THIS Is The Actual Reason Why There Are Folds On A Baby’s Onesie. I Wish I Knew This Earlier.

There are many ups and downs to parenthood and changing a baby’s dirty diaper most definitely falls in the down category.  The stinky, messy, gross task is inevitable and numerous daily changes are necessary if you want a clean comfortable baby and household.  Sometimes a baby happens to make quite a disaster in their nappy that puts mom or dad in the delicate position of trying to figure out how to best get their clothes off without transferring the mess all over their little one.  There is a way to properly remove a onesie without smearing poop on the child and this video on the YouTube channel Tiaras & Prozac shows how.

First off, anyone familiar with a onesie has probably pondered what those envelope fold-like things are on the shoulders of it.  Most assume they are put there to make it easier to take it off over the baby’s head, but this is not the case.  Instead, the folds are there so you can pull the onesie down off the baby and thus avoid making a big mess in the event of a diaper fail.

To perform the changing trick simply roll the top of the onesie down off the shoulders, gently getting one arm through and then the other.  After that it should easily roll down and slide off the baby.  This way is the best method of keeping a baby clean while changing and ensuring that the mess doesn’t spread all over the place.

Hopefully this “mom hack” will make life just a little easier and cut down on all the baths that result from diaper changing fails.  It is really easy to do and will save you lots of time and energy, leaving you with more of the same to put towards being an awesome parent!

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Baby Attempts To Eat His First Piece Of Solid Food. But The Bunny Has Other Plans And Does THIS

A mother decided to record her 5 month old baby’s first bite of solid food so she could cherish and relive the memory forever.  She set up her camera, started rolling, and gave the young child a Ritz cracker to enjoy.  The baby takes his time exploring the new food, smelling it and putting it near his mouth.  Right beside him is a furry bunny named Oreo who is just as interested and curious about the food as the baby is.

As the child begins to put the cracker in his mouth the bunny swiftly snatches it out of his grasp and quickly hops away.  The kid never even got a nibble on it!  The rabbit seized the opportunity to steal his favorite snack, Ritz wheat crackers, and took full advantage of the situation for himself.  The baby  seems to be unsure about what just happened and confused about why he no longer has his cracker.  It was all too new and fast for him to fully understand.

When the camera zooms in on Oreo in the background it captures him happily snacking away on his favorite treat.  The next time mom tries to give her baby a cracker she better keep Oreo out of the area because he is just too sneaky and quick when it comes to snagging food!

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You Will Never Buy Donuts Ever Again After You See How Simple It Is To Make Them

Some people love donuts and their mouths water when they catch a whiff of the tasty high calorie treats.  For those who want to indulge in them without feeling so guilty and heavy afterwords, this recipe is for you.  It is a lighter, more healthy, version of a donut because it is baked instead of deep fried.  YouTube channel OnePotChefShow gives us the how-to in this video and even shares their secret ingredient for making rich, moist, delicious donuts.

Gather up all the ingredients including: – 1 cup of plain all purpose flour – ¾ teaspoon of baking powder – ¾ teaspoon of baking soda – 1/3 cup of caster sugar – 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract – ½ cup of low fat vanilla yoghurt – 1 egg – 250 g (about 2 cups) of fresh blueberries (or strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, etc)

Mix together all the wet ingredients first then mix them with the dry ones.  Add the berries in last and mix everything up.  Spoon the dough into a donut tin so they are about three-quarters of the way filled and bake them for 10-12 minutes at 375 degrees or until golden brown.  Once they have cooled sprinkle on a dusting of vanilla sugar and enjoy!

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It Looks Like A Regular Sculpture. But Once It Starts Spinning I’m Completely Hypnotized!

These 3D sculptures are not only works of art they are also optical illusions when they are spun under a strobe light.  They were designed by Stanford University professor John Edmark who, with help from his students, create and print 3D sculptures based on mathematical equations.  Specifically, they used the Fibonacci Sequence, a series of numbers where the next number is found by adding up the two numbers before it (0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13 , 21…..).

The placement of the appendages on the sculpture is based off of that sequence and that is what gives it the seemingly perfect shape.  This sequence is used in computer algorithms, searches, and graphs.  It can also be found in nature and shows up in the pattern where branches grow on trees, as well as in pinecones and sunflowers.

When the sculpture is rotated at a certain speed and synchronized with the strobe light, so that every time the sculpture turn 137.5 degrees one flash occurs, it appears animated.  The sculptures look like they are turning, spiraling, and metamorphosing into different shapes and things.  If you were to count the number of spirals on any of the sculptures it would always end up being Fibonacci numbers.

While all the math, speed, and light calculations make this artwork all the more interesting, don’t worry if you still don’t quite understand it (you are not alone  ).  It is awesome to look at and blends science, math, and art perfectly.  Check it out and prepare to be hypnotized.

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With Just 3 Simple Steps This Woman Transforms Ordinary Mason Jars Into Something Amazing!

