This Guy Secretly Films His Mom and Posts It On The Internet. Watching This Video Tore My Heart Up.

“We all want to love and be loved,” that is what life is all about, according to Alex Norgay.  That is also why over the course of the past year he secretly made this video for his mother, Eva, in hopes of helping her find a boyfriend.  She has been on a few dates over the past couple years but nothing quite panned out and she is still looking for the right man.  Alex explains that she deserves love and his aim is to help her find it.  He recorded the moment he showed her his video, which she knew nothing about prior to that time.

It begins with a general overview about her, that she was born in the Czech Republic in 1946 and now lives in Norway, and is a Cancer, which makes her around 68 years young.  With this information in mind it then delves into what she likes.  The list includes a variety of activities and interests including tennis, swimming, nature, skiing, cross country skiing, yoga, relaxing in the sun, art, beer, bike riding, traveling, fooling around, dancing, hanging out with her best friend Eva, and taking care of her sister, mother, family, and son.

The clips of her doing all these activities is where the viewer really gets a sense of what Eva is all about.  She seems very graceful, active, physically fit, and natural.  Her personality shines through, especially when she is shown hula hooping, dancing, and laughing with her friends and family.  Her sense of humor is also very apparent in the shot of her riding her bike.  When she took a spill off it she jumped right back up on her feet and laughed it off.  She clearly loves life and doesn’t take anything too seriously.

When Alex’s film ends we get to see Eva’s reaction to it.  She asks him what he wants to do with it and he tells her he wants to spread the word and upload it to YouTube.  She seems happy and kinda shocked, asking incredulously and endearingly “on internet?”   So if anyone out there watching has someone in mind who would make a great match for Eva, get in touch.  Send a nice letter with a video or picture to [email protected], and if it catches her eye, someone will be in touch!

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Big Husky Refuses To Share Bone With Tiny Puppy. The Pup Proceeds To Throw An Hysterical Tantrum.

There are some things in life that you don’t mess with and one of those things is a dog with a bone! When a dog gets a bone it’s usually either a special treat, or given as a reward in recognition for doing a job well done. The fact that it’s a rare delicacy or hard earned makes them extra protective of their tasty snack and a lot less willing to part with it so easily!

That’s why the adorable Husky in this video was so unwilling to share a bone she received with her little sister. She wanted to keep it all to herself but no matter how cute and hard the little puppy tried, she couldn’t snag the bone away, let alone get a taste of it!

You may already know or be familiar with Mishka, the older and much larger dog pictured in the clip gnawing away happily at her bone. Several years back she shot to internet stardom when a clip of her saying “I love you” to her owners went viral on YouTube. People everywhere immediately fell in love with the sweet, smart, an very talkative Siberian Husky.

In the time since then Mishka’s family has grown with the addition of Laika, a fellow Husky. These days the pair get along great and love spending time chasing squirrels, talking, singing, and playing together. Even still, back when Laika was a puppy Mishka wasn’t so ready and willing to share a hard earned bone with little sister! There are just some things a dog simply won’t part with.

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THIS Dog Left His Toy Outside and A Fox Found It. The Dog’s Reaction Is Hilarious!

The old saying “sly as a fox” doesn’t seem to apply to this cute one caught on camera playing with a dog’s toy.  The memorable moment was shared on YouTube by Ardes Gayangos Ng, who lives in Yukon, Canada, with her dog Lupe Johnson.  Lupe is an adorable little Chiweenie, a mix of Chihuahua and Dachshund.  She can be seen in the video looking out the window watching the the toy thief as he merrily rolls around chasing her ball in the yard.

The red fox is clearly having an awesome time with the toy as he excitedly leaps up in the air and pursues it.  He tumbles in the grass and bounces around wildly, behaving just like a dog would.  Lupe seems to be either jealous that his toy is being used by the wild animal or he is eager to play along with him.  He barks and stares intently at the scene unfolding outside and some comments suggest he was outraged while others thought the fox was trying to tease the dog.

