This Truck Attempts To Board A Ship By Driving Over Two Thin Wood Planks.

This video has been making those who view it very tense. It shows an ill-prepared cargo crew attempting to load a brand new, large pickup truck onto a ship. Forget about safety first or high tech cranes and hoists, they are going about it the old fashioned way; with wood and nerves of steel. To get the truck from the dock to the ship they plan on driving it over two long wooden planks. The truck tires barely seem to fit on the width of the planks and my guess is that they’d snap under the weight.

If they do snap it means a long scary fall into the murky brown water below. Whoever agreed to drive the truck across must be crazy, or really know what they’re doing. Seriously, do they know some law of physics that applies to this sketchy situation? Everyone watching, from the people on the dock to those filming aboard the ship, sound nervous and skeptical. A man in a yellow shirt appears to talk to the driver, perhaps he’s trying to talk him out of it, or he is directing the stunt. Girls can be heard screaming in the background and they are understandably nervous at the sight of it all.

Soon after the truck begins it’s death crossing onto the wooden planks a loud creaking noise can be heard. The driver inches slowly forwards, making sure the truck’s wheels are aligned with the narrow planks. When he eases the back tires over the plank’s rear edges he rolls down onto the center of the boards, which look like they will snap at any moment. They’re as bent as you’d expect them to be when supporting over 2½ tons of metal atop them.

The driver and crew still all seem pretty calm and cool at this point, but the onlookers not so much. The driver pauses midway for unknown reasons, but it seems to be that the dock workers are securing the plank ends from shifting. Moments later the truck continues forward and makes it over the bridge and onto the ship. Everyone can stop holding their breaths and the onlookers break out in cheers of delight (and sighs in relief). They made it.

Since it first appeared online, the footage has generated heated debate about whether or not it is real, has been altered, or was faked. No one can agree on whether or not this is definitely possible. It’s hard to even comprehend how the crew managed to position the truck the way it is in the first place. The dock doesn’t look big or wide enough to drive down, then get the truck turned a full 90 degrees.

Perhaps they drove it off another ship from the other side, or what we see is them reversing the truck off and figuring out they cannot fit so they drive it back onto the ship. Then there is the issue of would those 2 dinky planks support a multi-ton truck? And who would risk their life doing this? It leaves us with many unanswered questions, what do you think?

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This Man Places His Hands Under The Water. Now Keep Your Eyes On What His Bird Does.

Anyone who has ever bought a birdbath knows that they come in all different shapes and sizes.  The thing is usually they don’t come attached to humans! This video is something that instantly put a smile on my face.  It features an adorable European goldfinch and his tattooed human.

The bird appears to love taking a bath in his human’s hands while the refreshing running water sprays all over him.  He splashes around and looks completely relaxed. This bird is basically a mini dog with wings. You can tell he loves his human so much and feels completely safe around him.

This is possibly the cutest animal video you will watch all month.  Within the first 20 seconds I wanted to jump through the computer and give this little guy a huge hug.  I think I may get a bird as my next pet! If the bird is anything like this one it would be an absolute pleasure to be the bird’s human. Enjoy! 🙂

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This Guy Takes The Leaves Off The Top Of The Pineapple What He Does Next Is Unexpected!

Did you know that you can plant a pineapple simply by using one that you buy at the store? I didn’t, but now that I watched this video I’m going to try it as soon as I pick one up. It’s so simple and easy to do, and if you love pineapples and plants then why not? Clint, from explains and shows how it’s done in this tutorial. He originally tried two alternative ways to do this, but only one worked for him, which is what he’s teaching us. For this tried and true method all you need is a ripe pineapple, a pair of scissors, and a cup of water.

Here is how to prepare the pineapple for growing at home: Take a pineapple that is ready to eat. Grab the green top in one hand while holding the bottom in another, then pull upwards, and twist it up and off. Start to pick off the bottom leaves, gently removing them until you begin to see some roots on the piece. Remove the small leaves from all around until you are past the point where the roots are popping out of. Finally, take a pair of scissors and cut the leaf tips off so they are squared. Be sure to get the tight inner leaves as well. Doing this will show you later on where new growth is taking place. You may need to re-trim them if they start to turn brown.

