Small Puppy Is Fast Asleep When He Rips a Giant Fart. He Proceeds To Have The Funniest Freak Out.

Dogs are full of funny surprises and it’s often the simple, little things they do that makes us love them all the more. This sentiment seems to be especially true when the dog in question is a young, chubby, adorable puppy! The white and black spotted little guy with the tiny white paws kicking restlessly around in the accompanying video is proof of this, but he’s also full of something else (maybe*- see below)!

The angelic looking dog was taking a nice relaxing nap on the carpet one day and by the looks of it he was well and truly passed out. His legs were moving and his body was twitching randomly, which is a tell-tale sign that he was in the REM stage of sleep, which is where we experience heightened mental activity and dreams occur. I’m no expert, but it’s safe to assume that he was dreaming about chasing a ball or a cat or doing something of the sort that puppy’s love!

Anyways, in the middle of his siesta time someone decided to let one rip and out came a loud, disgusting sound that could only be interpreted as a fart! The sudden, unexpected noise jarred the poor puppy awake and scared the heck out of him. He looks bewildered as he glances around the room while a man, possibly his owner, can be heard laughing in the background. The dog’s reaction is spot on and exactly how I would have reacted if I were in his position, I’d be like what the…!?!

* While the story should end here, it doesn’t. Apparently many of the commentators on YouTube have been debating the source of the fart in the clip. One side claims the dog is the one who passed the gas, while those on the other side are positive that it was the man. In true YouTube fashion, everyone has to weigh in with their own opinion on the matter and some included a few strange facts(?) to back them which are really just gems. You be the judge!

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If You Notice A Beautiful Purple Thing On The Sand This Year Run Away Immediately!

Anyone headed to beaches along the eastern coastline this summer is being advised to keep a lookout for any Portuguese man-of-war both in the water and on the beach. The jellyfish relatives have been found washed ashore on a number of popular beaches, with the most recent sightings around the Charleston and Myrtle Beach, South Carolina areas.

As beautiful and exotic as the Portuguese man-of-war may appear, it poses a big risk to human health and wellness. The sea creatures look like pretty blue or purple tinted bubbles floating on the surface of the water, and have long, dark purple tentacles hanging down off them.

The tentacles are what makes the Portuguese man-of-war so hazardous because they’re full of venom and highly capable of delivering a very nasty and painful sting. They should be avoided whether found in the water or on the beach because even days after being washed up on shore they can still sting, no matter how long dead they may appear to be.

A sting from one can cause a number of reactions including painful red welts, cardiac distress, fever, shock, an allergic reaction that can lead to trouble breathing, paralysis, and possibly even death in extreme cases which are thankfully rare.

If you ever have the misfortune of being stung by one, seek professional medical treatment and do not pee on the area! Contrary to popular belief, doing that will only make it worse and instead you should use a cold compress to help relieve the pain and swelling.

While the floating bubble-like marine creatures are commonly referred to as a type of jellyfish, they are actually what is known as a siphonophore. Whereas jellyfish are single multi-cellular organisms, siphonophore are colonial organisms.

They are made up of many different individual animals that are interconnected and work together, yet are still capable of surviving independently. This type of physiological makeup is why the tentacles are still capable of stinging even after they become detached.

The accompanying New Jersey TV news clip covers more interesting facts and information on the Portuguese man-of-war and what scientists, beach patrols, and lifeguards are doing about them.

The news report from Long Beach Island featured the story a few summers back when they were washing up on shore more frequently than usual, which already seems to be the case this year as well. Check it out for more details and if you ever happen to see one of these things in the water, get out immediately!

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Granny Cooks To The Music While The Kids Secretly Film. She Proceeds To Do The Most Hysterical Moves

Music makes everything better. Whether you’re driving in the car, cleaning the house, taking a shower, shopping at a store, or relaxing at home, it just makes everything seem more enjoyable. Listening to your favorite tunes is even good for your health because it makes you feel happy and more energized. It even gets people up and moving around more. After all, sometimes you can’t help but move and groove to the beat!

Many of our fondest memories involve dancing the night away or slow dancing with a special someone. Heck, some of the most special moments we’ve shared with our family and friends have revolved around spontaneous dance parties, and who doesn’t love those?

