This Fluffy Cat Tries Ice Cream For The First Time Then He Proceeds To Make The Most Hysterical Face!

There is nothing tastier on a hot day then some delicious ice cream. The one problem we have all faced before is that deadly ice-cream headache/brain freeze which happens when we eat our delicious snack too fast. I know I have been a victim to the ice cream headache many times and will probably experience it again this summer.

An ice-cream headache, or  its scientific name sphenopalatine ganglioneuralgia, is a form of headache which occurs during quick consumption of a cold food or beverage.  The ice-cream headache happens when something very cold touches the palate and is believed to result from a nerve response causing rapid constriction and swelling of blood vessels.

In the following video a hilarious cat feasts on ice cream for the very first time. He begins scarfing it down at a rapid pace but then suddenly stops and has the funniest reaction ever! I had to watch this multiple times it is just too classic! We’ve all been there little guy, keep your head up!

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This Guy Places Colored Sand On His Special Table. When He Does THIS I’m Mesmerized

Auditory Synesthesia is known as the rare ability to see sounds. For most of us we can imagine what this would be like but for some musicians like Billy Joel and Stevie Wonder this sense is a reality. Meet musician Kenichi Kanazawa who has created an amazing apparatus which will give us some insight on what seeing sound is really like.

Kenichi uses colored sand and then sends pulses of sound frequencies through this specially designed table. The sand begins to to bounce around and form different shapes. As he changes the frequency so do the shapes of the san as they morph into the most beautiful perfect patterns!

The whole thing is beautiful and rather hypnotizing. It is really amazing to see visually what is going on inside our ears.  Imagine every time you are listening to any sort of music, vibration or any other sound this is happening inside of us. This demonstration completely blew us away and we knew we had to post it for everyone to see.  Enjoy!

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WATCH: This Seriously Injured Animal In Need Begs Fisherman For Help. What They Do Next Is Amazing!

When a fisherman was out on the open water he noticed a strange sight.  A juvenile bald eagle, whose head had not yet turned white with age, was struggling to swim in the water.  The bird was slowly headed towards the boat and visibly exhausted by the life or death swim he was laboring through.  The fisherman filmed his wild encounter and can be heard on the video saying “I’d throw you a life jacket but don’t have one that’d fit ya.”

After scooping up the half drowned eagle from the water he let him rest on the boat, hoping his water logged wings would dry out enough for the bird to soon fly away.  But it soon became clear that this bird wasn’t simply tired and weighed down, he was extremely sick.  The poor bird didn’t even have the strength to take flight, so the man decided to help.

He called a volunteer who ended up flying the eagle to the Orphaned Wildlife Rehabilitation Society (O.W.L), a non-profit organization whose mission is dedicated to helping sick, injured or orphaned birds return to the wild.  OWL Veterinarians administered tests, hand fed him, and placed the very sick and weak young eagle in intensive care.

They discovered that he had an infection and would need months for recovery and antibiotics to help fight it off.  The chances for his survival were estimated to be 50-50 as it was too early to tell with certainty if he’d live.  However, the medical care and treatment he is receiving at the center will ensure he has a much better chance at life than the certain death he would have faced in the wild.

It is the fisherman who saved his life in the first instance, when he scooped him from the frigid water, and prevented him from drowning.  It was almost as if the eagle knew the man would help him when he swam for the boat.  If there was ever a moment to believe in fate, that first encounter would be it.

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His 2 Sons Won’t Stop Texting At The Dinner Table. How He Finally Gets Their Attention Is BRILLIANT

Sitting down for a meal should be a social and interactive event for everyone gathered around the table.  Dinners are a time to catch up in our busy lives with family and friends and good conversation just seems to flow better over food and drinks.  For  years people have taken time in their lives, stopped what they were doing, and sat down to enjoy meals with others.

