless state, and taking a leap of faith that they will be given empathic and tender care.  Unfortunately, what we hear on the news are often horrible stories of abuse, but thankfully those instances are more the exception than the rule.  Hospice care workers are usually exceptional people.

In the incredible video you are about to watch below, footage of the actions of hospice nurse, Josh Woodward, is caught by the camera placed in the patients’ rooms at the Austinburg Nursing & Rehab Center in Austinburg, Ohio.  Mary Redmond, who had been a voice and piano teacher to many young students over the years, had become gravely ill and required hospice support.  When Josh was doing rounds, he immediately recognized her face…he had been her student when he was just 9 years old!  She taught him to sing and play piano, and when he recognized her he was so excited, and felt the need to thank her for all she had done for him.  What he does for her each day is caught in this footage that will restore your faith in the goodness of mankind…MAYBE ANGELS DO EXIST!

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