He Starts Having Trouble Reeling In His Line Soon Finds Out It’s Record Breaking Monster Catch

Dino Ferrari certainly will never forget this day . On that fateful winter day the Italian man was fishing in the Po River delta, a muddy stretch of the country’s longest river. He was sitting in a boat using a fishing rod and dangling a line in the water when suddenly he felt a strong tug. Something had taken the bait and as he struggled to quickly reel the line in on the severely bent rod, he knew he had hooked a beast.

By the end of it all, Mr. Ferraro had caught an enormous 280 pound catfish that was longer than a man is tall and measured an amazing 8 feet, 9 inches long. Being an avid sport fisherman, he was sponsored by Sportex Italia, a maker of premium fishing rods. They were on hand to document, measure, and verify his catch and provided the unbelievable picture of Dino posing with the fish that you see in the video. While this particular catch may very well be a world record for a catfish caught using just a rod and reel, bigger catfish have been caught in that same river and around the world.

The American catfish record belongs to Tim Pruitt who back in 2005 caught a 124 pound fish in the Mississippi River. That’s nothing compared to the world record holder that fishermen in Thailand caught. According to an online National Geographic article, a group of Thai fishermen netted a Mekong Giant Catfish, named after the Mekong River in which they were fishing. The super-size fish weighed in at 646 pounds and measured almost 9 feet long, making it possibly the world’s largest freshwater fish caught since records have been kept as well!

While legends abound about record breaking catches and enormous catfish lurking in secret spots around the world, Mr. Ferrari’s tale is the reel deal. He caught the fish that most people can only dream of bagging and has the evidence to prove it so check it out! After pictures and video were taken, it was weighed, measured, and released.

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The Most Simple Way To Transfer Old VHS Tapes Onto Your Computer.

Things are changing at a rapid pace in the increasingly complex realm of technology. It wasn’t very long ago that it all seemed manageable, but a few years back that all changed as well. Now we have new models and editions of everything, from cell phones to computers to apps and beyond, that come out before we even get accustomed to the versions which are now considered old!

All of this advancement has caused a variety of products to be cast aside and left to gather dust. These include the turntables, old game consoles, and CD players of the past which used to seem so essential and cutting edge before they became all but obsolete. Perhaps the most well known casualty of the ongoing technology replacement cycle is VHS tapes and players.

In the mid 80s-early 90s they were all the rage and considered the latest and greatest must-have items. People collected thousands of movies on tape and made their own home videos, but then CD and DVD storage formatting came along and replaced VHS. A few years later, no one was using video tapes or VCRs, and as a result many people’s collections were forgotten.

If you have boxes of bulky old tapes getting zero use and taking up space in your house, then you may want to preserve the homemade videos and memories they contain. The ideal way to do this is to digitize and transfer the tapes onto a computer because you can save them in a newer, updated format that allows you to do number of things. Digital format gives you the ability to edit the content and share videos easily with other people, all without having to dig out the old VCR player!

In the accompanying video CNET senior editor Donald Bell demonstrates how to transfer old VHS tapes onto the computer. Just so it’s clear, this is exclusively for the purpose of archiving personal home video footage only. It’s illegal to duplicate anything that is protected by copyright, like films or TV shows, and they should never be digitally transferred unless you have the rights to do so.

First and foremost, you will need four items; 1) VCR player with audio/video outputs, 2) VHS tapes, 3) compatible adapter to connect the computer and VCR (differs for PCs and Macs), 4) computer with room on the hard drive. For an idea of how much hard drive space your VHS collection may require, an hour of video takes up around 750 megabytes of storage. You can always use an external hard drive if you don’t have enough space or prefer to save it for other uses.

1. Plug in the color coded ends of the adapter to the matching connections on the back of the VCR. Yellow connection = video, white = mono audio, red/white = stereo audio.

2. Install the included software that came with the adapter and follow the steps it guides you through. When you’re able to see and hear the video, it’s properly connected.

