If You Use Flushable Baby Wipes Read This Story. The Result Is Nasty!

Wet wipes, or per-moistened personal hygiene cloths, have become a widely used product in the last ten years. Sales in 2013 alone reached 20 billion wipes sold and are predicted to grow by approximately 6% every year for the next five years. Around half of all wipes sold are marketed under the “flushable” label and deemed safe for septic systems by their makers. Across America sewer lines and pumps are backing up and becoming clogged with these “flushable” wipes because in reality they are NOT safe to flush. Those labels are marketing hyperbole used to sell more wipes to more people and we are only beginning to see the negative effects it is having on sewer systems.

Toilette paper is made from tree pulp and is thus organic matter. Sewage treatment centers use a digestion system that helps with the breakdown of organic materials; basically poop, pee and toilette paper. That system, in combination with processes that absorb most toilette paper naturally along the way, had for a long time been enough to treat sewage waste. Until recently, when there came a huge uptick in the amount of wet wipes being flushed down the toilette.

The main problem with this is the fact that wipes are made from synthetic plastic based materials that cannot be broken down naturally in the same way that organic materials are. Since they cannot be broken down they must be removed and separated out, like a plastic bag would need to be if it were flushed down the loo. A lot of wipes are filtered out but many still end up clogging sewer pipes and waste intake machines.

That has translated into millions of dollars of repair work to septic systems which is passed along to the taxpayers and residents who use these pipes and wipes. Officials in many cities report numerous instances of sewage pumps routinely becoming clogged and needing to be replaced. The lesson of this story will hopefully be commonsense one day soon, do not flush wet wipes regardless of whether they are labeled flushable or not. Instead, please dispose of them in the trash, where they will end up anyways but without adding up to unnecessary, nasty, costly clogs.

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Video: Woman Asks Her Pup Not To Bark So Loud. What He Does Next Is ADORABLE!

Overall, many pet owners love to talk to their animal companions as if they were fellow humans. Whether it is in a regular tone or as baby talk, everyone has chatted with their furry pals at some point in time. It is a natural, normal and perhaps instinctual way to communicate and bond with them.

Sometimes our pets will even initiate conversations or talk back to us. In fact, around 67% of pet owners claim they understand their animals barks, meows, purrs and all the other sounds that they make. Of those surveyed, 62% say that when they speak their animals seem to understand them and get the message. These numbers are from a 2008 AP-Petside poll and are likely to have increased since then, as pets are more and more considered important family members, in particular as children.

In this hilarious clip below a woman asks her dog not to bark so loud.  His response is absolutely adorable.  He really knows how to use his doggy inside voice! Just wait till a little bit past the 1 minute mark and it will totally make your day! I had to watch this over and over! It’s the best video I’ve seen all week!

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Video: Her House Looks Tiny From The Outside. But When You Walk Inside Unbelievable!

The tiny house movement and lifestyle that embraces simple living in small spaces has grown immensely in recent years. People from all walks of life the world over are trading in their big open homes for much more modest ones. Many are attracted to the low cost of constructing, maintaining and living in these homes. Others prefer the freedom they can often provide by being mobile or easily moved. In some places they have even become a popular option for housing the homeless. With such versatile and ever expanding uses its easy to see why tiny house living has become so popular.

A video uploaded by relaxshacksDOTcom gives an inside look at one woman’s tiny house for all those curious as to how small these houses actually are and what can be fit in them. The house featured is a Tumbleweed Lusby model that was moved from California to Washington D.C. and then to Orlando, Florida all within the past five years.

Now it sits at the College Park Village RV/Tiny House Community where the present owner Emily and her dog Daisy reside. She takes us through the space from floor to ceiling and shows off many neat storage solutions that enable her to fit much more than you would expect.

The scaled down house is eye opening as to how little a person actually needs to be comfortable and happy. Emily has fit everything in such a neat and organized fashion that she also has room for a walk in closet! Her micro home even sits overlooking a scenic lake surrounded by plenty of lawn for her dog to run around and play on (and dig the holes that he loves so much). Clearly the lifestyle fits this relaxed and content owner. Would you like to live in a home like this?

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Video: 1 Week Old Baby Elephant Can’t Figure Out The Bathtub. The Results Are Priceless!

The Asian Elephant has been worshipped and treated as sacred for centuries.   It is the largest terrestrial animal in Asia.  For the most part, the Asian elephant is smaller than the African Elephant. Their ears are also much smaller than the African elephant. The Asian elephant is extremely smart and self-aware. They have a large neocortex in their brain which they share with other intelligent animals such as dolphins, apes and humans.

They have cognitive abilities for tool use and tool making.  They exhibit a wide variety of behaviors, including those associated with grief, learning, allomothering, mimicry, play, altruism, use of tools, compassion, cooperation, self-awareness, memory, and language.  Source: Wikipedia

The Asian Elephant is on the endangered species list.  Poachers have been hunting them for their ivory for years and it is still a wide spread problem.  It is very important that conservation efforts are maintained so that we don’t lose this majestic creature to extinction.  We must protect them.  You can help by not buying ivory products. You can also Adopt an elephant: WWF-US & International | WWF-UK | WWF-Canada.  Also you can spread the word through your social media communities and raise awareness.

Meet Double Trouble the most adorable baby elephant who just can’t seem to figure out this whole bathing thing. He clumsily flips, tumbles, spins and flops around in the water as he tries to figure out what this strange water apparatus is. Nothing in the world can really make you feel better than a happy baby elephant. The video was filmed at Elephantstay, which is a non-profit Elephant Rescue Sanctuary and Education Center in Thailand.

