Video: Man Sets Up A Camera On The Side Of This Road. What He Caught Is Terrifying!

It takes a special type of person to become a storm chaser. Storm chasing is defined as going on pursuit of any dangerous and severe weather condition. It doesn’t matter what your motives are, whether it be adventure, scientific, news coverage, or just plain curiosity.

The number one most sought after storm is a tornado. While other storms such as hurricanes, tropical cyclones and waterspouts are followed less often. Their speed, impact and scary beauty which can cause complete devastation at time makes tornados one of the most dangerous types of weather on earth!

In the footage below a man has been chasing storms all year across America. He pieced all the footage into a stunning time lapse video with is bone-chillingly beautiful. Nature is so incredible. This man picked the perfect spot to film and boy did his hard work pay off! Enjoy! 🙂

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This German Shepherd Puppy Wants To Play His With Mommy. Mom’s Reaction Is Hilarious!

Any parent will know that having a new baby around the house is probably the most tiring thing of all time.  This doesn’t only occur humans it happens to dogs also.  With people it is usually only one baby, possibly twins but with a new canine mama she has to deal with a litter that could be anywhere from 4-10 little fur babies tiring her out all day.

In the following video an adorable puppy German Shepherd is wide awake, energetic, frisky, and ready to play with his exhausted mama.  He jumps on her back, attacks her tail, and then begins playing fetch with himself as he runs off in the opposite direction.  Seconds later, mom has had enough of these shenanigans so she gets up and lets her pup know its NAP TIME! 🙂

This video put a huge smile on my face.  It totally made my day.  I think all human parents can relate to this tired mom.  Enjoy! Do you know the feeling this mama is going through?

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Woman Steps Onto The Floor With An Incredible Routine. But Her Dog Totally Steals The Show.

This dancing team you are about to watch is absolutely amazing. Canine choreography is a budding new form of dance and their is actually an association called the MDSA (Musical Dog Sport Association).  They focus on enhanced artistry of music and choreography which builds a strong human/canine bond through positive training methods.

When you combine, music, teamwork, training, and movement you get a form of art that is incredibly entertaining.  While entertaining is one facet of this new sport, the MDSA main focus is building the strongest possible bond between the dog and their human. In the video below Emily and Henrietta are about to show you what canine freestyle dance is all about.  Both of them are fantastic but the little pup totally steals the show! Enjoy 🙂

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This Guy Rested a Candle In Between Two Glasses. The Result Is Incredible!

Around 1.9 million years ago humans first learned how to create and control fire.  This is arguably one of the biggest leaps in human evolution ever.  Ancient humans utilized the fire to stay warm on freezing nights, scare off predators trying to hunt them, and of course cook delicious food.  This evolutionary step in history gave mankind the ultimate leg up over the rest of the animals.

We now use fire in a million different ways, and the best part is we are masters at controlling it.  There are so many awesome things that we can now do with it.  With the help of science, we are able to manipulate fire to do just about anything we want it to do.

In the video below, I was blown away by these fire tricks.  Some of these tricks were so amazing I had to watch them twice. There is a disclaimer at the beginning of the video that warns you not to try this on your own because they were all done by trained professionals.  If you do try some of these be very careful and remember, if you play with fire you might get burned.

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THIS Elephant Steps On Sprinkler and Breaks It. But What She Does At The End Is Priceless!

They say an elephant never forgets. I say I will never forget this happy, lively, and adorable elephant. Her name is Faa Sai and she lives at Elephant Nature Park in Northern Thailand. The Park is a rescue and rehabilitation center that allows visitors and tourists to volunteer and help with the dozens of animals that now call it home. Besides elephants, the nature park also cares for dogs, cats, buffaloes and many other animals.

Faa Sai was rescued and ever since her life has changed immensely for the better. She is a always curious of new things and wanders freely among the various herds. She loves nothing more than to visit with all the baby elephants, where she gently watches over and cares for each one, and checks in on them daily. She truly has come a long way from her abusive background and her spirit shines with love, happiness, and joy.

In this video you can watch her cool off and play with a sprinkler. At first she’s happy to just enjoy the flowing water, as she pushes her foot over it every now and then, making rainbows with the spray and mist. Bu after a few moments she decides to switch it up.

That’s when she takes her huge feet and powerful trunk and uses them to break the sprinkler! Her efforts cause the water pressure to get strong and brown, muddy water gushes forth even faster and harder than before. Faa Sai seems quite delighted with her sprinkler changes and now she has a fountain to play in! My favorite part is towards the end when she seems to be basking in the water as she pushes her head into it. What a memorable and sweet encounter to witness, watch the clip to truly appreciate it.

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Daddy Is Attempting To Buckle Her In The Car. But Her Response Is Priceless!

