The Government Will Actually Pay You To Live In This Town. But There Is Only 1 Little Catch.

There are places in America that were once thriving areas filled with a constant flow of people and excitement. Those who were looking for work, adventure, or a better future were drawn to towns that lured them in with the promise of striking gold and untold riches.

When the instant wealth failed to materialize for the vast majority of those seeking it, the towns started to bleed residents and slowly died out. Eventually these places turned into a shell of their former selves and all that remains today are empty buildings filled with dusty relics of the past.

Garnet, Montana is such a place and happens to be one of the nation’s most authentic and well-preserved abandoned mining towns. Many people even claim that it’s haunted which has earned it the official moniker, Garnet Ghost Town. The area was first settled back in 1895 after gold had been discovered in the surrounding Garnet Mountains.

In less than three short years the town’s population had swelled to almost 1,000 people after a miner struck a rich vein of ore and the gold rush was officially in full swing. Miners and their families quickly set up shop and businesses that catered to them followed.

The town had multiple stores, hotels, stables, and barber shops, plus a doctor’s office, butcher shop, school, town hall, and even a candy shop. However, the most profitable and numerous business proved to be saloons, of which the town had a total of thirteen.

By 1900, just a few short years later, the gold was proving scarcer and harder to come by. Within five more years most of the mines had been abandoned and Garnet’s population dwindled down to around 150 total residents.

In 1912 a fire tore through the business district and many of the commercial buildings were destroyed beyond repair. When World War II erupted the last few remaining townspeople left, moving on to work in defense related jobs, and by the 1940’s the town had all but become a ghost town.

Today Garnet has evolved into a testament of Montana’s history. Both the Bureau of Land Management and the Garnet Preservation Association work together to continuously operate and upkeep the town’s structures. Visitors can tour the site, walk through the buildings, and learn all about the lives of the people and families who used to live and work there.

The BLM is always looking for volunteers who’d like to come live in the town and keep a watchful eye on it. The positions typically last around a month or longer and involve general upkeep, giving tours, and selling items at the gift shop. All volunteers are provided with free housing and stay in a fully furnished cabin. Food expenses are also covered and they receive a modest paycheck as well.

However, all volunteers must be willing to forgo the modern conveniences of life as there is no heated or even running water, WiFi, or electricity. Depending on what type of person you are, that could sound like either a dream come true or a total and complete nightmare.

If you’d like to take a tour of the town and explore the insides of the buildings up close, this video gives you complete HD access. After seeing that would you ever volunteer to work and live in Garnet Ghost Town, or stick to just visiting?!

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He Touches This Strange Silver Sculpture. But When The Wind Hits It Blew My Mind!

Anthony Howe is an accomplished artist who works with steel to create 3D kinetic sculptures that are visually striking and hypnotically beautiful. For over 30 years he has been making them at his Orcas Island, Washington workshop by hand and with the aid of a computer. His wife helps him run the business and sell the artwork, which depending on size and materials can range in price anywhere from $40,000 – $400,000.

Howe’s inspiration was born out of a desire to find beauty and elegance in things that are the opposite of that, awkward and ugly. He explains that it’s the awkwardness of objects, like things that bang against each other or which seem physically impossible, are what sparks his ideas and draws him in.

He strives to both streamline and make things work more beautifully, and his eventual art is masterfully hammered and molded into undulating pieces that move and flow in ways that seem to defy logic. The sculptures he creates resemble optical illusions as they twist and turn in on themselves then fold back out into space, and they’re mesmerizing to watch.

The artistic journey Howe’s been on began years ago soon after he moved to New York to become a painter. As luck would have it he instead ended up working as a superintendent at a warehouse in Manhattan and noticed all the surrounding steel.

He decided to make sculptures out of the metal and explains that he was “bored with everything being static in my visual world, I wanted to see stuff move.” With that concept in mind he set to work creating visually spectacular sculptures that move easily in a breeze, as if they are dancing in the wind.

While the sculptures may look as if they were completely hand-made they are not truly 100% done by hand and Howe does use a computer to help design them. He conceptualizes his basic idea on a computer program first which allows him to see how a certain design will later move in a 3D-type of visual space.

When it comes time to construct a sculpture Howe begins by forming a foundation for the piece and starts it off with a specific individual design. Then he multiplies that design element over and over again, adding it into random or repeating patterns, that eventually come together and make up the completed sculpture. Some of his works appear to always be in motion, even when they are not, because Anthony adds mirrors that reflect and refract light at all times.

