Mommy Was Filming Her Baby Girl Sleep. What She Caught I’m Speechless!

Mothers and their newborn babies share a special bond that is based on pure love.  It is often a hectic and exciting time when a new baby is welcomed into the world.  Time seems to fly by in the following days and months of the first year in a child’s life.  Most mothers wish to capture every moment and milestone in their babies lives in order to preserve the memories for years to come.  They fill scrap books and photo albums with mementos and pictures of kids growing up.  It is truly a labor of love for many!

One mother, Adele Enersen, has found a delightfully creative way to photograph her daughter Mila’s afternoon naps.  Once Mila is fast asleep in dreamland Adele gets to work.  She fashions scenes from fairy tales, classic films, and everyday life by using simple props made from household items, soft fabrics and a variety of clothes.

Once they are set up she gently places the sleeping child among the scenery so that she becomes the star and main focus of the pictures.  It has all come together to form a series of photos that Adele has titled “Mila’s Daydream.”  The accompanying video shows a montage of the wonderful, creative, fantasy inspired pictures she snapped.

In one photo, the fringed edge of a green rug serves as grass.  Above the grass, a clothesline is laid out with a pair of pants, socks, a shirt, and a small plush toy all secured on by clothespins.  Mila is laid out peacefully napping among the drying clothes and is also pinned adorably to the clothesline by the loose shirt fabric on her shoulders.

Other scenes depict her as Mary Poppins, a rock-star, the princess and the pea, and riding a horse with orange braids sticking out to the sides, a la Pippi Longstocking.  Others show her fishing, alongside a snowman with a wand, laid out as a bookworm, and wrapped in a shawl next to a statue of a sitting Buddha.  There are many other clever set ups and there seems to be no limit to the potential scene compositions.

Adele’s approach to photographing her baby has turned out to be a unique spin on baby pictures and is really inspiring.  In the future, Mila and her family are surely going to cherish these memories, and she can thank her mother for all of them.

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Woman Begins Gluing Twine To A Cereal Bowl. When She’s Done It’s STUNNING!

I don’t know about you, but one of my most relaxing activities, is looking through home decor catalogs and imagining different items in my home.  Some of the smallest decor touches can completely change the vibe of a room. A certain decor can make or break a room. There is nothing like getting that perfect piece that completes the vibe of a room. What can make it even better is if you are the designer of the piece. That brings us to today’s DIY project!

This DIY video is one of the best I’ve come across.  She uses items from the dollar store to create shocking replicas of Pottery Barn home decor items, with such ease, that it would be a crime to spend the money because of laziness.  Plus, it really looks like a fun project!

For under $12 she creates a multi-mirror leather art piece, a twine nautical bowl, and a magnetic chalk dish that would have cost over $300 at Pottery Barn, and puts them together in 15 minutes! I kid you not. This is a DIY I’m actually trying today.  If you decide to try any or all of these let us know how they came out. Have fun!

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This Pet Store Secretly Swaps All The Pets With Rescues. Now Watch How The Shoppers React!

The theme of this incredible video is “Better Than Buying a Life is Saving One”.  In Brazil there are many thousands of animal shelters that grow more crowded by the day.  And we all know what happens as these shelters get too crowded.  Thousands of helpless animals are lost because the majority of Brazilian families would rather buy a pet than adopt one.

Quatro Patinhas (“Four Paws”), a Brazilian rescue organization, had a brilliant and heartwarming idea.  Families came to a pet shop to buy pets.  They had secretly set it up with one particular store, to stock it with rescue animals for one day, who needed to be adopted in order to stay alive.  As people started to negotiate the price they were told the animal was free!  People were elated and shocked to be getting these adorable animals for free.

“There’s no difference if a pet is purebred or not,” explained Quatros Patinhas’ president Christianne Duarte Garoiu. “What really matters is the love that will arise there.”  We can only help that the incredible example set by the actions in this video will go viral, so that people will be touched in a way that will change attitudes towards shelter pets worldwide.

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This Truck Driver Crashed Into The White Car Intentionally. The Reason Is So Heroic!

A high speed chase occurred in a park filled with families and children playing.  A car had been stolen by a teen who was speeding recklessly without any concern for the lives he might have destroyed.  Had it not been for a good samaritan, Bryson Rowley, jumping in his own truck and plowing into the runaway car to stop it, many people could have been hurt and killed. Without any thought for himself, Bryson instinctively just jumped to end the mayhem.

Bryson, himself, was not injured but his truck sustained plenty of damage.  You know the saying, that what you put out into the universe will come back to you?  Well, it certainly did for Bryson Rowley.  Seeing the news clip of the incident on TV, Bryan Ellison, an auto body shop owner volunteered to help.  He was so moved that Bryson had put his life on the line to save the lives of many children, that he told him he would fix the car at no cost.

The story doesn’t end there!  When Bryan went to pick up the truck he dropped off a rental car for Bryson’s use.  Other members of the community heard about Bryan’s good deed and they came together to donate bumpers, suspension pieces and other parts that not only fixed the truck, but increased the safety and value of the vehicle.

A $7,500 free repair turned into $15,000 worth of work to return a much upgraded truck to the hero of the community.   Rowley was overwhelmed by how the everyone came together for him. I was bowled over by the entire story that shows the beauty of paying it forward.  They should all be very proud of the character and humanity that was shared.

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Judges Were Stunned When They Watched These Siblings Do This Fearless Routine. This Is Nuts!

Billy and Emily of Birmingham, England had parents with some very good instincts.  The brother and sister are young adults today who came to present a very unique and astonishing act to the judges and audience at “Britain’s Got Talent”.  At the the ages of eight and five years respectively, their parents thought that roller skating would be a fun and safe activity for the siblings to share.

