I Was Nervous When I Saw This Horse On His Back But When He Starts Farting I Can’t Stop Laughing!

This horse is not farting, it is simply blowing kisses with it’s butt!! All jokes aside, this is Archy, a rescue horse who resides in Blossom Valley at the Rocking Horse Ranch in El Cajon California. In the video he is seen rolling around on the ground in pure bliss as he breaks wind and snorts in joy. He gets up for a moment and shakes the dirt off before flopping back onto the ground. He rolls around more in the dust and expels even more gas out.

Horses are herbivores and the bacteria in their digestive system breaks down cellulose plant fibers which in turn give off gas. While it is not clear why or if he needs to roll around to fart, it surely must help him get them loose and thus feel relieved. In the video a woman makes a comment as to how uncomfortable all that trapped air must be. Probably very uncomfortable.

Archy also looks adorable doing it, and how often can you say an animal looks cute farting? Thanks to the efforts and work of the Rocking Horse Ranch, http://www.rockinghorseranch.org/ Archy now has a second lease on life. He seems to be taking full advantage of it and even has this viral video to his name.

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These Two Native Americans Cover A Classic Song. The Results Will Give You Chills!

Inka Gold is a two member Native American music ensemble who perform traditional and contemporary music. They use beautiful hand crafted instruments made from raw materials such as clay and bamboo to create their harmonious sounds. Centuries old Inca practices and musical traditions have been brought to life by the duo since 1998. Their version of Unchained Melody is hauntingly beautiful and familiar all at once, evoking memories and peacefulness.

Brothers Oscar Andres Morales Vega and Pablo Santiago Morales Vega make up Inka Gold. Both were born in the Andes Mountains in Ecuador. From early ages they started playing traditional instruments. Oscar played the pan flutes at age seven and by age six Pablo was playing string instruments. A musical prodigy, he mastered the guitar, mandolin, drums and the charango which is a traditional string instrument.

A few short years later the brothers were already performing for thousands of people and went on to tour Europe together. After that, they parted ways and Oscar went on to tour America, performing at music festivals and on talk shows. Pablo went on to tour Saudi Arabia, Australia, and various parts of Asia. Then, once again the brothers reunited in America to record new music and tour, bringing their original style to new audiences all over and expanding their sound and vision ever higher.

The Inka Gold cover of Unchained Melody is beautiful in that it is so simple and yet highly emotional and piercing all at once due to the unique sound of their instruments. The song is one of the most recorded of the 20th century and has been covered in hundreds of languages with approximately 500 versions in existence today.

Many artists who recorded it have seen it become a number one hit. The most famous version is arguably the 1965 cover by The Righteous Brothers as it was revived again in the 1990 film Ghost. The Inka Gold version continues this songs path with their own flavor and sound blending seamlessly with the melody. Check them out, you will be happy you did!

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This Naughty Dog Thought No One Was Watching. Hidden Cameras Caught Him Doing THIS!

Who let the dogs out?!?! That was the question everyone was asking at the Battersea Dogs & Cats Home in London, England. Several times the staff had returned in the morning to the sight of open kennel doors and dogs roaming freely around. They had somehow gotten out overnight and raided the kitchen for all the food they could find.

At first the staff thought it was because of human error and that cages weren’t being properly locked. However, it kept happening even after new measures to prevent it were put in place. They had a real mystery on their hands.

Which is why they decided to get high tech and installed a few security cameras around the premises. One was placed strategically looking down the hall at all the kennels, another in the kitchen, and the third in a specific dogs cage; AKA Red, a lurcher dog.

The first couple of nights saw no action but on the third evening cameras caught Red breaking out of his cage by unlocking it with his mouth. He then was seen on the hall camera going strait to the kitchen. The camera there showed him stuffing his face with tasty dog food before returning to the kennel area. Which is where Red gets caught red-handed, or red-pawed, methodically going around and unlocking his friends cages and letting all the dogs out!

The crafty dog and his pals had a raucous overnight party and it was all caught on camera. Red and friends ran wild around the whole place and scarfed up all the food in the kitchen. He even broke his girlfriend out and brought her back to his kennel to snuggle up with.

Having solved the mystery staff decided to double lock the kennel doors. It has worked so far, as no more escaped dogs have thrown any parties since. And what happened to that clever dog Red? He was happily adopted two weeks later and went to his forever home!

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They Sprayed This Bicycle With a Special Paint. When The Sun Went Down It Transformed Into THIS

LifePaint is a new technology developed by Volvo to keep the roads safer for bikers at night. It should be used by everyone and has the potential to save 1,000’s of lives. LifePaint is a special reflective safety spray that is invisible during the day, but at night will light up and glow from a cars headlights.

Finally all the invisible bikers and pedestrians at night will be seen by oncoming traffic. Also, the paint washes off and will not change the color of the surface it is used on. Usually a layer of LifePaint will last for about a week.

Although it was initially designed for bikers, it can be used in many different ways. For instance, kids backpacks, clothes, wheelchairs, dog leashes and collars. This is truly a revolutionary idea. Would you use LifePaint? leave a comment below

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These People Had No Clue About The Danger That Lurked Just Feet Away. When They Realized It’s Scary!

