How Sensitive Is Your OCD Radar? Pick The Red Dot That Is Different!

Have you ever felt the need to do something that you know is a little weird, but you have to do it regardless of how strange it may seem, because if you don’t then it’s all you can think about? Many people experience little quirks that pop up and they suddenly find themselves obsessing uncontrollably over them.

Take for example the urge to always check and see if the stove or lights are turned off or that a door is locked. Every once in awhile it’s normal to freak out because you don’t remember if you switched the oven off after dinner, but checking it multiple times a day, even when you haven’t used it to bake anything in awhile, is definitely not normal.

If you suspect that you might be a little too obsessive or compulsive about things, then you probably have some degree of OCD, aka Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. According to the Mayo Clinic, the clinical definition of OCD is when you have “unreasonable thoughts and fears (obsessions) that lead you to do repetitive behaviors (compulsions).”

People who fit the profile of having this mental disorder perform certain rituals and activities in specific ways that would seem odd to anyone else, but in their minds it makes complete and perfect sense. The most common reported compulsions include behaviors like repetitive hand washing, checking or counting things, cleaning, and an inability to throw stuff out.

The obsessions are often completely overwhelming and so strong that people feel like they absolutely must perform their rituals, and many easily end up spending an hour or more doing them every single day.

If this all sounds a little too familiar, then you may be among the estimated 2.3% of American adults who experience OCD in any given year. That comes out to about 3.3 million people whose lives get taken over and negatively affected by the need and urge to perform behaviors that they can’t seem to control.

Only a doctor can determine and diagnose you as having OCD or not, so if you suspect that you may have it, definitely consult your doctor. However, you can take this quiz to see what level your OCD is, if you even have it at all.

It examines how your brain and mind evaluate different scenarios and images of disorder to figure out what pleases or displeases you. These things can indicate whether or not a person has OCD so take it now and see what your results say!

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Pick a Color To Reveal How Old You Actually Are On The Inside

When it comes to age, there are different types that don’t necessarily stem from the day you were born. Instead, there are concepts such as physical and mental age, which reflect off of certain factors. Those could include things like how you perform at physical challenges or answer certain questions targeted to the topic being examined.

The test featured here looks at what your inner age is based off the colors that you choose. Inner age is how old you truly feel and act, rather than how old you are based on how many years you’ve been alive. When it comes down to it, age is a number, nothing more and nothing less.

How old you really are shines through in your personality and approach towards life. We’ve all known someone who acted like our parents or grandparents did, yet they were still just a teenager or young adult. Maybe they were always the super responsible one who was on top of everything, or they were the type of old soul who simply preferred rest and relaxation over loud, crowded scenes.

Then there are those people who act precisely how you’d expect them to, based on the real birth-based age they’re at in life. And of course there are some people who come off as much younger than you’d ever imagine them to be. They often seem carefree, young at heart, and always excited about some new thing they’re into.

What do you think your inner age is right now, do you feel older, younger, or on point with your birth-age? The colors you pick, and the way you see them, can help figure out the answer to that very question! It turns out that the different colors you believe you are perceiving can say a lot about how old you are and the stage you’re currently at in life.

This color quiz was developed to estimate your inner age based on how you see shades of color. There is an art to calculating these types of age-related guesstimates and while they aren’t always totally accurate, they are usually pretty close, not to mention interesting and fun!

Simply select the color that you think is the brightest one out of the three choices given, keep at it, and receive your results in the end to see how old you are on the inside. Have fun and enjoy!

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What Were You In A Past Life According To The Colors You Choose?


If you think that your current ongoing life is the first life that your soul has ever lived, think again. All of our souls have been reincarnated a countless number of times and are part of an infinite cycle of birth, life, death, and re-birth. The only actual death that occurs is that of our physical bodies, which are vessels for our souls. When the body dies, the soul is reborn into another body to live out yet another life, and the cycle begins anew.

