This Malnourished Mom Just Realized She’s Being Rescued. When She Sees Her Rescuers She Does THIS

The Villalobos Rescue Center is the largest Pit Bull rescue center in the world.  They work ceaselessly every day and night to give Pit Bulls a second chance at life.  All dogs that are brought in are neutered or spayed and they are given any necessary medical treatment.  They patiently work with scared and fearful dogs to re-acclimate them back into the care of people.

Their end goal is to get each and every Pit Bull rescue adopted.  Sometimes it is a very slow process, but the results they attain are absolutely wonderful. In the following video, the Vallalobos rescue team finds and emaciated Pit Bull mother in New Orleans.  The dog somehow instinctively knew that these people were hear to help.

She approached them willingly and leads them back to where the puppies are. Things begin to get pretty complicated but the team doesn’t give up on reuniting the pups with their mama. This is such an emotional rescue and I am so happy that good people like this still exist in the world.

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Police Officer Was CAUGHT On Camera Following A Dog In His Car. But Watch Where The Dog Leads Him!

The loyalty, love, and courage of dogs has been well documented and heralded throughout time.  On countless occasions man’s best  friend has acted selflessly to save the day, and this story is yet another example of a dog bravely seeking help for his human companions. Bill Heinrichs was working in his shed alongside his German Shepherd, Buddy, when disaster suddenly struck.  A spark accidentally ignited nearby gasoline and immediately the shed went up in flames.  After getting outside to safety he turned to Buddy and said “We gotta get help.”

Without hesitating the dog took off running, as if on a mission to seek aid for his owner, and it’s a good thing he did.  The responding Alaska State Trooper, Terrence Shannigan, had become lost on the twisty, rural, snow filled roads and his GPS had froze up.  Not knowing which way to go he stopped.  That is when his dash-cam captured Buddy approaching the patrol car in the headlights.  Something in his gut told the trooper that the dog was there to guide him so he followed when Buddy took off up the road.

Both Buddy and the officer instinctively knew the other was there to help even though they didn’t know each other and hadn’t had any sort of interaction.  They simply connected on some indescribable level and worked together to make every passing second count.  As Buddy led the Trooper to the fire he kept looking back to make sure he was coming and slowed down when he was getting too far ahead.

In the video it appears as if he is trying to get the officer to hurry up as he speeds down the dark winding roads.  Suddenly the flames from the fire come into view and Buddy’s mission is complete; he got help for his owner.  The officer said when he got out of his car Buddy came over to greet him and nudged him towards the house, as if he was still trying to point the officer in the right direction and hurry him along.  The whole video and story is incredible, touching and awesome to see.

After the drama of that night, Buddy was awarded a silver bowl for his heroic actions at a special ceremony.  His owner said that this isn’t the first time Buddy came to his rescue, he previously chased off bears when the two were out fishing.  As a thank you and token of his appreciation, Bill plans on giving his best friend a big juicy steak, and this hard working dog definitely earned it!

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When I Realized What Type Of Animal Was Herding These Sheep I Could Not Stop Laughing!

When you live on a farm there is always work to be done.  When you happen to be a little bunny rabbit there are only a few things that you could possibly do.  After watching his canine friend herd sheep, Champis, a 5 year old dwarf rabbit, took it upon himself to keep the flock together.  The pet rabbit’s unique skills were captured on camera by sheepdog breeder Dan Westman who noted that Champis does the task better than some dogs he has seen over the years.

In the video the bunny hops back and forth around the sheep making sure that none stray off.  If they happen to get too close to the gate where they could possibly escape Champis stops them.  His owners, Nils-Erik and Greta Vigren, own a farm near Kal in Sweden.  They are grateful for their pet bunny’s contribution to the farm and marvel at his skills.

On the other hand, the sheep seem to be quite wary of the furry little rabbit and follow his every command.  They keep in a small, tight pack and definitely see Champis as their boss.  The odd animal behavior is adorable and even the dog seems to enjoy having Champis there to help him out.  He may just be the most active, happy and free pet rabbits I have ever seen.

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This Woman Mixes Flour With Ice Cream. You Will Not Believe The Mouth Watering End Result!

This quick and easy ice cream bread recipe is sure to please all types of palettes.  Children will love that it’s made with the sweet treat and adults will want to try it for themselves just as much as the kids.  Most breads are time and labor intensive projects that require exact measurements, kneading, rising, resting, and so on.  This bread is not like those other kinds, instead it is simple to make and requires little time on your part.  Plus, if you have an old carton of ice cream laying in your freezer that didn’t live up to your taste-buds expectations, you can use it up here instead of letting it go to waste.

Start by taking the ice cream out of the freezer beforehand so that it thaws to a smooth, creamy consistency.  You will need 2 cups of ice cream and can use any flavor you desire.  The video shows cookies n’ cream and according to the discussion this is an excellent, well-liked choice.  Place the thawed ice cream in a bowl and add 1 ½ cups of self-rising flour as well as any extras, like chocolate chips or nuts, that you’d like.

