She Puts A Pair Of Shoes In The Freezer. The Reason Is Brilliant!

Have you ever had shoes that were too tight to wear comfortably for extended periods of time but you wore them anyway because they were cute or matched the occasion perfectly? Nothing is worse than suffering through the pain and discomfort that shoes too small can cause. Even if the pair “sorta” fit there is a trick you can do to get that extra breathing room and increase your toe space. Best of all it is simple, cheap and quick to do.

Simply take 2 plastic sandwich bags and fill each one a quarter of the way with water, put one in each shoe and place the shoes in your freezer. Leave them there long enough for the water to fully freeze before taking them out. The video suggests waiting 20 minutes for the ice to thaw a bit before taking the bags out of the shoes.

However, you can also break the ice with the end of a knife or utensil and avoid any potential damage the melting bags could cause, or even wiggle out the ice bag. Make sure you wipe off any water or residual moisture and try on the shoes to see how they now fit. If they need to be stretched more, simply repeat the process.

When water freezes and turns from liquid to solid it expands. The baggie filled with water stretches your shoe as the water becomes ice. Be careful to not over stuff your shoes because it could tear them.

This method works best on real leather but can also be used on fake leather and man-made materials. However, if you are going to use it on fake leather you will likely have to repeat this process several times because it tends to shrink back to it’s original shape.

In the end your shoes can be stretched out half of a size up to potentially one whole size. It is also a great way to break in a new pair of shoes quickly and painlessly. Your feet will thank you for the extra room and comfort.

On a related note, freezing shoes can also get rid of smelly odors. Put the shoes in a sealed bag and place them in the freezer. The cold temperature of the freezer will kill any odor causing bacteria. Also, if you step in gum toss your shoe in the freezer so that you can easily chip it off. The possibilities of freezing shoes are seemingly endless.

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Makeup Artist Demonstrates An Easy Way To Put On Eyeliner. The Result Is Perfect Every Time!

The first recorded documentation of eyeliner was in Mesopotamia and Ancient Egypt.  The people of this time placed a dark black line around their eyes.  These cosmetic applications were not only used for looks but also to protect their skin from the hot desert sun.  Another reason they applied eyeliner was to protect themselves against the evil eye.

The eyeliner was made from antimony and copper ore.  Then for many centuries eyeliner disappeared only to make a resurgence in the 1920’s when Tutankhamun’s tomb was found.  Eyeliner was soon reintroduced to the western world, and fashion quickly began to change, while women felt more free to apply makeup.

In modern culture, eyeliner has seen a  strong resurgence in Punk,Gothic, and Emo Fashion.  It is also common daily make up practice of many people to highlight different features of the eyes.

Sometimes in life it is the simplest ideas that make the greatest impact.  The Makeup artist in the video below has come up with an awesome trick for those who are constantly struggling with their eyeliner application.

There is a bit of a learning curve to this method, and it will take some practice but once you get it down, it is the perfect way to curl your eyelashes and place your eyeliner perfectly all at the same time.

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He Pours Milk Into A Bottle Of Coca-Cola. Minutes Later The Results Blew Me Away!

Most people have seen and are familiar with the Coca-Cola and Mentos reaction, but wait until you see what happens when you combine Coke and milk. The results are both stomach churning and fascinating at the same time.  First, you open a plastic bottle of Coke and then add a small amount of milk to it, being careful to leave a little space between the top of the liquid and cap.

Secure on the bottle cap and gently agitate the liquid by moving it back and forth a few times. Now the wait begins. The entire process takes about an hour but make sure to watch it at 5 or 10 minute intervals to see the change take place. When it is all done you probably will not be craving a soda anytime soon!

So what is actually happening in this mini science experiment? The process is due to a reaction of the Coke’s phosphoric acid with the milk. The phosphoric acid molecules bind to the milk which gives them a higher density and causes them to separate out and eventually sink down, while the remaining liquid from the milk and Coke, being lighter, floats to the top.

Those solid particles you see are actually curdled milk. Because the soda is more acidic than the milk it causes it to separate into curds and lumps, aka the textbook definition of what it means to curdle. To better illustrate this, Coca-Cola’s pH is between 2.5-4.5 and milk’s pH level is almost neutral (7 being neutral) at around 6.7. Thus, the Coke’s higher acid content binds to the lower milk ones and causes them to separate.

Due to Coke having such a high acid content people have been using it for years as a cleaning agent. It can take tarnish and rust off metals and even degrease car engines. Add it to your toilette to get it sparkly clean or wash your laundry with it to remove stubborn stains. Better yet, if you or a pet ever get sprayed by a skunk, just pour Coke on the stinky spots and it should smell better almost instantly. The uses for Coke are many but one is a definite no-no and that would be mixing up a Coke-milk cocktail.

