This Lady Puts A Used Tea Bag On Her Wrist. It Seemed Weird But The Reason Is Brilliant!

Tea is second only to water for ranking among the top consumed beverages in the world.  According to, it can be found in almost 80% of all U.S. households and on any day over 158 million Americans drink it.  It is by far the most versatile drink being served hot, cold, iced, plain, with add-ins, on all occasions, anytime, anywhere and anyplace.  All that tea drinking adds up to tons of additional waste being dumped into landfills every year.  However, as this video shows, there are lots of additional uses that used tea bags can be put to.

The most popular use happens to be beauty related.  Many people refrigerate used tea bags and when cold place them on their eyes to reduce redness, puffiness, irritation, and to help decrease dark circles.  Cold damp tea bags compressed on bruises, sunburns, bee stings, mosquito bites, and cold sores soothes the area, helps to reduce inflammation, and even promotes healing.  Dry bags can be placed overnight inside of smelly shoes to deodorize and absorb any moisture.

Tea’s deodorizing aspects also work just as well in the refrigerator.  All it takes is a few bags placed inside and you can skip the baking soda for good.  Try throwing a few brewed bags in the sink with dirty dishes and leave them to soak overnight.

When you wash them the next day all the tough baked on grease should come off easily.  The last video tip deals with keeping your house bug and rodent free by strategically placing tea bags in cupboards, the pantry, and corners.  Minty teas work best because mice and bugs hate the smell.

There are hundreds of other uses not covered in the video.  They include using tea bags in the garden, around the house, in the kitchen, for health, beauty, and cleaning.  The list is inexhaustible and makes me wonder if there is anything that tea can’t be used for, or on, or with!  Get that extra mile out of them and in the future re-purpose tea bags before you throw them out.

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This Guy Starts Digging A Hole In The Sand. But When The First Wave Hits Everyone’s Jaw Drops!

Surfing is one of the most fun hobbies for those of us lucky enough to live near the water and beach. There is nothing like the smell of the water, the heat of the sun and the cool water beneath you as you paddle out on your surfboard searching for that next big wave. When you finally catch one the exhilaration and adrenaline flows through your body as you effortlessly make your way to shore riding the wave to the very end.

But, If you surf you know that there is a lot of downtime, as you wait for the next perfect waves to show up.  So what is a bored surfer supposed to do while they wait for the next big swell? First, you could do nothing and just enjoy the relaxing beach and ocean waves.  Or you could create your own waves, by digging a whole and building a makeshift current pool linked into the Waimea River.  The Waimea River is one of the longest rivers in Hawaii.

The surfers begin to dig deep into the sand, than something amazing goes down. The trench transforms into a giant hole, and then the water pours in creating an epic wave pool. It’s truly the surfing gift that keeps giving. I have never seen anything like this! Enjoy! 🙂

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Woman Irons Paper On Top Of This Piece Of Wood. When She Lifts The Iron Up It’s STUNNING!

With Mother’s and Father’s Day on the horizon it’s time to start thinking about thoughtful ideas to give to our loved ones. Nothing is better than a heartfelt homemade gift directly from the heart. The following is an awesome DIY tutorial on how to cover wood with your favorite photos.  This is the perfect gift that will be unique, creative and your friends and family will truly cherish and appreciate!

The people at have figured out a way to get any photo off your computer onto a piece of wood.  Depending on what your goals are you can design all different types of wood motifs.  The best part is, it’s fast, easy, cheap and anyone with a computer and some wood can do it. I totally can’t wait to try this awesome DIY.

You will need a computer, t-shirt transfer printer paper, an iron, and a nice piece of wood.  Then it’s time to begin your very own creation.  Follow the instructions in the video below and post your finished products! This would be the perfect gift for Mother’s or Father’s Day. Are you going to try this awesome project?

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Mom Introduces The Baby Lions To The Pride Now Watch What The Giant Male Lion Does.

I have seen a great deal of footage of animals in the wild, but this one truly stands out.  It gives us a close up glimpse and profound explanation of what a mother lion goes through,
in first protecting her cubs as newborns and then introducing them into the “pride” (the local extended community of lions). For seven weeks after birth, the fiercely protective mother hides her cubs, who are initially blind, and only comes to see them to feed them.

