VIDEO: This Guy Felt A Serious Itch In His Ear. So He Grabbed A Camera and Caught THIS Popping Out

Ugh. Like, really, really yucky stuff going on here. This is a terrible event in a man’s life that most people would never wish upon their worst enemy. I can’t even imagine how I would respond if, after investigating an itch in my ear, this is what I encountered. A spider! A real, live spider, with eyes! The little creature came peeking out of the man’s ear hole to see what the fuss was about, and when the eight legged beast was struck by the bright light of the camera, he sneakily crept back into his hiding spot.

Feeling and hearing all of the commotion, the recipient of the intrusion still had yet to conclude what the problem was until he turned his camera around to look into his own audio-orifice. Creepiest. Footage. Ever. If this man has arachnophobia, he could possibly be dead from a heart attack. Conversely, it might help him get over his fear. Perhaps he grows fond of tender tickle of the spider, as it grows used to the hearty scent of his freshly waxed ear hole.

A filthy proposition, I readily admit, but who can stop themselves from wondering if it could, indeed, be possible? They could go on to become the unlikeliest of friends, a true story of unprecedented transformation, from the deepest guttural fear to the heights of interspecies friendship.

It is not unheard of for bonding to happen between humans and insects. One needs only look at the ardent beekeeper, dedicated as he is to his bee family, whose lives are supported by the work of his hands. They, in turn, are so comfortable with him that they will cling to his face, forming a bee beard so magnificent, songs have been written about it. What do you think about this video? Let us know.

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Punk Teen Steals Granny’s Spot At The Last Second. Now Watch How She Gets Revenge.

Parking is a frustrating issue in many places, from big cities to busy shopping centers, and when spots are had to come by it can be super stressful. If you have ever spent way too much time circling around the block or lot in search of a space to park, then you know just how annoying it can really be. With each passing minute spent aimlessly driving in circles your anxiety and tension builds, yet once you finally find a spot it all disappears.

As magically as that sense of relief comes over you, it can also be suddenly torn away, and replaced with a sense of fury instead. If you’ve ever had the misfortune of some jerk stealing a spot from right under your nose, then you’ll definitely understand this grandma’s angry reaction!

The woman had pulled up to a spot and was waiting patiently in her car for another driver to pass on by so that she could turn into it and park. Instead of continuing past the old lady, the driver of the SUV that she was waiting for decided to swoop in and steal her space!

It was clear that the woman was waiting and aiming for that particular spot and there were even plenty of other spaces the SUV driver could have parked in. Then, as if to add insult to injury, when the older woman said something to the young punk as he exited his car, he appeared to flip her the bird!

The man’s behavior and gesture was rude and uncalled for all around. Not taking it lightly, this grandma decided to teach the offending driver a little lesson about respect. Once the guy disappeared from sight she hopped out of her car and moseyed on over to the driver’s side of his vehicle.

Then she suddenly pulled out a bat, raised it up over her head, and started swinging at the windshield! After raining a few hard blows down on the windshield it was definitely smashed and shattered. There was no way the guy could have driven his car legally after that. This grandma was not messing around and she exacted some instant revenge on the driver who crossed her!

We’ll never know how the owner of the SUV reacted when he returned to his crippled vehicle but it’s safe to say he was really, really ticked off. One thing is for certain however, this grandma taught him a lesson and perhaps the next time he goes to steal a parking spot right from under someone, he’ll think twice about it!

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This Is The Actual Reason Police Always Tap Your Brake Lights When They Pull People Over!

Being pulled over by a cop is never really a welcome or pleasant experience. Instead, it’s usually a rather stressful and inconvenient one, especially if you don’t even know why you’re being stopped in the first place! Whether it’s because you’re speeding, have a head light out, or rolled through a stop sign, the sight of flashing lights in the rear view mirror can make your heart skip a beat.

Regardless of how you feel about being pulled over, oftentimes the police are simply doing their job. Plus, if you aren’t doing anything stupid or illegal, then you shouldn’t have to worry. Sure you may end up getting a ticket or fined for some minor infraction, but at least you’re free to go and be on your way.

When it’s all said and done, you may have noticed that the police officer tapped the taillight as they approached your driver’s side window. Even if this has never personally happened to you, perhaps you’ve observed it happening to someone else or picked up on it in old movies and TV shows. It seems kind of strange and at the time it probably made you think to yourself ‘what was that for?’

There are actually two explanations for taillight tapping. First, it serves as a quick and easy way for a police officer to leave their fingerprints and trace evidence on a vehicle, should anything terrible happen during a stop. Back in the day before body and cruiser dash cams, there wasn’t a whole lot a cop could do to definitively establish that they had contact with a car and the occupants in it, so they’d leave fingerprints just in case something happened.

And while they used to call in license plates before stopping a vehicle, as they continue to do so today, marking it physically also showed that they had approached the car. Should there have been an issue down the line, that establishes a timeline of events that could prove crucial.

The second reason why cops tap on taillights is just as relevant today as it was over sixty years ago. They do it to both get your attention and momentarily distract whoever is in the car. That way, if the driver or passengers are attempting to hide drugs, weapons, or other contraband, the tapping surprises and throws them off guard.

Think about it, a cop tapping on your car would make you jump up, stop what you’re doing, and snap to attention. As it turns out, this shock tactic works well and has led to countless people getting caught red-handed trying to conceal their illegal ways. There you have it, the real reason why cops tap the break light when they pull someone over.

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Mom Tells Her Pup It’s Time To Leave The Park. He Proceeds To Throw The Most Hysterical Hissy Fit.

From a dog’s point of view, visiting the dog park ranks high up on the list of fun things to do and favorite places to go. It’s the main spot where all the local dogs can gather together and interact with one another openly and freely. They get to run around, sniff people out, meet up with old dog friends and make new ones, and play games like fetch and chase.