You can get as creative and fun as you’d like, maybe add sprinkles to the batter to make it pop with color, or swirl in chocolate sauce to marbleize it.  If you don’t have self-rising flour simply add 1 ½ teaspoons of baking powder to the regular flour.  Mix it all up and pour it into a bread tin.  Heat the oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit and bake for 40-45 minutes.  When it is done and cooled off serve it with fresh fruit, or warm it up and drizzle on chocolate sauce, caramel, or even a scoop of ice cream- anything will compliment this sweet bread!

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Two Men Feel The Agony Of Giving Birth. Their Reaction Is Priceless!

There are many levels and types of pain and everyone handles them differently.  Whether it is hitting your funny bone, jamming a finger in the door, or scraping your knee, they all hurt.  However, it has been said that there is no type of pain that can even come close to that experienced by women during childbirth.  Mothers understand this and, for the longest time, men never could.  Now males, or anyone else who has never gone through labor, can experience the excruciating pain for themselves and see what women mean when they talk about the agonizing experience.

In this video by How Do We Get Pregnant?, two men are first seen talking about how women likely exaggerate the pain of labor and claim that they could handle it.  They then go to a doctor who will put them through a simulated birthing experience by placing several electrodes on their abdomens.  Over the course of an hour electrical shocks are periodically administered that simulate the contractions a woman feels during labor.

The level of shocks and corresponding pain gradually increase and the responses of the men receiving them get more and more dramatic.  The previously tough guys are now doubled over in pain, gasping, crying out, and grunting in displeasure.  They clearly did not expect the experience to be so torturous and are eating their earlier words.

It’s even funnier when their wives come and join them in the room.  They watch, highly amused, as their husbands writhe around in agony begging for it to stop.  The women offer support and teach breathing techniques to help, but they also high five each other and laugh as the men grab their hands and beg them for mercy.

One guy almost quits but his wife convinces him to continue through the final 10 minutes that he has left to endure.  By the end of their simulated labor the men are clearly zapped of all strength and admit that the whole experience was much, much, much worse than they ever imagined.

The final part of the video is the best.  The men praise mothers, and especially their own, for going through labor to give them life.  They apologize for all the pain they may have put them through and end it with a heartfelt happy mother’s day!

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His Humans Got Him A New Cozy Bed. What They Caught This Pup Doing With It Is Priceless!

Mr. Fry knows exactly where he wants to take his afternoon nap.  The Italian Greyhound-saluki mix was captured in action taking his cozy bed over to a nice, warm, sunny spot.  He loves nothing more than relaxing in the sun and is always carrying his bed around to different spots.  He often brings it into other rooms where people are so that he can be near them.

The friendly loveable dog lives at Sunrise Senior Living in Tucson, Arizona, where he is the resident therapy dog.  The Arizona Greyhound Rescue group managed to place him in the perfect spot.  He and the people he lives with find comfort in each others presence, and with his laid back, calm, relaxed demeanor, he is an ideal roommate for his senior companions.

While Mr. Fry is the first therapy dog that the rescue group placed in a home, there are sure to be many more that follow in his footsteps.  He sure looks happy and well-loved in his forever home! This video is so adorable I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. Have a wonderful day!

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This Mans Saves A Dog Who Was Dying In A Boiling Car By Doing Something Brilliant

What this man did to save a dog in a hot car was very smart and very compassionate. I saw this story circulating on the Internet and thought I would share it as it has an important message for all pet parents, especially because every summer I read stories with not so happy endings as this one.

“I saw a dog dying in a 100+ degree car one day with the window opened just a few inches, the police wouldn’t come out, and I was running out of time.”

“So instead of busting out the guy’s windows and facing possible criminal charges, I went into the garage, grabbed my shop vac, stuck it in my car with the AC on full blast and stuck the hose on the discharge port and shoved it into the guy’s car window.”

“It turns out the guy ran into his dad’s house and found him stroking out on the kitchen floor, called the EMT and in his freaked out panicked stage he rode with the ambulance to the hospital and forgot about his buddy sitting in his truck.”

“When he finally came back (within an hour), he broke down in tears when he saw my rig running and his dog wagging his tail inside his vehicle. All ended well with dog and dad. And to this day the guy and I (and the dog) are all good friends.”

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If you Liked that, Watch This:

This 90 Year Old Grandma Attempts A Backflip. Seconds Later Everyone Loses It!

This woman may be aged 90 but she has the heart and attitude of a 20 year old. June was filmed preparing to stun her onlookers by doing a double backflip! No one could believe that she was about to attempt such a feat and a woman can be heard saying incredulously “June you’re kidding.” With her back facing the camera she warms herself up by swinging her arms and bobbing up and down.

It looks as if she is about to take off at any moment. Suddenly she puts her hands up behind her back and stands flipping the bird with both middle fingers up. Turns out that was her sassy version of a “double backflip.” I definitely was not expecting that!

It seems like senior citizens manage to get away with a lot more naughty stuff than younger people. June pulled off this awesome prank perfectly and if a younger kid tried what she did it just would not have the same effect. There is truly something special about a 90 year old woman joking around like this that makes me smile. I hope that when I am her age I have that much personality and heart!

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