Whatever their intentions and true feelings about the situation, the moment is definitely a sight to behold.  The fox is showing a rare side of his nature that people never really get to witness.  He looks so content and happy and the way he plays around with the toy is hilarious.  If Lupe truly was mad perhaps next time he will not leave his toys unattended in the yard!

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Man Cracks Eggs Into An Ice Cube Tray. The Reason Is Brilliant

Dairy products can be expensive so when they are on sale it’s wise to stock up on your favorites.  While many dairy items do not keep long after being purchased or opened, there is a way to store and preserve your dairy stockpile.  YouTube favorite HouseholdHacker explains that by freezing dairy products you can extend their shelf life and shows how to best go about doing it.  Here is a breakdown of what works for common dairy items.

Milk can be frozen for 1-2 months and coffee creamer for up to 6 months.  Thaw milk in the refrigerator for a day or two and be sure to shake it up before using because it will have separated.  Cheese is a bit more difficult to freeze because the texture can be affected.  While most cheese is freezable, Parmesan works best, and shredded cheese is the way to go because blocks tend to get dry and crumbly.

Shredded cheese can be stored for 2-3 months, then thaw it out in the refrigerator before using and that should help retain its original texture.  Salted butter can last 6-8 months if wrapped well and unsalted only a month.  Make sure there is nothing in the freezer with a strong smell or pungent odor because you risk having the butter pick it up and tasting like that.

Greek yogurt freezes well for a couple of months, then thaw it and stir well before enjoying.  You can make yogurt pops by sticking a popsicle stick in the container top before freezing or pour the yogurt in an ice cube tray and use them in smoothies.  Full fat cream cheese can be frozen but results vary when thawed as to texture depending on the brand you buy.  Use it right away once it has been thawed in dips, sauces, and baked dishes.

Finally, eggs can be frozen by cracking one egg into each individual ice cube slot on the tray.  After they freeze completely simply pop out of the tray, store in a freezer bag, and have them on hand for when a recipe calls for only one egg.

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Guy Takes This Weird Slime And Pushes It Into His Car Vent. The Reason Is Brilliant!

Look down at your keyboard.  Are there bits and pieces of dirt and dust stuck in between and around the keys?  The numerous tiny cracks and hard to reach places on a keyboard are notoriously difficult to clean.  Other similar areas include vents and the tight crevices and grooves in car interiors.  These are areas where dirt, dust, and grime particles gather and happen to be the most pain in the butt places to clean.  If you’ve ever tried in vain to tidy up those spots then this video is for you.

It shows a product called Cyber Clean, which is a silly-putty like compound that can be pressed into tight, narrow,, and hard to reach places.  It forms on and into the vent, picking up any dirt particles it comes into contact with.  Simply peel off to remove and if you want to use it again just knead it so any stuck on dirt gets enfolded into it.

To make your own cleaning slime at home follow the recipe below and hopefully make your life a little easier in the process.  In a bowl mix together ½ cup of liquid starch, 14 ounces of clear or white Elmer’s glue, and ¼ cup of water.  Sta-Flo liquid starch works best for this and, if you want, you can add food coloring to make the slime stand out more.

It also helps mask the dirt particles you pick up after using it.  This recipe is safe for use with electronics and can even be used as a child’s toy, with proper supervision.  Make your own today and add a little fun to the same old boring cleaning routine.

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Machine Sells Extremely Cheap T-Shirts But Everyone Walks Away Empty Handed After Seeing THIS

What price would you pay for fashion?  Some pay top dollar for designer pieces but practically everyone wants the cheapest, most affordable, clothing they can find.  Fashion is a huge industry and when a bargain catches a person’s attention it can be hard to ignore.  When shoppers at Alexanderplatz in Berlin saw a shiny turquoise vending machine selling 2€ T-shirts they quickly stepped up to purchase the cheap items.  After inserting money and selecting their size no new shirt came right out.  Instead, potential customers were met with a video that started to play on the screen.

The short clip introduced them to Manisha, a young girl who works in a factory making clothes that are sold at very low prices.  Conditions there are cramped, crowded, poor and unsafe.  She makes only 13 cents an hour and works 16 hour days, which is why the company selling the shirts is able to do so at such low prices.  She is only one face out of the millions who work everyday in these deplorable and inhumane conditions.