When it is finally time to introduce them to the “pride” she does so with great trepidation.  As lions are only  a slightly socialized breed, the cubs must be presented so that they are sensed as family rather than food.  The “kings of the jungle” (the adult males) present the greatest risk to the cubs. This video captures the facial expressions of the mother as she presents the cubs to the adult male of this “pride”.

She is helpless to ensure her cubs safety.  With bated breath she and we watch in anticipation of whether the “king” will accept these cubs as part of his family.  If he doesn’t he will destroy them, because his instinct is to protect his family.  Statistically, only 1 in 8 male cubs will survive the scrutiny of the King of the Jungle.

Watch as you see the outcome of this breathtaking interaction, between these majestic animals.  Let us know your thoughts and feelings about this outstanding footage. I truly am in awe of nature it is absolutely so majestic!

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Dark Clouds Rolled In He Sensed Something Scary Was On The Horizon. THIS Is What The Camera Caught

Astraphobia is the fear of thunder and lightning. In comparison to other types of phobias, it effects a very large amount of the population, especially young children. According to, a website that tracks fears and phobias, it’s the 6th most common fear in the world. That spot places it ahead of claustrophobia and both the fear of flying and public speaking!

If you happen to be one of the millions who are affected by thunderstorms, and lightning in particular, you may want to skip this video. It was captured by Clint Blevins and shows the moment that lightning struck the water off the coast of Daytona Beach, Florida. As rain falls all around a huge electric bolt suddenly comes out of seemingly nowhere, it spiders down from the storm clouds above and strikes the ocean surface, lighting up the sky! As the electricity from the lightning bolt fizzles away it leaves a faint trail of smoke or vapor behind in the air. Thanks to the clip being in slow motion, and shot from only a couple hundred yards away, we get to see details like this that otherwise we’d miss out on.

After watching that and when you look at the numbers, having a healthy dose of fear towards lightning may be a good thing since it means you avoid it at all costs. The odds of being stuck by lightning change yearly but National Geographic News places the odds at 1 in 700,000 for any given year. Over the course of the average persons lifetime the chances of being struck skyrocket to 1 in 3,000. To put those odds in perspective, you have a better chance of being struck by lightning than winning the Powerball lottery or being killed by a shark!

Make sure to check out the video because Mr. Blevin’s lightning strike footage is absolutely incredible. It showcases the immense power and sheer force behind one of mother nature’s most beautiful and scary displays!

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He Lets His Pit Bulls Jump Into The River. What They Discover Is Nuts.

The once in a lifetime experience captured in this video is so unbelievable that it makes you do a double-take. The sight of two big Pit Bulls splashing through a shallow river, having the time of their life while fishing for salmon, is not something you see everyday, or ever!

The white and brown dogs were out for a walk one day when they happened across a bunch of spawning salmon making their way upstream. The rocky waters were chock full of the large, slippery fish which made them easy to catch. The salmon appear to be quite large and healthy, so they were likely towards the beginning part of their annual epic swim upriver. By the time they reach their final destination, the spot where they lay and fertilize their eggs, they’re usually extremely beat up, worn out, and significantly smaller than when they started.

Even though they seem healthy and strong, the salmon were still no match for the two large Pit Bulls. The dog’s instincts took over as soon as they spotted all of those big juicy fish darting around and they immediately set out to try and catch them. One by one the dogs honed in on a fish and when the time was right they dove headfirst and scooped them out of the water. After snagging a salmon they’d walk it over to the river bank and drop it on the ground, as if to say “look what I caught!”

While some people have expressed their disdain at the dogs catching fish and harming them, that’s only one side of what’s going on here. These are animals acting like animals, it’s in their DNA and in line with their instincts to hunt and kill for food. When an opportunity like this presents itself, they’re going to seize it. If it weren’t for laws and limits protecting spawning salmon humans would have fished them to extinction years ago!

