Big Dog Approaches These Twin Babies. Then Mom Quickly Grabs The Camera and Caught THIS

Mom was enjoying a relaxing afternoon outside with her twin 6 month old babies when the family dog decided to try something new.  The sun was shining, the air was fresh, and this precious Goldendoodle approached the babies with his favorite ball to play. He wasn’t sure how they would respond being that they are babies and he’s a pupper but things become so adorable.

He places the ball next to the babies and you can almost hear him ask them to play fetch.  Mom sees whats going on and knows she needs to grab the camera and capture this adorable moment.  The Goldendoodle tries his best to get the babies to pick up the ball and throw it for him not realizing they are too small to accomplish the task at hand.

This adorable and hilarious moment is set to the Austin Powers theme song, which makes it even cuter.  This short video totally made my day.  This trio is the perfect way to bring some love and light into your day. I hope it makes you smile as much as I did.  Enjoy! 🙂

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This Owl Poops On His Friend. His Reaction Is Priceless!

Nature never ceases to amaze me. From the mountains, to the forests, to the vast oceans and the never ending skies there are so many wondrous and majestic sights to see. There are beautiful sunsets, flowers in full bloom, and in this case a jerk owl pooping on his best buddy! 🙂

These 2 owls must be pretty good friends if this is how they treat each other. We all do weird stuff with our friends but this has to be some of the weirdest friendship moments I have ever seen.  The look on the owls face after he realizes that he just got pooped on is absolutely priceless.

I had to watch this twice because it’s just so ridiculous.  I just can’t stop laughing, for some reason this classic owl slapstick comedy will never ever get old! Enjoy and try not to do this to your friends!

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This Boxer Comes Across A Lemon On The Beach. When He Tastes It His Human Loses It!

The saying goes “sometimes life throws you lemons; it’s what you do with it that counts”.  Some of us make lemonade and others just live life feeling like a victim.  Well, in the case of this boxer puppy at the beach…you need to watch.  Clearly he is startled by the bitter taste. Well startled really isn’t the right word, this is one of the most epic reactions to any food I have ever seen!

The unexpected sour taste has him literally prancing in his own little “lemon dance” as he is overcome with the bitterness. He attempts to bury it in the sand, pauses, and then goes back for more!  To the hysterical laughter of his owners, he just can’t seem to be deterred from trying the bitter citrus over and over again.

I did feel a bit sorry for him as he keeps being startled by the bitter taste.  However, I couldn’t help but think that there must have been something about this taste experience that intrigued the pup, because he couldn’t help going back to try it again.  Whatever the case may be, the video makes for a very entertaining moment in the life of a courageous, adventurous puppy “foody”, having a day at the beach!

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This Lady Cuts Up An Old Blue T-Shirt. When She’s Done It’s PRICELESS!

I just love these super easy DIY projects that result in something useful, attractive and great to make for yourself or as a really personal, thoughtful gift for a friend. The Crafty Gemini presents just such a tutorial in this video. All you need is a sharp pair of scissor and old t-shirt, preferably a Mens Large, and you can, within 15 minutes, transform it into a DIY hobo bag that is just really great looking, functional and really fun to do.

It’s great as a tote when you want to pack up more stuff than you can fit in a purse.  For an outing to the beach or park, this is your perfect bag.  Depending on what you want to use it for, you can alter the size, simply by the size t-shirt you choose to make it.

I’m going to give this a try this afternoon. It’s so cheap and easy to make and in the end it’s a totally awesome spring and summer accessory. Pass this on to your friends and please let us know how your hobo turns out.  Have fun and enjoy making your own. Let us know how yours turns out!

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Nobody Believed Her When She Described Her Cat’s Nightly Ritual. So She Captured THIS

It is hard to imagine a world where adorable, funny and highly entertaining cat videos were once scarce. What has now taken the internet by storm barely existed about 20 years ago outside of the America’s Funniest Home Video sector. While many cat videos have come and gone, there are several that stand the test of time. Here is a classic YouTube video originally uploaded back in the day in September of 2008 by user hkbecky.

