This Older Sister Has 3 Little Brothers That Are Dying. So She Does THIS to Try and Save Their Lives

Three brothers, John, Will and Matthew were diagnosed with a rare cancer of the lymphatic system. They were all under the age of six when they became symptomatic with Burkitt’s Lymphoma.  Although the disease doesn’t normally run in families, all three boys tested positive for a genetic immune disorder called XLP.

Their mother, Christy Jenkins, had to face the possibility of losing her three young sons if someone compatible to donate their bone marrow was not found.  She asked everyone she knew, who were willing, to be tested for a potential bone marrow match.

Their older sister, Julia, who was quite young herself turned out to be a perfect match for John and Matthew, but not for Will.  He received bone marrow from a stranger.  Julia was admitted to the hospital to have bone marrow scraped from her hip to be transplanted in hopes of saving her young brothers’ lives.

Today Julia is thirteen and has little memory of her first donation.  When  subsequent bone marrow was needed she had no hesitation in helping.  She is proud to have played such a major role in saving her brothers’ lives.  Now, after three years, all three brothers are happy and healthy active boys.

Their disease appears to be completely cured, and they only require daily shots to boost their b-cell counts.  Watch this inspirational video and hear their big sis, whom they will be forever indebted to, reflect on what has transpired.  She says, “It’s like a good feeling, because they’re alive because of you.”  Enjoy this video of this truly life-affirming story.

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They Feed Their Pups In Opposite Corners But Watch What The Adopted One On The Left Does!

Little Bonnie, a Chihuahua, was luckily rescued by Jeannine who adopted her from the Sato Rescue Organization.  So much good can be done and lives saved when people make it their business to care about animals that are homeless. Often adopted dogs can be skittish and be fearful of abandonment and being treated badly.

One can only hope that whatever damage has been done can be remedied with time, after entering their “forever homes”.  This video shows that not only was Bonnie happy to be in her new family, but she showed moxie and dexterity that was incredible. Bonnie had joined not only a family of humans but a fellow canine.

Thinking it was best to place their dog dishes at opposites sides of the kitchen, Bonnie proved otherwise.  This delightful video shows her taking two bites of her food, pausing, and then swiftly picking up her dish with her mouth and backing up to where she could join her new buddy.  She was determined to never eat alone again.  Enjoy this adorable video and watch Bonnie do her thing and never drop a morsel of food!

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No One Believed Her When She Told Them About Her Dog’s Laundry Room Ritual. So She Caught THIS

Let’s be honest, some of the least exciting work that must be done around the house is chores, especially laundry.  Some people will do anything to avoid dealing with the inevitable build up of dirty clothes, even waiting until they’re down to the last clean pair of underwear.  In this day and age there are numerous available products designed to automatically clean various things.  Showers and bathtubs can be made spic and span after each use by disinfectant misted on via an automatic sensor.

Dirty floors can be vacuumed spotless with the help of robotic gadgets, like the Roomba.  And now, one ingenious dog owner has found a way to get laundry done with the least amount of effort possible.  Man’s best friend has been trained to assist with the task, taking it from menial to exciting!

Baron, a clever German Shepherd, was taught all the skills needed for loading clothes into a washing machine.  Footage shows him reaching into a basket and picking up articles of clothing with his teeth.  He the gets up on his hind legs and places his front paws on the washer to steady himself before dropping the clothing into the machine.  Baron happily repeats the process until the basket is empty and all the clothes are in.  All the while he wears a big puppy smile and seems to take pride in his work.

The intelligent dog has been professionally trained, at the Hill Country K9 school in California, to do a number of other tricks and chores.  Notably, he has also been delegated the task of loading the dishwasher.  After his owner rinses the dishes he grabs one from the sink with his teeth, transfers it to the washer, and expertly loads them all in.

Another job Baron excels at is being a personal trainer.  Videos show him performing lunges, step aerobics and even canine style push ups alongside his owner.  It seems like there is no limit to this dog’s abilities and it feels good seeing him so happy to be working.  Check out the video to witness his skills in action.  It may just inspire you to train your dog to help with the housework!

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Baby Tries To Cuddle With This Husky. The Dog’s Reaction Is Totally Unexpected!

As this video shows, there is nothing sweeter or more adorable than a newborn baby getting along well and playing with their best dog friend.  The Siberian husky gently snuggles and licks the 7 month old, all the while being very careful and never rough with the child.  The baby clearly loves it and giggles with delight when kissed and nuzzled by friendly pup.  Any parent would love to see this ideal type of child/family pet interaction.  And, any parent can help foster such a relationship, so long as they prepare and plan for the eventual meeting of their newborn and the family dog.

From a dog’s perspective a newborn baby in the family means a lot of changes.  The family routine is strikingly different, unfamiliar sounds, smells and sights abound, and oftentimes less attention is paid to them.  There are several important ways to prepare and introduce the family dog to a new baby in the house that will make the transition much easier and less overwhelming for everyone involved.

Having an idea of what to expect and planning for the moment can help it go smooth and put any parent’s mind to rest.  Below are some key points on what you can do, but keep in mind that there are many additional tips and suggestions that can help guide you.

First, the dog needs to be taught, and know well, basic social skills on how to safely interact with people.  Obedience training is essential if you want your pet to truly listen and act on your commands, and many classes, books and DIY guides are readily available to help with this.  At the first meeting between the two, choose a calm, quiet room and eliminate as many distractions as possible.

