Can You Find The Hidden Object In This Picture? Most People Can’t!

At first glance nothing about this photo of a car seat sticks out. The colors are mostly the same shade of muted gray, save for a small red spot near the top left hand corner. There’s nothing exciting or even different about it. However, looks can be deceiving and there is actually a common object hiding somewhere in this photo. The item is right there in front of your eyes, in plain sight, can you spot it?

Don’t worry if it takes you awhile to find it or can’t detect the object at all. This photo has been stumping people left and right, they can’t seem to figure out what it is they’re really looking at because the item blends in so smoothly with its surroundings. This image search is kind of like when you misplace somethings and look all around for it just to find out that the whole entire time it was right in front of your face!

Check it out now and look to see whether or not you’re able to spot the thing. Good luck!

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She Sticks An Old Rose Stem Inside a Potato. 2 Weeks Later It Completely Transforms.

There is nothing that can lift your spirits, than when unexpectedly, you receive a fresh bouquet of flowers!  Whether it’s for a special occasion like a birthday, anniversary, Valentine’s Day or Mother’s Day, or just an “I care about you day”; it’s simply wonderful.

While cut flowers, when fresh, make your day special, their freshness is unfortunately short-lived.  By day 3 the dreaded wilting begins, and you desperately try to savor the ones that still seem to be standing.  Tips like recutting the stem, adding vodka, a penny or even sugar are some tricks of the trade…but they are very temporary solutions to saving cut flowers.

The video you are about to watch below, offers an ingenious way to actually REGROW the ROOTS of ROSES…using a POTATO!!!  This prolongs your ability to savor your pleasure from your bouquet of roses for far longer than ever before. You will need: One or several CUT ROSES you want to REGROW; A FLOWER POT in which to grow it; a POTATO;  PLASTIC BOTTLE and SOIL.  

As you will see illustrated in the video, removing the dead rose head, leaves, and cutting the stems of the flowers you want to revive on a 45 degree angle, will prepare them for placement in the potato.  Cutting a hole in the spud that will fit the stem exactly, and then completing the process with good potting soil and the plastic bottle, will prepare you for this great tutorial, in which you will be shown how to create your own little greenhouse, that will SPROUT FRESH ROSES!

Within a couple of weeks if all goes well you will have a nice batch of fresh roses! 🙂

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He Scatters Tea Bags All Around His Vehicle. The Reason Why Is Brilliant.

Riding around in smelly car is never fun. Some odors can even give you a headache, especially if you’re sensitive to smells. From old spilled food and beverages to moisture trapped inside, a wide variety of causes can make a car stinky. On top of that, gross odors usually stick around much longer and smell ten times worse in small, hot, enclosed spaces like car interiors.

When your car smells, you have to act and do something to eliminate it or else the stench will only stick around and get even worse. Instead of reaching for aerosol sprays or air fresheners and spending a bunch of money, try using tea bags!

Tea bags are perfect for making your car smell fresh and clean. Their natural deodorizing effects make them the most inexpensive and easy way to combat nasty smells. Rather than just temporarily mask odors, they effectively absorb them, which makes them great for freshening up damp, dank spaces. Lots of people toss a few in trash bins and shoes to help cut down on the stink and as YouTube’s OnePotChefShow explains, tea bags work just as excellent in cars!

The only thing you need to do is pick up a box of flavored tea if you don’t already have some on hand. Place a few of the dry tea bags around the interior of your car and the smell will quickly disappear. The One Pot Chef recommends cinnamon and vanilla flavored teas since they work great and smell pleasant. The bags will absorb any moisture in the air, which is often the cause of stale smells, and last for months. In fact, one box of tea will easily last you at least a year or more!

This simple trick just goes to show that you don’t have to drink your tea to enjoy it! If you have some tea bags that have been sitting in your kitchen go grab them now and toss a few under your car seats. That way the next time you drive both you and any passengers can sit back, relax, and enjoy the car ride!

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They Had a Weird Feeling The Dog Walker Was Up To No Good. So They Placed Hidden Cam and Caught This

Dog walkers are hired to do one main thing, walk the dog, and yet for one Florida woman even that proved to be too much. According to WFTS Tampa Bay, the area’s local ABC News station, a South Tampa couple caught their dog walker not holding up her end of the deal.

