Do You Or Anyone You Know Put Family Stickers On Their Vehicle? If You Do Take Them Off Immediately!

Many of us have become aware, that with the fun of sharing our lives on social media, come inherent dangers of exposing too much information.  Many people have made their Facebook pages private, but sharing photos and location “check-ins” on other forms of social media can leave us vulnerable to dangers from strangers with bad intentions.

There is a new trend of putting really cute decals on rear car windows, showing off our family members, their hobbies, our pets, and our kid’s achievements.

Seems harmless enough, but as people go online to customize their depiction of their family for their car, they are sometimes offered name decals, school names and various other details which they exhibit.  Getting carried away with your family pride in this way, offers information that predators are just waiting to get their hands on.

As you will hear in the video you are about to watch below, police have begun issuing warnings about these seemingly fun and innocent stickers.  Depending on the details displayed, you may be giving burglars or child predators (particularly when you have a sticker saying proud parent of..with the name of their school), information that has the potential to put your family at great risk.

While you may be wary of guarding your privacy on social media, you could be undoing it with bumper stickers and family decals.  You would be amazed at how much information can be put together that can make your family a target.

Such figures as showing a dad in the military, can signal a mom at home alone with kids.  Showing their kids in their favorite extracurricular activity can indicate when your home is likely to be empty, or where and when your child goes to practice.  For further information that will help you to be more aware of information you may be innocently giving away, watch the footage below.

Please SHARE this important SAFETY video with your family and friends

When You Wake Up Does Your Heel Hurt or Anytime You Walk? THIS Is The Reason Why And What To Do.

One day I woke up and had a lot of pain in my heel, and after putting off a doctor’s visit thinking it would go away, I finally got it diagnosed.  I found out I had Plantar fasciitis, a condition suffered by more than 50% of Americans in their lifetime.

The plantar fascia, as you will hear in the excellent video you are about to watch below, is a thin ligament that connects the heal to the front of your foot.  It is often caused by the repetitive motion of exercises during workouts, spending many hours on your feet particularly in shoes that bend the foot unnaturally, and weight gain.

In the following video the doctor gives a more in depth explanation of the reasons this malady is so common, some ways to prevent it from occurring, and the most effective means of treating the condition to help loosen the muscles that perpetuate the pain.

The most important part of the treatment is DEEP TISSUE MASSAGE; he demonstrates different rolling techniques, over a water bottle or rolling pin, that achieves excellent results.

Secondly, there are multiple STRETCHING TECHNIQUES that pulls the arch of your foot upward, that he illustrates clearly. The third line of treatment are NUTRITIONAL foods and SUPPLEMENTS.

Lastly STRENGTHENING the MUSCLES of your feet, with proper shoes, walking barefoot and changing up your movements, all will offer great relief for this painful condition.

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She Takes Batter And Pours It Over These Ripe Cherries. But When She’s Done Mouth YUM!

If you love to bake, the video you are about to watch below, is for you!  Anyone can bring a store bought cake to a party as a dessert offering, or bake something simple out of a box, but making the effort for the delectable Cherry Clafoutis…well that’s impressive!

This famous French dish has a custard base with fresh pitted cherries, sprinkled with powdered sugar, that is so delicious that the first bite is mind blowing!  The recipe in the video is really easy to follow, and will yield 6-8 servings.

The Ingredients you will need are:  

– 20 oz of fresh sweet cherries, stemmed and pitted – 2 tbsp of butter melted – 4 eggs – 1 cup of milk – 1/3 tsp of salt – 3/4 cup of flour – 1/2 cup of sugar – 1/2 tsp almond extract – 1/2 tsp vanilla extract powdered sugar for dusting

Watch the video to see how this delectable dessert is combined, and then baked in a 350 degree oven for 40-45 minutes, to produce a puffed and golden brown thing of beauty!  Let us know if you’ll try this.

Please SHARE This Delicious Recipe With Your Family and Friends 🙂

Father Boils Crayons and Runs Them Through a Spaghetti Strainer. But When He’s Done AMAZING!

Just about every household in America, especially those with young kids, has a box of crayons laying around somewhere. The colorful wax sticks are a childhood staple, who doesn’t remember doodling and coloring for hours on end!

Parents also love crayons because they’re non-toxic, inexpensive, and less messy or permanent than paint or markers. They also never become unusable or dry up, which is half the reason why they usually end up somewhere in a box that gets put away and forgotten.