Howe clearly loves his craft and excels at making visual works of art. Check out the video to see them in action and to learn more about the artist and his life’s work. Through it all his desire to find elegance in the awkward can be seen as he continues to be inspired by movement, angles, and nature.

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Can You Find The 6 Hidden Words In This Gardening Scene?

Take a break from all of the boring, overly serious, or depressing things you’re bombarded with daily and instead feed your brain a fun distraction with this G-rated hidden word picture search. It’s one of the most recent mentally stimulating puzzles courtesy of Playbuzz, and so far it has proven to be quite a challenge for many people!

The cartoon drawing below features a family of four gardening together on a lovely day. Dad is hauling a wheelbarrow full of orange pumpkins, mom just picked up a bushel of cucumbers her daughter picked, and their son is plucking ripe red tomatoes fresh off the vine.

An ineffective scarecrow looks on in the background with a red bird perched on the brim of its hat. Somewhere in the picture is a total of six words that have all been strategically concealed in the drawing. Each of the hidden words relates in one way or another to the happy family gardening scene, can you spot them all?

This is a great diversion that can keep you busy for a minute or two but it could potentially end up taking a lot longer because it really all depends on how fast you pick up the words and whether or not you try hard and focus. See if it takes you ten seconds or ten minutes to solve the puzzle and find all 6 words!

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What Does The Position You Sit In Reveal About You?

Are you one of those people who wears their heart on their sleeve? If you are, then you’re definitely the type who shows all of the feelings and emotions you’re experiencing through your body language. A person’s body language can reveal so much about them and it often takes just a single glimpse or gesture to immediately convey what words sometimes cannot. You don’t need to be an expert on the subject to read others and understand the basics, but there is a whole lot more to it than what you’d ever imagine!

While we are rarely ever aware of it, our body language often mirrors how we are feeling and it reflects who we are deep down inside. Think about it, when a person feels defensive or like they’re under attack, they tend to close themselves off not only mentally but also physically. They will cross their arms and bunch up tightly, as if they’re retreating back into themselves, and they most definitely will not look relaxed or open. It’s an instinctive and universal part of human nature and because of that there are a number of reliable ways in which we can read into a person’s body language.

There are many sub-categories covered under body language, ranging from breathing and facial expressions to physical gestures and postures. However, the quiz featured here is focused on the particular pose that you prefer to sit in above all the others. When it comes to sitting on our behinds, almost everyone falls under one of the following descriptions;

A) Knees together, feet apart
B) One leg over the other
C) Feet together, knees apart
D) Legs together
E) Legs together, tilted to one side

As it turns out, whichever position that you believe is the most comfortable and that you oftentimes find yourself sitting in by default, can reveal some pretty interesting things about your personality. So if you’d like to find out what the way in which you sit reveals about who you are on the inside, simply pick the picture below that best corresponds with the position you favor and read all about it!

Which position do you sit in? Let us know in the comments

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Can You Find The Hidden Dog Amongst This Herd Of Cows?

If you’re a fan of hidden search puzzles, you’re in luck! The image below is the latest and greatest one to hit the internet and it’s sure to keep you busy for at least a moment or two. Somewhere in this bovine themed picture is a single dog waiting to be found.

The image is filled to the brim with a bunch of cows that have been stacked in neat rows one atop another. The animals hand drawn faces all appear to be quite similar, which makes it that much harder to spot the lonely pup! When you factor in the very bland and basic color scheme of different shades of gray, brown, black, and a soft reddish-orange, the difficulty only increases

While most people look at the picture and assume it will be really easy to spot the dog, it’s not that straight forward. For many, this image has proven to be a lot more difficult than they ever expected and so the saying “looks can be deceiving” aptly applies here! Have at it and test your powers of perception. See if you can spot the camouflaged dog below. Good luck!

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Two Brothers Attempt To Take A Nice Photo For Their Mom. But Things Don’t Go As Planned!

Ahhhhh….boys will be boys!  No matter what age it’s always hard to get that family picture together for a holiday.  Siblings squirm as you try to make the family have that ideal appearance.  In the case of the hilarious video you are about to watch below, two brothers who look to be in their late 20’s, are attempting to take a digital pic for their mom for Mother’s Day.