3. Name the file and start the transfer by pressing the record button and hit play on the VCR to record in real time. Real time recording means that you have to wait for the whole thing to play through and then press stop recording when you’re done.

4. At this point you can edit out any unwanted portions from the beginning or end of the video.
5. Lastly, your computer will show you the location of the file that you just created along with options to watch, upload, or edit the video further.

Now you can toss out all your bulky tapes or store them away for good. Even better, you can transfer the videos to other computers, make DVDs, and easily send copies to friends and family. Please pass this information along to others whose video collections could use a much needed upgrade and help them digitally preserve all the awesome memories and milestones they’ve captured on tape.

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He Heard Weird Noises Coming From Their Ice Fishing Hole. Then An Unexpected Surprise Pops Out!

Ice fishing is just like any other type of fishing, it’s hit or miss. You can never know for certain what you’ll end up reeling in. One group of ice fishermen know this very well. They were out on Emerald Lake in Ontario, Canada, when they reeled in something shocking and unbelievable. This was definitely the catch of the day, if not year or century!

The backstory to the video is that one of the men in the group, named Mike, had been sitting out on the frozen lake for hours and no fish were biting. He finally got fed up and decided to go down to a spot called the point to check and see if there were any fish biting there. The rest of the group stayed behind to watch the hole and relax when suddenly Mike returned to their spot in the craziest way possible. He swam up to the hole and popped out of the frigid cold water!

As if that wasn’t insane enough, a second man appeared from under the ice and he too climbed out of the fishing hole! Then, as if everything were normal, the group ask Mike if he saw any fish. He tells them no and just sits there, dripping wet and exposed to the freezing temperature, snow, ice and wind.

Now, at this point I can’t help but mention that many people either assume or think that, generally speaking, Canadians are crazy. This video clip proves those people correct. That’s because Mike and his friends act completely normal, as if nothing weird or strange had occurred. Their crazy antics and behavior really makes you wonder, are all Canadians like that?!

In addition, because it’s so crazy and abnormal, the clip has generated quite a bit of intrigue. People online are asking whether or not it’s even real. It definitely appears real to me, but there is some speculation that it was either faked or edited. However, most people seem to agree that the father and son likely entered the water via a second hole that was out of view from the camera shot.

Then, from there they swam a few feet over to the hole that they climbed out of. Either way, the whole idea is insane and something few men would dare to ever do. It’s also dangerous and the risks of hypothermia and drowning are very real. The ice where they were was about 24 inches thick, so if you ever were to get trapped under that, there would be no breaking though to escape. All’s well that ends well. Leave it to the Canadians to pull off a stunt like this!

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He Takes An Onion And Pushes A Hair Pick Into It. The Reason Is Brilliant!

In terms of food preparation, chopping up onions is probably one of the worst jobs you’ll ever have to do in the kitchen. Sometimes they’re so strong that they make your eyes water and burn, and when you get onion juice on your skin and fingers, it lingers forever and stinks. However, the worst part about it is the actual chopping part.

Onions are tricky to cut because all of the many layers fall apart and never seem to stay in place, if they did stay put it’d be a whole lot easier to slice and dice. Your cozy night in making a simple dinner can easily turn into a kitchen nightmare with a combination of blurry, watery eyes and a sharp knife slipping on stray onion pieces.

Don’t let that scenario become your reality the next time you have to chop onions, or for that matter any other type of similarly shaped fruits and vegetables. Instead, use a hair pick to streamline and simplify the entire process. In the accompanying video YouTube’s DaveHax demonstrates the trick and shows us exactly how easy cutting things can be.

The key is making sure that you use a hair pick that has stainless steel prongs. Take an onion, chop off both ends, and peel all of the dry papery layers off it. At that point you simply stick the hair pick into the onion and use it to hold the bulb steady.

Then, using the spaces between the prongs as a guide, slice through them for perfectly proportioned cuts every time. Depending on how you stick the pick into the onion, you can make picture perfect onion rings or a bunch small diced cuts in just a matter of seconds.