Dog parks are basically like what going to the playground is for a young child. It’s not only fun, it’s also convenient, for both owners and their pets so everybody wins! Many people bring their dogs to help socialize them so that they’re comfortable and relaxed, rather than fearful and aggressive, around other dogs.

There’s a bunch of different reasons and advantages to going to the dog park. An often cited one is that your pet gets to release a lot of their pent up energy. When you return home they usually pass out and sleep the day away, so you’re free to get things done while knowing that your dog is happy and well taken care of.

However, whereas many of our faithful companions get tired out and are eventually ready to head home, some seem to have limitless energy. They’re the ones who never want to leave when it’s time to go and who fight you every step of the way, begging and whining to stay longer. That’s precisely how the big beautiful Husky reacts when his owner tries to corral him out of the dog park. What you see here is how this dog reacts every single time he visits the park, which according to his owner is daily!

The handsome boy sure knows how to throw one heck of a loud temper tantrum. He whines and moans up a storm in protest while standing firmly in place when his mom tells him it’s time to go. It even sounds like he’s saying “nnooooo” over and over again as he cries out in anguish over the thought of having to leave the park! He carries on for about a minute and doesn’t stop when other dogs or people wander over to him.

The only thing that gets him to stop moaning is the promise of a tasty treat offered up by a woman. When he hears that he starts moving quickly along, just like a good boy! It seems that no matter how long this Husky gets to stay at the dog park, it’s never long enough for his wants, needs, or desires. Check him out!

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This Guy Has 17 Freezers In His Living Room But What He Keeps In Them Is Unbelievable!

Why does he do it? Because somebody has to care. That is the answer Allan Law gives people when they ask him why he chooses to spend his days and nights delivering food and goods to people in need in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Known as the “Sandwich Man” he has made it his life’s mission to help the homeless and less fortunate since retiring from teaching 16 years ago. Since then he has gone on to deliver thousands of sandwiches and tons of food, while raising much needed awareness for the plight of those that he meets on the streets. His work has helped so many of them out in countless ways and he has undeniably left a lasting impression on most of the people he has met.

Thankfully, he doesn’t have to do this all alone and works alongside friends, civic, church, and business groups to distribute donations and meals. An army of around 800 volunteers help to make the sandwiches and hand them out. He has so much bread, cheese and meats stored at his house for this purpose that he needs 17 freezers to store it all.

All those freezers take up his living room space and don’t leave much room for anything else. That is why he is always seeking people to lend him any spare, unused space they may have, so he can use it to temporarily store the goods and essentials that he hands out nightly.

The number on the side of his car seems to sum up what Allan Law is all about. His minivan sports the figure 363. Most people assume it stands for the number of days he volunteers to help those in need. However, it fittingly represents the number of days a year that people don’t think about the homeless or less fortunate, which is why he is out there day after day. Someone has to care and Allan Law, aka Sandwich Man, most definitely does.

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This Dog Sees A Squirrel While He Is In The Car. His Reaction I Can’t Stop Laughing!

Rocco is a Springer Spaniel who was caught on video literally losing it at the sight of a squirrel.  His owner, Meaghan Griffin, seemed to know that he is quite passionate in his squirrel interest.  This pup goes absolutely crazy!  His barking transforms as his adrenaline surges.

Watching a squirrel through the window of the car he is riding in, his barking turns into a howling, high-pitched squealing.  One has to wonder what is going through his head.  Is he scared, excited, picking up some cues from the squirrels that we humans aren’t privy to?!

Or maybe it’s just his instinct.  Whatever it is, this video captures a moment in a dog’s life that really brings a moment of canine excitement and hilarity that can’t be beat.  Meet Rocco!


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Her Dog Started Acting Strange Then Days Later Died. The Reason Is This Everyday Household Item!

This video is so important for every dog owner to watch. Many people know about the dangers of ingesting chocolate and other more common foods. The dog in this video got into a pack of Sugar free gum. His behavior was becoming erratic. Her owners found the empty pack of gum and rushed her to the vet.

The gum and many other sugar free foods contain the sugar substitute, Xylitol. This substance is extremely toxic to dogs. It lowers their blood sugar level rapidly, and if vomiting isn’t induced, this dog and many others would have died quickly of insulin shock hypoglycemia. If that didn’t kill her, she would have died of liver damage caused by this toxin within 24-48 hours.

Pass on this video, as Xylitol needs to be checked on many foods you may be ingesting, and so few people know about this. Even a small amount spilled from yogurt and lapped up by your dog could be deathly. So care needs to be taken to be sure dogs never ingest this toxin, because the disastrous repercussions occur so rapidly.

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This Guy Places Tea Bags In His Car. The Reason Is GENIUS!

Nothing is worse than a stinky car. Odors seem to stick around longer and smell 10x worse in heated, small, enclosed spaces. Sometimes automobiles become foul smelling for a variety of reasons, such as old spilled food, kids making messes, or too much moisture trapped inside. Now there is a cheap, easy, and natural way to combat nasty smells.

According to YouTube channel OnePotChefShow, all you need to do is take a few dry tea bags and place them around the car. In no time at all the smell should disappear. It is recommended that flavored teas be used such as cinnamon or vanilla tea. The tea bags will also absorb moisture in the air, which is a common cause of stale smelling interiors.

Plus, they will last for months and are a lot more affordable than any store bought air fresheners. One box should last a year or so. They also lack harsh chemicals and are much cleaner than aerosol or spray scents. Chances are you have some tea bags in your kitchen right now, so grab a few, toss them under your car seats, relax, and enjoy the ride.

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