This process has been repeated for millions of years and if you subscribe to the belief in reincarnation, then you’ve likely wondered what or who you were in your past lives. It’s natural to be curious and the fact that throughout the course of time and history we’ve all held innumerable identities, yet have no memory or clue as to what they may have been, makes it all the more intriguing.

There are however some people who are able to tap into their subconscious memories of their past lives. These recollections are often extremely weak and dim, yet at the same time one detail often seems to stand out above the rest, and that is colors.

Every life we’ve ever lived has been full of vibrant colors. They’re what makes the world so alive, beautiful, and worth living. This quiz takes colors into account and uses them to help jog your memory and explore what you were in a past life.

Based on the colors that you find most appealing and are attracted to in the images shown, it can narrow down what your identity most likely was in a past life. It’s short, simple, and easy so try it now and see what you may have very well been in a past life!

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Can You Actually See All The Colors? Find Out.

Exactly how well do you think you can actually see all of the colors under the sun? There’s only one way to find out and that is by having your vision tested. Even though a professional eye doctor is the most qualified person who can check your eyesight, you can always put your vision to the test at home. This quiz is a quick and easy way to determine how strong your color vision is so try it out and see how well you can see!

People are all over the map when it comes to visual abilities and many are affected by color blindness. In fact, around one in twelve men and one in 200 women display some degree of color blindness according to

Color blindness is not what it sounds like, rather than being complete and total blindness it’s actually a perceptive deficiency in ones color vision. The level of deficiency ranges from a complete inability to see colors, to problems seeing specific colors, to an overall decreased ability in differentiating between certain colors.

Most cases of colorblindness are genetic and so the majority of people are born with it. A smaller number of individuals acquire it later in life and potential causes typically include trauma or accidents that result in brain or retinal damage.

In addition, exposure to ultraviolet light, which can easily damage the retina, is also a common cause. When someone acquires color vision deficiency later in life and it isn’t attributed to trauma or UV light, then it could stem from a disease, drugs, chemical exposure, or age related macular degeneration.

As it turns out, you may have developed some form of color blindness and don’t even know it! This simple quiz will get you started and help you figure that out right here and now.

For each question all that you have to do is pick the one color that appears to be different from all of the rest. If you find this easy then you likely have no color vision issues, but if it’s difficult you should consider getting your eyes checked further by a professional eye doctor. Press “Let’s Play” and good luck!

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What Is Your Most Dominant Personality Trait According To This Color Test?

What do you assume your most dominant personality trait is? The answer to that question may lie somewhere completely unexpected, in the way that you see colors! As strange as that may sound, it’s true and experts are just beginning to scratch the surface on the link between how we view colors and personality.

When you take a moment to actually dive a bit deeper than usual into the topic, it becomes clear that all of us are connected to the world around us by colors in ways that we never really stop to think about. Colors hold immense powers in that they can reveal a range of different things with just a glance.

For example, they can have an immense impact on our health and we all know what is normal and abnormal in our own case. A red face could indicate fever or sickness, a blue face tends to signify choking and a lack of air, while unnaturally yellow skin points to jaundice. That is one extremely narrow example but the point is that colors can convey information instantly.

Colors also play a big part in our emotions and feelings. We associate red with anger, passion, and love, while blue is linked to peace, sadness, relaxation, tranquility, and beyond. Each shade of every hue in the color spectrum is caught up and interconnected to these nuances, and so when we look at specific colors, we can learn a lot about ourselves in the way we’re viewing and interpreting them.

As confusing as that may or may not sound, when it comes down to it colors are extremely indicative of personality traits. This beautiful color test uses them to dig deep into your mind and determine what your most dominant overall trait is. For some it may be wisdom, others are kind and loving, and a rare few are courageous beyond measure. Take it now to see what personality trait dominates over the rest for you and maybe learn something new about yourself in the process. Have fun with this quiz and enjoy!