Mason jars have been making a huge comeback recently and they are no longer used only for your grandmother’s canning needs.  These days they hold anything from quick and easy on the go salads and snacks to hand poured candles.  This YouTube video from flourishxo shows how to make DIY colored mason jars.  They add an extra pop of color for any room in the house and can be used for holding flowers or a flame-less tea light.  Best of all they are very inexpensive and easy to make.

Start by gathering your materials.  You will need mason jars of any size, different colored modge podges, a plastic container/bowl and paper towels.  Begin by pouring some colored modge podge into a mason jar and place the lid on tight.  Then, tip the jar all around and upside down so that the modge podge coats the entire inside surface of the glass evenly.

Take your time and be sure to make certain there are no spots left uncovered by the glue.  After, remove the lid and turn the jar upside down into the bowl so that any and all excess glue drips down and out.  Repeat the process for each jar you want to color and then take some paper towel and wipe up any excess modge podge from the lid(s).  Wait about 12 hours to completely dry before using them for whatever you’d like!

The colored mason jars will make a beautiful decoration on a porch or as an addition to a picnic table spread.  You can use them to hold utensils, napkins, candles, flowers, or as a hold-all for little knick knacks.  The possibilities are wide open and they are incredibly easy to make with things you likely already have on hand.  Check it out and give it a try!

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When She First Wrapped Ice Cream In Bread I Was Confused. But The Final Result Is Mouth Watering!

Summer is coming and that means one thing for certain; ice cream treats!  If you need to up your ice cream game and take it to the next level then this recipe is for you.  Lets face it, most people serve a couple of boring scoops on the side of a slice of pie or cake.  With this fried ice cream recipe you can elevate it to the focal point of dessert while simultaneously impressing everyone who can see and taste your delicious concoction.

Be forewarned, this is easier to make than you’d imagine and the risk is high that you may become addicted to ice cream enveloped in a warm, crispy shell.  Check out the video and below is a breakdown of the recipe and instructions.

Take a few slices of white sandwich bread and cut off all edges and crust.  Roll it flat with a pin or the side of a cup and then scoop some ice cream onto it.  Roll up the bread around the ice cream so that it’s completely ensconced and to help the ends stick together brush on a little milk.

Working quickly, take the breaded piece of ice cream and wrap it up in tin foil as if it were a candy, then place it in the freezer for at least 4 hours.  For a round shape simply ball up the ice cream in the bread, cover with tin foil, and freezer.

Next, make the batter by first mixing ¼ cup of milk with one egg.  Then slowly add in ¾ cup of pancake mix and stir until smooth.  Take the frozen ice cream/bread out of the freezer, unwrap from the tin foil, and completely coat it with batter.

Heat up some oil in a pan until at least 350 degrees, then drop the battered ice cream in the hot oil.  Flash fry it for only a few seconds, any longer and the ice cream will start to melt.  Finally, drizzle some caramel, chocolate syrup, and/or Nutella on a plate and over the fried ice cream.  Add some whipped cream, nuts, sprinkles, fresh fruit, or whatever topping you desire and top it all off with a cherry!

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Guy Puts His Hands In The Water To Touch This Fish Then Things Get Very Strange!

Fish are not known for showing affection or interacting with people on a playful level.  Yet that is exactly what one Flowerhorn fish appeared to be doing in a video uploaded on the Love Your Animals! YouTube channel.  They wrote that these types of fish are affectionate to those who feed them but really mean to strangers. Going off of that information, it is likely the man in this video often fed this fish and knew him well.

The unlikely duo play around in the unique clip that has baffled so many.  The guy is able to gently stroke and pet the fish for awhile before he picks it up and gently tosses it.  After plopping back into the water the fish swims straight back to the man’s hands for more fun.  They go back and forth as if they were playing some sort of game.

It is a strange sight but really neat and insightful to see. It’d be so awesome to have a pet fish that you could actually play with and connect with on a deeper level.  The guy seems to really enjoy playing with the Flowerhorn fish and vice versa.

These types of fish are admired for their protruding heads that are said to enhance an owner’s feng-shui.  The hump on their head is thought to symbolize prosperity, luck and longevity.  The bigger the hump the better the luck.  It looks like the fish’s head is quite large in the video, so this guy must have some real good fortune!

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Boxer Puppy Tries To Howl At His Mom For The First Time. But What Comes Out Is Priceless!

A puppies first howl or attempt at making a certain sound is bound to be adorable.  Most proud owners want to preserve the memory of their pet’s first squeak, meow, growl, howl, bark, whine, or whatever noise they muster up.  Thanks to YouTube channel For the Love of Boxers, we too can witness Tobias, a 3 week old puppy, trying out a howl.

The cuddly pup sits perched atop his owner looking impossibly cute with his tiny wrinkled face, innocent sleepy eyes, and head resting on his (yet to be grown into) big front paws.  That image of him alone is enough to make anyone sigh and wish for their own puppy-pal.  When his lady friend begins to make dog sounds for him to imitate he quickly tries his best to copy her.  He lets out whimpers and cries and eventually manages to make a faint howl sound.

The cutest part is when he takes a break between tries and ends up making a snort or chortling sound.  The little guy has heart and keeps trying.   Eventually he will master the sounds that grown up dogs make but for now his squeaks are just as good and much more endearing.

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