For the family in this video, it was their grandmother who they call Mama C, who got bit by the jitter bug! She was at the stove in her kitchen whipping up something that was undoubtedly tasty and delicious when her song came on.

Vanilla Ice’s smash hit “Ice Ice Baby” seems to be her jam and when she heard it start to play it got her all pumped up. She broke out some serious dance moves and went to town, sliding and boogieing around the kitchen, all without breaking a sweat or pausing dinner. She even incorporated some cooking into her dance routine as she seasoned and stirred the pot.

At one point Mama C tried to get her young grandson to join her but he was not having any of it and ran off to hide on the couch, seemingly embarrassed. He must not know how to dance very well or couldn’t keep up with his grandmother’s advanced skills. Maybe he should ask her for lessons! Mama C did find a more willing dance partner though, in the form of a little black dog. He was definitely more eager and excited to join in and makes several appearances throughout the video.

Mama C knows how to have a good time and make the most of life. All that she really needs is some music and her loved ones to have a blast. The whole clip is entertaining, it’s funny, upbeat, and awesome so check it out and maybe learn a few new dance moves in the process!

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If You Press This Point On Your Foot For 2 Minutes Everyday For A Month THIS Happens To Your Body

There’s an endless and ongoing search for natural methods and alternative medicines which could help treat the many different health conditions and disorders we experience throughout life. People don’t want to always have to rely on modern health options, which tend to involve harsh and expensive pharmaceuticals that often have even worse side effects than the actual issue itself. That’s why so many people are turning to homeopathic remedies in an effort to naturally balance and help heal their body, mind, and spirits.

Out of all the many different treatment methods, one of the top most popular and effective ones come from the ancient Chinese alternative medicine field of acupressure. In a nutshell, acupressure involves the simple act of applying pressure to various points on our bodies and it does wonders to alleviate the aches, pains, tension, and built up stresses on our bodies.

Acupressure works by stimulating the thousands of nerves in our hands and feet, thereby increasing blood flow. The average human foot has over 15,000 nerves and they all inter-connect to form a network that reaches different areas of the body, such as our main organs and glands.

Many people have found that by using simple acupressure techniques at home they could dramatically relieve pain and discomfort caused by common ailments. All you have to do is find the points on your feet which are associated with the area in which your issue stems from and massage it!

One such point is called the Tai Chong, or LV3 point, which is known for being an effective full-body health booster. To locate the area on your foot go to the gap between your big toe and second toe, move two finger widths back from there, and you should feel a slight depression- that’s the point! So if you feel a hard bone, keep looking because it’s a soft area. By pressing down and applying pressure to this point for at least 2 minutes several times a day, it helps to relieve:

Stress and Anxiety- According to WebMD studies have been done which suggest that the LV3 point helps lessen the negative impacts of depression and anxiety, possibly by lowering subjects overall stress levels and instances of insomnia

Digestion- Nausea, vomiting, upset stomach, hangovers, and indigestion can all be eliminated or improved by massaging the LV3 point, so try it the next time you ever happen to drink too much!

Pain Killer- The LV3 point has been used to alleviate abdominal pain, back pain, menstrual cramps, headaches, and since the point is connected to the liver meridian and lower back it’s also effective at relieving many other sources of bodily pain.

Fight Parkinson’s Disease- There is a report out by the Northwest Parkinson’s Foundation which says that “Acupuncture point LV3 has been historically used to treat tremors such as those associated with Parkinson’s disease.” Of course, this involves acupuncture rather than acupressure at the sight, but nonetheless it shows how the point has been used for thousands of years to improve people’s health and even today it could greatly impact modern diseases.

There you have it, a great way for you to massage your body to better health and all you have to do is rub your feet a couple times a day or before bedtime. You’ll automatically feel more relaxed and at ease and while it may sound too good to be true, a daily foot massage may be just what your body needs. Try it tonight and share this with others to help them find comfort and better health in their own lives!

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What Level Of Maturity Is Your Soul?

Souls are mainly regarded as the spiritual part of a person’s life. They cannot be physically seen or touched yet they’re always present with us and embody our spirit and inner fire. It’s believed that souls never die, instead they’re immortal and go on to live many lives through rebirth, making them eternal and everlasting.

Even though our souls are essentially ageless, they’re often described as being old, young, mature, ancient, and so forth. While those descriptions infer age, they also impart different levels of maturity as well. It’s this level of maturity that is influencing how old our souls are believed to be.