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Choose An Eye And See What It Reveals About You

It has often been said that “the eyes are the windows to the soul” in that they can reveal all sorts of things about a person. Think about it, when you gaze into someone’s eyes you can tell if they are happy, upset, mad, sad, indifferent, or whatever emotions they may be feeling at the moment. Our eyes are capable of conveying unspoken messages and even if we try to hide certain things, our eyes can end up betraying us.

There are also many different types of eyes that extend beyond the physical ones on our bodies, from the evil eye to the third eye, the seeing eye, the invisible eye, and the mind’s eye. These concepts are all linked to our subconscious awareness and they’re believed to give us extra-sensory abilities that extend beyond what our ordinary eyes are capable of perceiving.

Depending on what you believe and how you view the world, the eyes can mean many things, and it all varies from person to person. They are part of what makes us unique and they affect how we perceive the world around us. They also play a major role in our decision making and the choices we choose can offer further insight into who we are deep down inside. As basic and simple as making choices may seem, the reasons behind them are more involved and complex than you’d imagine. Life experiences, our past, our preferences, emotions, and countless other variables come into play.

This short visual quiz combines eye types with the choice you make to explore and reveal things about you and your personality that you may or may not be aware of. Tests such as this one are specially designed to uncover aspects of a person’s character, so try it out! All that you need to do is pick the one eye image that you are most drawn to and that is most appealing. Have fun, enjoy, and see if you agree with what your eye choice says!

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This Is What Taking a Small Amount Of Tumeric Everyday Will Do To Your Body

For thousands of years the health benefits of turmeric have been widely celebrated in India, but they’ve only recently emerged and are starting to become known in America. The colorful, orange-yellow spice has traditionally been used in many Indian dishes, most notably curries, and comes in powder form. Most of the world’s supply is grown in India where the Turmeric plant’s roots are gathered, boiled, and dried in super hot ovens.

Once fully dry they’re ground down into a fine powder that’s very strong and easily stains whatever it comes into contact with, which is why it’s also often used as a dye agent. While turmeric’s most widespread and common use is as a spice for flavoring foods, the health benefits that it can provide us with are increasingly being touted by health experts.

Backed by recent studies and ancient Ayurvedic medicine, they claim that if you eat a little bit of turmeric each day, about a teaspoon or so, you can help your body fight off inflammation, pain, aging, even some cancers, and more.

This is mainly due in part to the most active compound turmeric contains, which is called curcumin. Curcumin is what makes turmeric anti-inflammatory and it helps to fight free radicals, plaque, and other toxins in your body. However, it should be noted that our bodies are not that great at absorbing curcumin by itself. This can easily be overcome by adding a little bit of black pepper in with the turmeric, which has the effect of greatly increasing our bodies absorption ability.

Here are a few of the best health and beauty benefits that turmeric can provide:

1. Brain Support Boost- Turmeric helps keep brains healthy and functioning properly. Researchers have found that curcumin, the main bio-active ingredients found in turmeric, can cross the blood-brain barrier and bind directly with plaque. It’s been found to have a positive effect on overall cognitive function and may delay or even reverse certain brain diseases, such as Alzheimer’s and dementia.

2. Anti-Inflammatory Relief- The curcumin found in turmeric is a strong anti-inflammatory compound that works just as well, if not better, than many of the current anti-inflammatory drugs available. It can help ease inflammation and swelling due to inflammatory bowel disease, Crohn’s disease, arthritis, pancreatitis and many other diseases.

To help alleviate the painful symptoms of arthritis and aching, inflamed joints try making turmeric tea. Simply simmer 4 cups of water with one teaspoon of ground turmeric for 10 minutes before straining into a mug. In addition, try adding some fresh ginger to the hot tea for a flavor boost as well as an extra inflammatory-fighting agent.

3. Aids in Cardiovascular Health- Once again the curcumin naturally found in turmeric is what works to remove built up plaque in our arteries and thus helps to prevent blood clots from forming. It helps our whole cardiovascular system and can effectively reduce levels of bad cholesterol (LDL).

