Right When This Lion’s Mouth Opened Something Hysterically Unexpected Happened!

Sometimes the simplest most basic humor is the funniest.  For those who write intricate, double entendre comedy skits or stand-up, something as simple as what happens in this video that can’t help but make you laugh, might be insulting. There is nothing like the good ol’ classics that are just by nature funny. The following video is a perfect example of historical tried and true comedy. No matter what year it is, this type of comedy for some reason will always be funny!

On paper, this might not sound so funny, but as you watch the laughter dubbed into this lion’s facial expressions, you just won’t be able to control your own laughter, no matter how silly you may be thinking this is. I was having a really bad day, somebody sent me this video and for no reason at all I couldn’t stop laughing. This one will definitely bring a little sunshine into your day if it’s been a lil gloomy and cloudy.

This video is testimony to the fact that a great laugh is just simply contagious!  Whether it’s clever or not, listening to someone cracking up and superimposed onto this video of a lion from National Geographic will start your day with the best medicine of all…uncontrolled laughter! Get ready for nature at her finest being naturally funny in the wild!  Let us know what you think!

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Herd Of Cows Have Not Seen Grass For Months. Watch Their Reaction When They Finally Touch It!

It’s been a long and freezing cold winter, that have made us all who have experienced it, feel like we’ve been held captive.  Many of us enjoy the seasons, but enough is enough!  That moment where we first smell the first scent of spring and the warmth of the sun on our skin, is a welcome relief. Fresh flowers, buds on trees, the birds and the bees, crickets, cicadas and all the sounds and smells of the warm seasons. That incredible moment when you take that first Spring deep breath of fresh air and your olfactory nerves just know it’s time to finally say adios to winter!

Spring Fever hits! That great feeling of going outside without coats and hats and scarves is here.  That sense of freedom is intoxicating when we are no longer cooped up by the inclement weather of winter.  Well, we aren’t the only ones who are ready for Spring! Many animals hibernate, migrate, or just find a nice spot where they can survive the cold winters.  These Dairy Cows have to stay inside in the warmth and don’t get to go outside all winter.

Watch this delightful video of dairy cows,  who are let out the barn doors to romp in the grass, after their long hard winter.  The scene is just delightful to watch. The joy the cows are feeling just emanates of them as they trot around happily in the fresh grass! Watch and enjoy these beautiful animals play like young children!

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Baby Was Too Young To Tell His Parents The Babysitter Was Hurting Him. So His Dog Decided To Do THIS

After moving, Benjamin and Hope Jordan needed to find a new babysitter for their baby boy Finn.  After doing a thorough background check they hired someone who had no negative history and felt that she would be a good fit. The babysitter was left to care for Finn and their dog Killian on a regular basis.  After about five months into her employment, the Jordans noticed Killian becoming very protective and growling whenever the babysitter would arrive.

They actually had to restrain the dog from becoming physically aggressive towards her, on several occasions.  As the dog’s defensive behavior increased, the Jordans became suspicious that something might be seriously wrong. Finn, being seven months old, couldn’t verbalize, and they felt that the dog was clearly alerting them.  They decided to leave an iPhone recording the audio, under the couch, while they were gone.

What you will hear on this video was alarming.  At first they heard her talking to the baby in a very angry and suspicious way, and then heard things getting physical as Finn’s crying escalated. They went straight to the police to report the what they heard.

This dog clearly was the hero of this tale, and thank goodness the Jordans didn’t ignore his behavior.  However, what could have happened to baby Finn, had they not owned a dog, could have had a far more devastating ending.  The babysitter was arrested and the boy was safe. It probably is a good idea to set up a “nanny cam” when you leave a child with any babysitter, to ensure the safety and well-being of the little ones who need our protection.  This video certainly provides a cautionary story.

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She Puts A Bunch Of Marshmallows On a Pan. When She Takes It Out Of The Oven YUM!

S’mores!  Nothing evokes happy memories from childhood around a campfire like S’mores.  Whether we camped with our families, or went away to summer camp, or hung out the beach, the making of S’mores and the moment of that first delectable taste are memories we just never forget.

Putting them together and cooking them over the campfire take some time, and probably the anticipation of their readiness adds to the allure of the final product.  What if you don’t care about all that campfire stuff and just want to have the luxury of getting to make them as a dessert at home?

Well, Youtube’s Gooseberry Patch came up with a recipe for just such a homemade solution.  The two women who show us the steps feel like they just stepped out of a Betty Crocker cookbook in the 1950’s, making the illustration all the more charming.  Watch the easy steps for At Home S’mores and enjoy them for sleepovers, family and friends any time you want an extra special dessert that evokes such cozy memories.

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This Is The Main Reason Why You Should Never Touch The Glass On A Shark Tank!

Some families love pulling pranks on their loved ones.  Video of a family trip to the International Spy Museum, in Washington D.C., shows one grandmother’s reaction to being set up by her grandchildren.  While she was not completely unsuspecting of them trying to pull a fast one on her, she was nonetheless caught completely by surprise.

The poor woman entered the blue hued shark tank room at the museum and asked her family “are you trying to scare me?”  A girl off screen answers “no, touch it” in reference to the glass viewing window.  Grandma touches the tank window several times and seems confused as to why she has been told to do it since nothing happens.

She moves in a little closer, inspecting the display, when out of nowhere a huge, menacing, toothy shark slams into the glass.  The force appears to shatter it into a web of spidery cracks and sends the woman flying backwards to the ground in complete shock.  Once she realizes it’s fake and a joke, she cries out “Oh my God, you scared the crap out of me!”  Her family laughs as she gets up, rattled and yet in good humor, laughing off the prank too and playfully slapping at the kids.

