5 Clear Signs The Spirit World Is Nearby and Trying To Send You a Message

When it comes to spirits people are usually divided into two groups, those who believe in them and those who do not. The idea that after death our souls pass on to another life, realm, or dimension is entirely possible. After all, no one knows for certain what truly happens after death. What is often assumed is that when we cease to exist our spirits leave our bodies, where they go and what comes next remains one of the biggest mysteries in all of life.

Many people all over the world believe that they have been contacted by the spirit of a loved one after they have passed. They report feeling a certain type of presence near them unlike any other they’ve ever experienced before. It’s not a threatening or haunting feeling, instead it’s more mystical and reassuring. Rather than being frightened by it all, they attribute it to the spirit of their loved ones trying to communicate with them.

These otherworldly interactions show up seemingly randomly in our lives. Our loved ones may send us messages, signs, and other subtle signals that we pick up on. Inevitably you’ve likely wondered at some point in your life if the spirit of a loved one was trying to contact or tell you something. The following information will help you figure out and interpret the telltale signs that point to when the spirit world trying to get through to you. These are just several of the main ways that a loved one may show up in our lives and the accompanying video covers several more so be sure to check it out.

1. Lights flicker and electronic devices act strange.
It’s a common belief that the spirit world tries to make contact with us through electricity. It both charges them up and forces us to pay attention when electronics go haywire. Lights will suddenly turn on and off, computers and laptops act out of wack, radio or television channels change, speaker volume gets altered, maybe even your car won’t start. When all these types of things occur with seemingly no explanation out of the blue, this could be a spirit attempting to gain your attention and let you know they are present.

2. You hear music.
When songs that remind you of someone who has passed play on the radio or in TV shows and movies, it’s a sign they are with you in spirit. Oftentimes you’ll hear their favorite tune or a song that played at their funeral and the memory it triggers is them dropping in to say hello.

3. You see shadows off to the side.
Spirits often appear as faint shadows that we are only able to see out of the corners of our eyes. When we turn our heads to look directly at them, they disappear and immediately fade from view. If you’ve ever experienced this phenomenon, your eyes are not playing tricks on you. Spirits often appear as muted, blurry, misty types of shadows that our peripheral vision picks up and if your able to see these, you’re lucky!

4. You feel a chill and get the goosebumps.
When the temperature in the room drops suddenly and the air becomes all heavy and very still, it means a spirit is nearby. The chill will be immediately noticeable and it can be quite intense, it may even run through your body and give you goosebumps. This is perhaps one of the most common and closest experiences we’re able to have with spirits. For some it can be off putting but it need not be, the next time it happens to you, embrace it.

5. You just feel and know that some otherworldly spirit is present and guiding you.
This inkling manifests as a calming and peaceful internal feeling that you automatically attribute to the spirit of a loved one. It’s as if they’re inside your head talking to you and sending you messages. When this happens it’s never scary or unsettling. Rather, it’s reassuring and welcome. Have you ever experienced any of these signs? let us know in the comments

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The Police Pulled Over This Exotic Car. But They Were Stunned To See Who Stepped Out Of The Vehicle!

It was a normal afternoon in Montgomery County Maryland when police officers noticed an exotic Lamborghini Gallardo rushing down the highway with unofficial license plates.  Instead of normal Maryland plates, there was the “Batman” symbol.  They immediately turned on their sirens and pulled over the mystery man. They cautiously approached the vehicle looked inside and were shocked to find Batman driving the Lamborghini.

They asked him for his license and registration while trying to keep straight faces.  Batman had some trouble finding his registration so he steps out of the vehicle in his full Batman gear to look for the lost papers. The cops were extremely curious to find out what the heck was going on here.

As it turns out the man was not Bruce Wayne, but a local business man named Lenny B. Robinson who was on his way to visit sick kids at the local children’s hospital.  Luckily Lenny was carrying the actual license plates for the vehicle and he ended up finding his registration.