She captured what has arguably become one of the Internets best videos ever to feature cats. Her two feline companions, Goo and Yat Jai, are seen playing a game of patty cake atop her computer desk. She explains that they always play the popular activity that is a memorable childhood favorite. They stand facing each other and touch paws intermittently on and off. When they sense that their owner is filming they cease all play, but they are right back at it when they think that she is no longer looking.

Now fast forward about two years to November of 2010. That is when fellow YouTube user JC Elliot posted his version of the infamous original. He translated the cats actions into human-speak and gives us his imagined version of what they were actually saying. He thought up the perfect narrative and added in a voice-over. The result is a hilarious, and perfectly on point, rendition of a game of “cattycake,” as it has come to be known. See for yourself how awesome, cute, and perfect it is!

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The Humans In This Car Feed This Cow A Pickle. How He Reacts I Can’t Stop Laughing!

Okay, get ready to laugh hysterically and be slightly grossed out.  This wacky cow has an unusual affinity for pickles!  I’m not quite sure where these people were parked enjoying their lunch in their car, when an unexpected guest entered through the passenger window. A giant cow enter stage left, humans prepare for some warm cow breath!

This hilarious heifer sticks her head in the window where the woman is enjoying her pickle, which she gladly shared with the cow.  She wasn’t quite prepared by his demonstrative manner of displaying his gratitude. This cow was very thankful but it may need some table manner training and some southern hospitality!

Out popped the longest tongue to slobber all over the woman in thanks for the pickle.  I’m not sure if he was thanking her or licking the pickle juice off her face.  The hilarity ensued as that tongue kept coming back for more.  He must have really had a craving for salt.  This video is absolutely hysterical. It totally made my day! Enjoy!

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This Necklace Is Completely Tangled In a Knot But Doing THIS One Fast and Simple Trick Will Fix That!

Everyone who wears necklaces have faced the problem of a chain getting knotted so tight that it is impossible to unknot it, without going to a jewelry store. Sometimes it happens because the necklace isn’t kept separate from other chains, but often it can knot up on itself. This video is done by this Russian guy with a really thick accent, that makes it all the more charming, while offering a solution for detangling that can be done at home.

All you need is a tiny screwdriver.Watch and see how easily he detangles a seriously knotted chain in a matter of minutes. This is a really useful DIY video.  Once you see how he does it and you detangle your chains, you can keep it from happening again by getting a good jewelry organizer.

If you don’t want to spend the money, you can use at-home solutions such as separate ziplocs, using each space of an egg crate, threading through a straw etc. Hopefully this will prevent knotting, but you will always have the handy remedy offered by the Russian, should it happen again! It seriously will save you hours of frustrating attempts at detangling.

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Man Was Checking In For His Flight When The Agent Surprisingly Crawls Towards Him and Does THIS

It was just a regular day at the Warsaw Chopin Airport. Passengers were checking their bags, getting their plane tickets and waiting to climb aboard their flights. Then this guy came up to the counter to check in for his flight when he got the surprise of a lifetime. He had no idea, that he was the half-millionth person to fly on the Polish Airlines Boeing 787 Dreamliner. The airline had something extra special planned for this lucky passenger.

To celebrate this moment, the airline got performers from the ROMA Musical Theater, to perform an unforgettable version of ‘Mamma Mia’ in Polish. People jumped out of no where and surrounded him. They directed their performance at this lucky guy who was completely shocked by what was happening around him. Was this a dream or was this actually real life the man thought to himself.

Onlookers who were also completely surprised seemed to enjoy the performance as they pulled out their phones and recorded the festivities to show their family and friends. What an awesome and unforgettable moment for everyone. Well played Polish Airlines. Enjoy the video below! How would you react in this situation?

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