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Video: Squirrel Eats One Too Many Fermented Crabapples Gets Drunk and Does THIS!

It happens sometimes. An evening spent grabbing a drink with friends turns into you having one too many cocktails and before you know it you end up drunker than anticipated. Such lapses in judgment usually do not end up being recorded and posted on the internet. Such was not the case for one furry little squirrel. He was found in a backyard apple tree feasting on fermented crab apples and ended up gorging a little too much on the tasty snack.

When he goes to do the walk of shame towards home he sloppily disembarks from his tree bar. Gone are the graceful squirrel movements we are accustomed to seeing. Instead, he hops towards a fence through the snow, but only gets a few steps before his troubles set in.

Despite his best efforts he seems stuck in one place. He hops repeatedly, but appears to only be going up and down and not forwards much at all. He slides backwards and repositions himself to try again. This time he seems to be scampering sideways and even backwards. Any progress he made is lost as he drunkenly flails around in the snow.

Finally, he makes it to another tree and manages to climb a few feet up. Perhaps he thought that it was his home tree, but soon after he realizes his mistake and takes off, hopping awkwardly through the forest. Maybe he went searching for more crab apples or some bread to sober himself up with.

Whatever the case, the rare and amusing sight of it all makes his spectators laugh throughout the video. If he were human this squirrel would be making quite a scene! Hopefully the tipsy little guy made it home safe and didn’t have a nasty hangover the next day.

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Video: Newborn Pitbull Puppy Was About To Die. But Then This Cat Did Something Unbelievable!

A one day old puppy was found abandoned, fly covered, and all alone in a garage. With no mother around and no time to spare the baby pit bull mix was brought to the Animal Protective League Shelter in Cleveland, Ohio. Upon the little black and white puppies arrival an assembled team treating him had to quickly determine what his best options for recovery were. They decided to try and place him with a stray cat who had just given birth two days earlier at the shelter. The two were carefully introduced and almost immediately the mama cat sniffed and nuzzled the tiny dog. Her affection and acceptance were clear and from then on the puppy had a new mother.

The video clip here shows the happy part of this incredible story. Noland, the puppy, and his feline mother, Lurlene, can be seen snuggling together along with the other four now-sibling-kittens. They look so warm and cozy all curled up in one big fur ball. It is a touching testament to the love and affection that a mother has for her babies and for ones she adopts. The maternal instinct seems to know no boundaries for this mama cat. She lovingly took in a puppy right beside her own kittens, watching over and nurturing them all.

The cutest part of the video is when the foster mother/volunteer is feeding Noland and Lurlene is right by her side watching over her new son. She looks so concerned about him and like she wants to be part of the additional feeding that the growing puppy needs. When she licks and paws at him while he is in the lap of the volunteer it seems like she is saying to her new baby ‘I’m right here, don’t worry.’ It melted my heart to see that!

Update to this story: Noland’s mother was found chained, emaciated and too scared to care for her puppy and the owner was convicted of animal neglect. Noland thrived and stayed with his new cat family in a foster home until he was too big whereupon he was placed with puppy litter. All the cats and dogs were eventually adopted, even Noland’s mother. The story got the shelter national attention and won them a Petco Foundation Grant worth $25,000. All this because one mother cat’s love for a puppy in need.

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Video: Dog Licks A Lemon For The First Time. He Proceeds To Throw a Hysterical Fit!

When life hands you lemons make lemonade. So the saying goes- turn a negative situation into a positive one and make the best with what life throws your way. That common phrase works fine and dandy in theory, but in an alternative sense of it, what if you hand your dog a lemon? Dogs can’t make lemonade. Heck, most dogs don’t even know what a lemon is.

One golden retriever was recently introduced to the sour fruit and when he got a taste of it he was shocked. At first sight, he pranced around wagging his tail not sure of what to do with it. To a dog it must kind of resemble a tennis ball or play toy but picking it up by mouth would quickly prove otherwise. He carefully licks the lemon a few times and realizes this is no toy. The bitterness causes him to snuffle and sneeze as he jumps up and down surprised by the unpleasant taste. Not wanting any more of it he pushes it away and goes towards his human as if to say “we’re done here.”

While variety is the spice of life and it is good to try new things, I am sure this dog will not be partaking in any more lemon feasts. He came, he saw and he licked the tangy citrus, and now he knows what it tastes like. Dogs are often drawn to odd smells and are even known to roll around in disgusting things such as other animals poop. That is more appealing than rolling around in lemonade. Their behavior is bizarre to us humans but to them its just another dog day in the life. So if you hand a dog a lemon, this reaction and scene is likely what you will get.

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Video: Granny Was Cooking Dinner When Her Favorite Song Comes On. Her Reaction Is Hilarious!

Grandma was cooking dinner for her family.  But this grandmother knows how to make cooking into something much more entertaining.  The song ‘Ice Ice Baby’ by Vanilla Ice comes on and then things escalate quickly.  She goes from minding her own business solemnly cooking, to becoming the most entertaining granny on the block!

She starts breaking it down like no other, as her family and dog watch in pure enjoyment.  I love how she incorporates getting stuff out of the fridge into part of her routine while her dog runs around her hilariously confused. Dance Granny Dance.  She proves that age is just number, and you must live your life and forget your age.

This video is so entertaining and will totally make your day.  She’s has so much passion and style which makes this grandma performance unforgettable! It really brings back memories of my own grandma’s cozy and warm kitchen. There is nothing better than somebody just letting themselves go and having the best time ever. This is the best video I have seen in a while. Enjoy!

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