Man Gets An Unexpected Photobomber Right As He Takes a Selfie By The Ocean

Since the dawn of modern photography people have been invading and dropping in on pictures and videos which they were never originally meant to be a part of! While photobombing may seem like a relatively new and recent phenomenon, it’s actually not. However, thanks to the internet and viralability we are able to see all of the best photobombs out there that man, and animal, have to offer!

Over the years pictures have been photobombed by all sorts of different people, items, and animals. The most common type is by far the total and complete stranger who jumps in at the last moment. These usually result in hilarious pictures and candid reactions that range from oblivious to shocked at the unexpected last minute addition. Celebrities often make appearances as well, but the ones that everybody absolutely adores and loves to see are the animal photo-bombers, like the seal in this clip!

The guy in the red sleeveless t-shirt managed to capture the awesome memento while he was out on the water enjoying a beautiful day on his boat. He was near the bridge that’s visible in the background when a baby seal jumped on board and decided to relax alongside him. In fact, the youngster was so comfortable and at ease with the man that he snuggled up against his back and even began to fall asleep! You can see his eyes begin to droop as the sleepy seal basks in the sunshine against the guy, which all makes the perfect photo/video opportunity. If this ever happened to you, you’d definitely want the memory and proof preserved on film!

Seals rank at the top of the list when it comes to friendly, cheerful, adorable marine animals. That’s why they’re often referred to as the “dogs of the sea” because of their playful social behavior around other animals and humans. Some of them have been seen snuggling up to their canine counterparts and romping around in the water with them, others prefer to catch some waves with surfers.

After watching this clip, this seal certainly backs up the comparison. So while dogs are man’s best friend on dry land, seals are man’s best friend in the water and on boats!

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This Lady Is Told Her Car Is Going To Be Towed She Retaliates In The Craziest Way Ever!

No one likes having their car towed, it can be a real nightmare and an expensive one as well. It’s not cheap getting your car back but that’s just part of the pain. Many people have returned to their parking spots only to find them empty and freaked out. After all, you can’t help but wonder and fear if your car has been stolen! Of course, that dreadful feeling occurs only if you don’t actually witness your car being towed. However, even when you do see it being hitched up to a tow truck, that sight makes you feel just as awful! When this happens most people do either one of two things. They accept it and move on to claiming their vehicle or they make an attempt to somehow convince or bride the tow truck driver into releasing their car.

For one woman in Shanghai, China, she chose to forgo both of those options. After arguing with the man towing her car failed to get it unhitched, she took the situation into her own control and amped it up to the next level! She jumped into the driver’s seat, exchanged what was undoubtedly a few choice words with the man, then slammed the door shut. At this point the exasperated driver kicked her tire and seconds later she put the SUV in drive and took off, taking the tow truck with her!

The shocked tow operator can only run after the crazy lady as his truck gets dragged down the street. While the woman may have managed to get her car back, it’s doubtful that she made it all that far! Plus, she may have damaged her car in the process so it probably turned out to be a lose-lose situation for her. Either way, this clip is hilarious so check it out!

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This 4 Year Old Kid Calls 911 For A Hilarious Reason. I Can’t Stop Laughing!

A four year old boy was having trouble figuring out how to do his math work.  After struggling with the problems he figured he would try and get some help.  He went to the phone and dialed up the only number he knew that was associated with helping people when they needed it most, 911. The operator answered and asked the standard question of what was the matter, to which the boy responded, “with my math.”  After some understandable initial confusion, the operator figured out that the young boy needed help with his math work, specifically takeaways.

A very innocent and patient conversation between the two then followed.  The boy gave the operator some equations to work out and like any good teacher the operator tried to make him work through it first, without just giving him the answer.

Finally, the boys mother noticed he was chatting on the phone and asked him what he was doing.  He told her “the policeman is helping me with my math” and in an exasperated tone she replied “what did I tell you about going on the phone?”  The operator chuckled and told someone nearby that the mother was now there.  The boy innocently explains to his mother that she told him if he ever needed help to call someone.

He has a point, and may just get out of trouble, at least this time around.  The conversation ends with the mother saying she didn’t mean he should call the police.  All mom needs to do now is explain to her son how his actions are wrong, that the police and dialing 911 are for emergencies only, and not a way to get math help.

Perhaps she should get him some math help hotline numbers to have on hand for any future assistance he may need.  Either way, the adorable call was probably a nice break from the sad emergency calls the operator is used to answering and likely made his day.