Therefore, it follows that the more developed, wise, and knowledgeable a person is viewed as, the higher their soul’s level of maturity is. The same goes for the opposite and all the levels of maturity in-between.

This is why there are many people who appear to be, or feel like they are, old souls. These individuals are often wise beyond their years and in tune with whatever life sends their way. They show deep connections with their spirituality and tend to feel more empathy towards others.

In contrast, some people seem to have young new souls. They tend to be more playful, progressive, and free with their thoughts and actions. Those who are young at heart usually enjoy activities that keep them in touch with their youth.

To determine what level of maturity your soul is you need to examine the state you’re currently at in life. Things like what you enjoy doing or desire the most and hold near and dear to your heart can reveal where your soul is at on its endless journey.

Generally speaking, our preferences and choices reflect broadly on our lives and the paths we have taken to get to this point in them. This quiz will tell you what level of maturity your soul is at. Work through it and see if the results reflect your guess as to whether or not you’re an old or new soul! What level did you get?

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I Always Heard Coconut Oil Was Amazing But They Never Talked About This

Coconut oil has been around for years and has traditionally been used mainly in cooking. Foods taste wonderful after being sautéed or baked with it, but there are many other uses for the oil that extend far beyond cooking.

More and more people are adding coconut oil to their health and beauty routines for its all-natural antimicrobial effects and anti-inflammatory properties. It’s gentle on skin, hair, nails, teeth, and gums, making it a great alternative for those with sensitivity issues.

The natural moisturizing and hydrating properties leave skin feeling smooth and polished and it smells wonderful too. A jar of quality coconut oil usually costs less than $10 so it’s affordable and you only need to use a little bit.

Perhaps one of the greatest things about coconut oil is that it’s all-natural and won’t end up harming the environment like most of the ingredients found in beauty products do.

Below is a list of some of the best alternative uses for coconut oil and instructions on how to work it into your health and beauty routine. These will save you money and energy, and don’t forget to check out the video for even more great tips!

1) Removes Glue Residue- Rub a little bit of coconut oil on the sticky gunk that stickers leave behind and it will clear the pesky stuff right off. This also works for stuck zippers, rings on fingers, or any other similar type of situation like that.

2) Deodorant Alternative- People with sensitive skin can benefit from the gentle, all-natural deodorizing effects that coconut oil has to offer. It’s just as effective as the chemical laden versions sold in stores and it smells terrific.

3) Shave Gel Alternative- The next time you take a shower slather on a little bit of coconut oil instead of shave gel. It’ll help the razor glide smoothly over skin, reducing the likelihood of razor burn or cuts. You’ll not only come out smelling fresh but your skin will also be super moisturized as well!

4) Soothe Mosquito Bites- It’s that time of year again when all of the nasty blood sucking mosquitoes come out of seemingly nowhere to feast on us. Those insanely itchy bites they leave behind can drive a person insane. When no amount of scratching seems to make the itch go away rub some coconut oil on the bite and the area around it for quick, soothing relief.

5) Oil pulling- Oil pulling is a great way to help improve your oral, and thus overall, health. People swear by the practice and claim it helps to do everything from whitening teeth to cleaning out toxins from the blood.

Other benefits that have been touted include the following; it kills bacteria that causes bad breath, inhibits tooth decay, fights exhaustion, keeps colds at bay, helps strengthen gums, makes skin glow, helps prevent cancer, decreases instances of mouth sores/ulcers, and re-mineralizes teeth.

Here’s what you need to know in order to try it at home- First, pick out a good organic cold-pressed coconut oil. Take a spoon and place 1-2 teaspoons in your mouth. I’ll feel odd and lumpy at first but it quickly melts to liquid and that’s when you can swish it around your mouth.

You need to swish for a minimum of 10 minutes but many people go for 20, the longer the better. Try not to swallow any oil but if you do it won’t harm you, it’ll just taste gross. When you’re done spit out the oil into a trash can.

Don’t spit it into the sink!! It’s oil and will re-solidify which can result in clogged septic systems. Finally, rinse out your mouth with warm water and finish by brushing your teeth.

