He Climbs On His Dog And Gives Him A Hug What Happens Next Tore At My Heart Strings

Purdue University did a study where they found 40 percent of children begin their life with a pet in the family. Of that population 90 percent will live with these pets through their childhood. Taking care of another living being is a wonderful way to teach your children skills that they will use throughout their lives.

Meet 2 year old Joshua and his best bud in the whole entire world Toby The Labrador Retriever. These two have a bond that reminds me of myself and my dog when I was a young kid. Joshua’s dad has caught the most precious moments ever between a boy and his dog and has put it together into this beautiful video.

This video brought a flood of memories back into my mind of my own childhood and it totally touched my heart.  There is nothing better than witnessing the love between a pet and a young child.  I hope you enjoy this video as much as I did.

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This Little Girl Gives Buddha The Doberman Pinscher A Manicure. His Reaction Is Priceless!

What makes this video so amusing is not just the fact that a little girl is giving her dog a manicure. It’s just so crazy that it’s a breed that has the reputation of being a ferocious guard dog; a Doberman Pinscher!! Clearly their reputations as tough dogs doesn’t negate the fact that they have a sweet, soft side.

Not only does Buddha the Doberman have a soft side, but it’s apparent that he is really trusting and patient with his little human. He sits motionless as she adorns his paws with nail polish, that is a non-toxic brand made especially for dogs.

This must be something she has done before with Buddha, as he just seems as calm as if he were being pampered in a spa. Never underestimate what a dog will “agree” to when he loves his human. Enjoy this adorable video.

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It Looks Like A Fairy Tale Doll House From The Outside. But When You Step Inside WOW!

There is big trend in real estate right now across the country with many people making the decision to buy tiny houses, that are 500 square feet or less. In the video below, you will see the most awesome tiny house ever.  It looks like a candy-colored house out of a fairy tale.  Nicknamed Ravenlore, this 176 square foot magical house is one of a kind.  This house is cool from the outside but once you see the inside you will be blown away.

This house was built by Jim Wilkins from Tiny Green Cabins.  It only cost $60,000 to build and only weighs 13,500 lbs.  Ravenlore runs totally off solar energy and is completely off the grid.  This tiny dream home is an absolute delight and is owned by Nicki Jo Davis from Savannah, Georgia.

Nicki wanted to downsize in a way that was completely unique and made her happy at the same time.  As soon as she saw the design she knew that it had to be painted bright green, purple, pink and blue.

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They Say This 5 Year Old Is The Next Bruce Lee. Moments Later OMG!

It is always amazing to see really young kids display adult-like talents. This little 5-year-old Japanese boy, Ryusei displays skills in this video, that literally made me hold my breath. He is evidently extremely enamored with the greatest martial artist of all time, the late Bruce Lee.

Although Bruce Lee died over 40 years ago, people still hold him high as the king of Kung Fu. Ryusei has studied and recreated one of the most famous nunchaku scenes of Lee’s career. In this video we watch Bruce Lee’s performance on the TV screen behind little Ryusei. Without watching, his back to the TV, this little ninja exactly replicates every move and facial expression of the Kung Fu master!

As this impressive video has gone viral, many have mused that little Ryu is a reincarnation of Bruce Lee. He certainly has embodied his mastery of martial arts, way beyond what anyone would expect at such a young age. Bruce Lee, himself, would be proud to call this prodigy his disciple. Watch this incredible performance and share this stunning accomplishment.

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Woman Mixes Flour Salt Oil and Kool-Aid and Then Warms It Up. When She’s Done AWESOME!

This is an old favorite DIY that’s worth revisiting now that summer is near.  When the kids are off from school, and it’s a rainy day, you can never have too many really fun crafty projects for them to participate in. This video has an instructional, that will both save you money and double as a fun DIY to make with your kids.

The finished product is homemade PlayDoh; the beloved reusable form of clay has provided hours of entertainment for generations of children, for at least 6 decades.  The downside and real expense of PlayDoh is that it dries quickly when not covered (which is often the case), becoming useless for further creations.