The cops ended up letting him off with no ticket.  Watch this hilariousness unfold in the video below! 🙂

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He Sprinkles Salt Into This Bowl Of Ice Then Places A Can Of Soda In It. The Reason Is Brilliant

Nothing is as refreshing as an ice cold beverage on a hot summer day. And nothing is as disgusting as chugging a can of warm soda or beer that you thought was cold. Well, chugging a hot can of something would be worse, but you get the point. This summer, if you find yourself stuck with warm cans or bottles that you want to drink sooner rather than later, try this trick from DaveHax. He shows us how to quickly bring a beverage’s temperature down from warm to cool by using 4 things that are in most everyone’s kitchen. All you need is a bowl, ice, water and salt, plus a warm beverage.

Put some water in a bowl then add about 1-2 tray fulls of ice to it. Sprinkle on a couple of tablespoons of regular old salt and mix it all up. Now place a can or two in the bowl, stir after one minute, and after 2 minutes the can will be cold. Take the can out of the bowl, open, drink, and enjoy!

DaveHax explained the science behind this bevy hack by attributing it to the second law of thermodynamics, which states that 2 substances with different temperatures reach thermal equilibrium over time. He said that the salt causes the ice to melt faster but it needs to draw heat energy from somewhere, wherever it is possible and present, to do so. Here it was from the warm can.

Thus, the can rapidly cooled down as the salt melted the ice even faster than it normally would have. The 2 different temperature things, the lemonade can and the ice, transferred their heat and cold to one another as they went towards thermal equilibrium, with the salt added to speed it up.

The temperature change was measured and shown to us in the video to prove the point. The lemonade started at a room temperature of 75 degrees Fahrenheit/24 degrees Celsius. After it chilled the can temperature measured 41F/5C, which means it dropped down a total of 34F/19C in just 2 minutes.

This method works great with soda, beer, juices and any other drinks that come in a can or bottle. It works wonders for all those people out there who hate waiting over half an hour or more for a drink to cool down in the fridge, or those like myself, who are just impatient. Now you can quench your thirst in minutes with a delicious ice cold beverage and skip the painful wait!

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This Woman Lets Her Chickens Out Of Their Coop. What Comes Out Is Hysterical!

Everyday Phalyn Fairchild has to experience something truly terrible. She tried to explain to her friends what she has to go through on a daily basis but no one believed her. So her next move was to set up a camera and capture this ridiculousness. She is tormented daily by these malicious and aggressive chickens who love to attack the innocent.  It works like this, she unlocks the chicken pen, they each come out one at a time.

Then out of no where the head chicken in charge runs full speed into her leg for the attack.  Then the others follow in on the mayhem and continue the onslaught.  She tries to escape back to her porch but the attack continues.

I know I shouldn’t laugh, but this is just way too funny.  Phaylen says this happens every single day and shows no signs of letting up. It is so hilarious but probably gets old if you are poor Phaylen! LOL! What would you do if you were in this situation?

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She Takes A Two Liter Plastic Bottle and Melts It On An Iron. The Final Result Is Beautiful!

Custom made jewelery can cost a pretty penny if you buy it at the store or online. Why not try making some one of a kind pieces at home that cost practically nothing and look just as beautiful as their pricier counterparts! With this tutorial, making your own arm candy can be extremely low cost, easy, and fun to do. Plus, if you have children who are wrapping up the school year, it will give you something creative and hands-on to do with them. This project involves re-using and recycling plastic bottles to make bracelets, so you won’t waste or need to buy anything. You can make lots of them and even if you mess up it doesn’t matter, just keep going until you make the perfect accessory!

To create your very own you only need some plastic bottles, tape, scissors, an iron, and nail polish or acrylic paint. Remove all the labels from the bottles and wash them well beforehand. Start by taking a bottle and wrap a layer of tape completely around the mid-section. You may need to wrap several layers of tape around it depending on how thick you want the bracelet to be. Cut the plastic away from around where you taped and trim the edges, as neat and evenly as you can, then completely remove the tape.

Break out your iron and turn off the steam setting before adjusting it to a medium heat temperature. Be very careful doing this next step. Slowly begin to melt the sharp plastic edge on the hot iron so that each side is smooth and even all the way around. Make sure that you don’t melt the plastic too much, you only need to place it on the iron for a second or two.