The pick trick works for just about any fruit or vegetable you can stick it into. DaveHax demonstrates the technique on lemons, tomatoes, and cucumbers but really the possibilities are wide open for this hack.

If you don’t already have a suitable hair pick, be sure to write it down on your grocery list so that the next time you’re at the store you remember to get one. This is something that’s affordable, simple, and guaranteed to make life a whole lot easier. Once you try it, you’ll be hooked!

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This Is What Happens To Your Body When You Drink 1-3 Tbsp Of Virgin Coconut Oil Per Day For A Month

I know, I know….You are constantly seeing posts that either warn of some unseen or unknown danger that has been lurking in your world forever, that you’ve had no idea about.  OR, alternatively, there is a post claiming some ‘superfood’ that will change your life and health forever!  I get the cynicism of some who read these things, and question their veracity.

However, it is important to screen through the nonsense, and filter out what is important health information and what is fluff.  One way to decide what is worth paying attention to, are longitudinal studies that have been replicated to show significant benefits of a true ‘superfood’.  One such food, that has been experimentally validated in human studies, is COCONUT OIL.

Although, for some time, coconut oil was thought to be tainted by the fact that it contains 90% saturated fat, new studies have shown that SOME SATURATED FATS DON’T CLOG ARTERIES.

The ones found in coconut oil, unlike those found in cheese or red meat, are metabolized differently due to their health-promoting, unique combination of fatty acids.  It has been shown to have profound effects on brain function and disorders such as Alzheimer’s, as well as other significant health benefits.

You will hear in greater detail, about these stunning health benefits, in the video you are about to watch below.  When the fatty acids found in coconut oil are broken down into enzymes, they have the capability to: PREVENT and TREAT CANCER; PROVIDE ENERGY BY STIMULATING THE THYROID, which in turn burns more calories.

This fact as well as the way the saturated oils are broken down into ketones, REDUCES HUNGER which further results in WEIGHT LOSS. It PREVENTS HEART DISEASE, as the oil contains 50% Lauric Acid which kills bacteria, viruses, fungi, and prevents infections.  It protects the heart by preventing high cholesterol levels and high blood pressure.

The video goes on to discuss coconut oil’s ability to IMPROVE DIGESTION, CURE UTIs and KIDNEY INFECTION and PROTECT THE LIVER.  It kills harmful bacteria in the mouth which has a significant benefit to DENTAL HEALTH.

These results certainly give food for thought as to why we, in the Western world, do not have coconut as a staple in our diet.  Certain cultures, particularly in the South Pacific get 60% of their calories from coconuts.  One such population, the Tokelauans, have statistically significant better health, and NO EVIDENCE OF HEART DISEASE.

After watching the video, which will discuss the mechanisms of how coconut oil offers these health benefits in greater depth, let us know whether you will attempt to make it a greater part of your diet.

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Have You Ever Noticed The White Stringy Thing Thats Connected To Your Egg Yolk. THIS Is What It Is.

Eggs are up there with milk and butter as the most widely consumed dairy products in America. Even though they are not technically a true “dairy” product, they’re often lumped into the category and sold in the dairy aisle of grocery stores, so close enough!

Regardless of how they’re classified, we eat tons of the little white shelled ovals every single year, whether scrambled or mixed into tasty cakes and other goods. According to Discovery Education and the American Egg Board, “The average American eats 250 shell eggs per year, which means on average, the U.S eats more than 76.5 billion eggs.”

That’s a whole lot of eggs, and yet many of us never stop to think about what exactly it is that we are putting in our mouths and bodies. If you were asked to name the different parts of an egg, could you? Many of us could point out the yolk and the white, the shell… and that’s about it. However, what about that strange little white stringy thing that’s attached to the egg yolk, what is that?

Every egg has the umbilical cord-like feature, but that’s not what it is. Instead, the white string is more like a seat belt and it’s called a chalazae. There are actually two in every egg, one on each side, and they are attached to the yolk.

Their function is to keep the yolk securely suspended in place inside the center of the white so that it doesn’t move all around and become damaged. Just like how seat belts protect people in case of an accident, the strings keep the yolk safe and secure in one place.