One man realized how crayons often sit around unused, collecting dust for years before eventually being tossed out in the trash, and decided to put them to a better use.

His name is Brian Ware and he started The Crayon Initiative at his house in Northern California. The program collects unwanted crayons from area schools and restaurants and recycles them into new and improved ones.

Once the crayons are collected in bulk they get sorted by color and melted down in large pots. The wax is then strained and poured into molds that Brian fashioned himself in order to make the crayons bigger than their original shape.

The new up-cycled crayons are finally boxed up and sent out to local hospitals where they are distributed to children recovering from surgery or treatment.

The Crayon Initiative has grown in scope size and it takes a small army of volunteers to sort through them all and melt, box, and distribute them. Brian estimates that on an average day they go through about 4,000 crayons!

Stacks of boxes filled with donated crayons take up space in his house and everyday new boxes arrive. Recently 100 volunteers gathered to help sort and process them and as you can see in this NBC Nightly News video, it’s no small task.

The children who end up with the crayons are thankful for the small gift. Some are recovering from surgery or illness, others are receiving treatments or have special needs, but they all want a distraction and something to keep their minds occupied.

The children interviewed in the news segment say that coloring helps them stay focused, positive, and less stressed. It gives them a creative outlet that’s therapeutic in a way and helps to keep their minds off of the pain and situation they’re in.

If you’ve ever stayed in a hospital then you know how boring and stifling the experience can be. Getting a box of crayons would brighten anyone’s day, especially kids, since it gives them something to do for hours one end, it’s perfect.

If this story doesn’t give you a reason to pull those old crayons out of storage and put them to good use again, nothing ever will! To learn more about The Crayon Initiative you can find them online at, and they are on Facebook and Twitter as well.

Please Share this story to help spread awareness of the work they do and inspire others to get involved!

Video: Apparently If You Throw a Big Bucket Of Dry Ice In The Pool THIS Happens!

Dry ice has been used in many interesting endeavors and the hunks of frozen carbon dioxide never cease to amaze us. While it’s most widely known and used for keeping perishable food items frozen during transit, that hasn’t stopped inventive humans from incorporating it into everything from school science projects to chemotherapy, rockets, bug removal, fire extinguishers, fog machines, removing skin tags or moles, and so much more.

While the majority of these alternative types of uses play a specific role and serve a higher purpose, some dry ice tricks are simply for fun and entertainment. That’s exactly what this video of dry ice being tossed into a swimming pool is about; good old-fashioned fun!

The interesting concept was dreamed up and brought to light by one of YouTube’s most hilarious personalities, the Crazy Russian Hacker. He’s full of cool ideas and whether it’s conducting random experiments, testing out new gadgets, or sharing his favorite life hacks, he’s always up to something wild and strange.

For this particular project he decided to see exactly what would happen if thirty pounds of dry ice were dumped straight into a backyard swimming pool. Long story short, it’s pretty awesome!

The clip opens with the Crazy Russian hanging out poolside with an empty cooler, a pair of insulated gloves, and several bags of dry ice. He gets right down to it and starts breaking up the ice blocks into smaller chunks over the empty cooler.

Since his motto is “safety is the number one priority” he works with gloves on both hands to protect his skin against dry ice burns. Once the container is full of dry ice he picks it up and dumps it directly into the pool!

As soon as the dry ice hits the water it immediately reacts and the pool begins to bubble up. The warmer water in the pool starts to melt and break down the ice and soon a dense, thick white fog drifts off the surface before being carried away in the breeze.

The combined effects make it look as if the pool is boiling and you can hear the water bubbling as all of the gasses get released. In the background you can hear the Crazy Russian Hacker commenting on how “beautiful,” “amazing,” and “awesome” it is. He’s hilarious and might be just as entertaining as the dry ice in the pool!

If you’re thinking that dumping 30 pounds of dry ice in a pool may be dangerous, it’s not but only if the proper precautions are taken. Above all else, the one thing you should never do is handle it with your bare hands. Always use insulated gloves because they will prevent hands and skin from getting injured and/or burned by frostbite which occurs on contact with the stuff.

