These Men Find A Mountain Lion Stuck In A Trap. Then They Do The UNTHINKABLE!

Can you imagine walking along in the beautiful mountains of Utah and coming upon a cougar?!  A very angry cougar, at that, as one of his feet was caught in a bobcat trap. Ok, so you are not a conservation officer who might be better equipped to deal with such a situation, like the two men who are determined to help this poor animal, despite the danger to themselves.

You see, they have no tranquilizer or any means to relax the cougar, who is already quite upset at being trapped.  In this heart-stopping footage you will watch six of the most intense and stressful minutes imaginable…the officers are only armed with catch poles and a blanket!

Obviously, the cougar had no way of knowing that they were attempting to release him from the trap, as you will see by his amped up fear and resultant aggressiveness.  Honestly, my heart was beating pretty fast watching this online; it is hard to imagine the amount of adrenaline racing through these brave men.

The dramatic moment of release is well worth waiting for.  These men could have left the cougar to get some means of tranquilizing the animal upon return.  Their bravery, in not doing so, is exemplary…they knew that leaving the trapped animal would leave him prey to other animals, (including unscrupulous humans) which could result in his demise.

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This Little Dog Takes A Trip Everyday By Herself That Left Me In Tears.

It is often said that “dogs are man’s best friend”.  What you are about to see will assure you that dogs are both men’s and women’s best friends!  How does such a tiny little creature have the sensitivity, on its own, to be so caring and loving? Nala, the Teacup Poodle seems to be a gift from heaven for elderly residents at the Minnesota Lyngblomsten nursing home.

It all started when her owner, Doug Dawson, brought her to work one day when she was a tiny little pup.  As Doug was dispensing the residents’ medication, Nala was dispensing love. She had no training as a therapy animal, but instinctively knows that her presence and affection is doing more for these people than any medicine that can come out of a plastic container.

As Nala has grown she has learned to cruise the nursing home on her own. Not only does she scurry from room to room visiting her friends each day, but she rides the elevator by herself so that she can reach everyone! This totally made my day. If you need a smile and a good lift me up watch the video below to turn that frown upside down!

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Shy Dad Didn’t Want To Dance But His Daughter Insists, So He Surprises Everybody and Does THIS

There is nothing better than a father-daughter dance.  Whether it’s at a wedding, Bat Mitzvah or just a special birthday, everyone watching just goes “Awwww”.  This young girl was having a very special celebration of her 12th birthday.  She and her dad get on the dance floor to the heart-pulling strains of “My Girl”, while friends and family enjoy the heartwarming scene.  When the song ends and more up-to-date pop music begins to play Jessica’s dad shyly starts to leave the dance floor.

He seems too self-conscious to continue to dance when the radio tunes begin.  Jessica cajoles him into staying to dance with her, when suddenly the DJ starts a series of pop classics that suddenly transforms this seemingly shy old-fashioned pop into a guy with some impressive moves.

Watch as they surprise everyone with their choreography.  It’s fun and so heartwarming that Jessica took the time to practice this with her goofy loving dad.  They’re so proud of each other! What a great celebration of their relationship!

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It Looks Like A Normal Rainbow Cake But When She Slices Off A Piece a Tasty Surprise!

Watching people take the time to create real art in their baking is a true joy.  It brings me back to the simpler days of life.  Such elaborately thought out creations always feel like they go beyond creativity.  There’s something about a cake that just feels like it’s made with love.

The steps that this baker goes through to create this beautiful cake make your tummy rumble and your mouth salivate!  It’s so much fun watching her process.  What’s so “sweet” is that she comes up with a surprise inside.

She puts a secret item inside so that the “oohing” and “aahing” that will come anyway as she presents her beautiful rainbow cake, will continue.  Watch and see what she does to create the Piñata effect at the cutting of the first slice!  Enjoy and let us know if this inspires you.

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She Takes A Cell Phone and Pushes It Into This Balloon. The Reason Will Save You Money.

No one can argue that the mobile phone is up there with the greatest inventions of all time.  They have made life so much easier in ways that were unimaginable.  The very fact that we can communicate instantly when we have left home is a phenomenon in and of itself.  We can get to where we are going without getting lost, get the same information we get from computers off the internet and even take excellent quality pictures and we go along our way.

