He Pushes A Fork Into The Latch Hole Of His Door. The Result Could Save You In An Emergency!

As technology continues to progress at rapid speed, so does the high level of security systems for homes all around the world.  Many security systems for your house use technology that was once reserved for only huge banks and government security.  HD cameras and laser sensors are commonly seen in many houses these days.

The main issue here is that as security technology becomes more sophisticated so do the burglars technology to break the systems.  Now that most security alarms rely on high tech computers, criminals everywhere may be able to break into your house with nothing more than their smart phone.

In the video below, you will learn about an old form of medieval security that has worked for centuries.  All you will need is a fork, and those burglars will face a security system that can’t be broken.  They will never see this one coming. Would you use this fork security system?

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If You Put An Ice Cube On This Spot 1x a Day For a Month These Are The Health Benefits For Your Body

Both ancient and contemporary medicine involve switching on certain bodily mechanisms with the aim of having it heal and improve itself naturally. The pills and lasers of today are the modern day equivalent of things like crystals and reiki from yesterday.

All of these types of practices, therapies, medicines, and so on center around activating a response from within us in hopes of altering or ameliorating our health for the better.

Ever since mankind has existed people have been engaged in relentless pursuits for miracle cures and anti-aging potions. The endless stream of creams, lotions, tonics, diets, treatments, and more are proof of this and while they often promise the world, they rarely ever deliver.

Rather than wasting your time and hard earned money on some disappointing product that was marketed specifically towards you, try ice point therapy. It’s an easy, all-natural, and affordable approach to optimizing your health and well-being. Here’s how to do it:

Gather together an ice cube and a towel then begin by laying flat on your stomach. Find a comfortable position and relax before placing the towel under your head and chin. Next, place the ice cube on the back of your neck at the base of your skull and if you need a better idea of exactly where to situate it, refer to the accompanying video.

Allow the ice cube to sit there and slowly melt for at least 20 minutes and then use the towel to clean up the water. Ice point therapy works best when it’s done every day in the morning on an empty stomach, and again in the evening right before you go to bed.

This alternative healing method has been practiced for thousands of years. It’s derived from ancient Chinese medicine and is related closely to acupuncture and acupressure. The precise point that it revolves around, where your head and neck meet at the base of your skull, is known as the Feng Fu point.

When ice is applied to the point it has an energizing effect. People report feeling younger, more refreshed, and clear headed after just a few applications. Furthermore, the Feng Fu point is also believed to promote the following health benefits:

– Improved mood – Better sleep – Relief from common colds – Reduced thyroid issues – Headache and migraine pain relief – Toothache relief – Alleviates – PMS symptoms – Reduced risks associated with lung and cardiovascular diseases

In the end, a simple cube of ice can give you a boost of energy and help you stay healthy. Try it for a month straight and see if you notice a difference in your life. Who knows, it might just be the answer you’ve been looking for! Watch the video below for more information:

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Mom Tells Cockatoo He Can’t Eat The Donut. The Bird Proceeds To Throw The Most Hysterical Tantrum.

Any pet owner will readily tell you just how much their beloved animals are full of life, personality, and surprises. It seems that bird owners in particular are honed in on their feathered friend’s traits and antics, especially those with cockatoos and other talking parrots. Maybe it’s because they tend to spend a lot of time and effort working with and talking to the birds, but whatever the reason may be, they’re often extremely bonded and close to them.

Living with a cockatoo often translates into a couple of things. One is that you’re in for a good time, and two is that you’ll never end up feeling lonely because you’ll always have someone to chit-chat with!

Out of the many cool things that a cockatoo enjoys, talking is probably their most favorite pastime activity. The clever birds love to mimic the sounds they hear the most frequently and with a little time and practice they’re often able to nail them exactly.

Between all of their energy and the quirky things they do, the chatter of them talking, and all the other strange noises they make, life with a cockatoo never gets boring! Some are notorious tricksters who try to get away with a lot of naughty things, like the adorable one in this clip named Jersey.

The cute cockatoo thought that she had narrowly gotten away with eating a piece of her owner’s donut but her sweet-scented breath, that smelled suspiciously of donuts, gave her away! When her owner spoke up and said something about the matter, Jersey didn’t want to hear it. Her mom first asked her “Who said you could have a donut?” and in response the plucky bird raced back and forth on her perch, bobbed her head firmly, and responded with what sounded like “Me!”

After being scolded by her mom for the donut issue Jersey got real feisty and started sassing back at her. She flapped her wings, squeaked and squawked up a storm, all while strutting back and forth on a branch. Her mini-temper tantrum is too cute and shows just how high spirited cockatoos often are. And while she may be missing a few feathers, that just seems to make her more endearing.