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Can You Spot The Hidden Dog In This Picture?

There is more than what initially meets the eye to this simple black and white drawing of an old man wearing a hat. The illustration was created by Valentine Dubinin, a cartoonist and animator from Russia who works as a freelance artist. But before reading any further, take a good look at it and see if you are able to spot the dog that’s hidden within it!

Were you able to find the dog, or can you only see the old man? After staring at the picture for a few seconds and reading this, most people are able to make out both the man and the dog. If you still can’t decipher the dog, keep looking because it’s in there somewhere!

These images are called ambiguous figures, which are a type of optical illusion, and some people also refer to them as ‘illusory figures.’ Ambiguous images are pictures that take advantage of how we perceive and interpret things visually. They do so in such a way that the figure presented to us, like the old man, can be viewed multiple ways because they end up producing multiple images, i.e. the dog, each of which are correct.

It turns out that images like this one have intrigued researchers from across a number of different fields for well over the past hundred years. Scientists and psychologists cannot figure out how exactly they work, what part of our brain holds the key to understanding them, or why people can even switch between the two images in the first place. Some people cannot do the switch at all, they only see one thing or the other, which just adds more to the mystery surrounding them.

Pass this fun image on with friends and family and see if they are able to spot the hidden dog or not. If you’re interested in illusory figures and pictures like this one, there are many more out there for you to explore, so check them out and enjoy!

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What Animal Were You In A Past Life? Find Out.

If you’ve often thought that some people look and act like certain animals, you’re not alone. I don’t mean in the ‘party animal’ context of the idea, but rather in a deeper and more subtle type of way. It often shows through in their mannerisms and behaviors, it’s almost as if they have some inner animal living within them that emerges every now and then and rears its head. Take a close look around and you’ll start noticing how many people share personalities and attributes with an animal. It’s super interesting to observe and once you notice, it’s hard to not see it!

When you stop to think about it, the inner animal connection makes complete sense. After all, we humans are animals ourselves. Even if we sometimes gloss over or forget about that fact and think of our species as above all the rest, we are animals through and through. Even if you fail to really see any animal aspects in either yourself or other people who you’re close to, it’s right there inside all of us and it’s a direct connection to our past lives.

For as long as humans have existed, and potentially even much longer, our souls have been on an endless and ongoing journey. If you follow the views and beliefs encompassed by reincarnation, then you’re familiar with the idea that we’ve all lived many lives to get to the current point that we are at right now. In each of our past life identities we’ve been someone or something completely different than our current form. In many of our existences we were not even human, instead we were animals!

Each time we died we were reborn and our soul switched bodies. Gradually we evolved and in the process we’ve managed to retain some of the characteristics and attributes from those past lives. Not many people identify as trees or grass, but every now and then you do hear of a strange past life identity. However, it’s the animal traits that tend to be among the strongest remnants of our past, which is partly why some people seem to act so much like certain animals. The animal quirks we display are often manifested broadly and as such, they can show up in just about any area or part of our lives. Sometimes they can be seen in our preferences, abilities, strengths, weaknesses, flaws, fears, and so on and so forth.

This interesting fun quiz will help you discover what animal you likely were in one of your past life identities. It’s easy and eye-opening to work through, just be sure to approach it with an open mind.

What animal were you in a past life? Let us know your results in the comments.

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What Does Your Nose Shape Reveal About Your Personality?

Noses are a prominent feature on our faces and they impact our lives in several major ways. Not only do they help with breathing and detecting scents, they also protect us by preventing bacteria and other airborne debris from entering our bodies. Noses also play a factor in our sense of taste and they affect the way our voices sound.

Love them or hate them, our noses are a major part of what makes us who we are. While we all have our own uniquely personal one, they have been narrowed down and classified by shape into just a handful of distinct categories. Furthermore, each type of nose has been matched up with its own special characteristics and personality traits. Whether you were aware of it or not, your nose can actually reveal a lot about you!

All of this comes from a study conducted by Abraham Tamir, a professor at the Ben-Gurion University of the Negev in Israel, that was published in the Journal of Craniofacial Surgery. For his study Professor Tamir collected over 1,790 pictures of noses that included both artwork, such as paintings and sculptures, and candid photographs of different people that were taken all over Europe and Israel. He then went through all of the photos and matched each one up with a work of art that displayed a nose most similar to it. Finally, the personality traits which happen to be most commonly associated with each piece of artwork were then attributed to the matching nose types.