Always hold the baby and supervise the interaction; never ever let a dog be alone with an unfamiliar baby.  Always try to avoid scolding or yelling at the dog because they will negatively associate that with the child.  Instead, reward them for good behavior, speak gently and try to relax as much as possible.

Dogs take cues from their owners and can pick up on the most subtle of emotions.  Once you get a feel for the situation, guide their interaction from there to where it needs to go, and stay positive because getting used to changes takes time.

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She Was On Facebook Browsing When She Came Across An Unexpected Stranger That Looked Exactly Like Her!

Could it be that we all have a nearly identical twin somewhere in the world who is a complete stranger? It seems almost unbelievable until you watch this video in which one woman found hers through Facebook after only two weeks of searching!

Niamh Geaney and her two friends Harry English and Terence Manzanga challenged each other to a competition to find their “twin” in the fastest amount of time. Calling the contest Twin Strangers, they used various social media networks to spread the word about their search. The friends got their inspiration from Sophie Robehmed, a journalist who revealed the doppelgänger concept, that we all have people in the world who bear astonishingly identical looks to our own.

Geaney won the challenge after a woman named Karen submitted her photo that bore an almost identical likeness to Niamh. She made the announcement about her discovery on Facebook, writing, I found Karen through the power of social media and this weekend, we met up in real life. Not going to lie — we were both pretty freaked about seeing our double in the flesh.

Check out the surreal entries at Twin Strangers, and this amazing video of the two women meeting. It’s as intense and mind-boggling as finding a biological twin you never knew you had! Watching this makes you really want to find your own twin stranger!

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Look Down At Your Nails. The Way They Are Shaped May Indicate Something About Your Personality.

Throughout the ages different methods have arisen that can supposedly determine personality at just a glance. These theories and beliefs oftentimes link certain body parts to a person’s traits. Some posit that the size and shape of your can determine a person’s character. In fact, there used to be an entire area of science, known as phrenology, dedicated to analyzing character traits based on skull measurements In the past, it was even believed that the closeness of one’s eyes signaled their artistic talent.

The current trend is focused on what a person’s nail shape says about their personality. It originally started in Asia and has since spread quickly West. It really all depends on your personality as to how far you read into and believe these things, but however accurate it may be, at the very least it is a fun way to pass time and self-evaluate. Here is a breakdown of the different shapes and what they reveal:

1. Vertically long nail bed = mildly tempered, precise, imaginative and creative. You’re a people person and generally get along well with most everyone.

2. Broad sideways nail bed = honest, no nonsense, short tempered, theoretical. You tell the truth no matter what and often give others advice because of this.

3 & 4. Rounded or egg shaped nails = relaxed, unique, positive, sensible. You move to your own beat and never let things get the best of you, which means you have many long term friends.

5. Square shaped nail beds = a leader, strong, skillful, gutsy. You are often serious and people look to you as a leader, but you also have a soft side reserved for people close to you.

6 & 7. Triangular or Inverted nail shapes = smart, perfectionist, innovative, original. You may be a genius and think faster than others, people are fascinated by you.

8. Almond shaped nails = faithful, honest, amicable, nice. You are polite yet stand your ground when necessary, people enjoy your company and how you handle things.

9. Sword shaped nails = aspiring, industrious, visionary, focused. You are focused on long term goals and the big picture, and influence people in a rewarding, positive way.

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These Are All The Ways Women’s Makeup Has Changed Throughout History: So Awesome To See The Transformations


It has become cliche to say that Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.  This video speaks to the role of makeup styles throughout time and across cultures, and how they reflect cultural conceptions of beauty. Watching the sped up transformations from natural beauty to the  cosmetic practices reflected in the cultures of Ancient Egypt, the Elizabethan Era and the modern age, has a magical quality.

The video raises the question of why standards of beauty are so variant over time and across cultures.  What makes a particular society view beauty so differently than another?  How is it possible that the uni-brow was so desired that it was often cosmetically faked, when today it is abhorrent to look at?

Conceptions of beauty and how cosmetics are used to create illusions that reflect these conceptionsis so variable. Check out this video to see the fascinating differences in human ideals of beauty.  It makes you wonder what will be next.  Will our societies views of how to highlight beauty today seem bizarre when we look back in the future?  It really makes you wonder about what’s ahead.

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This Mom Is Completely Fed Up With Her Children At Dinner That She Does THIS

It is no surprise to anyone who has kids how this video begins.  In a world filled with technology bringing the family together for dinner has become one of the toughest jobs for parents around the world.  Whether it’s iPads, video games, phones, or TV everybody seems to be glued to their screens.  Most families can totally relate to this epidemic, but how can it be solved?

The mom’s in this video have figured out a genius solution.  The secret is inside the pepper shaker!  It might sound strange, but when you watch the video below you will totally understand.  In a world where we are so connected to the distant world around us, but often don’t notice the people who are around us, this is the perfect solution.  I think parents around the world will be lining up for this technology.

If you think the message in this video is an important one pass it on to your friends.  It’s so important that we remember to connect with our loved ones and sometimes look up from the screens we are so accustomed to watching all day.  Do you have any other methods to deal with situations like this?

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