It’s not clear as to why she has bald patches of missing feathers. The most common causes of it are either disease or frustration and boredom, but it could just as well be due to a number of other things like genetics, a hormone imbalance, or over-preening by a fellow bird friend.

Whatever the case may be, Jersey is clearly loved and adored by her owner who shows her lots of attention and affection. The clip is a welcome change from all of those cute cat and dog ones out there so be sure to check it out and if you’re a bird lover then this will definitely make you smile!

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Human Confronts Giant Dog and Says It’s Time For Bed But He Refuses In The Most Hysterical Fashion.

Back when you were young do you remember all of the things you used to do in order to try and stay up past your normal bedtime? Many of us have fond memories of those nights when our mom or dad would tell us that it was time to head to bed.

We’d throw a tantrum and cry about how we wanted to stay up longer. Some of us would run around all wild and crazy, while others dug in and took a more lazy approach to getting what they wanted by simply refusing to budge. If our parents wanted us to go to our rooms and sleep, they’d have to fight us every step of the way and make us!

Those were the days and now many of us are reliving them with our own kids and fur babies. Just like young children have set bedtimes, so do many of our pets, especially dogs. Oftentimes they do best when they eat, go potty or on walks, and wake up at similar times, and the same goes for having a scheduled bedtime.

However, just like little kids fight against having to go to bed, so do dogs! This video of a Bull Mastiff resisting his owner’s attempts to make him get to bed is the perfect example of how stubborn they can be.

The clip starts off with the dog’s owner telling him that it’s time for bed, but instead of being a good boy and heading off to his kennel, the Mastiff remains firmly planted on the floor and rolls over onto his side. Apparently the dog has done this before because the man seems to know that he won’t be moving anytime soon. Dad then begins to lug the dog over to his bed and so the battle begins!

The Mastiff knows what he’s doing and uses his dead weight to his advantage. He forces his owner to scoot him along on the rug over towards his kennel and he sure isn’t helping his dad any! As the man drags the big puppy’s body along the dog then decides to get more comfortable, and make the man’s job harder, by rolling over onto his back. With his paws up in the air hanging limply above his chest he looks adorable and you can’t help but laugh at the big goof!

After expending a lot of effort and energy the man finally gets the dog up on all four legs. This doesn’t help him any though because even though the dog is just inches away from his kenned, he decides to walk in the opposite direction away from it! With his tail tucked meekly in-between his hind legs he looks so guilty trying to make a last ditch escape attempt and his owner quickly manages to stop him before he gets too far.


It’s adorable and by the end of it all the dog’s poor dad is out of breath and winded by the whole episode. Trying to maneuver his stubborn dog’s dead weight into the kennel exhausted him and it just goes to show how determined (and heavy) his dog was at avoiding going to bed.

Next time the man should do them both a favor and use treats to tempt and lure the dog into his kennel. That way the Mastiff will learn positive reinforcement from it and soon he may even learn to like going to bed. In the meantime, his owner can get in a workout and tire himself out before his own bedtime by dragging the dog around!

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Cow Gives Birth To Something So Rare That It Only Happens 1 Time Out of 11 Million

In the human world multiple births are quite common and on the rise. This trend can be mainly attributed to advances in the science behind conceiving and artificial insemination. However, multiple births are few and far apart among other animal species where more than one baby happens to share a womb.

For cows, having twins or triplets is extremely uncommon and quadruplets are even more rare. In fact, veterinarians have pegged the odds of a cow giving birth to four calves at one in 11.2 million.

To put that into perspective, in 2013 the chances of conceiving triplets or more was 1:837 for human couples and it’s estimated that more than 90% of quadruplets born are because of fertility drugs.

That’s a huge difference and so when one cow gave birth to four baby calves in De Kalb, Texas two years ago it was a newsworthy event. The owner of the pregnant cow, Jimmy Barling, was completely taken aback and astounded when he witnessed her push out the three healthy little bull calves and one heifer. He said that “ We knew she was pregnant, but we didn’t know she was going to do this. This was a shock. This blew our minds.”

Mr. Barling’s granddaughter ended up naming the quadruplets Eeny. Meeny, Miny, and Moo. While they were all born relatively healthy, they were on the small size which is to be expected. The normal average weight for a newborn calf is around 75 pounds and they each weighed in at considerably less than that, with Meeny being the smallest at about 25 pounds.

After the birth the three male calves were re-homed with neighbors because their mother was unable to nurse all of them properly at the same time. Moo, the only female, ended up staying with her mom and all four calves are reportedly doing very well. You can check them out in the video and see pictures of how adorable they looked like shortly after being born. They’re so little and cute!

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He Begins By Placing 4 Spots Of Paint Into Water. But When He’s Done It’s STUNNING!