This DIY Play Doh recipe lasts longer and has a secret ingredient that gives it a variety of colors,  makes it smell delicious, and keeps it non-toxic for the really little ones who still love to test things out by putting it in their mouths.

The secret ingredient?  Kool-Aid!! The other ingredients are flour, salt, cream of tartar, warm water and vegetable oil.  Gather these up and watch this simple-to-follow recipe that will provide you and your children endless hours of fun and creativity.

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This Guy Cuts The Top Off These Balloons For An Incredible Reason. I Need Like 10 Of These!

There’s nothing better than new ways of making DIY toys at home.  When you consider the expense of new toys, and how quickly kids either break, outgrow or get bored with them, a DIY toy is a welcome pleasure. In this world that is consistently moving faster and faster with technology and immediate gratification it becoming easier and easier to become stressed out. This brings us to todays DIY project.

For this one, all you need are multicolor balloons, flour and empty plastic bottles.  The video shows you step-by-step, how to make “ninja balls” or stress balls.  They would work great as party favors, toys for games, or even as cool little pieces of art.  Quite frankly, I could see them as stress relievers for both kids and adults.

The colorful balls are not only satisfying to the touch, but really have an appealing look.  Watching them being put together was so much fun.  Enjoy the video and share it with anyone you think would like to try this.  Hope you have a stress-free day!

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When He Starts Playing Piano The Cockatiel Opens His Beak And Does THIS!

It has always fascinated me how certain birds have the capability to imitate sounds that they hear. Sometimes it can be annoying when they keep repeating the same words over and over; often it is funny when they say off color phrases they have heard. However, some birds have huge vocabularies and don’t just repeat the same words over and over.

The cockatiel is a beautiful multicolored bird, who has particularly great ability to mimic sounds. The cockatiel’s colorful exterior only contributes to a fraction of it’s magnificent character. As is the norm, this male that you will listen to in this video, has an exemplary talent for whistling and singing tunes he has heard.

The males have this inbred ability for it’s beautiful musical tones in order to attract the female species. Watch what happens as this particularly talented bird is accompanied on the piano by its owner. When the accompaniment stops for a moment, the musicality and intelligence of this bird is startling and impressive. Enjoy!

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This Man Approaches A Kid On The Playground With a Puppy. What Happens Next Is Scary.

This is an alert to all parents!  This video is a must-see for parents of all young children.  Most parents these days drill it into their children not to talk to strangers; never go with a stranger who offers you candy, playing with a puppy etc.  We all believe that because we tell our kids this over and over again, that they digest this information and will never go with a stranger that entices them.

Well think again!  JoeySalads, a Youtuber, decided to do a social experiment on a local playground.  He has an adorable puppy with him that any child would be enchanted with.  As the children are busy playing on the playground equipment, Joey approaches different moms who are sitting on the park benches.  He asks if they think their child will go with him, a stranger, if he shows them his cute pup and tells them he has others to show them.

All the mothers believe that their kids will check with them before going with this stranger.  After they give him permission to approach their child to test out whether they have learned the stranger lesson, he goes to each child and offers to show them his other pups.

Every child fails the test!  Without a second thought they take Joey’s hand and walk off with him, without a glance in their mother’s direction!  Towards the end of the video we see one mom holding her son and explaining to him that Joey is a stranger.  If he had been a bad stranger “you would never have seen mommy again.”  You can see how this “experience” really impacts the little boy as he clings onto his mom.

Perhaps the lesson of this video is that children learn more from experience than from mere words that go in one ear and out the other.  I bet that little boy will remember what happened and what his mom said about his never seeing her again, because of having actually gone off with this “staged” stranger.

The results of this social experiment are truly terrifying.  In order to protect our children from possible abduction, more needs to be done than simply telling them not to talk to strangers. Please comment and let us know if you have some ideas about what would be most effective for your kids.

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