Little did they know, that this was to set the two on a path that would lead them to not only really enjoy each others company, but to unleash an astounding talent that would ultimately join them as the most incredible roller skating act I have ever seen in my life!

Now, the parents of Billy and Emily wanted them to enjoy a nice safe activity together?  Watching this act will leave you with your heart in your mouth!  Not only is their skill over the top, but their routine is really scary to watch.

Watch the judges eyes fall out of their heads as they watch these two in complete disbelief.  The fact that they are performing on skates, while making these moves, makes their choreography all the more astounding.  Let us know what you think.  Enjoy and hold onto your seats!

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It Looks Like A Normal Wedding Cake But When The Music Starts My Jaw Dropped!

Many little girls dream of their fairytale wedding for as long as they can remember. They have grown up on the enchanting Disney fairy tales such as Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty, that promote the idea of being saved by Prince Charming and living happily ever after. However, unrealistic these fantasies maybe, there is still something alluring about the Disney magic.

While many women grow out of the fantasies evoked by Disney, one woman was determined to hold on to the magical world and incorporate into her wedding day. We get to witness a small portion of this Disney magic in this video of her wedding cake.

Watch as her gorgeous white cake is brought to Disney life through the technique of projection mapping. Tinker Bell was able to sprinkle her magic fairy dust turning the cake into a virtual disney fantasy. It is so entrancing to watch, that I truly needed to watch it again. It will certainly be a spectacle no one at this wedding will ever forget. Watching this will add just the needed pleasure you need for your day. Enjoy!

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This Guy Trusts His Pup But When He Turns Around? The Dog Pulls Off A Hysterical Trick On Her Human

Dog trainer, Alex Garcia, has a quirky sense of humor.  It definitely tickled my funny bone.  He had gone to Coney Island and watched a sea lion show where he watched them perform a trick.  Determined to teach his dog Raja the “useless dog trick”, he pulled it together. This dog and human duo are so so funny!

He got the idea, when at the end of the sea lion show, the trainers jokingly challenged people to go home and try the trick with their dogs.  This “so-called” trust trick is presented in this video. It’s such a funny ridiculous trick it will definitely put a smile on your face.

It was so strangely entertaining that I had to watch again and thought it was worth sharing.  Sometimes the silliest things that give you a giggle are just the things that are fun to pass on to friends.  Enjoy the excellent job that both Raja and Alex perform in this “trust” trick!

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The Most Beautiful Test In The World Will Reveal What Color Your Energy Is.

While we may not always notice and appreciate it, there is beauty all around us. We’re surrounded by sweeping natural vistas, mountains and oceans as far as the eye can see, magnetic sunsets, star studded skies, cool artwork, amazing foods, good people, the list is endless. There are an infinite amount of other beautiful things in this world to take in and behold.

A major part of what makes something beautiful are colors. Without them nothing would stand out and life would be very dull, heavy, and lackluster. Not only would the outlook be much bleaker, we’d also lose much of our ability to glean information because you can tell a lot about something simply by what color it is. A very basic example of this is a banana. Green colored bananas are not yet ripe, yellow ones are, and brown or black bananas are overripe and rotten.

Most of us take colors for granted. They are inescapable and everywhere we look, even when we close our eyes we visualize and imagine things in color. Think about what the world would look like without all the shades of the rainbow, it’d be so different and muted. Nothing would stand out and everything would appear dull and drab.

Colors are one of the few things in the world that practically everyone perceives in the same type of way. That’s because the colors we are all able to see come from a complex interaction between the human eye and visible light waves. A very basic explanation is that when objects reflect, absorb, or emit light, the cones in our eyes pick up on it as a certain shade of color.

It just so happens that people also put off different color energies, depending on what frequency they are vibrating at. This type of colored energy is very similar to that of our auras and chakras, in that it’s deeply personal to each one of us, and it may also be read or interpreted by others who pick up on it. When you stop and think about it, there’s all sorts of additional ways that colors impact and affect our lives.

Colors are what makes the world a beautiful, lively place and just as they influence everything around us, they also affect people. One way in which this occurs is with the energy that each of us give off and the frequency we vibrate at.

Every individual alive vibrates at a certain frequency which causes them to radiate their own beautiful colored energy. The shades that we glow at are connected to our auras in that they are both uniquely personal to each of us and can be read or interpreted by other people.

In fact, there are all sorts of subtle ways in which the color of our own energy may end up affecting us. For example, other people’s perceptions of us are unconsciously influenced by the color that we give off. They can pick up on it and read the energy we’re radiating. This gives them an instant sense of who we are and while our behavior and personality matters the most in social interactions, our energy does too!

Another factor that can greatly affect whether something is beautiful or not is the energy that it puts off. This is especially true for people and every single one of us vibrates at a certain frequency, which in turn causes us to radiate our own unique colored energy. The many spectacular shades that we can glow at are rooted deep in our souls and they’re also connected to our auras, in that they’re both extremely personal and they can be unconsciously picked up by other people.

While the vast majority of us are unable to actually see the colors our energy is radiating at, we nonetheless get a feel for it. Based off of that gut reaction, we can tell a lot about something or someone, including whether or not they’re beautiful.

We get an instant sense of who others are and just like a banana, the color of our energy is very telling and it ends up influencing people’s opinions and viewpoints of each other. Whether you believe in the concepts of energies and auras or not, you have to admit that there is something deeper and indescribable at work when you make a certain type of connection with someone.

This quiz is composed of beautiful images that can help you figure out exactly what color your energy is currently vibrating at. The pictures have been chosen for the relaxing and tranquil vibes they put off and while they may seem random, they’re not. There’s an art to quizzes like this and the images have been chosen because they target your subconscious in ways that can draw out the colorful answer that’s hiding inside of you! Try it now. Enjoy!

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