This Guy Places Tea Bags In His Car. The Reason Is GENIUS!

Nothing is worse than a stinky car. Odors seem to stick around longer and smell 10x worse in heated, small, enclosed spaces. Sometimes automobiles become foul smelling for a variety of reasons, such as old spilled food, kids making messes, or too much moisture trapped inside. Now there is a cheap, easy, and natural way to combat nasty smells.

According to YouTube channel OnePotChefShow, all you need to do is take a few dry tea bags and place them around the car. In no time at all the smell should disappear. It is recommended that flavored teas be used such as cinnamon or vanilla tea. The tea bags will also absorb moisture in the air, which is a common cause of stale smelling interiors.

Plus, they will last for months and are a lot more affordable than any store bought air fresheners. One box should last a year or so. They also lack harsh chemicals and are much cleaner than aerosol or spray scents. Chances are you have some tea bags in your kitchen right now, so grab a few, toss them under your car seats, relax, and enjoy the ride.

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Family Watches A Male Raccoon Give ‘The Heimlich Maneuver’ To Female Raccoon. The Result Is Hilarious!

A pair of raccoons were recently caught on video trespassing in a family’s backyard. They expertly scurry across a fence top before one ambles down the side with the other following close behind. The excited children watching safely from inside their house at first think the two are wrestling. For a moment this appears to be the case as they play around, but suddenly one climbs onto the others backside and begins to quickly thrust while grabbing his partner’s tummy.

By the end of the video the kids have changed their mind about what is happening and innocently think the raccoon is helping his friend get a piece of food unstuck by performing the Heimlich maneuver.  They ask the adult with them if this is the case and he responds “yeah that’s the Heimlich.” The man safely avoids an awkward explanation, and perhaps too mature of a conversation at this point in their lives, on what the children are really witnessing.

The raccoons likely entered the yard in order to get some privacy and alone time. Or perhaps one really was choking and needed some help getting the food unstuck. Whatever the reason, the two continue on their way, not caring about or oblivious to the spectators who have been watching them.

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Her Cake Looked Like A Mess At First But By The End I Was Drooling!

Want to taste the rainbow in cake form? If you answered yes then this Skittles poke cake recipe and instructional video will make your day. And the icing on the cake is exactly that; there is an accompanying Skittles butter-cream icing to compliment the cake. Are your taste-buds tingling yet? The cake is relatively simple to make and will come out looking kind of psychedelic as the different Skittles colors will bleed into each other all throughout the cake.

By boiling the Skittles down into a syrup the flavor is preserved and that is what makes the cake truly taste like Skittles. It all adds up to the perfect cake for a birthday party, special occasion or candy lover. The delicious video comes from the Cookies Cupcakes and Cardio YouTube channel. For quick and easy reference the recipe and instructions for making it have been written below. Make sure to check it out, share and enjoy!!

Skittles syrup ingredients: – ¼ cup of red, orange, yellow, green and blue Skittles – ¼ cup of water for each color Place 1 color of Skittles and water in small saucepan. Heat over medium-low and stir continuously until completely dissolved.

Remove from heat and place syrup in small jar. Set aside and repeat for all other colors. A waxy film may form atop the syrup while it cools. You can remove it with a fork or by pouring it through a fine strainer. It is simply what they coat the Skittles with and is safe.

Skittles Butter-cream frosting ingredients: – 1/2 cup powdered Skittles from one color – 1/2 cup butter – 3 cups powdered sugar – 2-3 tablespoons milk Grind Skittles into a fine powder using a food processor. It is difficult to get them to grind down 100% to powder so do your best and use a fine sieve to strain any chunks out.

Fit a stand mixer with the paddle attachment and cream the butter in the bowl until it is fluffy. Add Skittles powder and 2 cups of powdered sugar. Mix on low speed. Gradually add 2 tablespoons of milk and continue mixing. Add the remaining 1 cup of powdered sugar, mix, and add in the remaining tablespoon of milk if desired for a softer butter-cream.

Making the Poke cake: Place one 8” cake layer on a cake board, securing it with a small drop of butter-cream. Take a sharp, narrow, round object and poke holes throughout the cake layer. You can use a fork for this but the holes will not show the syrup as well as a larger utensil will. Spoon 1-2 tablespoons of syrup over the top of the cake into the holes, repeating with each color until all the holes have syrup.

Spread a thin layer of butter-cream on top of the first layer and place the second cake layer atop that. Repeat the poking and syrup pouring on the second layer. Cover the entire cake with more frosting. Your done!! (this cake can be stored in the refrigerator for 2-3 days)

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This Dog Thinks The Terrace Door Is Closed and Won’t Come In. Just Wait For The Ending!

Have you ever thought a door was open and walked right into it because it was actually closed? It can hurt really bad and make you feel not so bright. The dogs in this video have likely walked into a door at some point in their lives. That is why they refuse to trust any doorway that seems to appear open, yet they haven’t heard any sounds indicating such when their human goes to let them in/out.

The adorable dogs wait excitedly with their tails wagging to be let through. Despite the fact that there are no screens or glass in the frames they still wait until their people friends open the door for them to go either in or out.

The video brings to mind Pavlov’s dogs. Long story short, Ivan Pavlov discovered that some things are learned by conditioning. We learn behaviors when we associate certain things with a particular stimulus after it has been presented and repeated to us. Thus, our reaction to something can be acquired through our experiences with it.

