You See The Goldfish In This Bucket But Then He Pours This In My Mind Is Blown!

In Japan, artist Riusuke Fukahori has been creating ultra realistic goldfish paintings as part of his resin sculptures. Of his work he has said “I am not a resin artist. I am a goldfish artist.” He is well known for keeping dozens of fish in his studio for observation and watches them, remembering so he can draw on the mental image when he paints rather than use any photographic source.

His love and fascination for the fish is evident in the care he takes when recreating their movements and colors. Interestingly, he also paints hybrid fish he dreams up and invents in addition to existing ones. Seeing him work is truly akin to watching goldfish come to life right before your eyes!

So how does he get such realistic three-dimensional effects? The first thing he does is hand paint the goldfish onto the surface of a vessel. Mainly he works with conventional household items like cups and bowls but has also done larger vases and other various sculptures.

He then pours liquid resin into the vessel and once dry adds another layer of acrylic paint. Layer by layer resin and paint are added until a three-dimensional image of the swimming fish and water they live in come to life. The clear resin and intricate colorful fish combine so well that people have even tried to reach into the painted pools thinking they were real!

The whole optical illusion aspect of the art and how the production process reveals slightly more of the fish at each stage makes for a really enjoyable video. Fukahori’s work is often exhibited at art galleries worldwide and he has won many awards for his creations, so check him out!

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Husband Came Home To His Wife Wearing Her Wedding Dress. His Reaction Is Priceless!

Here is a story that will warm your heart during these cold winter days. After seven memorable years of marriage Chrissy and her husband Brian were coming up on their wedding anniversary. However, they both had to work on the actual date and would not be seeing each other. Not wanting to miss out on it, Chrissy thought up a last minute surprise for her husband that he is sure to never forget.

While Brian ran to the store with their daughter she dug out her wedding dress and grabbed a bouquet of flowers. She had the song “Shine Your Light” by Robbie Robertson ready to play and explained “I picked this song because he is a firefighter and it is one of “our” songs since we heard it years ago in the movie Ladder 49.”

As Brian walks up to the door she cues her child to play the song and stands smiling, clearly excited and happy to surprise him. She has the camera rolling to catch the moment and when Brian walks in he seems lost for words and can only gaze at her, seemingly awestruck at the sight of his blushing bride. They exchange knowing smiles before he crosses the room to embrace her in a sweet hug while the kids look on delighted.

This story perfectly illustrates that you do not need expensive jewelry, flowers, chocolates or other material things to show your love. The most heartfelt moments are often inspired by family, friends, and the simple desire to create a lasting memory. Crissy included her children, the element of surprise and the vision of her from the day they got married. With all this set to a meaningful soundtrack it created a flawless anniversary surprise.

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Teacher Was Being Harassed With An Inappropriate Question About His Job. His Response Is Brilliant!

Meet Taylor Mali an amazing teacher who will change your perspective on teachers forever.  He has the ultimate response for when somebody asks him how much a teacher makes.  What he says sent chills down my spine.  He reminds us all how much hard work, long hours and pure heart teachers put into their work.  It is today’s teachers that our sculpting the young minds of our next generation.  The best teachers are inspiring the youth to really change the planet for the better.

Taylor Mali lives in New York now and is not only an incredible teacher, but also a phenomenal poet.  To be more specific he is a slam poet.  In slam poetry competitions poets battle each other with original poetry they have written and sometimes even come up with poetry on the spot.

They are judged and a winner is crowned at the end. Mali’s hilarious, sharp wit, and highly perceptive look at life as a teacher pays the ultimate tribute to the joys of teaching and how important they are to our society.

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This 2 Year Old Walks Onto The Court. His Next Move Is Priceless!

At a recent Southern Regional High School Varsity boys basketball game in New Jersey the crowd gets to their feet for the National Anthem. Simultaneously, a two year old boy walks out onto the court with his father. He is handed the microphone and confidently starts singing the Star Spangled Banner as the crowd looks on respectfully.

The boy is Trent Harris, son of Cincinnati Bengals long snapper Clark Harris and wife Jessica Harris, and this is his first performance. Where many people would be scared and nervous Trent is a natural and at ease in front of the large crowd.

He does not for even a moment hesitate and starts to sing with confidence and certainty, never missing a beat or line from the notoriously tricky anthem. Many who have sung the Anthem before have forgotten words or botched the notes. Little Trent has no problem powering through it and proves he may even have a future in show business.

All the while his proud parents look on as he sings his adorable rendition of the song. At the end he does not rush off the court but instead strides confidently over to his waiting parents, smiling and clearly thrilled with just having finished his memorable first public presentation. The end result is no doubt an unforgettable moment for all those witnessing the event.

