Video: When The Dance Cam Focuses On This Usher He Stuns The Crowd With Moves No One Expected!

Sports games around the country now often feature cameras that scan the crowds to capture audience members who are dancing or doing silly things.  Some arenas call them “kiss cams” and if they focus on you, you are expected to kiss the person next to you or whomever you came with.  Other places have “dance cams” which zero in on people dancing around.

Many attendees purposefully bust out their best moves so that the camera finds them.  However, others are oftentimes unaware they are the center of attention until they look up and see themselves on the big screen.  These cameras have caught all sorts of wacky happenings, but one performance stands out above the rest, put on by none  other than an usher at a Detroit Pistons game.

The Palace Arena was hosting a March 8th home game against the Dallas Mavericks and the crowd was eagerly showing off their dance moves to Micheal Jackson’s hit song “Scream.”  The camera had turned its attention to a number of people before stopping on an usher who seemed unaware that he was even being focused on.  He goes about his job smiling as he directed two women up the stairs and continued to ignore the camera.

Then, out of the blue, he transformed into a modern day Michael Jackson and began to smoothly glide and thrust his hips to the beat!  The stunned crowd loved it and began to cheer even harder, which led to the usher putting on an awesome showcase of his rhythm and beat skills. The usher is undeniably a very talented and unique dancer.  You have to see it to really appreciate this man’s abilities.  He is so energetic and happy, it makes me wish that I had this much fun at my job!

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Video: Watch What Happens When You Light Wool On Fire. The Result Is Surprisingly Unexpected!

Around 1.9 million years ago humans first learned how to create and control fire.  This is arguably one of the biggest leaps in human evolution ever.  Ancient humans utilized the fire to stay warm on freezing nights, scare off predators trying to hunt them, and of course cook delicious food.  This evolutionary step in history gave mankind the ultimate leg up over the rest of the animals.

We now use fire in a million different ways, and the best part is we are masters at controlling it.  There are so many awesome things that we can now do with it.  With the help of science, we are able to manipulate fire to do just about anything we want it to do. This brings us to our featured fire video which is just totally awesome!

In the video below, I was blown away by these fire tricks.  Some of these tricks were so amazing I had to watch them twice. Their is a disclaimer at the beginning of the video that warns you not to try this on your own because they were all done by trained professionals.  If you do try some of these be very careful and remember, if you play with fire you might get burned.

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Video: These Went To The Beach and Started Filming. What They Caught Is So Freaky!

A couple Canadian guys went to the beach for a little rest and relaxation, not expecting to have the experience of a life time.  A group of Orca Whales swam up to the shore to give these guys a sight they would never see again.  About half a dozen killer whales were only a few feet away from these lucky Canadians. This experience is so rare most people won’t even see it once in their lifetime. I’ve watched this multiple time and I am still in awe.

Then at 1:55 something absolutely insane goes down.  One of the whales jumps on shore to the surprise of everyone.  Maybe he had an itch he just couldn’t reach and needed a good scratching.  Luckily the boy had the cameras rolling and caught it all on tape. This is probably the coolest video I have seen so far this year. I’ve pretty much shown everybody I know!

The footage captured is absolutely remarkable according to one Orca expert.  I can’t believe how lucky they were to capture such an amazing moment on film. I can only hope one day I can see something even close to this. Meanwhile thank god for the internet so we can all enjoy these incredible moments in the comfort of our own homes. Have you ever seen anything like this?

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Video: Mom Is Filming Her Daughter Paddle Out Into The Ocean. What She Caught Is Terrifying!

With the warm weather finally starting to come in after this brutal winter, I think most of us are fantasizing about the summer and going to the beach.  There is nothing more relaxing than a beautiful day at the beach, sand at your feet, cool refreshing salt water, and warm sunshine. Relaxing with a nice cold beverage, kicking your feet up and enjoying the little things in life that make everything worth it.

In the following video a girl from Santa Cruz decided to take advantage of a picture perfect day on the water.  As she paddles out on her surfboard her mother films from a distance.  Then something completely terrifying and unexpected happened.  A giant Humpback whale emerged out of the water and almost lands directly on the surfer and few kayakers near by.

Luckily no one was injured or killed in this video, however there have been incidents when people weren’t this lucky.  When this lady took her surfboard out on this beautiful day, I’m pretty sure she never expected anything like this to go down. The next time I’m in the ocean you better believe I am going to be much more vigilant so I don’t find myself in a situation like this! How would you react in this situation?