However, in recent times the dinner table dynamic has taken a drastic turn for the worse.  People now bring their phones to dinner, whip them out, and bury their heads in the devices.  They pay no attention to others and focus on the little glowing screen, oblivious to the world around them.  Texting at the table is rude and shows a lack of respect for your dining companions.  It’s that simple yet people still do it, like they’re addicts.

In this video, one father refuses to ignore his sons when they take out their phones at dinner.  He asks one to pass the salt and the boy, distracted and unaware, passes him pepper.  It’s now time for a lesson and dad thumps down his clunky old typewriter right on the table and starts smashing away at the keys.  The kids look up and stare at him like he’s gone mad and quickly begin to grow annoyed at the sight and sounds of their father’s behavior.

Finally, one asks what he is doing, and after getting no answer, the other son pipes up and repeats the question.  Which is when dad’s head comes up, with a crazy look in his eye, and he responds “sorry… must have been a little distracted!”  With that, the kids put their phones away and the lesson is finally driven home.

This sad scene plays out over and over again, of heads buried in phones across from non-distracted eaters who are forced to sit in silence and slowly become agitated.  Next time you are subjected to this rude behavior, say something, and don’t take your phone out at the table!

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Make Your Own Organic Bug Spray With Two Simple Ingredients You Already Have. Glad I Learned THIS

With the warm weather and sunshine people are heading outside and spending more time enjoying the great outdoors.  Unfortunately, this time of year is also when pesky mosquitoes come out in droves looking for blood.  While bites can be annoying, itchy and uncomfortable, they can also be dangerous and transfer diseases or cause severe skin irritation in some people.  Store bought repellants usually smell disgusting and are chock full of harsh chemicals.

Fortunately, there is a natural and organic alternative for keeping the bugs away that you can make in your kitchen.  This simple 2 ingredient recipe for the homemade repellant was shared by YouTube user Colorful Canary.  In her tutorial on how to make it she starts by placing 1 teaspoon of fresh parsley in her mortar and pours 4 ounces of apple cider vinegar over it.

Then, she takes the pestle and grinds it together, macerating the two ingredients until they are well blended.  It is preferred that you use fresh parsley for this, but if you only have dried on hand that will work as well.  Once it has been finely ground together allow it to sit for at least 30 minutes or you can let it sit longer overnight.  All that is left to do is strain out the liquid into a small spray bottle and you’re done!  You may also add essential oils to make it smell more to your liking, but stay away from citrus based ones because they tend to make skin more sensitive to the sun.

Even without essential oils the vinegary smell will fade and become unnoticeable when it’s spritzed onto skin and dries.  The non-toxic formula can be sprayed anywhere on your body, skin, on clothes, and even in hair.  While is works best for naturally repelling mosquitoes it also keeps black fly’s at bay.  It is also beneficial for skin because it can help heal and prevent sunburns.  Toss a small spray bottle in your bag so you’ll always be safe and covered when headed outside.  It will make summer all the more enjoyable without having to slap at swarming mosquitoes or itching any bites.

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Woman Places A Rubber Band Around This Coffee Filter And Dunks It In Water. WATCH What It Becomes!

When it comes to getting someone special in your life a gift nothing is more thoughtful and unique than something homemade.  These hand crafted flowers are perfect for decorations and make a great alternative gift to give a party host instead of the traditional bottle of wine.  No special occasion is needed to hand these beauties out, present one to someone you appreciate, and show them you care.

To make your own you will need coffee filters, scissors, a straw/pen/pipe cleaner or similar object, small rubber band, masking or duct tape, and glue.  The first method is called the bunch n’ crunch where you pinch a filter in the center and bunch up the remaining material into a flower like form.  Add in layers by pinching 3-6 filters onto the first and ruffle them into shape until you have a nice, full flower.

Take a rubber band to bind the base of the filters securely in place.  To add petals, cut a filter into leaf-like shapes then glue them on behind any layer of flower, or wherever you think looks best.  For the stem, attach a pipe cleaner on by wrapping it around the base of the flower or glue it on.  You can style filters by dyeing, painting, cutting, and shaping them before you begin bunching to add more variety and uniqueness to the flowers.