One more thing to keep in mind is that if you plan on breaking it up like how the Crazy Russian Hacker did in the clip, make sure to use protective eye wear as well. I think we can all agree that it’s always best to be safe than to be sorry! Here’s more on the science behind dry ice and what it is:

Dry ice is super-frozen carbon dioxide, which is the gas we exhale whenever we breathe out. It forms when carbon dioxide is exposed to extreme temperatures of at least -109° Fahrenheit. At that temperature or lower it changes from a gas straight to a solid and there is no liquid phase whatsoever in-between.

The inverse of this immediate change also happens to be true of it, so when dry ice melts it goes from solid to gas. That is why and how it produces the cloudy, fog-like effect that it’s known for.

Now that you have seen what thirty pounds of dry ice does to a swimming pool you can try it yourself, should you ever need to! It’s the perfect way to make a pool party memorable and everyone will love the cool, hypnotic effects. Plus, it’s highly likely that no one has ever seen anything quite like this done before and so they’re going to remember it forever.

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The Easiest Most Natural and Effective Way To Get Rid of Annoying Skin Tags

A while back, I kept feeling this little annoying thing on my neck, that was really irritating when it rubbed against my shirt.  It was really bugging me, and then I felt one on my armpit when I was showering.  A few more developed  over time, and it was not only annoying, but I became a little nervous.

I just kept trying to ignore them, and then found out that they are called “Skin Tags”.  I was actually really relieved when I came across the video you are about to watch below; somehow I thought it was something only I had.  It  was good to hear that they are quite common, and tend to develop where the skin folds naturally in different places on the body.

I was actually getting ready to go see a dermatologist for removal, but as you will hear, there is a really easy home remedy to get rid of them without being cut.  If you’ve had these annoying tags, “The Health Fixer”, does a good job of explaining why we develop them and an easy solution for removal.  As they tend to recur, it’s good news that the way to remove them is probably already in your kitchen…APPLE CIDER VINEGAR to the rescue, yet again!

I would never have guessed it would be the solution for this problem, but as it turns out, “the Mother” form of  this vinegar, has multiple uses for skin problems.  The video will show you how to apply the vinegar, for how long, and how to achieve the best results.  If you have any concerns about your skin tags, of course, see your doctor before trying this.  I was amazed at how effective a remedy this is!

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Do You Have An IQ That Is Over 140? Try To Solve This Puzzle and Find Out!

This intelligence test has been making the rounds on the internet and has already been shared well over three million times and counting. It’s also being claimed that if you’re able to solve and understand it then your IQ is above 150, which means you’re a genius.

On average, two-thirds of IQ test takers score anywhere between 85 and 115, and just 5% of people score over 125. A score of 140 or more would put you in the realm of the brightest, most intelligent minds on the planet!

Take a look at the puzzle below and see if you can figure out the pattern in the numbers shown. If you can’t solve it then check out the video from the MindYourDecisions YouTube channel which goes over how to arrive at the answer and the rule of reasoning behind it.

Even if you are able to solve the puzzle, do you understand exactly how you arrived at the answer and could you prove the intelligence test rule behind it? If not, watch the clip to learn all about it and afterwards you will truly understand what the problem entails. Were you able to solve the puzzle? Let us know.

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Can You Find The 12 Hidden Pandas In This Picture?

At the end of last year Hungarian artist Gergely Dudás posted a winter themed illustration on his Facebook page. The drawing was a hidden search puzzle filled with to the brim with snowmen and included the caption “There’s a panda amongst them! Can you find it?” People loved the challenge and ever since then hidden picture search puzzles have exploded in popularity!

It’s easy to see why, nothing is as relaxing, mentally stimulating, and enjoyable as undertaking a new search puzzle image. They offer us a break from all of the dull, common stuff that we tend to come across and instead give our eyes and brains a much needed change of pace.

So if you happen to be one of the many who love hidden picture puzzles, you have to check out this new one from artist Steve Read. Hidden among the beautiful tropical landscape are a total of 12 panda bears waiting to be discovered! The picture is filled with colorful flowers, butterfly’s, waterfalls, and twelve pandas that have been strategically concealed in the image.

One would think that it’d be incredibly easy to spot a bunch of panda bears, after all the black and white animals stick out, but it’s proven to be much more difficult than expected. Give it a try and see just how fast you’re able to spot all 12 panda bears! How many pandas did you find? let us know!

Please SHARE This With Family and Friends To See If They Can Find All 12 Hidden Pandas 🙂