Which brings me back to this video. The dogs in it have likely been conditioned to wait for their owners to go though the motions of opening the door before they cross the threshold. They have learned to wait until the door is opened to make a move after repeatedly being made to so when they were young.

The sounds and sight of someone reaching for the handle and pushing it have been burned into their minds as a signal for open. It is classical conditioning and classic behavior patterns. Here it makes for some really cute moments and only our furry friends can get away with such seemingly clueless behavior. Turns out, it might not be so clueless after all.

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They Saw A Random Door Inside This Train Station. No One Expected To See What Was Inside!

Chicago Union Station is a place that lacks color and in general is known as a pretty dull place, with dull faced people traveling through the corridors from point A to point B.  Strangers walk past each other just trying to get through another day on planet earth.  That is until a mysterious door was placed in the train station which started to spark the curiosity of the people who walked passed it.

Next to the door is a strange cryptic sign that says, ‘What Is Behind the Door?’  As certain people walked by, their curiosity got the best of them and they had to find out what magic awaited beyond this ominous door.  What they saw once they opened the door is something none of them ever expected.  Let’s just say Chicago Union Station has just got a whole lot more colorful.

A Youtube prankster secretly set up a big ball pit that contained over 2000 balls.  They sat with cameras to catch the reactions of the people who decided to open the door and look inside.

The best part of the video is the little girls smile that is guaranteed to warm your heart and soul.  Enjoy this video that has transformed a seemingly ordinary day into something extraordinary! Would you have opened the door?

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Skeletons Dance, Hug, And Kiss In Front Of The Crowd But When They Step Out I Can’t Stop Smiling

While many people around the world think they are unprejudiced, without even knowing it a lot of us make snap judgements instantly when we see somebody unconsciously. Whether it’s gender, race, age, disability, or religion these subconscious biases affect us all.  Many people in the United States feel that they have been discriminated against in their life.

This subconscious prejudice can have profound implications for how we interact, view and treat people who don’t look like us.  This can cause people to not be able to get jobs, loans, an apartment or even a fair trial.  The following video tries to shine light on this problem and challenges us to view our subconscious prejudices and try to make a change.

We must remember love has no labels and we need to treat all people the way we want to be treated. The world is full of diversity and we need to embrace our differences instead of rejecting and denying them.  If we could all just love each other this world would be such a wonderful place.  Enjoy this eye-opening video.

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Guy Claims He’s Filming The Homeless & Their Pets. But What He Is Actually Doing Stuns Everybody!

When Tom Mabe of Prank It FWD decided to make a documentary on the homeless and their pets he came across a heartbreaking story of a man and his dog. Tom started off by contacting Beth Green who runs a local non-profit called My Dog Eats First in Louisville, Kentucky. The charities mission is to provide food, supplies, and medical care to the under served, homeless people, and their pets. After spending some time with the volunteers and homeless Tom decided he wanted to do more than just observe and film.

When he learned that a man who had been living out of his truck had surrendered his dog of 12 years because he needed to go to the hospital, Tom teamed up with Beth to help. The man, Ricky, was told by doctors he had less than 6 months to live.

Against their wishes he left the hospital to be with Buddy again, whom Beth had with her to ensure the two would not be separated for long. Ricky and Buddy were each others best friend and loyal companions for the past 12 years, which was Buddy’s whole life. When times were rough Ricky would make sure Buddy was fed even if it meant going without food himself.

After he checked out of the hospital Beth put Ricky up in a pet friendly hotel for as long as she could afford. When the funds to do so ran out Tom decided to get them their own apartment and made sure it was comfortable and furnished with all the essentials.

He took Ricky to see the place and surprised him by revealing that it was all for him and Buddy. The happiness and gratitude from the news lit up Ricky’s face and Buddy wasted no time in checking out the bed. After years of living in a truck the two now had a large warm place to call their own.

Wanting to do even more, Tom and Prank It FWD ended up giving Beth and My Dog Eats First a years supply of dog food from Halo, plenty of leashes, and a top dog award of recognition for all their work. Tom also came away from the whole experience with a completely new understanding of the homeless and their animals.

The pets give those who are less fortunate a sense of responsibility, unconditional love, friendship, and a purpose in life. Everyone deserves those things and the story of Ricky and Buddy shows just how much their lives were further enriched through their friendship. The love and devotion they share for each other is clear, especially when Buddy looks up and nestles his head into his owner’s side.

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This Woman Takes Out Her Puppy Carrier Case. The English Bulldog’s Reaction Is Priceless!


According to the American Kennel Club (AKC), a Bulldog’s disposition should be “equable and kind, resolute, and courageous (not vicious or aggressive), and demeanor should be pacific and dignified. These attributes should be countenanced by the expression and behavior”.

Breeders have worked to reduce/remove aggression from these dogs. Most have a friendly, patient nature. Bulldogs are recognized as excellent family pets because of their tendency to form strong bonds with children.

Generally, Bulldogs are known for getting along well with children, other dogs, and pets. They can become so attached to home and family, that they will not venture out of the yard without a human companion. They are also more likely to sleep on someone’s lap than chase a ball around the yard.  Source: Wikipedia

Meet the cutest English Bulldog puppy Lola.  Lola was having trouble keeping up with the other dog on their long walks in the park, so she decided that being carried was a better way for her to get around. Every time Lola’s human pulls out the carrier case she knows just what to do.  This video totally made my day. Enjoy! 🙂

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