The video was captured in part of the “Exquisitely Evil: 50 Years of Bond Villains” exhibit, specifically in the museum’s “Earth Redesigned” area.  The “tank” that she tapped on was not a real one, but rather a clear screen that showed a pre-recorded video.  Her grand children timed it just right so that she would become the victim of the virtual shark attack, and her response to it has since gone viral on YouTube.

It is safe to assume that any trusting family member would have had a similar reaction to the scary and sudden set up.  A shark bursting out of the blue straight at you is not something anyone expects on a nice day trip to the museum.  But then again, she did ask if they were up to something, so maybe she has been set up before and knows better than to trust the grand-kids!

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THIS Lion Was Bored So They Tossed Him a Toy. They Were Baffled By What He Did With It!

Okay soccer lovers, this is really ‘wild’!  Here’s a guy who really comes alive, when he even sees a soccer ball, let alone has it thrown his way for play.  This spirited animal has more beautiful hair than Beckham himself, and he could give him a run for his money. Bred in captivity at the Johannesburg Zoo in South Africa, Triton the lion is definitely happy in his habitat.

He was hand-raised with adoration by his keepers at the zoo.  Although it would have been preferable for this incredible animal to have been free in the wild, the unfortunate truth made the zoo a safer place.  Due to poaching and habitat loss, lions of his breed have suffered a rapid decline in the wild.

Other than humans, the greatest population of mammals on planet Earth used to be lions.  That is no longer the case, according to the World Wildlife Fund.  In fact they now list them as “vulnerable” (to extinction), which is only a step away from being labeled “endangered”.  The work that organizations like the Johannesburg Zoo do, help to ensure that lions like Triton continue to exist.

According to those, like the woman who narrates in the upcoming video, the most challenging part of maintaining a good life for the big cats, is keeping them active and entertained.  Whereas in the wild, hunting and stalking prey is a big part of the action, without that key part of their existence they can become bored.  This would not be good for their overall health and survival.

Triton, the star of this footage, was finding his daily routine boring, according to the zookeepers in charge of his care.  They threw him a soccer ball one day, and a star was born!  It was just pure luck that they found the key to his passion.  This isn’t particularly a “lion thing” as his four other pals weren’t interested at all.  Watch this beautiful animal’s skills as he receives the ball! ENJOY this great footage!

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This Guy Shows Off His Lucky ‘1 Million Dollar Penny.’ Do You Have One In Your Pocket?

These days most people think pennies are pretty much worthless. There is even an anti-penny group that wishes the government would get rid of the coin once and for all because it costs more money to make them than they’re actually worth. On the other side of the issue are those who want to keep the penny in circulation and see it as an asset to our national currency. Regardless of what side you may fall on, if you ever were to come across a 1943-S copper penny, you’d be very happy.

You would also be a millionaire, because one of the incredibly rare pennies recently sold for one million dollars. The reason why these humble coins are worth so much all comes down to a mistake the government made. At the time they were minted, in 1943, Word War II had been raging for several years.

Copper was becoming increasingly hard to come by and it was much more valuable towards the war effort than other metals. In those days, copper pennies were being melted down turned into shell casings and steel was being used to make pennies. However, the United States mistakenly minted and put into circulation a few thousand copper ones that are now worth a whole lot more than face value.

Collectors search far and wide for 1943-S copper pennies and one man, Bob Campbell, bought one years ago for $20,000. In light of the recent million dollar sale, the return on his investment has proven to be huge. The odds of finding one of these coins is extremely rare, only one pops up every ten years or so, and everyone wants to snap them up if and when they’re offered for sale. Today there are only approximately 20 of these copper pennies known to exist and all were minted in either Philadelphia, Denver, or San Francisco.

If you ever find a 1943 penny and want to know if it’s a valuable one, there’s a simple test to figure that out. Simply take a magnet and see if the penny sticks to it. If it does, it’s made of steel and is only worth about 50 cents. If it doesn’t stick to the magnet…you may be the luckiest person ever and the coin could fetch you over one million dollars.

There are other valuable rare coins out there that you may want to keep an eye out for as well. One is the 1955 double die penny which is worth over $25,000. Some 20-40,000 pennies were created with distorted, or doubled hence the name, features caused by a misaligned part used in the minting process. Another is the 1937-D 3 legged Buffalo nickel that holds an estimated value of $1,000 or more, depending on its condition.

As its name implies, the image of the Buffalo is missing a front leg which was caused by a damaged die at the Denver mint. There are many other high worth collectible coins out there and if you’re lucky you may come across one, so don’t toss aside your change or fail to pick a penny up if you see one on the ground!

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Woman Places Ice In The Dryer. The Reason For This Life Hack Is Brilliant.

Some people spend time ironing their shirts, while others send them to be pressed at the dry cleaner or laundry.  Wouldn’t it be great to have a trick for those things that don’t require dry cleaning to have a time-saving less expensive solution?

Well the good news is there is!  This trick does all the work for you in five minutes so that you can get other things done in the rush of a mornings pre-work routine.  This woman shows you how easily you can have a beautifully de-wrinkled shirt.

She simply sets her dryer on “high” heat, after she throws in a handful of ice cubes!  The effect is that the moisture from the cubes steams out the wrinkles.  This can also be done with a wet washcloth, but you may get a faster result with the ice cubes. Give it a try and let us know whether you get as good a result as she did.

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