This is a familiar routine for any parent with a feisty toddler out there. Children often have a way of insisting they are equal with adults in experience and capability, but only when it is most inconvenient. If you want them to act independently, they’ll pick up on that and do the opposite just to see how you’ll react.

Of course there are the moments when your kid is doing exactly what you dreamed he’d do and you feel that you’re the best parent there ever was and your offspring is superhuman, but the power struggle exists at all times. At least, at all times that either of you are demanding something from the other.

The adult-child interactions that are the most rewarding are the ones where there is an even playing field. Neither party is giving precedence to themselves or the other person, they merely treat each other like people. The father in this video has that skill honed as he allows his daughter the freedom to buckle her belt. One might presume he’s in no hurry to get to wherever they are going, but, no matter what, his exceptional patience lets the cutie with the ‘tude-y express how she feels.

The girl, mumbling and fumbling with her carseat five-point harness, tells her father, “Worry ’bout yourself. Worry ’bout yourself,” as she’s pointing at the man with the camera. Dad endearingly responds by offering his undoubtedly stronger hands, “Can I help?” Then, the wee one, “No.” With exasperation and uncertainty she continues, “Uh, help, I don’t.., you can help when, meh.. out to eat, ok?”

She makes eye contact to clarify, “You can help when we are out to eat.” Still respecting her wishes, Dad chuckles and asks, “What do you want me to do?” Completely without hesitation, the daughter recommends, “Worry ’bout YOURself.” She continues to ineffectively mess with the impossible button and straps. “Worry ’bout yourself.” Distracted, but still talking, “I’m gonna do this one, so, um, gonna do that…” And with sudden realization, the little miss commands, “You drive!” As she points behind camera, “Worry ’bout yourself! Go drive!”

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She Thought She Had A Really Bad Eye Infection. But The Truth Is Way More Scary!

A woman had been plagued by an uncomfortable and itchy sensation in her eye for several days so she finally decided to visit an eye doctor. He found something quite unusual and very uncommon; eye lice in her lashes. The woman, Ms. Zhang, hails from Northeast China and had suffered from a stroke two days prior to seeking medical help for her eye problem.

She’d had an annoying, itchy problem with her eyes for some time and ignored it until it became unbearable. At her request, her son inspected her eye and he immediately noticed a few extremely tiny, crab-like bugs crawling around on her lashes. Her eye doctor confirmed and diagnosed her eye lice problem and promptly removed them with a pair of fine forceps. When it was all done, he had pulled over twenty of the tiny parasites off her eyelid.

While most people know about head lice, the tiny insects that live on the scalp, few people are aware of eye lice. Eye lice are almost microscopic, white parasites that live in the eyebrows and eyelashes of people where they feed off of blood and skin.

Adults will attach themselves to the skin around a lash, lay eggs which are called nits, and 6-10 days later they hatch. After 15 days the nits are full grown and they start to lay more eggs, thus causing an infestation. Symptoms of eye lice include sudden and extreme itchiness on your eyelids, tearing, feeling tired or ill, small red spots from lice bites, eye redness, and conjunctivitis.

To treat the problem, a doctor has to remove them individually and often will prescribe an antibiotic which suffocates the lice. Harsh, commercial chemicals are not used since they can easily hurt or damage sensitive eyes. This type of lice is very uncommon and most often stems from contact with either pets or eyelash extensions. Hopefully, this is the only case of it you will ever see in your lifetime, it looks really gross and painful.

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He Came Home To A Huge a Mess. When He Asks The Dog Who Did It I Can’t Stop Laughing!

Ten seconds of messy home, and the culprit is seemingly in view. A pet owner questions his little white Maltese to find out who shredded the tissue on the carpet. The pup stares blankly with bewilderment and a clear lack of remorse. After pointing out the issue to make the dog understand, the owner inquires again as to who made the mess. More empty blinking of puppy eyes, and the man pans the camera to another animal.

And this is when the scene gets funny. A second small white dog stands stiff legged with a tissue box on its head. He must not have had anything to do with the Kleenex on the floor, right? Oh Kacy, you had to go back for one more square didn’t you! The reach for the last cloth was just enough to squeeze Kacy’s collar into the opening of the box, and the collar was just enough to no be able to pull his head back out into safety.

The little dog, for some unknown time, has provided himself with his own justice. Solitary confinement in a tissue box is likely an effective treatment for such behavior as making a mess of all of the wipes. Now, the next time a friend sits down to watch a tearjerker, there will be no fabric to dab their eyes.

Someone has to pay for the inconvenience! Under the stress of the darkness of a box just bigger than his head, and the uncertainty of whether he is ever going to get out, Kacy sufficiently suffered more than the one who has to get some t.p. to blow their nose. Unless he is glutton for punishment, the Maltese will remember this lesson the next time he dreams of fragmented paper between his teeth.

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