Paper marbling is a fun and incredibly easy way to create beautiful works of art. The print technique used captures a colorful image filled with the swirling types of patterns that certain stones, like marble, naturally feature. Each piece comes out totally unique and you don’t need any specific kind of preexisting artistic skill to make your own awesome looking marbled pictures. To top it all off, it’s relaxing and therapeutic to both do and watch. It’s definitely something you should try once in your life if you haven’t already done so yet!

The art’s practice is ancient and can be traced back centuries to Central Asia and Turkey, where it’s referred to as Turkish marbling and commonly called “ebru” in the country’s language. A large, shallow, rectangular tray is filled with water and paints are dripped onto the water’s surface.

The paints are treated with a few drops of ox-gall liquid, which is what gives them the ability to float on the water because it lowers their surface tension. An assortment of brushes, needles, and other pointed tools are then used to drip the paints onto the water and move them around. By gently manipulating the paints you can create all sorts of specific shapes, swirling patterns, spirals, and wildly spectacular marbled designs.

Once the painting part is complete, a large piece of paper is slowly and carefully laid over the water’s surface and the paint is then transferred onto the paper. After a short while, the paper is peeled up and upon its removal the image comes to life and the work of art is finally revealed.

To see how the art of Turkish marbling in done, check out this video. It was captured by Mike Powell as part of his travel blog when he visited Istanbul for three months. He ended up taking a class on it and filmed his teacher giving a demonstration on how to paint on water.

The man knows what he is doing as he goes about deliberately placing certain colors and drops of paint on the water. Then he moves a stick or needle across the surface and through the paints, which leaves behind a cool pattern. It’s oddly hypnotic to watch and when the paper is finally pulled up to reveal the painting, it’s like nothing you’d ever imagine it to be!

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This Man Tried To Grab A Pelican Before It Could Fly Away. The Reason Tore My Heart Up!

It seemed like a beautiful day at the beach in this video uploaded to YouTube. The breeze was steady and cooling and the sun shining without a cloud in the sky. But something was not right. A pelican lounging on the handrail of the pier was in trouble. Fishing wire had become entangled around his bill thus holding his mouth tightly shut, inhibiting the ability to eat or drink. It was threatening the bird’s life.

The man in red knew he had to do something about it. With the help of the assembled crowd he sneakily edged up on the bird from behind. The bystanders clapped, causing the pelican to take flight. With precise timing the man grabbed a hold of the bird’s webbed feet and brought him gently down onto the ground.

He carefully secured the pelican’s wings and head so that his friend would be able to cut the fishing wire off. The friend cautiously removed the wire, which took a fair amount of time and effort to work free, as it was wrapped on so tightly. The man in red then releases the pelican but only after a quick final check of his mouth and bill.

The large bird flies off over the water and is now free again to eat and drink. The crowd claps and thanks the man and his friend for doing their good deed. Everyone is smiling and delighted that the bird has a new lease on life. The whole video and rescue is under two and a half minutes but the effect of it will carry on much longer than that. The man in red stepped up and helped a fellow creature in need, and for that he is a hero.

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Mother Cow Kept Hiding Her Baby Calf. The Reason Tore My Heart Up!

At Edgar’s Mission Farm Sanctuary in Australia a dairy cow named Clarabelle was acting nervous and not like her usual self. She paced around the paddock and seemed to have lost her normally strong appetite. Knowing she was pregnant and her baby due in about a week the sanctuary workers quickly honed in on an engorged teat and inferred she must have already given birth. But where was her baby? It was nowhere in sight and nothing gave any indication of where it could be.

After searching around for the baby they found the little brown calf carefully hidden in tall grass and brown logs. She was laying down and looked up with her big soft eyes innocently blinking and curious at the sight of them. Clarabelle had given birth, but must have done so awhile ago as there was no umbilical cord and the calf was clean and dry. She had hidden her baby.

Cows are best known in many places for producing milk and associated dairy products. In order to make that milk a cow must become pregnant and give birth to a calf, whom it will nurse. However, in the dairy industry young calves are taken away from their mothers shortly after birth so that the milk can instead be collected for human consumption.

This separation of mother and child is done early on so as to try and cause minimal stress to both but it is also done repeatedly in order to keep the cow producing milk. Clarabelle had tried to hide her calf to prevent it from being taken away, as time and again her calves had been in the past.

This time around Clarabelle will stay with her baby at the farm sanctuary. Her life has changed dramatically for now she is able to live alongside and nurse her calf the natural way. On a side note, Clarabelle’s calf was discovered on Valentine’s Day and named Valentine “in honor of the love between mother cows and their babies” according to the Edgar’s Mission Farm Sanctuary website (http://www.edgarsmission.org.au/). Thanks to them and the work they do, Clarabelle and Valentine have a chance at leading happy and comfortable lives.

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