This being said, a lot of the things that go along with a cell phone can become costly.  We all know that without a cell phone case the chances of damaging our treasured phones is inevitable.  Cell phone cases are an annoying expenditure.  Some very clever people have come up with a creative alternative.

Have fun watching this 30 second tutorial that uses an unlikely object to create a homemade cell phone case.  All you need is a balloon!  I never cease to be amazed at what creative people come up with!  If nothing else, this is really fun to watch.  Let us know if you would ever make this and use it as an alternative to buying a case for your cell phone.  I thought this was really cool!

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This Guy Pours 7-Up Into a Vase. The Reason Is Brilliant!

Soda is not only a popular beverage, it also happens to be quite versatile.  There are a number of helpful things that can be done involving the carbonated drink.  This awesome YouTube video from the HouseholdHacker channel illustrates seven different ways in which you can use it around the house.

If you ever step in gum and track it all over, don’t sweat it.  Simply pour soda on and let it soak into the nasty gum for several minutes.  It will be easier to scrape off and this also works to safely remove gum from hair or clothing as well.  If you want to keep flowers fresh and vibrant for longer place them in a vase with equal parts water and soda.

The plants love the sugar they draw out of the mixture and this works best with clear soda.  Next, you can clean gunk off your car without using harsh chemicals or risk ruining the paint job.  Pour the pop on the stubborn area, let it sit for a few minutes, then wipe it off with a paper towel.  Also, pour water on the spot to get rid of any leftover stickiness.

If your having trouble with bees or wasps take an empty plastic soda bottle and carefully cut off the top half with a knife or razor.  Fill the bottom/base portion with soda then flip the top half upside down and place on top.  The pests will be drawn to the sugary liquid, crawl down the hole, and get trapped.  Next, recycle soda that has gone flat by freezing it in ice cube trays for use later in fresh drinks that need cooling.  The soda ice will stop your drinks from becoming watered down and you’ll get your moneys worth out of the flat stuff.

The sixth hack makes the best out of a dark situation when you only have dinky little candles for light.  Take an aluminum soda can, carefully cut several slits down the sides, pry open the slits, and press down on the top to help make it pop open.  Place a candle inside, light it, and enjoy your new lantern.

Lastly, use a can of cola to clean the toilette by pouring it all around the bowl.  Wait one hour for the citric acid to eat away at the nastiness then flush.  That’s it! Of course, you could just do the obvious and refreshing thing with your can of cola and drink it.  But if you ever find yourself in one of the above situations, try using soda to solve the problem!

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This Guy Puts A Wine Glass Over A Candle. The Result Has To Be Magic!

Ok, this is really crazy! It’s amazing how the mechanics of scientific principles can produce byproducts that are beyond imagination. In fact, in this case it results in what can be said to be the coolest party trick. Get ready to impress your friends, acquaintances and strangers in any social situation. This will guarantee to pay off as the most awesome thing at any party.

By the mechanism of providing a vacuum, you will get to watch wine magically levitate into an upside down empty wine glass. I know it sounds impossible but I saw it happen before my very eyes.

A small tea candle is lit, and wine poured around it before the wine glass is placed over it. The enclosure produces gas and the heat of the candle meeting the gas causes the pressure inside the glass to rise. This pulls the wine up into the glass. You won’t believe what you are seeing!

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Hidden Cameras Caught Her Leaving Her Place, The Guy Following Her Never Expected Her To Do THIS

We, who can hear without a problem, take our ability to communicate in this world for granted. Imagine what it would be like to hail a taxi and not be able to tell the driver where you want
to go; to see your sister be able to say hello to acquaintances on the street and have them greet her back and you can’t. There are a multitude of instances where the hearing impaired face interpersonal barriers on a daily basis.

Then, one particular day you walk into the world of the hearing, and everyone you encounter can sign. Without his knowledge, Muharrem who is hearing impaired, got to experience the world without communication barriers.

This was because his devoted sister teamed up with Samsung, to have seemingly random strangers around his neighborhood, sign to him as if this were nothing unusual. They set up cameras everywhere to catch his bewildered yet very pleased reactions to these unusual greetings.

At the end, Samsung’s camera people reveal themselves and you must watch to see the joy and overwhelming emotion of Muharrem. The video is a reminder of how small acts of kindness can be so important in people’s lives; how taking the time to help the handicapped in whatever deficiency they have to grapple with, can not only improve their day but your own. Nothing is more gratifying than service. Enjoy this heartwarming video.

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