Video: The Fastest Tortoise Ever Chases A Pit Bull. The Dog’s Reaction Is Hysterical!

Over the years we have seen a wide variety of odd animal couples. From cheetahs and lions hanging out with dogs to donkeys and goats becoming inseparable. Meet the latest pair, an American pit bull terrier named Dolly and a sulfate tortoise by the name of Sheldon. The two have fast become best friends ever since they were rescued from the Humane Society of North Texas ( by their awesome human friend.

The six year old turtle and three year old dog love to play and romp around together in the grassy yard. Dolly can be seen in the video barking as Sheldon speeds towards him. Dolly crouches low and smiles at her friend before side stepping out of his way. Little Sheldon is relentless and continues to hone in and bear down on Dolly but cannot quite seem to catch her. It looks like they could go back and forth for hours toying around and larking about. In fact, according to their owner, oftentimes Dolly will try to get her turtle pal to play with her favorite ball but Sheldon has yet to show any interest in doing so.

The pair are further proof that rescue animals often thrive and go on to fulfill long happy lives. They clearly have looked past their differences and accept each other regardless of species. And can you believe how fast Sheldon is?? He must be on TGH- turtle growth hormone!

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Video: Cat Gets His Teeth Brushed For The First Time. What The Camera Caught Is Hilarious!

Even if the only thing your cat hunts these days is tasty treats, toy mousies and catnip, he still needs healthy clean teeth and gums.  Damage to your cats teeth, palate, tongue and gums can extend into other health risks for your cat.  The good news is, this can be prevented by brushing your cats teeth!

The ASPCA recommends doing a breath test, go on take a sniff of your cat’s breath.  If  your cat’s breath has an extremely strong odor he may have a digestive disorder or gingivitis.  They also recommend pulling back your cats lips and inspecting their gums.  Make sure their gums are a nice coral pink.  They should not be white, red, or swollen.

In the hilarious video below, a cat gets his teeth brushed for the first time by his human.  Somehow, he loves it and even grabs for the toothbrush with his paw to place it in his mouth.  Then as he is getting those pearly whites clean, he has an epiphany.  He gets a far off look in his eyes, and it seems as if his mind has just been blown!  Maybe he is pondering the meaning of life or Stephen Hawking’s theory of everything.  Either way, this video is absolutely hilarious and I can’t stop laughing at that face. Enjoy! 🙂

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Video: It Was A Calm Beautiful Day At The Beach. But What This Camera Caught Is Terrifying!

The Siberian region in Russia is not exactly known for having many hot sunny days that merit a relaxing trip to the beach.  When such weather does present itself people naturally flock to the waters edge to cool off.  On one particular occasion, people in the southwestern Siberian city of Novosibirsk were enjoying the sand and water, when a cold front suddenly rolled in.

Temperatures reportedly dropped from 41 to 21 degrees Celsius (about 106 down to 70 degrees Fahrenheit) in a matter of minutes.  Strong winds picked up and, before anyone could gather their friends and family to pack up the beach gear and head home, hail began to rain down from the sky.

A man and woman recorded the storm and off camera can be heard commenting in Russian about how it had been clear, sunny, and perfect just a minute ago.  Other beach-goers idly start picking up towels and gathering their belongings.  The woman cracks a joke about Siberia and everyone shares a laugh.  Then we hear “that’s hail” as it starts to fall from the sky.

Things start to fly by when the wind picks up and the mood changes noticeably from lighthearted to concerned.  People come running out of the water as the hail continues to fall down even harder.  Everyone heads for shelter and some take cover under water rafts, umbrellas, towels, or whatever they can find to shield and protect their heads and bodies from the golf ball sized ice pellets.  The whole scene is chaotic with kids screaming, people running, and debris being picked up and tossed around by the gusty winds.

A few stragglers remain in the water, perhaps trying to beat the icy deluge by staying submerged for as long as possible.  One poor woman comes out of the water towards the end of the video, shielding her head with her hands and clearly not happy about the situation.  And why would she be?

Imagine being nearly naked and suddenly pelted with balls of ice falling from thousands of feet above.  The film cuts off mid-storm, but it appears no one was seriously hurt.  To end on a positive note, at least the change in weather cooled everyone off, so they have that to thank the skies above for!

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Video: She Steps Out Of The Car For Only a Few Seconds. Then It Tore My Heart To Pieces!

A 2010 experiment with Car and Driver magazine editor Eddie Alterman, which took place at a deserted air strip, showed that texting while driving had a worse impact on safety than if you were driving while intoxicated. While legally drunk, Alterman’s stopping distance from 70 mph increased by 4 feet; by contrast, reading an e-mail added 36 feet, and sending a text added 70 feet. While celebrities such as Oprah Winfrey have campaigned against texting while driving, there are reports that the message has not been getting through to teenagers!

The popularity of mobile devices have some unintended and even dangerous consequences. The use of phones either calling or texting has been linked to a significant increase in distracted driving, resulting in injury and even loss of life.

Watch this dramatic and heart wrenching PSA created to help persuade people to not text and drive. It has become an epidemic in our society, and so many people have paid the consequences of looking down for only a second. Hopefully this video will make you think twice next time you decide to look down and check your phone while you are driving.

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Video: Woman Starts Spray Painting A Seashell. But When She’s Done Stunning!