Based on the results of Professor Tamir’s study and conclusions, the following quiz was developed. All that you have to do is look closely at your nose and figure out which nose shape it resembles and matches up with the best. Once you select the corresponding nose shape, your nose-based personality profile will be revealed and you can read all about it. Have fun and enjoy!

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Man Notices a Strange Bug In The Grass. He Reaches Out Touches It Then It Totally Transforms!

Mother nature never ceases to amaze us and yet there is simply so much that remains to be discovered out there in the world. While most animals have been studied extensively, many bugs and insects have yet to be comprehensively observed in the wild. One such type of bug is the rare and elusive Mountain Katydid (Acripeza reticulata).

Found predominantly in the southeastern corridors of Australia, Mountain Katydids, which are also known as Mountain Grasshoppers, are one insect that you wouldn’t mind coming face to face with in the wild. They are incredibly easy to miss, and are even harder to spot when you’re specifically looking for one, because of their natural built in camouflage. The exterior part of their bodies is a dull brown or black color and this, combined with the grainy texture, makes them resemble what looks like a piece of bark or a dead leaf on the ground.

However, we all know that looks can be deceiving and the Mountain Katydids of Australia are not as inconspicuous as they initially appear to be. As you can see in the accompanying video, when they are touched even in the slightest manner they transform into bright, colorful little bugs that you don’t want to mess with!

The sudden change is caused by their wing casings parting to show off the funky colored lines of bold red, black, and bright blue dotted bands underneath. It’s an impressive sight and in the wild bright, flashy, electric colors often signify to predators that the creature they plan on hunting and eating is potentially toxic, poisonous, and/or nasty tasting. As for Katydids, they aren’t poisonous, but they are absolutely revolting and taste terrible since they’re chock full of noxious chemicals.

The fact that the insects flash their colors after being touched is definitely unique to them because such displays are always done in advance of any possible attack as a warning threat to others to stay away. Scientists have studied their behavior and yet still remain puzzled as to why the bugs only display once they’ve been touched, which in the wild would mean something tried to eat them! Seems like too little too late but perhaps there’s more to it that humans just can’t understand. Either way, be sure to check out the video and see how cool the Mountain Katydid truly looks!

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Man Confronts These 2 Ladies Stealing His Stuff at The Beach. Then Chaos Ensues!

What goes around, comes around. If you do good things for others, good things will happen to you, and the opposite rings equally true as well. Two women learned this karmic lesson the hard way when they decided to do something terrible to a fellow beachgoer.

It all happened a few years back on the fourth of July at New Smyrna beach in Florida. A man who only wishes to be known as “Rich” was on vacation relaxing in the sunshine state with his young family. They came prepared and had set up a sweet spot on the beach complete with beach chairs, a canopy, and plenty of toys to keep the kids busy.

After a long day in the sun Rich’s young sons were burned out and so he and his wife decided to take them back to their room for a nap. They left their belongings at the beach and after about an hour and a half he returned to check on their stuff. When he arrived back at the beach he saw two middle aged women breaking down his canopy and nearby all of his chairs had been placed in his beach cart.

At first he assumed the women were doing him a favor and packing up his stuff so the beach patrol wouldn’t remove it. After all, it was a super busy day and with the beach crowded to the max, space was limited. However, the thought that perhaps the two women were stealing his stuff also crossed his mind and so he decided to confront and record them on camera just to be safe.

As he approached the women he inquired if the canopy belonged to them and one responded saying that it did, but that they didn’t know how to break it down. Then he asked if they needed help, to which one said ‘do you know how to do it?’ and he replied ‘yeah, this is our stuff.’ That’s when it dawned on the two thieves that they had been caught red-handed and were face to face with the rightful owner of the items they were in the middle of stealing!

Rather than give in or admit defeat, the two women switched gears and pretended to be confused. They looked around at all the stuff as if they had made an honest mistake and really did believe it was their own. One even pointed to his son’s toy laying in the sand off to the side, but their stalling and terrible acting were getting them nowhere. At this point Rich was ready to let them go and not make a big deal about it. He was just happy that he’d interrupted their crime and still had his stuff.

However, the women were not so easy going and when they noticed he was recording them they lost their minds. One lunged at him and ended up chasing him around the beach in her vain attempt to grab his phone. Their angry, aggressive reaction shows just how guilty they truly were and thankfully Rich recorded it all for the world to witness!

As for karma, the clip has been viewed well over fourteen million times and counting on YouTube. The ladies were named and shamed and it’s safe to say they won’t be trying this stunt again anytime soon. Check out the brazen thieves in action and see if you would have been so cool, calm, and collected like Rich was!

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