While the appearance of the chalazas may be a bit unappetizing, it can actually help you determine how fresh the egg is that you’re about to eat. If the white string is very prominent and clearly noticeable, the egg is fresh. If it is faded or virtually non-existent, the egg is old. So it’s actually a good sign to see a big stringy chalaza when you crack an egg open!

To learn all about the anatomy of an egg, check out this video from Amanda VanHoey. She does an excellent job walking through the different parts and explains everything you’ll ever need, or want to know, about the incredible, edible egg.

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She Presses Dough On An Upside Down Muffin Tin. But When She’s Done YUM!

There seems to always be a right way and a wrong way to go about doing practically everything. Then there are all of the many ways that fall in between those two opposite ends, and that’s what is covered in this Allrecipes YouTube video. It features a novel way for you to use a plain old muffin tin to bake a variety of delicious treats that the whole family will love and appreciate.

The innovative idea shown makes you think outside the muffin tin by switching up the way in which you’d normally go about using the classic bake ware. Instead of putting batter or dough in the little slots right-side up, flip over the tin and use the underside of the moldings to make different types of edible food bowls.

Get creative and imagine all the different ways you could use this technique to bake stuff and check out the recipe ideas covered in the video and below. The first recipe shown is for biscuit bowls. Start by turning the tin over and coating the underside with cooking spray. Take some biscuit dough (homemade or store bought) and smush it over each of the muffin slots on the bottom of the tin.

Pop it in the oven and bake them for 12-15 minutes at 350 degrees. When they’re done you’ll have tasty little biscuit bowls that are perfect for holding hearty soups, like loaded potato soup with cheddar or different chowders, as well as dips and chili.

The second recipe is for taco bowls. First coat the underside of the muffin tin with cooking spray and then insert soft tortillas snugly in-between the muffin slots so that they form a nice bowl shape.

Bake these at 350 degrees for 10 minutes and then fill them up with your favorite taco fixings like meat, cheese, lettuce, tomato, salsa, guacamole, or whatever else you prefer.

The whole idea is a great way to maximize your muffin tin beyond using it to make the standard batch of cupcakes or muffins. Try it out and pass it on!

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He Sticks A Skewer Into This Potato. The Reason Is Brilliant!

For a new spin on the usual, tired, old potato check out this easy recipe! It’s an awesome and healthy way to whip up a batch of homemade spiral cut potatoes on a stick. The simple recipe is all-natural and all you really need are a few potatoes and some skewers. Plus, it’s healthy because they’re oven-baked rather than deep fried. Everyone’s favorite, YouTube’s go-to-guy DaveHax, shows how to make them in this quick and easy to follow video. Seriously, these crispy potato spirals are unbelievably delicious and make the perfect side to any dish.

Keep reading for instructions on how to make them and watch the video for more! First and foremost, scrub and clean up a few potatoes and then dry them off with a paper towel. Take a wooden skewer and stick it through the potato the long way, so that it goes in one end, up thru the center of the potato and out the other end.

Place it securely on a chopping board and with a sharp knife carefully slice into it at a slight angle. Cut only so deep that you end up hitting the stick. Now slowly start to rotate the potato while simultaneously cutting it to make a spiral-shaped cut the whole way down the spud.

When you’re done cutting, carefully fan out the pieces of potato along the stick so that they’re slightly separated. Place them on an oven sheet and season with salt, pepper, olive oil, or whatever other flavors you’d like. (I made some lemon-pepper and rosemary seasoned ones that came out tasting amazing!). Now they’re ready for the oven.

The cook times will vary depending on the size of the potatoes you use and the thickness of the slices. The ones DaveHax made in the video were with thin cuts on smaller potatoes and they only took about 25 minutes at 320 degrees to fully cook.

When the potato chips are fully cooked and done they should have golden brown edges and are ready to be served. These look and taste delicious, and are a much healthier alternative to deep fried or store bought potato ships. Bon Appétit!

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