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This Vicious Dog Spent His Whole Life Chained. But Watch What Happens When They Remove His Chain.

When animal rescue volunteers received a call, asking them to help a dog that had been kept on a chain most of his entire life, they were unsure of what to expect. Every call is different and each time they set out to check on a case they encounter a variety of responses and levels of aggressiveness from the animals. Alex, the German Shepherd they went to help in the video, was so uncontrollable and unapproachable when they first arrived that not even his owner could get anywhere near him.

He barked, snapped, growled, and lunged at the volunteer for over 20 minutes. Alex was completely on the defense and hostile, it appeared that he needed a lot of work and behavior therapy before he would ever be suitable for adoption.

At first, there seemed to be no way to get close enough to him so they could remove the oppressive chain he was tethered to. After working slowly and cautiously they eventually gained enough ground and trust to remove the restraint. They got Alex in the truck and drove him away from everything he used to know.

Within 20 minutes the dog changed completely, and for the better. He quieted down and became so calm that they even felt safe enough to let him out of the truck and pet him. It seemed that all Alex needed was to be taken off the chain and shown some love and affection.

Less than 24 hours later we see the dog sitting in the volunteers lap in his truck. Alex appears healthy, happy, friendly, and full of smiles. He looks like he has never been mean or aggressive a day in his life. The Olympic Animal Rescue group works tirelessly to rescue, rehabilitate, and re-home dogs just like Alex that have no where to go or behavior issues. Because of them, these animals are able to go on and lead fulfilling lives with new loving families. Please consider adopting a pet and helping local animal rescue groups near you.

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WATCH: THIS Bear Climbs Up The Ladder and Then Does An Epic Belly Flop

Most people would be scared if they saw a bear playing around in their back yard swimming pool, but not Carl Bovard. He lives in Melrose, Florida with two bears and actively encourages the large beasts to take refreshing dips in his above ground pool. After all, Florida gets really hot and muggy in the summer time and when you carry around a fur coat that you can’t take off, you need to find a quick way to cool down.

Carl videotaped one of his bear friends named Bruiser eagerly climbing up the pool ladder and jumping off the top to do belly flops into the water. From the looks of it Bruiser is definitely a veteran belly-flopper because he doesn’t hesitate for a single second when he clambers up the short ladder and jumps. Once he’s in the pool he bear paddles around and seems to smile as he plays and splashes. Bruiser even looks adorable getting out of the pool, as he uses his two front paws to steady himself while throwing up a rear leg to clamber over the side so he can do it all over again.

Once out, he shakes off the water and ends up getting Carl all wet, but Carl laughs and doesn’t mind the shower. Bruiser looks like such a nice, relaxed, and playful sweetheart, judging by the way he acts in the water, even when he’s chewing on pool toys. This may just be the cutest bear video I’ve come across yet! Bruiser is living the good life at Single Vision, a non-profit animal sanctuary that Carl set up to help rescue animals and educate people about endangered species. He shares the space with two lions, two bobcats, two alligators, two mountain lions, two bears, and six tigers.

Bruiser is a Syrian brown bear, a smaller subspecies of brown bear that are found throughout the Middle East. Their population has been steadily declining from over-hunting, poaching, and habitat loss, and they are listed as a threatened-vulnerable species. Bruiser serves as an animal ambassador for his species to raise awareness of their plight and to help educate people about the reality of their current situation, as well as the future.

He’s a natural at showing people the softer side of brown bears, and proves that they are incredibly smart, playful, and happy animals if treated well. If you would like to donate towards the care of the animals at Single Vision visit their website and check it out.

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You Must Learn This Simple Tick Removal Trick Before You Go Outside This Spring

Ticks are tiny, nasty, carriers of disease that can be found all over the place. They are most active in spring and summer months, but are resilient and may even be found in fall and winter, depending on where you live. They can spread numerous bacterial, viral, and toxic diseases other than the most commonly known ones such as Lyme disease, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, and Tularemia. A tick can harbor more than one disease and thus one bite can infect a person with multiple diseases.

The facts regarding ticks are scary and if you ever get bit by one you need to remove it as soon as possible. The quicker you can get it’s head out of your skin the better, because doing so greatly reduces the chance of infection. Most people remove them with tweezers, which can be effective, but oftentimes the tick’s body gets pulled off and the head/mouth remains attached. Instead, the next time you have a live tick biting you, try this quick and easy alternative technique to help remove it.