4. Improves Digestion- The curcumin in it has powerful anti-inflammation effects and works to ease and reduce bloating, gas, and other digestive tract problems. It also stimulates the gall bladder, so people with gall bladder disease should avoid turmeric in a daily basis to avoid the risk of over-stimulation.

5. Whiten Teeth and Improve Oral Health- Turmeric has proven antimicrobial effects and anti-inflammatory properties. It helps to whiten teeth naturally, safely, effectively, and cheaply, but more importantly, it helps with a number of other oral issues like tooth sensitivity. It won’t irritate swollen gums further like many commercial grade toothpastes tend to.

Instead, turmeric reduces overall irritation and sensitivity and helps with tooth aches, gum reddening, oral infections, and more. It also helps to strengthen teeth and prevent them from becoming brittle. You can make turmeric mouthwash at home by simply dissolving turmeric powder in warm water. To make a whitening toothpaste mix together 1 tbsp coconut oil with 1 tsp turmeric and a few drops of peppermint oil. Pick up a little bit with your toothbrush and start brushing.

6. Acne and Facial Treatment- Zits, acne, redness, dark spots or under eye circles, unwanted facial hair, wrinkles, if you have any one of the those facial skin issues then try treating them with this turmeric face mask. The natural anti-fungal properties of turmeric help prevent breakouts and the almond oil helps to heal acne scars. In a small bowl mix together 2 tbsp flour, 1 tsp turmeric, 1 tbsp almond oil, and as much milk as it takes to get a creamy consistency that’s not too runny or thick.

Apply it to your face but be extra careful to avoid your eyes, eyebrows, and hairline since it works to remove facial hair and can take your brows off. Leave on for 20 minutes, wash it off with lukewarm water and use a towel you don’t mind ruining or getting all yellow to wipe any remaining bits off your face. Wash a second time with face wash, pat dry and moisturize. WARNING- turmeric will stain almost anything it comes into contact with including your hands and nails, counter tops and towels.

There are more positive health effects that can be gained from eating a teaspoon or so of turmeric everyday. Try working it into meals and it tastes great in soups, stir fries, and smoothies so sprinkle a bit on your dinner tonight and start using it to flavor recipes. Also try out the beauty treatments covered above for glowing skin and a bright healthy smile!

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I’ve Been Cutting Cake The Wrong Way This Whole Time. How Did I Not Know This?

There is a right way and a wrong way to cut a cake.  Chances are you, and most everyone you know, have been doing it the wrong way your entire life.  This video from YouTube user Numberphile  explains and demonstrates the proper way to cut up a delicious slice of cake so that when you store the leftover pieces for later they stay moist.  No one wants to eat leftover cake that has become crusty, hardened, and dried out, so check it out!

The method was first described in a December 20th 1906 issue of Nature Magazine.  British mathematician, Sir Francis Galton, eloquently wrote in a letter to the editor “The ordinary method of cutting out a wedge is very faulty.”  He then went on to describe the ideal way to cut up a round cake based on mathematical and scientific principles.  Starting in the center of the cake, with a long knife, cut two parallel lines completely through it.

Remove the rectangular segment from the middle as that piece is for eating.  You should end up with two halves that can be pushed together.  This closes the cake into a smaller version of its former shape, thus allowing the inside edges of the cut parts to stay fresh longer.  For the second slice, cut another central cross-section at a right angle, or 90 degrees, to the original cut.

Now you should have 4 cake segments that can be pushed back together into an even smaller round cake.  All edges should be sealed in and will remain deliciously moist for much longer. The technique is not what you’d expect but when it’s all said and done it makes perfect sense.

When it comes time to store it in the refrigerator the probability of exposed edges drying out is dramatically decreased since they are sealed in.  Now the next time you are at a party where cake is being served you can impress everyone with your scientifically tested cake cutting skills!

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