Once it has cooled you can cover the plastic with nail polish or acrylic paint in whatever color or design you like. Ones with metallic finishes and textures would look really cool. Plus, you can add rhinestones, glitter, beads, stickers, or anything else to these. They will turn out shiny and can be custom made to match any outfit or look you are going for. Check out the Innova Crafts video to learn more on how to make them and enjoy!

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Dog Waits Outside The Hospital For His Human. But When The Doors Open It Brought Tears To My Eyes

The following video is a real tear jerker.  It follows the life of an old man and his extremely loyal dog.  This PSA from Argentina was directed by world renowned director Rodrigo Garcia Saiz.  The clip was inspired by legendary dog from Japan named Hachiko.  Hachiko waited at a train station for his human until the day he died.

In the video below, the elderly man is rushed to the hospital for an emergency.  His dog follows him and waits outside the building for hours and hours.  Suddenly, a woman in a wheelchair comes through the hospital doors and the dog approaches her.  The old man was an organ donor and he saved this woman’s life.  The dramatic twist at the end left me in a puddle of tears.  This video tore my heart into a million pieces.

This video is supposed to make more people aware of becoming an organ donor.  Right now as you read this, 100,000 people are waiting for someone to donate an organ to save their lives.  Are you an organ donor?  Would you be interested in becoming one? let us know in the comment below.

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Woman Pours Green Tea Into This Spray Bottle. The Reason Is Brilliant

Not much is worse in the summertime than getting too much sun and finding out later on that you burned your skin. A lot of the time sunburns sneak up on people who assume they are safe in the sunshine for just a few minutes. However, if the UV index is high when you’re out in direct sunlight it can burn exposed skin in a very short amount of time. Sunscreens do provide protection but only to a certain extent. They tend to rub off easily or come off in the water or when you sweat, which is unavoidable on a hot sunny day, and most have to be constantly re-applied.

When you do happen to suffer from an uncomfortable and painful sunburn there are some things you can try to ease the ill effects. The age-old ice on the burn is a quick and easy way to soothe skin. If you are looking for a more lasting and intensive sun burn treatment, that is all natural and refreshingly cooling, try making this homemade spray. It contains three natural ingredients and aloe vera is the main one, which naturally relieves burns and protects skin. Then there is green tea, which is packed full of tannins that draw toxins out of skin and help protect it as well. Finally, the spray also contains peppermint oil to add even more cooling relief, plus it makes it smell really good.

Measure out a half of a cup of liquid aloe vera and pour it into a spray bottle. Steep a few bags of green tea in one cup of water for at least 10 minutes, the longer the better, to really extract the tannins out of the tea leaves. Add that into the spray bottle and then squeeze 4 drops of peppermint oil in after it. Twist the spray nozzle top back on the bottle and shake it up well before misting it on your sunburn for instantly cool relief.

So this summer, if and when you get burned, don’t run to the store to buy some over-priced sunburn relief spray that is likely packed with harsh chemicals. Instead, make some green tea, mix it with aloe vera and peppermint oil, spray the blissfully cooling concoction on your sunburn, and relax as you begin to heal!

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She Pours Mouthwash Into The Washing Machine. The Reason Is Genius!

Laundry is one of those annoying chores that is always being avoided but has to be done.  Although the machine does most of the cleaning, removing those tough stains, folding the clothes and putting them away all take lots of time and energy. Luckily this video was made which contains a ton of awesome laundry life hacks that will make your life a whole lot easier.

I tried a few of these tricks and they worked perfectly.  Here at Sun Gazing we are always looking for simple life hacks that will make your life easier.  This video produced by Buzzfeed was just to good not to share. First, they go over how to keep your jeans looking fresh and new.

Next, they cover how to stop your clothes from shrinking.  Then, if you don’t have an iron, they have an easy trick that will get rid of those annoying wrinkles.  Keeping your shirts looking vibrant is covered next.  Finally, if your washing machine is dirty, they have the best hack to disinfect and keep it so fresh and so clean!

Enjoy and let us know if these laundry hacks worked for you.  Also if you have any other laundry hacks share them in the comments below.

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