Once the trimming is complete, stick the top in a cup of fresh water and make sure to change it daily at first. Place the cup in a window sill where it can get lots of sunlight and stay warm. Soon you should see more white roots beginning to sprout and once there is good growth it’s time to transplant it. Take a plastic cup, small planter, or container, and place some soil in it. Being careful to not damage the roots, gently place the sprouted pineapple top in the soil, and fill in more dirt loosely around it. It should start growing and soon you’ll have your own pineapple plant!!

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WATCH: This Guy Threatens An Alligator Then Gets Some Instant Karma!

When life hands you an alligator, do both of you a favor, don’t mess with it! One guy found out the hard way that gators are no match for man or machine. He happened across a huge one of the beasts while out driving his truck through a swamp and filmed the wild encounter. There is no clear description as to the exact location this took place but it’s safe to assume that it occurred somewhere in the Southeastern United States, where alligators live. The short clip has since gone viral and for good reason!

It starts off with a man in a truck. He records as he creeps up slowly on a big, mean, angry alligator. Clearly his presence is unwelcome and causes the gator to warn him to back off by loudly hissing. But he keeps moving forward and when the gator thinks he’s gone too far he quickly snaps open his enormous jaw and lunges towards the front of the truck. The guy inside is slightly taken aback and says “Hey! Watch my truck!”

To which the gator must think “watch it yourself…back the f*** off!” However, the man brazenly keeps moving forward again and chooses to ignore the continued hissing and snarling coming from the extremely agitated beast. Neither is backing down, the guy thinks the gator will move and the gator is just having none of it.

Seconds later, karma rains down on the man for riling up the gator by driving across and encroaching directly on his home turf. The guy assumed he was safe in his big, sturdy truck, but he was mistaken. The gator strikes lightning fast and bites the truck’s front bumper. We hear the man say “Oh, well that’s nice” as the carnage takes place. With seemingly little to no effort the gator then rips the entire thing off using just his teeth and jaws. It gets chewed up and spit out by the animal and even the side piece gets torn off!

This stops the man in his tire tracks. All he can say is “son of a gun” as he takes in the sight of his now mangled front bumper laying in the grass, with the gator still latched onto it. Perhaps next time he happens across an alligator he will go around it, instead of continuing directly towards it. If he had avoided the large beast in the first place none of this would have happened. Check it out and see how quick and strong the gator truly is!

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After I Watched This Brilliant Trick I Will Never Bake Potatoes The Same Way Again!

For a new spin on the usual, tired, old potato check out this recipe! It is for delicious twice-baked potatoes and if you haven’t tried one yet prepare to be blown away by their soft yet crusty, melted cheesy, tasty goodness. Seriously, these hot twice-baked pillow globs are unbelievably delicious and make the perfect side to any dish. Keep reading for instructions on how to make and watch the video for more!

To make 4 servings all you need is 4 large russet potatoes, 3 tablespoons of butter, 1-2 tablespoons of minced green onion, salt, pepper,cayenne, ½ cup of shredded white cheddar cheese, ½ cup cream or milk, and one egg yolk. First rub potatoes with vegetable oil, put them on an aluminum lined tray and bake for one hour at 400 degrees. Remove and allow to cool before cutting 1/3 off each potato lengthwise.

Scoop the insides out to within about 1/8- inch of the skins and put the flesh in a bowl. Mix it with the butter and green onion, then add in salt, pepper, cayenne, and cheese. Once it’s all melted add the milk or cream and egg yolk. Take a hollowed out potato skin shell and fill it with the mixture. Press the top with a fork to add texture, brush with melted butter, and sprinkle on some cayenne if you so desire. Bake again for 20-30 minutes or until a nice golden brown on top.

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WATCH: It Looks Like A Normal Sculpture But When It Starts Moving It Blew Me Away!

