He Hid His Tiny House On Top Of A Giant Mountain But When You Walk Inside It’s Stunning!

Going Of The Grid is a series on the Seekers Stories network where Laura Ling explores the lives of people who are completely disconnected from the grid. Currently their are over 180,000 Americans a year who are choosing to veer away from the modern internet-focused world in pursuit of something simpler and more sustainable.

Mike Basich a pro-snowboarder decided to live life off the grid, where he built a tiny cabin on top of a mountain in Truckee, CA. His house is only 225 square feet, and sits in the lap of nature, where he awakens to the sun and goes to sleep to the sunset.  He states that unlike the city life where you are always racing time, here he can be in sync with nature while living a simple life of solitude.

The house does not have plumbing, but does pick up running water from a stream that runs close to his tiny cabin.  The house doesn’t have an indoor toilet or a real shower, but he did build a sweet hot tub outside.  The shape of the house is designed through the golden ratio which makes things more pleasant to the eye.  This cozy cabin is absolutely amazing.

He is inspired by nature and allows it to fuel his creativity through photography.  Living off the grid is a dream that Mike has had since he was a little kid and he is finally living his dream. Would you ever live off the grid, why or why not? What do you think of Mike’s tiny cabin off the grid? leave a comment below

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He Pours This Liquid Onto The Table. But When The Lights Go Out It’s Stunning!

Meet Mike Warren, a clever craftsman who came up with an awesome idea.  Mike has made lots of tables throughout his career and was always bothered by the cracks in the wood that are part of a wooden table.  He decided to transform those cracks into something magical.

He used a Photoluminescent glow powder mixed with resin to fill those annoying voids.  The result? A stunning, creative and unique table that will glow in the dark.  Once the table is finished, it just needs to charge up with some sun light and then when it gets dark the table will glow with a nice blue hue.

This glow in the dark table would be perfect for those summer barbecues.  It is sure to impress your guests, and enhance the ambiance of any get together.  I totally want of these.  If you want to try and make one yourself, check out the video below!

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She Tells Her Pup They Are Going To Grandma’s House. The Dog Throws a Hilarious Fit!

Remember how amazing it was when you were a kid, and your parents told you it was time to see grandma? I remember getting so happy and excited to go to my grandparents house.   From getting fresh baked cookies, tasty cakes, and hearing the best stories from back in the day.  It was just such a treat.  Well as it turns out, dogs also love their grandmas.

When this adorable pup’s human, tells her pup they are going to see nana, the Dog has the most adorable reaction ever.  I have a feeling that nana may be spoiling this pup just like she would with her human grandchildren.

According to this pup’s human Samantha Magowan‎, this is the reaction the dog has every time she mentions they are going to see grandma.  Grandma definitely is giving this pup a few extra tasty treats every time he goes to her cozy house! This clip melted my heart. Does your dog enjoy going to see grandma?

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This Woman Wraps Thread Around A Balloon. But When She’s Done It’s Stunning!

When you think about Easter, the first thing that probably pops in your head is Easter eggs.  Nothing is more fun than decorating eggs with the kids and hiding them. Then having the kids go on an Easter egg hunt. But the real question is how did Easter Eggs become synonymous with this holiday?

The decoration of eggs has been going on for thousands of years.  In ancient Sumeria and Egypt decorated ostrich eggs are found at the grave sites.  In ancient Christianity, people colored eggs red which represented the blood of Christ.  Another reason eggs began to to show up during Easter is because during Lent they were prohibited.

Currently, Eastern and Orthodox Catholic Churches still color their eggs red.  While others color their eggs in multicolor and place them in baskets.  In the video below you will learn a new way to decorate your eggs that you have probably never seen before.  I can’t wait to try this out!

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Hidden Camera Was Placed On The Kitchen Table. What It Caught Gave Me Chills!

At first when we watched this video it seemed like a regular old kitchen.  Cabinets, countertops, knives, plates, tables, sinks, forks, glasses and everything else you would expect to find in a kitchen. Nothing seemed weird, but then all of a sudden strange and creepy things began happening. At first glance it’s really tough to tell what exactly is going on.

Objects start flying off counter tops, drawers start opening and things just overall begin to get really freaky.  I seriously couldn’t believe my eyes.  It is really hard to tell if this is a true paranormal ghost or Hollywood at its finest.  The problem is there is not a clear cut answer.

When it comes to ghosts and spirits people are generally split into two categories; those who believe in them and those who do not. Many people say “seeing is believing” but that doesn’t seem to apply when it comes to paranormal activity. A lot of people view whatever evidence there is of spirits, ghosts, and apparitions with preconceived notions that it’s all not real. What do you think is going on inside this kitchen? Do you believe in ghosts? Have you ever seen a ghost?

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It Looks Like A Normal Pile Of Wood But In Three Seconds It Transforms Into Something Incredible!

With winter finally winding down and spring and summer on the horizon.  It’s time to start thinking about getting back outside to hang out and have a card game or a bbq.  Warm fresh air, sunshine, flowers and everything that comes with the warm seasons. But with all this beauty on the horizon it is time to start thinking about what you are going to use as furniture.

One of the main issues with outdoor furniture is that it takes up a ton of space.  It is hard to fit into areas without cramping the whole place.  That’s when genius engineers come into the picture.  They have come up with what looks like a normal pile of wood which is 20x20x30.  It then transforms into a table and chair for four people in only a couple up seconds!

This is perfect for the next time you have friends over for a bbq and don’t want to lug all the heavy patio furniture.  All you have to do is let this magic wood pile transform, and voila you are set to go! 🙂

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Video: These Elephants Always Gather To Hug This Woman. The Reason Tore My Heart Up!

Whenever we hear stories about orphanages there is a good chance it is going to pull at your heart strings.  The video below is no exception, even though the elephants in this video have gone on to live happy lives.  The orphans all come from East Africa and were abandoned when they were less than 2 years of age.  With the price of ivory increasing, more and more elephants are being killed and their orphaned babies are being left alone and in need of care.

The orphanage is in Kenya and has been around for over 30 years.  The elephant sanctuary is huge and it has to be, in order to accommodate these majestic animals.  Each elephant has their own private room/dormitory.  There is also a group bathing area, dining area, and a fun playground.

There are usually 14 orphans at the sanctuary at one time, and they usually spend a few years there until they are reintroduced to the bush.  CEO and head nurse Daphne Sheldrick founded the orphanage and has been working with these animals for over 50 years.  What Daphne and the crew do for these elephants is truly incredible.

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If You Were Told Not To Crack Your Knuckles Get Prepared For Some Satisfying News

Are you one of those people that loves cracking their knuckles?  If you are, you have probably heard over and over again that you shouldn’t because it is bad for you and will lead to arthritis or non functional hands.  This idea that cracking your knuckles is bad for you actually may not be true at all!

The people over at Vox have created this informative video which may give you a little more insight into what you once thought was a guilty pleasure.  This video seeks to educate you on what is really going on when you crack your knuckles.

Inside each of your knuckles is a liquid called synovial fluid.  This liquid lubricates your joints and keeps them working properly.  When you crack your knuckles, that popping sound is gas bubbles inside the synovial fluid collapsing.  This is different then the popping sound you hear in your knees if you get up too fast, which is your tendons rubbing over your bones and muscle.

One man decided that he would test the theory, that cracking your knuckles causes arthritis.  For sixty years he cracked his knuckles in one hand and not in the other.  The good news for us knuckle crackers is that neither hand showed more arthritis than the other.   This finding is great news for those of us who are addicted to that pleasurable pop. Do you crack your knuckles?

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