Eight months ago Shelly Scamardo and her husband hired a woman to walk their two rescue dogs once a day while they were at work. They agreed that the woman would come to the house at around noon-time to bring the couple’s adorable little Yorkies outside for some fresh air, a nice walk, and a chance to relieve themselves.

At first everything seemed to be working out well and there were no issues. However, a few months later they noticed a change and their dogs started having more and more accidents than usual inside the house. This naturally concerned the Scamardos because the two little dogs were like their children and if something was wrong, or they weren’t feeling well, they wanted to know so they could help them.

That’s why they decided to set up a surveillance camera, to get to the bottom of it all and see what was really going on while they were out. What the video revealed was eye opening to say the least and shed some much needed light on why their pets were messing inside more than usual. It turned out that the dog walker wasn’t even walking the poor dogs. Instead, she would come to the home, turn off the alarm, and write a few notes on a dry erase board. Then she’d dilly dally around for a few minutes, take the leashes out of the kitchen drawer and place them on the counter top, before re-setting the alarm and leaving. Not once did she place a leash on either of the two little dogs, nor did she even let them out in the yard so they could relieve themselves.

When the Scamardo’s saw the footage they were shocked and hurt, with Shelly telling the news that “We feel really taken advantage of.” When her husband confronted the dog walker about the video, the woman ended up admitting to all of it and not walking the dogs. However, she has not been formally charged with any crime and so the news station has chosen to not identify her name or what her dog walking business is called. A reporter did go to her house to ask her some questions but she turned them down and refused to go on camera.

In the end, the Scamardo’s just want to get their story out so that others in their position don’t end up getting scammed how they did. They suggest getting a pet cam or some other type of security camera installed, as well as taking other precautionary measures, to ensure that any person you hire to care for your pets is indeed doing their job. After all, you’re giving someone complete access to not only your pets, but also your house and schedule. A little extra attention in regards to what that person is up to can make a huge difference not only for your life, but for your pet’s well-being too.

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Mommy Asks Her Baby A Question. The Little Girl Responds and Dad Can’t Stop Laughing.

Baby talk should be called something else because the sounds that come out of a baby’s mouth aren’t really words, so they really are not even talking! The stream of random goo-goo-ga-ga-ba-da-da noises that babies love to chirp out is virtually impossible to understand. Man has yet to figure out a way to translate or interpret their gibberish and it’s anyone’s guess as to what meanings or words they may be trying to convey.

This language barrier doesn’t stop young children from holding full length, animated conversations from time to time! The baby in this video is at that stage in life where she’s just starting to talk and find her voice. Check out the weird, mini-conversation of sorts that she had with her parents in the car after a party. At one point her mother asked her “do you remember who was all there?” and lets’ just say the girl had a lot to say!

The video’s title is spot on, aliens may have indeed been communicating through this little girl’s body! So if you love happy little children and all their joyful gibberish, this babbling baby’s for you!

Please SHARE This Adorable Video With Family and Friends Who Need a Smile Today 🙂

9 Signs and Symptoms That You Have a Gluten Allergy and Don’t Even Know It. I Had No Idea.

Gluten-free diets have been touted in the media for quite some time now, leading many to eliminate it from their diets, because they have come to believe it is less caloric and healthier.  The truth is that gluten-free is not less caloric, and eating a gluten- free diet is only healthier for those people who suffer from gluten sensitivity or intolerance.

Gluten is a protein found in wheat, rye and barley.  It is not only found in breads (making the bread rise), but is also found in grains that are inherent to many other foods such as: pasta, livestock feed, beer and cereals.  Because of it’s presence in many foods that are less obvious than bread, it becomes a more painstaking job to avoid it, if you truly are sensitive to gluten.

The following VIDEO that you are about to watch below is presented by Dr. Axe.  He does a great job of explaining gluten sensitivity, as well as discussing the SIGNS and SYMPTOMS that you may be suffering from this intolerance, and what to do about managing it.  If you are suffering from: AN IMPAIRED IMMUNE SYSTEM, EXCESSIVE  FATIGUE, CHRONIC HEADACHES/MIGRAINES, JOINT AND MUSCLE PAIN, A LOSS OF MENTAL CLARITY, WEIGHT GAIN THAT SEEMS UNRELATED TO INCREASED CALORIE INTAKE, DENTAL PROBLEMS OR SUDDEN SKIN DISORDERS SUCH AS ECZEMA OR RASHES, these may be a sign of gluten sensitivity or intolerance.