6) Coconut Oil and Baking Soda Face Scrub- Washing your face daily is essential to maintaining clear healthy skin and a glowing complexion. Equally important is what you use to wash your face with. This all natural, non-toxic, simply derived face wash can provide all the cleansing power your skin needs without aggravating or over-drying it.

Here’s how to make it- In a small bowl combine coconut oil and baking soda (make sure to break up any lumps in the soda before adding in the coconut oil). There are no set amounts to this recipe and you can adjust it to your skin type and needs.

People with sensitive skin should use a ratio of two parts coconut oil to one part baking soda, 2:1. Those who wish to exfoliate their skin should use equal parts of each ingredient, 1:1.

Mix it together well and then massage it gently onto your face in circular motions. You can leave it on for a couple of minutes as you would a facial mask, or you can wash it off immediately using warm water. It’ll leave your skin smooth, calm, and polished.

The combination of baking soda and coconut oil is effective at treating and fading acne scars, redness, and breakouts, plus it works well at exfoliating rough, dry skin, leaving it moisturized and clean.

Coconut oil is a natural antibacterial agent and helps to unclog pores by fighting against and ridding it of germs while baking soda works to regulate pH since it’s not overly acidic or too alkaline.

7) Coconut Oil Toothpaste- Coconut oil toothpaste is a simple yet effective way to clean and whiten teeth. It helps to remineralize them and is gentle and safe on enamel so it won’t end up doing more harm than good by damaging your teeth.

The recipe that follows shows you how to make all natural homemade toothpaste all you need is a few simple ingredients that include coconut oil, baking powder, food grade flavors like peppermint or sweet orange, and a container to put it all in.

Here’s how to make it- Start off by mixing together 1 part coconut oil with 1 part baking soda. Add in 3-5 drops of whatever food-grade essential oils you prefer in order to flavor it to your desired taste.

Finally, if you mixed it in a separate container, transfer it into the tube or jar you plan on storing it in and allow the paste to set. With regular use this toothpaste will whiten your teeth and give you a healthy, clean mouth. The baking soda helps to whiten teeth and since it’s slightly abrasive it works to clean them as well.

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If You Always Get Heart Burn and Acid Reflux. THIS Is The Reason Why and How To Treat It Naturally.

One of the worst feelings is that sensation of burning that you can get after eating!  Known as Heartburn or Acid Reflux, approximately 60 million Americans suffer from this burning several times a month.  Of these 60 million, according to 15 million experience this unbearable discomfort daily, commonly in the stomach, throat and mid-chest.

Symptoms can be temporarily alleviated by anti-reflux medications or antacids, but the problem will continue unless you make some changes, that are natural home remedies you will hear about in the video below.

Dr. Axe presents a comprehensive explanation of why acid reflux occurs; you will hear him discuss the CAUSES, which include enzyme deficiency and acid imbalance in the stomach. He then goes step by step in explaining the DIETARY CHANGES that you need to make; foods that should be eliminated and ones that should be added.

He then discusses SUPPLEMENTS that should be taken with meals, as well as LIFESTYLE CHANGES which include the amount you eat at each meal, how you chew and swallow, and the pace at which you eat.

He stresses that the #1 Natural Remedy is drinking 1 Tablespoon of raw, unfiltered APPLE CIDER VINEGAR mixed with a little water, 10 minutes before each meal.  For full details on the changes you need to make, in order to naturally rid yourself of heartburn pain and discomfort watch the full video.

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She Wraps Paper Towels Around Her Hair At Night. When She Removes Them In The Morning STUNNING!

Depending on how old you are, you may remember your mom putting little rag strips in your hair, to create beautiful curls without heat.  It creates a natural look, without heat damaging utensils, that you simply don’t get from hair curling electric devices.

The video you are about to watch below, offers a new twist on using bits of rags, by substituting with pieces of paper towels.  YouTube channel Cute Girl Hairstyles, shares a really easy to follow way to curl your hair, and as usual their result makes you want to try it for yourself.

This method is great if you have straight or curly hair, because it both creates curls where there aren’t any, and in the case of curly hair it makes your curls more manageable.

After washing your hair and letting it air dry until damp, she illustrates how to take strands of hair and roll them up around a piece of paper towel, in either the up or down direction.

You can either let your hair dry for a few hours or sleep on it.  The tutorial will take you through the entire process; when you see the end result…WOW!

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