Anthony Howe is an accomplished artist who works with steel to create hypnotically beautiful 3D kinetic sculptures. He makes them at his Orcas Island, Washington workshop by hand and with the aid of a computer. His inspiration is born out of a desire to find elegance in things that are awkward and ugly. Anthony explains that the awkwardness of objects, such as things that bang against each other or seem physically impossible, are what draws him in and gives him ideas. He strives to make them work more beautifully and streamlines his eventual art into undulating pieces that move and flow in ways that seem to defy logic. His sculptures resemble optical illusions, as they twist and turn in on themselves then fold back out into space, and are mesmerizing to watch.

Anthony began his artistic journey after he moved to New York to become a painter. Instead, he ended up working as a superintendent at a warehouse in Manhattan and noticed all the surrounding steel. He decided to make sculptures out of the metal and explains that he was “bored with everything being static in my visual world, I wanted to see stuff move.” With that concept in mind he set to work creating visually spectacular sculptures that move easily in a breeze, as if they are dancing in the wind.

While the sculptures may look as if they were completely hand made, Anthony does use a computer to design them. He conceptualizes his basic idea on a computer program which allows him to see how a piece will later move in a 3D type visual space. Starting with a specific individual design he forms a foundation for the piece, then multiples and adds that element over and over again into patterns, that eventually make up the complete sculpture. Some of his works appear to always be in motion, even when they are not, because Anthony adds mirrors that reflect and refract light at all times. He clearly loves his craft and excels at making visual works of art. His desire to find elegance in the awkward can be seen as he continues to be inspired by movement, angles and nature.

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This Woman Mixes Onions Soup and Sour Cream. The Final Result YUM!

This simple and easy to bake recipe will have your family asking for more. It is a delicious potato and cheese casserole, based off of and made in the style of restaurant chain Cracker Barrel’s own hash brown casserole. The dish comes out of the oven in all its creamy, bubbly, cheesy, scrumptious glory. You can serve it as a yummy, hot side dish to a main course or on its own. Just make sure to make enough because it will get eaten up fast!

Start by placing a 32 ounce thawed package of frozen hash brown potatoes into a greased 9”x13” baking pan. You can substitute the frozen hash browns with about 12 large potatoes. First peel them and boil for about 30 minutes until slightly tender, then allow them to cool, before shredding or grating into the pan. Sprinkle the potatoes with salt and pepper and heat the oven to 350 degrees.

In a bowl, stir together one can of cream of chicken soup (10 ¾ ounce), 16 ounces of sour cream, ½ cup of melted butter, and ½ cup of chopped onion. Spread the mixture over the potatoes, stir it gently, and then sprinkle an 8 ounce package of shredded sharp Cheddar cheese over the top. Bake uncovered for 45-55 minutes or until it is bubbly and golden. This recipe serves 6-8 hungry people and is sure to be a hit, so save it for future use!

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In Case Of An Emergency This Is The Easiest Way To Break A Car Window. The Result Could Save Lives!

Car windows are made to be as safe and strong as possible and can resist a great amount of force before they break. Safety standards call for automobile windows to be made from laminated and tempered glass. Laminated glass is what your windshield is composed of, while side and back windows have tempered glass. Laminated glass is far superior and stronger than tempered glass, it has to be since front windshields get hit with a variety a projectiles, from rocks and debris kicked up by other cars to larger and crazier things we hear on the news.

While tempered glass used on side windows is comparatively weaker, it is nonetheless practically impossible to break without the right tools. If you ever need to break into a locked car to save a trapped child or animal, as often is the case, watch this video. It teaches how to properly break a window and is useful for when every second matters.

Brian Brushwood, host on the National Geographic show Hacking the System, explains that you need a very fine, hard point to fracture tempered glass. The safety glass is made to withstand blunt forces, like pounding fists or a rubber mallet, but not the focused energy and force from a sharply pointed object. That is why taking a spark plug and smashing a bit of porcelain off of it worked so well in the video. The sharp point on the porcelain created a tiny fracture which then spread out and caused the glass to shatter.

Many cars have spark plugs right under the hood, diesel powered vehicles do not, and they just need to be broken in order to use this hack. Check out the video for more information and pass the knowledge along!

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