With the warm weather finally here and summer will be here before we know it!r  If it feels a bit too early for all that, then try making these fun little candles.  They seem like the perfect accessory to liven, and lighten, up any space.  Best of all, the pretty beach-chic lights are super simple and very inexpensive to make. All you need are seashells, tea light candles, glue, and spray paint.

You can either use shells you may have collected at the shore and have on hand, or do what the video says and head to a craft store, like Michaels, to pick them up.  Then, spray paint the shells with whatever color your heart desires or that you already have on hand.  The gold ones shown came out looking very nice, and other metallic finishes like silver and bronze would likely be on par with those in the video.

After that, remove the wicks from the tea lights and make sure to return the wax back into the metal holder.  Glue the wicks to the base of the shells then set them aside to dry.  Melt the wax by placing the metal tea lights/wax holders on a pan over low heat.  Watch this part closely and when it’s all liquid take the wax and carefully pour it into the seashells.  As they dry and solidify use a pair of pliers to grab the tops of the wicks and straighten them out.

All that is left is to allow your freshly poured candles to fully harden.  Strategically place them or strew the shells wherever you please, set them alight with a flame, and enjoy!

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When This Man Broke Open The Suitcase He Revealed Something The TSA Never Wanted Us To Know!

When it comes to traveling the main advice given is for people to protect their stuff.  This used to mean, keep your wallet and traveler’s checks in a safe spot so a professional pick pocket doesn’t swipe your goods.  But, recently things have changed now that the TSA goes through every piece of luggage that comes through the airport.  Travelers now have to be much more conscientiousness since strangers are going through everything they have.

Back in 2012 a TSA worker confessed to stealing over $800,000 dollars from travelers suitcases.  The scarier part about all this, is that he admitted that many other TSA workers were also stealing stuff and it has become pretty much the norm.

So what are we supposed to do to protect ourselves?  First, watch this video which will give you a few tips and tricks that will ensure the TSA workers and baggage handlers can not get into your luggage and steal your valuables. Did you have any idea this was going on at such a large scale?  Will this change how you pack for your next trip?  leave a comment below.

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Video: This Guy Places A Pot Upside Down Over This Plant. The Reason Is BRILLIANT!

Many people find gardening to be a relaxing and rewarding way to spend time outdoors and help improve their lives.  Fresh healthy foods can be had for much less cost than the grocery store kind while flowers, shrubbery and plants can help liven up any plain old yard.  The possibilities for gardens are endless with thousands of varieties and combinations of seeds available.  You can plant herbs, vegetables, perennial bulbs, shade plants, flowers, bushes, grasses, fruit trees and so on.  To make your green thumb even greener, here are some clever ways to help you garden that all include items you can easily find or already have on hand.

First, use a long wooden handled gardening tool as a measuring stick by marking off intervals on it.  When the need arises for plants to be evenly spaced, you will be ready to go.  To label where and what certain plants are, recycle last years labels by scraping off old marker with sandpaper.

Alternatively, you can  take some flat stones or tiles and use them as markers, or make your own by cutting them out of plastic cups.  When it is cold enough to potentially get frost, protect seedlings by covering them with a terracotta pot at night and then uncover it in the morning.  If you ever need to get rid of aphids (aka plant lice) wrap sticky tape around your hand to brush them off plants while keeping them off your hands.

Now time for the water related hacks.  For an easy irrigation system take plastic water bottles, punch several holes in the cap, cut off the the bottom, insert in the ground near the plant, and fill with water.  The water will slowly be released into the ground and last longer, which is especially needed if your growing plants in dry, hot conditions.

You can reuse water leftover from cooking, such as water used to boil veggies in, and collect rainwater from your roof/eaves to water your garden and decrease overall consumption.  Another H2O trick involves soaking seeds overnight in lukewarm water to help them germinate and sprout earlier.

Next, if you have plants sensitive to root disruption, like peas and beans, use cardboard tubes as planters.  This helps ensure their roots don’t tangle up with each other and makes transplanting them much less stressful on the plants.  For those with limited space, drill holes in gutters to make a wall garden, and try to use other available vertical surfaces by getting creative.

There is also software and apps available for planning and plotting out gardens.  It’s useful for new and seasoned gardeners and, best of all, has been shown to reduce the chance of having failed crops.  For more information and a better visual understanding of the points covered above, check out the video and enjoy!  Happy Gardening!

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Video: Couple Has A Priceless Reaction When They Meet Their Abandoned Baby They Adopted

For almost 10 years the Chens have struggled to have a baby.  They tried everything in their power to make their dream of having a family a reality.  However, they realized that because of infertility they would be unable to conceive their own child.  According to research around 6% of married women ages 15-44 in the United States are unable to have children due to infertility. Men also have approximately the same rate of infertility in the United States as compared to women.

In this video they share their story of how they traveled and adopted a baby boy.  From the minute they laid eyes on him they know this was their son, Jacob Chen.  They hold their baby and rock him back and forth as any new parent would with a new child. As the emotion bubbles to the surface the tears of their long struggle can’t be bottled in.  This emotional moment is all caught on video and it truly tore my heart into a million pieces.

By the 4 minute mark I just couldn’t hold back my own tears. Be warned you will probably need tissues for this one.  You will really be able to empathize with the struggle that all adoptive parents must face while going through their journey.  This heartwarming film should be seen by all parents who are interested in adopting.

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