When the video stops it poses a simple question “Do you still want to buy this 2€ T-shirt?”  It then offers two choices; buy or donate.  Eight out of ten shoppers chose to donate.  The reactions captured were shock, sadness, disbelief and many simply shook their heads or frowned.

The social experiment was set up to test whether people would still choose to buy clothing even if they knew of the deplorable conditions under which it was manufactured.  The aim was to highlight the need for greater transparency about where our clothes come from.  It took place on Fashion Revolution Day, April 24th, which is held in memory of the 1,133 workers who were killed in Bangladesh when the Rana Plaza garment factory collapsed in 2013.

Ideally, brands will step up and take responsibility to protect the health and welfare of the people and places they rely on to supply their businesses.  Until they actually do, the Fashion Revolution Project will continue to fight and work for improving conditions.  Raising awareness and highlighting the issue is only the first step.

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He Gave a Homeless Man $100 and Followed Him To See How He Spent It. The Result Is Surprising!

When Josh Paler Lin approached a homeless man on the street to give him $100 he wanted to see how the man would spend the money.  Josh explained that he thought the guy would waste it away on alcohol instead of food and other necessities and that the video he set out to make was originally planned to expose homeless people.  After following the man he ended up capturing a caring and genuine moment that was completely unexpected in the best way possible.

The man went into a convenience store, the type of  mart that sells food and alcohol, and came out with a large bag filled with stuff.  He walked several blocks over to a park and started handing out food and provisions to other people in need.  The man shocked and proved Josh wrong by spending the money to unselfishly help others who are in just as much need as himself.

After witnessing the touching sight Josh went over to the man again and told him that he’d been recording and following him ever since he handed him the money to see what he’d do with it.  He admitted he thought he’d spent it on booze and says he is so impressed that he wants to give him another $100.  The man is so grateful and humble and tells his story about how he became homeless.

He had been living with his parents when his stepfather was diagnosed with cancer.  The bills were adding up, and insurance covered only so much, so he quit his job to help care for them.  Soon his dad passed away and then his mom passed just two weeks later.  The building they’d been living in was being sold and now he was out on his luck living on the streets.

He went on to explain how there are a lot of good people who are homeless not because of drink or drug addiction but because of life circumstances that are beyond their control.  The video is positively eye opening and further proof that you should never judge people based on how they look or appear to you, but rather on how they act.

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He Asks His Rottweiler To Make His Mean Ugly Face. He Proceeds To Make The Most Hysterical Face Ever.

This dog knows how to turn the charm on and off. At first glance he appears to be all cute and innocent, but in a split second he can change his whole look and demeanor. His name is Reese and he’s a big, strong, handsome Rottweiler who knows a thing or two about appearing dominant and intimidating. This short clip of him in action is proof of his guard dog skills. It starts off with him sitting calmly on a cushion and looking like a typical male Rottweiler. When his owner asks him to show his teeth, he immediately responds with a toothy grin. However, that’s just the beginning and Reese is only getting warmed up for what he knows is coming next!

His dad then instructs him to “show me your mean face,” and that’s when the real show begins. Reese curls back his upper lip, further baring his razor-sharp white teeth to the gums, then he adds in a low, rumbling growl that sounds just as menacing as his face looks! He even throws in that strange, licking thing that all dogs seem to do whenever they get super heated or pumped up.

Reese definitely has what it takes to be both an awesome family dog and an effective guard dog. He displays the perfect mix of attitude, obedience, and control, showing that he’s as loyal and he is loving. As long as Reese is around his family never has to worry about break-ins or criminals targeting them because as soon as a bad guy takes one look at the big dog, they’ll keep moving right along. No one in their right mind would mess with such a fierce looking Rotty, they’d have to be crazy or just plain dumb!

Not many dogs are able to look so mean and angry on cue, at least not like how Reese does. He nails the command up until the very end when his owner says “good boy” and only then does he drop the act. Check out his mean face and share it with all the fellow dog lovers in your life who can appreciate it!

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