If any of these symptoms are combined with chronic digestive problems, gluten may be the culprit.  After watching the video below, if you feel you may have a sensitivity or intolerance, Dr. Axe offers suggestions on how to eliminate foods to see if your symptoms are alleviated.

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This Is Not a Normal Insect and They Are Showing Up Everywhere. If You Spot One Don’t Touch It

The freakish looking bug you see in this video, that looks like a mutant spider, is not something you ever want to come across inside your home. The fuzzy, spiky-haired creature isn’t a member of the arachnid family at all, it’s actually a caterpillar and it lives in North America. Sightings of the strange insect have become increasingly common and left many people understandably shaken and wondering- what is that bizarre thing?!

The strange bug is commonly known as a hag moth and it’s scientific name is Phobetron pithecium. However, when it’s in the larva stage, like the one in the accompanying clip, it’s called the monkey slug caterpillar. This ugly little guy will soon spin himself into a cocoon and go through metamorphosis, changing into an adult hag moth that’s just as hairy and hideous as he ever was before!

The monkey slug caterpillar’s habitat ranges from Quebec, Canada all the way down to southern Florida and as far west as Nebraska. They’re easy to spot because of the oddly distinct features they sport on their bodies, which include those curly, hairy, arm-like parts you can clearly see sticking out in the video. They move quite slow and awkwardly thanks to their suction cup legs, which is what earned them the slug part of their name.

Many people who come across these bizarre bugs assume they are poisonous and thus go out of their way to avoid them. While they aren’t exactly lethal or highly toxic, the hairs covering their bodies are capable of stinging and some people experience a painful reaction when their skin comes into contact with these hairs. However, it varies from person to person and those with more sensitive skin types are at an increased risk of having such a reaction.

All in all, it’s best to not touch or pick up any monkey slug caterpillars you see crawling around, not that you’d ever want to in the first place!

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Apparently You Should Be Doing THIS 1x Per Month To Your Fridge. I Had No Idea.

What do you think is the largest and most useful appliance to have in a house? If you answered a refrigerator, you answered correct! Refrigerators are indispensable for modern day living. We rely on them to keep our food from spoiling and use them every single day.

All that use makes them dirty. Oftentimes foods and drinks get spilled inside on the shelves and door. When that happens we clean the mess up quickly. But what about other parts of the fridge, like underneath it, do you ever clean there? Not many people do, at least not until they realize just how gross and disgusting it gets down there!

As dirt and dust accumulates underneath a fridge, it gets caught up in the coils. Over time this causes the energy-loving appliances to run much less efficiently than how they were intentionally designed to, and you end up paying more. On average, it costs about 10 cents an hour to run a refrigerator. Multiply that by 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, for a year straight, and you get the point- even a slight difference in efficiency can have a huge, costly impact over time.

While we can’t simply pull the cord and unplug them for days at a time, we can for a half an hour or so. That’s all the time you’ll need to clean the coils and the drip pan which are both located at the bottom of the unit. Check out the accompanying video to learn exactly how you can properly clean underneath your fridge and read on for more information. You’ll not only save yourself money in the long run, but you’ll also be healthier by doing it!

First off, it’s highly recommended that people clean under their fridge regularly. Aim to try and do it once a month. That may sound like a lot, especially if you never ever do it, but doing this ensures that nasty stuff like mold, germs, and bacteria, gets cleared out and removed. Unplug the fridge before you get started and then remove the grille, if there is one, that conceals the condenser coils. Use a long, thin, bristled refrigerator coil brush to really get at the dust on the coils and then vacuum up the debris. The brush is specifically designed for the dirty job and can be found at most hardware stores or online for less than ten dollars, refer to video to see what it looks like. Rinse off the grille and disinfect it of any possible mold or mildew build up, then dry it completely before placing it back on the fridge. Finally, run a damp cloth over the top, sides, doors, handles, and wherever else needs a good wipe down. Plug it back in and you’re done!

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