The second method is the singular rose technique in which you cut a filter into a spiral.  Start cutting at the outside edge, around and inwards towards the center, leaving the spiral about an inch or two wide.  Roll out 2 feet of tape sticky side up, secure it down at both ends, and place one end of the filter spiral down on the top half of it.

Unwind the spiral along the tape, making sure it overlaps as much as possible while you bunch and stick it on from one end to the other.  Attach a pen or straw to one end the tape then slowly wrap it around until it’s completely rolled up into a flower.  If you want you may attach more tape to the stem to further secure it to the flower.  Watch the video for more tips and instructions on how to craft these beautiful flowers!

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THIS Brilliant Way Of Cutting Apples Is So Easy. I Wish I Knew About This Earlier!

There is a simple, faster way to cut apples that keeps them fresh for much longer than most traditional methods.  Most people usually cut apples into quarters and end up with pieces of core left on the slices or try and hack it off haphazardly.  This video by Grant Thompson, “The King of Random,” demonstrates the handy technique and offers proof that it’s the smartest way to carve up an apple.

First, turn the apple upside down to stabilize and prevent it from rolling around when you cut it.  Imagine a tic-tac-toe pattern, with the center square lining up with the middle core part of the apple, and cut down along the lines holding the apple together as you slice.  You end up with 8 edible pieces and 1 core part that can easily be discarded.  If you keep the pieces together it will stay fresh longer since none of the flesh is directly exposed to air which turns it brown after awhile.  Slap a rubber band around the outside to ensure the slices stay together tight and pack it for lunch or a later snack.

An informal experiment was set up to test if this way is better than others.  One apple was cut regularly and left out untreated and two were cut tic-tac-toe style, bound with rubber bands, and one was treated with lemon juice, which is said to keep apples from turning brown.  After 9 hours the exposed ones turned brown, the held together one had slightly browned, and the lemon treated one was the freshest.  As to timing, the tic-tac-toe method was 5x quicker and left virtually no mess.

Additional apple slicing tricks are also covered in the video that show neat ways to present it when serving at home.  Briefly touched on is a way to cut up slices so that they can be rearrange into an apple swan.  It is covered in another video but seems like a great way to get young children to eat more fruit, or impress your guests!

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This Kitten Literally Flips Out During Live News Broadcast. The Result Is Hilarious!

Anyone who has spent time around kittens knows how rambunctious, playful, and amusing they are.  The internet is full of videos showing cats behaving crazy and this kitten on a Fox 5 Atlanta’s pet of the day segment can join their ranks.  Mister Meowgi is an adorable little domestic brown tabby kitten who got his name because he tends to meow a lot.  He was being featured on the live newscast because he would soon be old enough for adoption at the Humane Society of Cobb County.  While he was on air he took full advantage of the spotlight and showed the audience what he can do.

News cameras captured Mr. Meowgi performing an intricate and perfect series of back-flips off the news desk he was playing on.  He had been entertaining the ladies he was with, before the shot went live, by enthusiastically attacking and playing with a furry tailed wiggle toy.  Apparently the toy was too exciting for him and he had to ninja flip away from it.

While the women tried to catch him as he fell, he was simply too evasive for their slow reactions.  Don’t worry though, like most felines, he landed on his feet.  At that point his human companion decided it was best to pick up the little guy and hold him for the rest of the segment.  Even though he was secured in the woman’s arms he was still feeling amped up, judging by how he chewed on her clothing and shirt collar.

Videos like this brighten people’s day, raise a smile, and hopefully make them think about adopting a furry friend to share their home and life with.  There are millions of adorable cats, dogs and other animals all over the world that need help and every donation of food, toys, blankets, time, and money helps.  If you are thinking of getting an animal companion don’t buy them from pet stores, adopt!

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