All you need is a cotton swab, water and good lighting. Take the cotton swab and quickly dip it in water to slightly moisten the tip, which will help make it glide smoothly along the skin. Place the cotton swab tip on the back of the tick so that it’s slightly angled, and not directly over it.

Push the tick around in circles so that it rotates around it’s axis, or hypostome which is it’s mouth part. After about 3-5 rotations the tick should release it’s bite and back itself out of the skin. Now you should be able to pick up the tick with the end of the cotton swab and can dispose of it properly.

The video explains that this method works by essentially coaxing the tick with cotton swab to let go of your skin. The sides of a tick’s mouth have a bunch of tiny, barb-like, bristles that project out and help to anchor it to the skin. These mouth-anchor attachments are what makes it so difficult to properly and completely remove a tick.

They anchor the tick’s head and mouth so securely that when you go to pull it off with tweezers you often end up separating the tick’s body from it’s mouth part. The tick’s mouth remains embedded and attached, still biting you, and is now even harder to remove. With this cotton swab method, the tick will back itself out of your skin and release it’s bite. There are no nasty body parts left behind and you don’t have to dig around in your skin with tweezers, which can increase the likelihood of infection.

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She Puts Vodka On Some Cotten Swabs and Rubs It On Her Face. The Reason Is Brilliant!

Vodka is the number one, best selling and most consumed, hard alcohol beverage in the world. People favor the spirit because it mixes well in cocktails and is widely available at a number of price points. Not only is it versatile in all the ways that it can be mixed and consumed, it can also be used in a variety of ways that don’t require any drinking. At it’s most basic form, vodka is mainly water and ethanol, which is produced by fermentation and then distilled. The distillation process removes any impurities or dilutions and leaves the alcohol in the vodka pure and ideal for doing a number of things.

One alternative vodka use is that it can be applied to a soft cloth and rubbed on eye or sun glasses to clean them. Gently rub the lenses until the dirt, smudges, and grease is gone and you’re done. Vodka is also perfect for cleaning shaving razors and preventing them from rusting. Simply pour some vodka in a cup and soak the razor blade in it, this will also disinfect the blades.

An age old, yet not widely known, secret for keeping cut flowers looking fresh for longer is to mix in a dash of the spirit with water in the vase. Flower bouquets will appear healthy for much longer, so long as you keep changing the water and vodka every few days. Also, to keep your skin and face looking fresh try using some vodka as an astringent. Apply it with a cotton ball onto your face to help reduce pores and clean up any acne or zits.

Another health and beauty use for vodka is that it can make dull hair appear shinier. When you shampoo add a few drops of vodka in with it and then wash and rinse as usual. When your hair dries you should notice that it looks healthier and shiny. Finally, vodka foot soaks can kill any bacteria on stinky feet and leave them smelling how they should be. The alcohol in the spirit is strong enough to kill the bacteria that are causing the smell, and if you don’t have time to soak feet you can also rub them down with vodka to clean them.

The above uses are just a few of the many ways that vodka can be utilized around the house and in beauty routines. If you have a bottle collecting dust, or the next time you happen to have one laying around unused, try using it in a non-traditional manner. Or, fix yourself a cocktail, relax, and cheers!

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This Duck Waits In The Car For His Little Human. The Duck’s Reaction When He Arrives Priceless!

Nibbles waits patiently in the the front seat of the family car. He is highly alert and on the lookout for the big yellow bus that drops off his best friend at the end of their long driveway. When the school bus comes rumbling down the street, and rolls to a stop in front of the car, Nibbles perks up and begins to get excited. Finally, he sees Jonny get off of the bus and walk towards him. The sight of his best friend causes Nibbles to instantly let out a series of the cutest, most happy, and delighted sounding quacks anyone’s ever heard.

Quacks? Yes, you read that right, Nibbles is a duck, not the conventional dog that you may have imagined. He is a Rouen breed duck, which is a domesticated type that sport beautiful emerald green colored heads with white collared necks. When he was young and not yet hatched his mother passed away. That was when the Toschi family adopted him and taught the young duckling how to wear ducky diapers. That way, he can do what he loves best, spending time indoors with his family and accompanying them on car rides.

Nibbles and 10 year old Jonny have since formed a mutual, close, and special bond with each other. That is clear to see when Jonny gets in the car and plants a series of sweet kisses on the top of his feathered friends head. It’s an adorable and heart warming moment that is sure to make you smile. Forget about a boy and his dog, this story belongs to a boy and his duck.

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