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Human Tells His Dog He Got a New Pet From The Pet Store. The Dog Proceeds To Throw a Hysterical Fit.

Some dogs prefer to be the sole animal in a household. They don’t want to be around cats or other dogs and they even may find small children to be annoying. When that’s the case, the same usually also goes for rabbits, chickens, birds, and any other animal creature that could possibly live alongside people!

However, there are lots of dogs who absolutely love and adore having other pet companions around. They thrive off the constant company and enjoy always having someone else to play around or cuddle up with. That’s exactly how the dog in this funny video clip feels, but out of all the possible pets his owner could get him, he only has eyes for one. He has his heart set on an adorable fuzzy kitten and a sweet little tabby cat sister would be the absolute perfect addition to his life!

The hilarious clip of the black and white dog talking excitedly about finally getting a new cat has already captured the hearts of over six million people and it’s easy to see why. The dog was given a voice courtesy of his owner and it’s spot on in terms of his actions, words, and mouth movement! The pair hold a quite an interesting conversation and if you’ve ever talked to your pet, all this may look and sound familiar to you. The silly voice works great and you just have to see and hear it for yourself so check it out and enjoy!

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Wife Was Sick Of Her Husband and His iPad Addiction. Her Solution Is Brilliant!

Tablets first appeared in works of science fiction in the second half of the 20th century, with Arthur C. Clarke’s NewsPad, then in 1968 in ‘2001: A Space Odyssey’ the Calculater Pad, in Douglas Adams’s ‘The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, and in Gene Roddenberry’s Star Trek series.  Then life started to imitate art and companies began releasing prototypes of the first ‘pads’.

Many prototypes hit the market in the late 80’s, the 90’s and 2000’s.  Then in 2010 Apple is usually credited with defining the market with a new device they named the iPad.  After this tablets became mainstream and we began seeing them everywhere. Source: Wikipedia

In the video below entitled ‘Emma’ a man has decided to embrace the new technology to the fullest and prove to his family that paper is not necessary.  He makes his point in all different ways until he hits a technological roadblock in hilarious fashion.

In this creative French commercial titled “Emma,” this man has decided to embrace new technology and put old paper in the past. He continually stresses his point to his wife and son until he finds himself in a very awkward situation where technology is not going to help him.

In today’s world many of us are used to our friends and family sitting in a room with us, while their heads are in another world looking into their devices.  This video does a great job of showing us that sometimes it’s a good idea to put the technology down and spend some real time with the people who matter most.

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Man Drives His Car Inside The Garage But When He Steps Out Things Get Interesting!

People around the world have many different uses for their garages.  Some people use it as a place for storage, a nice hang out spot for friends, a workshop and usually just a place to leave ours and protect them from the elements.  A garage can increase the life of a car, it can also protect against grand theft auto.

Garages are limited by available space and a lot of the time they are just not big enough.  There is a company out there called Total Lifting Solutions who have invented a product that will change the way we use garages forever. This awesome new upgraded garage will hopefully be part of everyone’s house in the near future. This is some next level technology here!

A lot of garages are built for one car, but this company came up with a technology that makes it possible to fit two cars.  This is really amazing ingenuity.  It uses a hydraulic lifting platform that will revolutionize garages.  Watch and see how it works.  I want one! Would you use one of these at your house?

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Surfer Hit The Waves and Came Out Of The Ocean With An Unexpected Incredible Friend!

What seemed like just another day out surfing turned into an unforgettable experience at the beach for a couple of lucky surfers. While out catching some waves they had an adorable run in with a young sea lion. However, at first the surfer felt movement in the water behind him and feared a possible shark attack. He was relieved when it turned out to be a baby seal and shocked at this sudden guest.

Sea lions are a common sight near the shore and surfers are used to them, but rarely does one get so close, let alone hop onto a board! So when the surfer saw it was a young friendly pup he immediately relaxed and went with the flow.

The pup ended up hitching a few rides and eagerly jumped onto the surf board. The group spent the next hour or so surfing, cuddling, playing in the ocean, riding waves, and relaxing atop the board. Thankfully they had a Go-Pro camera with them to capture the moment and bear witness to the unbelievable interaction. The young sea lion is truly a sweetheart and remarkably friendly.

This year it has been widely reported that there has been an increase in the number of sick, ailing, and starving seals and sea lions. Animal experts are unsure what the precise cause of it is. There are various animal rescue and rehabilitation groups aiding wildlife officials and sick animals, all of which can use any help they can get. Please consider donating contributions, volunteering time, or other needed resources, and help get these wonderful creatures back to peak condition.

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