Furthermore, every year countless animals feed on spawning salmon. It’s all part of how things operate in nature and nothing is wrong with that. Also, as mentioned above, this is a once in a lifetime thing and the dogs will not be able to ever do it again. According to Ken Wiesner, the YouTuber who uploaded this video and the dogs owner, he wasn’t present when the recorded events took place. Instead, a friend had taken his dogs for a walk and allowed them to catch the fish. Ken explicitly states and makes it very clear that he does not approve of this behavior and would never have allowed his dogs to catch the fish.

What happened is now in the past, instead of dwelling on the negative aspects we should focus on the positives and enjoy the unique and remarkable footage. The dogs look like they had the time of their lives and both were clearly happy and enthusiastic about getting to go fishing. In fact, they’re naturals and it’s amazing how well they’re able to handle an enormous, slippery, wet fish that’s writhing around! Check it out!

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Man Puts His Hands Over The Side Of The Boat Everyone Is Stunned By What Emerges From The Water!

The oceans are filled with beauty and mysteries that most of us have never even begun to imagine. Every once in a while we are given a look at the miracles that bring this blue planet life. In this video you are to experience the majesty and wonder of whales.  Despite their gigantic size they command a kind of grace and peacefulness that intrigues those who watch them.  It is quite exciting when humans catch sight of them in their natural habitat.

A group of whale watchers in the waters of San Ignacio, Belize were hopeful of catching a glimpse of these magnificent creatures, as they are often spotted in this area. They were elated to have this encounter with a female gray whale but had no idea they were in for a great unexpected surprise.

As the whale came right next to their boat she lifted her baby calf out of the water with a mother’s pride.  As the watchers cooed and squealed with elation at the cuteness of this sight, they were able to pet the calf and it’s proud mama.  This was quite amazing, as these great grey whales are quite protective of their cubs.  She must have sensed the friendly vibe and trusted that they were safe.  Enjoy this beautiful encounter.

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Do You Get Dizzy or Have Vertigo? This Doctor Has a Simple Way To Get Rid Of It In Under a Minute.

If you have ever suffered from Vertigo then you know exactly how seriously scary it can be. The sudden feelings of extreme dizziness make you feel off-balance and even though you are standing still, everything around you keeps moving. People often describe it as feeling like you’re trapped, frozen in place, or paralyzed, yet the world is spinning. As if that’s not bad enough, many vertigo episodes are accompanied by nausea, sweating, vomiting, headaches, ringing in the ears, and sometimes even uncontrollable rapid eye jerking.

For ten years Sue Ricker, a retired school teacher from Aurora, Colorado, had to deal with unexpected episodes of vertigo. She told Denver News CBS4 reporter Kathy Walsh that “It was just debilitating. Everything about you will move, will spin. I couldn’t drive.

I couldn’t walk. I had to hold onto the wall and it was very, very scary.” Nothing seemed to help her until she came across a video on how to treat the most common form of vertigo (positional vertigo) that Dr. Carol Foster had posted on YouTube. The simple treatment method worked and Sue finally had a solution to help alleviate her vertigo and a way to take back control of her life.

Doctor Carol Foster is an Associate Professor who specializes in Otolaryngology at the University of Colorado Hospital. She’s the one who originally developed the incredibly easy cure that can be done at home, or virtually anywhere for that matter, and has worked for countless people all over the wold who suffer from positional vertigo. It’s called the ‘half somersault maneuver’ because it involves a series of highly specific movements and poses.

Dr. Foster explains the simple home treatment in the accompanying video and walks us through each step. Be sure to check it out because her daughter demonstrates the maneuver and it’s super helpful to see what it entails visually. Below are the sequence of movements that a half somersault maneuver requires in short-list form:

1. Start by kneeling comfortably on the floor.
2. Tilt your head back and look up at the ceiling.
3. Bring your head down to the floor and place it upside down, as if you are about to do a somersault.
4. Turn your head to face your left elbow. Stay in this position until the feelings of dizziness or spinning dissipate.
5. Bring your head up so that it’s level with your back. Again, hold this position until the feelings of dizziness disappear.
6. Finally, sit back and settle into the original position you started at.

This simple trick could potentially work wonders for anyone who suffers from positional vertigo so please pass this helpful information along to anyone you know who may benefit from it.

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