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Video: Fans Surround This Fire Pit. But When They Are Turned On It’s a Stunning Surprise!

Watching a normal fire is one of the most relaxing and gratifying things you can do.  That being said it is no wonder some people are obsessed with fire.  A couple of fire experts from Unallocated Space have perfected a way to produce a man made Fire Tornado. Around 1.9 million years ago humans first learned how to create and control fire.  This is arguably one of the biggest leaps in human evolution ever.

Ancient humans utilized the fire to stay warm on freezing nights, scare off predators trying to hunt them, and of course cook delicious food.  This evolutionary step in history gave mankind the ultimate leg up over the rest of the animals. We now use fire in a million different ways, and the best part is we are masters at controlling it.  There are so many awesome things that we can now do with it.

With the help of science, we are able to manipulate fire to do just about anything we want it to do. Enjoy the following man-made fire tornado!  Remember it’s not as easy as it looks, and don’t try this at home.  The guys from Unallocated Space are trained professionals.

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It Looked Like A Normal Old Truck. But When It Opens Up a Magical Unexpected Surprise!

The idea of a man’s house as his castle has been around for hundreds of years. It is embodied in philosophy, law, poetry, and so on, as a person’s basic right to individual privacy when in his or her home. Castle’s are seen as strong and sturdy places that keep occupants safe inside their walls and protect people from the elements or enemies. They are not meant to be mobile, at least in the past they weren’t, but the 21st century castle is on wheels. The tiny house featured in this video is a modern day replica of a residence fit for royalty!

Every castle needs a king and queen. This role is filled by owners Justin, Jola and their son, prince Piko. The New Zealand couple have transformed an old truck into a castle on wheels with some very clever and unique design ideas. They made it completely off the grid with solar panels, gas, a wetback fire and captured rainwater stored in tanks underneath the truck.

Two turrets hold bathroom facilities; in one a composting toilette and the other a shower and washing machine. The kitchen is huge with full size appliances, tons of storage space, and even a specially designed, built-in, much loved seat for Piko. The sleeping loft is a cozy, warm space filled with lyric-wallpaper centered on love and beauty. An impressive rooftop balcony rises up and boasts a bathtub, hammock, built in food dehydrator, and stunning 360 degree views of the land. It makes the perfect lookout and relaxation spot.

This castle has it all and so much more! You need to take the video tour to truly understand the amount of thought and detail that went into this labor of love. The ingenuity and engineering feats alone are comprehensive, but when you add the vision and art into the mix it leaves you shaking your head in awe at the outcome. It stands out as a one of a kind, mobile, 21st century castle fit for modern day creative royalty geniuses.

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I Always Served Chips In A Bowl. But After Seeing This I’ll Never Use One Again!

Life hacks can be found all over the internet today and always reminded me of the saying “There is more than one way to eat a Reese’s.”   While there is no one way to do practically everything, there are always more efficient and easy ways to get tasks done.  Without further ado, watch and learn from this expertly prepared video, ten tips to fall back on should you ever need them.

First, if you happen to be unable to get a lid off a jar just stick a knife under the lip and  jimmy it around until you hear the top seal pop.  Personally, the knife they show looks very sharp and I instead use a butter knife when doing this one or turn the jar upside down and smack on the bottom a few times to loosen it.

The hint on proper use of a tetra brick is just good to know in general, as I never understood why those cartons poured so lousy.  I guess my squeezing and shaking were all for nothing.  The garlic peeling tutorial will change my life.  I love garlic but hate the stinky, time consuming, messy way it breaks apart.  Putting it in a jar and shaking it vigorously will eliminate all those cons and save my hands from the scrubbing they would get afterwords.

The other hacks shown in the video are great too.  Many people have different ways of doing the same thing, some methods are better than others, and now you know ten alternatives covered here.

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This Little Girls Mom Died Of Cancer. The Song She Sings At Her Funeral Tore My Heart Up!

Life is tough when you are growing up as a kid. But when you lose a parent at the age of 7 life can become extremely difficult. Rhema Marvanne’s mom died of cancer leaving her alone. She coped with this devastating situation the only way she could, by singing.

In the following video Rhema beautifully sings ‘Amazing Grace’ in honor of her late mother. She travels to all the places they shared their experiences together, while singing this song that is guaranteed to make you cry. This is so emotional. You are going to need to grab the tissues for this one.

Were you as moved as we were by this performance? This so powerful it really is a reminder about how precious life is and how important music is to convey feelings. Rhema is so talented and I am sure we will be seeing much more of her as she grows up!

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