Thank goodness she is not there to watch them attempt to get the photo done for their Mother’s Day card.  These “boys” from BaratsAndBareta clearly have not resolved their sibling rivalry.  Each attempt to get the picture to work grows more and more hysterical, as their exasperation with each other grow.

This comical scenario will have you crying with laughter.  Whatever the final shot they got for their digital card, I think their mom will definitely have more fine watching the footage of their attempts to make it.  You will see why the video has gotten more than 12 Million views and it’s still going.

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Apparently I’ve Been Cooking Sweet Potatoes Wrong For My Whole Life. I’m So Glad I Learned THIS

Potatoes are among the most popular and versatile food items that are readily available at any local grocery store. There are many different types grown throughout the world, but one of the tastiest and most healthy varieties is the sweet potato. Sweet potatoes are exactly as their name implies; sweet.

The orange fleshed root vegetables are considered a superfood because they contain a lot of vitamins and nutrients, such as vitamins A, C, E, and B-6, as well as beta carotene, fiber, potassium, iron, manganese, and copper. The antioxidants found in them can help prevent cancer and heart disease, strengthen your immune system, and even slow aging. Plus, they’re fat free and cholesterol free! A simple sweet potato can be transformed and prepared in many different ways.

They can be served hot or cold and people love them mashed, baked, fried, hashed, steamed, juiced and more. Their only downside seems to be that it often takes a long time to thoroughly cook them. One of the easiest, most basic ways to cook any type of potato is by poking a few holes in the skin and tossing it in the microwave.

Press the preset “Potato” button and minutes later it’s done. While that’s the fastest way to cook them, it’s definitely not the tastiest. Oftentimes the skin and flesh gets rubbery or becomes kind of mealy and it’s just not the same as a slowly cooked, oven baked potato.

Instead of zapping them, try cooking a bunch of them at once in a slow cooker. In the end it’s just as easy as microwaving, but the potatoes will turn out much more delicious. JoAnn Rachor shows how it’s done in this easy to follow video she posted to her YouTube channel.

Start by washing a few sweet potatoes, making sure to scrub the skins well. There is no need to poke them with a fork for this recipe, just trim off any bad spots and then toss into a crock pot with a little water. In the video they used about ½ cup of water for 3 large sweet potatoes, if you cook a larger batch simply adjust the water amount up to about ¾ of a cup.

This doesn’t require a lot of water, just enough to steam and help cook them. Cook on high for about 2-2 ½ hours for a small batch and 3-3 ½ for a larger amount. While they’re cooking you’re free to go about your day and when you get back the potatoes will be done.

The insides will be evenly cooked, fluffy, and tender, while the outside remains firm. You can eat them right away since they’ll be warm and ready, or you can use them in another recipe that calls for cooked sweet potatoes. Try this practically effortless slow cooking method the next time you plan on having sweet potatoes for dinner.

Plus, if you need to shave minutes off a dinner prep time, cook them ahead of schedule and free up a lot of time and valuable oven space.

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This Teen Was Feeling Extreme Neck Pain. When The Doctors Diagnosed Her, Her Parents Were Horrified!

I don’t know about you, but I have become used to constantly looking down at my phone, iPad or computer, but not as much as my teenage and young adult children.  Sometimes I have to ask them the same question 3-4 times until they hear me.  You can see a table of adults and kids out to eat at a restaurant, where everyone is looking down at their phone!

You may think that what I am getting at here is the antisocial aspects of social media absorption. That, however, is a side issue.  Something far more dramatic and physically damaging is occurring to young people, like this 14-year-old girl in the video you are about to watch below.

It is called “Text-Neck”.   Doctors have found that excessive looking down at tech devices is causing pain in the neck, that usually doesn’t occur until middle or old age! Not only are really young people experiencing this pain, but when x-rayed their spines show “reverse curve spinal damage!”

This damage turned up on 14-year-old Sarah Aitchison’s x-ray. You will see her meeting with Dr. Chad Cotter who speaks about the alarming number of high school students he is seeing with generalized neck pain, migraines, tension across shoulders and even numbness and tingling down their arms.

Watch the footage below to hear further discussion of this syndrome, it’s treatment and what lack of treatment will result in.  Not only young people, but all of us need to be aware of what this posture can do in affecting premature aging of the spine.

Believe it or not there is actually an App that can be utilized to warn you when you have been in “Text-Neck” position for too long!

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