With winter finally over, and temperatures rising, thoughts of summer and the beach may have started crossing your mind.  There is no better therapy than beach therapy.  The warm sun on your skin, the sand between your toes, and the refreshing ocean water to cool you down.

When going into the ocean we sometimes forget that we are not alone.  We are sharing the open water with crustaceans, fish, whales and sharks.  Some tourists recently had an extremely horrifying experience.  They were enjoying a nice dip in the ocean, and were completely unaware of the danger that lurked beneath the surface of the water. My heart is still racing after watching the video below.

This year when you go on Spring Break or to your local beach always be vigilant and remember, you are never alone in the ocean. Remember safety first and fun second especially while swimming in the ocean at the beach!

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He Starts Drilling Into An Egg. When He’s Finished It’s STUNNING!

Decorating Easter eggs is a tradition in many households this time of year. Perhaps the most well known method is coloring eggs with a Paas decorating kit. It seems to be sold everywhere and contains color tablets, stickers, egg holders and even a little wire egg-dipper contraption that can barely hold an egg. The whole thing is very convenient but also filled with chemicals.

Eggs are extremely fragile. They can break very easily. That is what makes Franc Grom’s egg art truly impressive. He drills thousands of little holes into lace-like shapes.

Franc says, ”When I start working on an egg, I don’t know exactly how it would look like in the end. I create the design along the way. I do a basic lace-like pattern, and then I fill it in. Sometimes it turns out beautiful.” The artist also says he once drilled 24,000 holes in one egg!

This egg decorating technique is off the charts.  Do you think you could design your Easter Eggs like this?

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At First It Looked Like He Was Just Walking His Dog. When I Looked Closer It Tore My Heart Up!

Craig Mosher wakes up every day bright and early to go on a quarter mile walk with his best friend in the world, a gentle and loving pit bull, named Loois. For them, the daily walks are not just an opportunity to get fresh air and exercise, but also part of a vital routine Craig has devised to keep his beloved pet happy and healthy.

Loois is a paraplegic dog who lost the use of his hind legs after a 2004 surgery. He had been in pain his whole life leading up to the operation because he had an extra vertebra that prevented his spinal cord from moving correctly.

During surgery to remove the extra bone it somehow broke and the doctor accidentally touched his spinal cord which ended up paralyzing him. Craig was determined to not let this sad turn of events negatively impact him or Loois so he devoted himself to ensuring that his dog stays active, healthy and moving around.

To keep Loois in tip top condition Craig takes him for walks everyday using a special harness that supports the dog’s rear legs. With Craig holding the harness up beside him, Loois is able to walk forwards on his front legs. The walks are all about the dog and Craig says that Loois really walks him and that they both love it.

Afterward, they head to the garage to play baseball. Loois is hooked up to a tram his owner and a friend improvised and positioned so he is standing on all four legs, with the overhead hook helping to support him. Craig then squeezes a certain part of his tail which makes Loois go up and down.

The two do 80 repetitions of the exercise which helps keep the muscles working and toned. Once that is out of the way the pair move on to play a fun game of fetch. Craig throws tennis balls and Loois chases after them by pulling his rear-supported legs along the overhead tram. It is heartwarming and awesome to see that both are not letting any handicap limit the things they can do together.

Through it all the love and dedication shown in the video is mirrored by Craig’s tone of voice and attitude. He is positive and reassuring about Loois and clearly committed to doing whatever it takes to give his dog a long and happy life. These two are truly each others best friend and their story is an all around uplifting and memorable tale.

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He Was Driving Down A Deserted Highway At Night. What He Saw I Still Have Chills!

Imagine driving down an empty highway late at night and all alone. All of a sudden up ahead you see large orange cones set up in the middle of each traffic lane. A dark car is pulled off on the shoulder and two shadowy figures stand around. There are no lights or hazards on and no other cars are close-by. As you drive up and ask what is going on one of the men approaches the car and begins to reach into his pocket. What would you do next?

One man caught this exact scene on his dashboard camera and uploaded it to YouTube for the world to witness. Ivan Tukhtin, a car enthusiast, was driving home on Highway 78 late one night from Hoboken, New Jersey with his camera rolling. He suddenly came across the random roadblock and slowed down.

He described his interaction with the two people in an online forum writing, “I didn’t want to hit him so I called him over to my car…and then he reached for his pocket and I dipped and immediately called the cops.” He further added “people are ****ing crazy, don’t trust anyone…i am kind of curious of what he would have done though.”

Tukhtin did what any smart and sane person who values their life would have done in that situation. Even if the people were having car issues it does not excuse the sketchy way they forced the driver to stop, in the middle of the highway, in the dark, late at night, with no hazards on to warn him or hint at possible car problems.

Police later announced that they had arrested the two men in connection with the fake roadblock and charged one with drunk driving and the other with hindering traffic. This story could have ended on a more sinister note had the driver decided not to take off when he did. We will never know what may have happened that night, but thankfully we do know the driver is safe now.

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